I've got loads of money, all I really need are some things that will increase my mobility. Can artificers craft things using Mysteries instead of spells, and if so, can I get a CL 6 item of Flicker at will or continually crafted by you, bowen? I'll pay for it and everything, I'm just wondering if you have the craft point reserve to handle it.
EDIT: and don't forget Haste from the Trapsmith spell list! Remember, you should be able to craft a wand at any caster level you're capable of, so a CL 4 or 5 wand of haste should be fine for us. No need to extend it.
Also, I forget what wand it is that somehow had CL 18 and granted +5 deflection bonuses to 18 creatures, but I don't really think that's necessary.
How do you get your CL up so high, by the way? I want to borrow some Greater Mighty Wallop, now. Maybe I should get a bludgeoning weapon instead of a slashing one! Hold on to taht one.
EDIT: Can Dastanas be enchanted with an enhancement bonus? If so, I might enchant some dastana, grab improved buckler use, and go to town on my AC.
EDIT3: Holy fuck, my armor ended up costing me over 30,000! It's +1 Astral Driftmetal Halfweight Mechanus Gear. It costs a fuckton, but it gives me +11 AC against incorporeal touch attacks. That's not the same as normal touch attacks, so I'm not sure it's worth the extra 12k for Astral Driftmetal. Thoughts?