Round #17 Summary
Greasemonkey squats down in the corner, keeping his gun pointed at the door. He is NOT going back out there unless he has to, he's a scientist not a gunslinger. He's prepared to shoot anyone who comes in who isn't a part of his team.
Dove, still in a low crouch and moving quietly, she picks her route along the wall to her right. Still keeping an ear out for any possible sounds that would tell her where her enemies are while still prepared to roll to one side if she is fired upon.
At the end of her turn she is still within the smoke.
Cross quietly takes a step to X-14. Ready to trip any assailants who might be hiding in ambush.
Mercenary A ...
Heavyarms curses. 'Damn... bulletproof.... piece of shit....' Was all he thought to himself as he heard the noise he was making. There was no hope finding someone that was hiding in the damned room, he knew that; he also knew that there was no way that the room would get emptied of the smoke if there was no exit for it. There had to be a way. He just needed to regroup first; it was time to do some laying in wait of his own. He made a slight movement, just to obscure his position from where his opponent must have heard the bang, and he brought his rifle up, ready to blow a hole in the guy, first chance he got.
"Marco!" He said with a smirk. He needed something to shoot at, even if he gave up his position.
At the end of his turn he is still within the smoke.
Ronin moves over to the toilet-area and opens the door, taking up position in the door-opening for cover.
Doc examines the little office reception area from the hallway. He can detect no one hiding, though a potted plant has been smashed onto the floor. Potting soil is spread around, papers are everywhere, many is shreds. Again, you smell the pervasive stench of a monkey house in a zoo.
Everyone hears a noise...