I've never played through Age of Worms, there always seems to be newer challenges and ones with less brutal reputations. Flipping through the end of the adventure, low and behold the final boss looks like a meaty challenge. Don't spoil yourself if you don't want to be spoiled.
Worm that walks Cleric 8, Sorcerer 8, True Necromancer 14
Huge Aberration (extraplanar)
Init +7, Senses: Blindsight 1 mile, Listen +38, Spot +18
Auras : Aura of Divinity (10ft), Zone of Desecration (140ft)
Attributes: s42, d24, c38, i38, w44, c42
AC 59, Touch AC 51, Flat Footed AC 52
HP 660 (30 HD), DR: 15/Epic
Immune: Ability Drain/Damage, Acid, Cold, Critical Hits, Death, Disease, Disintrgration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Flanking, Mind Affecting, Paralysis, Petrification, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Sneak Attack, Stunning
Resist fire 6; SR 40
Fort +34, Ref +23, Will +44
Spd 100ft
Melee: Mace of Kyuss +37/+32/+27/+22 (4d6+29)x3 Create Spawn, Engulf
Ranged: Worm +23 touch (Create Spawn)
Space 15ft; Reach 15ft
Frightful Presence DC 41
Special Qualities
Automatic Actions (skill checks), Create Magic Items (less than 4.5k), discorporiate, necromantic prowess +4, negative energy affinity, portfolio sense, remote sensing, spontaneous casting, summon familiar, teleportation
He has 10th level Cleric and Sorcerer Spells, assume they have been tweaked by a moderately skilled optimizer.
I'm going to skip a Page of spells, SLAs and feats to get to the nasty stuff
Interesting Attacks
Blasphemy as a SLA
Create Spawn: Spend an attack to kill a little worm before it borrows into your brain and changes you into a spawn
Divine Blast: Ranged touch, 17d12 damage, no save, no resistances apply
Divine Rank 1: Doesn't autofail attacks/saves on a natural 1
Engulf: Secondary Attack, Ref Save (39) or 20d10 damage and 3d6 Int Damage, die from this and rise as a Worm spawn
Things the DM will make sure he can do through spells:
Immunity to Scrying by Mindblank
Track Players who teleport away
Cast either Protection from Fire/Sonic or Immunity to Fire/Sonic
Call me cynical, but I don't think Fighter 20 is going to cut it.
Additional Rules for this discussion:
Genesis can not be used to create a plane with time flowing at a different rate than the prime material.
20th Level character(s), standard Wealth By Level
Anything WotC 3.0/3.5 goes
So what would you use to take down Kyuss, and what odds do you think you have of succeeding?
Edit 1: Added his attributes, and his special qualities