No, his argument is not that. The thread is titled Erudite is a shitty class.
An opening claim in the initial post is
Maybe you could start a thread titled Erudite should be Tier 2? Maybe that would let you argue something relevant to the actual proposed argument we are involved in with this thread, Kailik. But here, in this thread, we'd like to debate the issue at hand if that would be okay with you?
1) Learn to spell. No. Learn to copy paste someone's name if you are so incompetent you can't glance up to see it previously written in your post. But still learn to spell
2) You need to learn how to read an argument. While I appreciate that the literary tradition of writing a title and not having your argument be expressed in the title, but rather in the body of the text may seem annoying and trite to you. Some people like to use titles to attract attention to the subject without fully elucidating their argument until after you read the text. Which by the way, explains that the Erudite is not Tier 1, and is not as good as people claim.
But you know what. Levels 1-10 the Erudite is a shitty class. It's a craptastic terrible class of terrible. Despite the fact that 90% of D&D games go on in that range, and that many games don't allow web sites, people seem to think the Erudite is worth playing. It is not. In 93% of games you will be better as a Psion. So yes, the Erudite is a shitty class, but even if it D&D was a game that only existed (or was even played with any regularity) at level 11 through 20, Erudite would still be a class about on par with a Sorcerer, and therefore the argument that Erudite is not as good as this board thinks it is would remain true.
You are the only one that feels the need to stick to SRD as a standard of non-cheese. Erudite doesn't even exist in SRD so your all your points in "I can do it SRD onry" are moot. Many have already pointed out that erudite has more powers per day, better selection of spells and powers, and fit the definition of a tier 1. You are the only one using a different standard to judge erudite.
In your little world Erudite is a shitty class because it needs a bunch of books and the web enhancements. If you like the strict and arbitrary standards of your own microcosms then so be it, but you should realize that the rest of the community see your standards for what they are: shallow and arbitrary.
It has nothing to do with Core only. It has to do with the obvious fact that if cheese is allowed, Tier comparisons are meaningless.
If you want to keep being an arrogant shit head about cheese you have to do one of the following things:
1) Explain to me how a DC 2000 finger of death at CL 2000 50 times a day is appropriate for a Tier 2 level 14 character. (And obviously other DC 1999 spells from level 6 slots)
2) Explain to me how Infinite Power points is less cheesy than Infinite spells or using retraining to get all disciplines is not cheese, but using retraining to get 30+ spells known per level is cheese.
3) Explain to me how an Erudite without infinite power points or retraining is better than a Sorcerer without infinite spells per day or known.
You have done nothing close to any of those.
All you have done is whine about how I'm a meany for saying no cheese without addressing the fact that with cheese the Sorcerer is superior.
If Cheese is always allowed, how can you claim my Sorcerer Incantatrix level 12 isn't Tier 1? He has Infinite spells per day of Infinite CL and Infinite DCs and he Persists every single buff in the game that he wants at the beginning of the day.
But that's the thing: A Sor 6/Incanatrix 6 is Tier 1 (actually, Tier 0, but the Tiers don't go that far). Because the Incanatrix modifies it to be Tier 1 material.
Have you ever seen a class that can bypass it's major restriction by taking a single feat at a certain level? Or a class that can break the game by paying XP? I have, and both of those are Tier 1.
And none of that addresses the fact that a regular Sorcerer is better than a Spell to Power Erudite at 3/4ths of levels, and with cheese is better at every level except 11.
I have seen a class that can bypass every single restriction in the game by casting a single spell. It's called a Sorcerer. You have an incredible penchant for arguing something totally unrelated to the point of the thread you quote.
Sinfire Titan. Does an Erudite get to use infinite power points or retraining?
If not, how do you deal with the fact that Sorcerers are always casting better spells?
If yes? Fine, remove Incantatrix and explain to me how a Sorcerer 12 casting infinite DC infinity spells at infinite CL is not Tier 1.