OK, I know all you like to masturbate all over Erudite as an awesome class.
It's a shitty class, and you're a stupid person for believing it's a good class.
Argument A: It rapes the game at high levels using spell to power variant and arcane fusion shenanigans to get around the limited unique powers per day.
Well, you're right. It does rape the game with greater arcane fusion. Guess why we don't care? Sorcerers do the same thing. The psion is slightly better than a sorcerer using arcane fusion, but still not tossing out top level effects like a wizard to actually be winning at life. Yes, the Erudite gets more powers to pick from. No, we don't actually care because you picked the best ones first anyways.
Argument B: You guys don't have an argument B.
Now for my version...
Make a wilder. Give him psychic reformation as a power known. With the educated wilder variant (same set of articles), the wilder effectively has more powers known than an equal level Erudite.
Again, there's the "But the Erudite can change his powers every day!" argument. Again, we don't care because you pick the good powers known first. Spell to power variant is again a point in favor of the Erudite, but actual casting classes do those better (because they get arcane/divine power creep to supplement their spells with arcane/divine only feats and PrCs).
That's pretty much it. You're all idiots for thinking that being able to use greater arcane fusion every round at high levels with a wide selection of spells known makes you good. It's something every sorcerer can do, and we don't give a shit because you're using a spell half as effective of what you're paying for (spells double in power every level just about). And if you try to talk about versatility, you're lying out your ass. Wilders get more powers to use in a day (again, with psychic reformation we don't care about being able to do it "Right then" because if you needed a very specific power to win a combat you fail at building characters) and actual psions have FOUR TIMES AS MANY POWERS. If you pick 75% of your powers wrong as a psion, you're still better than an Erudite.
Furthermore: Erudites can't take more psionic PrC levels than they have levels in Erudite without losing the ability to learn more powers. Another con for Erudite.
Now, here's what Erudite is BETTER for than psion:
It gets psicrystal affinity as well as another psionic bonus feat at first level. It's better as a dip class for "The big guy is with me".
The next time someone recommends Erudite (even with spell to power), they should know that they are Doing It Wrong(TM). Seriously, guys. You're supposed to be some of the best optimizers from 339 and you can't see a shitty class when you see one? If you wanted to use powers, you're stronger using a fucking psion. If you wanted to cast spells, then Erudite is just plain weaker. Don't be a tard.