Maybe this will help qualifications. Complete Divine 32, along the left column under Spells per Day/Spells Known, says this for Contemplative:
"If the contemplative did not previously belong to a divine spellcasting class, she gains the ability to cast divine spells exactly as a cleric of her patron deity. Her spell progression is the same as that of a cleric."
Here is the full text.
"Spells per Day/Spells Known: A contemplative who was previously a spellcaster continues to gain access to more powerful divine magic while following the contemplative path. Thus, when a new contemplative level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in the spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefi t a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, more frequent remove disease, and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of contemplative to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day accordingly. For example, if Theresa, an 11th-level cleric, gains a level as a contemplative, she gains new spells as if she had risen to 12th level as a cleric, but uses the other contemplative
aspects of level progression such as base attack bonus and save bonus. If she next gains a level as a cleric, making her a 12th-level cleric/1st-level contemplative, she gains spells as if she had risen to 13th level as a cleric.
If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before she became a contemplative, the player must decide which class to assign each level of contemplative for the purpose of determining divine spells per day and spells known.
If the contemplative did not previously belong to a divine spellcasting class, she gains the ability to cast divine spells exactly as a cleric of her patron deity. Her spell progression is the same as that of a cleric."
My understanding is you get access to the full cleric list, but your official cleric caster level is the same as your contemplative level.
I'm unsure how you'd get this bonus, because qualifying for contemplative says:
"To qualify to become a contemplative, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skill: Knowledge (religion) 13 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast 1st-level divine spells.[/i]