I found vids of my Taiko performance.
Oroshi (not my favorite song-I cringe whenever I watch this video) Whatever. I'm just happy the run (the ending part of the song) didn't turn out too badly. Our previous practices before the performance had been horrendous. Our teachers were so impressed with us afterwards. They said they'd never seen such a good Oroshi before. That made me happeh.
Hahaha! Aaaaaand I just found the
08 video of Oroshi. They weren't too bad considering there were a ton of people playing. Even so, they were going in a straight line. That makes it easier when it's time to do the run.
I think we all did well doing that stinkin' song. It's scary as balls up there on stage. I'm just happy that we all remembered what we were supposed to do.
Here's the video of
Suwatte. This is one of my FAVORITE songs (along with Fushu, which I'm currently learning). I was so excited when my teachers let me play suwatte style with the intermediate group. I'm the one on the far left.
Playing up there was soooo much fun. I can't wait for Hatsume!