Round #11
21 Mercenary B begins to (move action) he continues to (move action).
19 Dove is about to try the doors when Greasemonkey tries to whisper, "Hey, Dove, there's blood over here. Let's check it out." He sure as Hell isn't going in first.
Dove moves over to where Greasemonkey is pointing out the blood. It leads into the woman's bathroom. Voice barely over a whisper,"Ok, I'll go first, but I you to get on the side of that door and open it for me so I can enter quicker."
12 Greasemonkey moves, getting ready to slam the door open.
11 Heavyarms: Gun down, he was once again put upon; an ally was sniping away at the rooftop mercenary, his others were inside. He felt irritable he hadn't gotten a scalp. Moving in the opposite direction, knowing the others were probably inside still, He decides to search the now less-hostile welcome center's entrance.
That will put you at K31 then at the end of this round. You are perched at the very edge of the wooden deck. Next round you can go up to the door, and peer inside if you still want.
9 Cross quickly shouts to the others, "He's inside!" before jumping into the hole. You land on a semi-uncomfortable couch's arm rest, amidst a plume of smoke. At the moment you can see nothing but smoke all around you.
7 Ronin picks up something. Droplets of blood leading towards the doors to the west of the chamber, and closest to you. You also notice a set of doors to East as well.
Still the smoke cloud fills the front half of the room blocking off sight to the outdoors.
The chamber itself contained a smooth stone floor, marble by the look of it. Debris from what had once been the main doors litter the front of the room. Floor to ceiling video screens fill the walls in the back half of the room. Dark, like the room itself. There is a still fountain in the rooms center.
7 Mercenary C hearing a thunk of something, or more likely someone hitting what had felt like the couch.
Cross hears the sound of, small metal tinging somewhere to his left. The map's East.
5 Doc will move to X30 to prepare to go through the door.
He climbed with ease, up onto the wooden deck.
he will then ready his action to shoot a merc if they pop up, or drop down as is our current situation, in his field of view. SMOKE pours in around him from the roof.
5 Mercenary A finds what he's been looking for.