Q 150: Why are the D&D ship speed rules so... wrong?
Vehicles Per Hour Per Day
Longship (sailed and rowed) 3 miles 72 miles
Longship ... 1-1/2 mph* (sailed, multiplied by wind modifier) or 2 mph (Rowed)
Even under favorable conditions, with a strong wind (providing a x3 multiplier to the ship's speed) providing for a 4.5 mile per hour sailing speed, it's about 1/3 real world speeds.
5 knots is ~5.75 mph
So the maximum speed of longships per the ship rules in Stormwrack is equal to the low average speed of real-world longships...
Was this ever addressed in a Sage question or something?
Q 151: Does the gem focus of a Trap the Soul spell detect as magical to a Detect Magic spell?