What? Where are you getting that from?
From right here.
You have started by saying that you have been posting hasty and without double-checking-- And I really don't see your posting habits as my doing, or my fault in any way.
To clarify further, I sense anger--
When I wake up in the morning to see MULTIPLE posts discussing your displeasure, I get the sense that you are angry. j0lt DID warn you about the attack penalty of Armor on August 13th. At THAT point I would have been willing to make changes because you guys hadn't actually started to do anything yet other than ride in a raft. So by starting out by saying that you aren't really paying any attention, and then when j0lt or I call you on something you get mad.
This is where I get that.
I am considering something positive for all PCs including you and j0lt upon completion of this battle.
Just get back to posting, and realize that you're a little screwed for the time being--
Why don't you take a standard action to unclasp you pack, and drop it to the ground as a free action:
Suddenly you are no longer encumbered. You still suffer the Armor Penalty, but not the other!
I didn't realize earlier that you DIDN'T have Light Armour Proficiency. I looked at your sheet, saw that it was on there, and didn't think twice about it because I left j0lt in charge of that sort of thing, but when the combat began, I realized that you DIDN'T actually have the feat. I would really prefer that if you would let your character sheet represent your character at the level he is on at present.
EDIT: Nice! I had JUST suggested the backpack thing.
And sorry about the Errata, I forget that you guys really aren't D20M guys at core-- I just assume that everyone I play with knows these things sometimes.