I'm GLAD to BE back. Trust me.
The thing that amazes me the most as how The Artifact has stayed within the Active Games section. Thanx guys for keeping it alive... without your fearless GM, ;P
Isle Noir-- we played that campaign regularly in my living room for close to a year with a few short breaks, It's on hiatus while we are playing The Wheel of Time, because of the availability of some core players, but I think that we may get back to finishing that campaign.
I have to sit down and think about what happened to each of your PCs that I used as NPCs within my home game. I think Dove may be dead... killed by the mutated denizens of the Blender Tribe (Sorry) and staked to a wall alongside other random operatives (trophies). Heavyarms, and Ronin are still alive, the PCs bumped into them briefly while they were all in custody of the Blender Tribe. Heavy and Ronin escaped when the PCs did, but since they have their own (identical) mission to accomplish, they took off on their own to find the rest of their team. Cross is alive somewhere, as is Greasemonkey.
It's been a while, so I'll have to give you guys a right proper updating on that whole scenario... sometime.