Q83: Can anybody think of a non-living construct that lacks magic immunity but is still immune to ability damage and fatigue?
unless there are some exceptions that I cannot think of at the moment, then
all constructs are immune to ability damage and fatigue.
so, to answer your question ... any construct that is not a "golem". (though there might be some non-golem constructs that are also immune to magic; but that would be the exception, not the rule)
Just from the SRD:
- Animated Object
- Demon, Retriever
- Homunculus
- Inevitable -- have SR
- Shield Guardian
and there are many others sprinkled throughout the various MM's, etc.
Q84: Is the extra d4 damage dice from Arcane strike and the bonus damage from Arcane Boost applied to critical hits?
- arcane strike = no. extra damage that is determined by rolling extra dice is not effected by critical hits (via Rules Compendium)
- arcane boost = yes (I think). this is static damage, and therefore subject to multiplying from critical hits. (unless there is something of which I am unaware)