i had to vote also now its 50/50 nice!!!
i see the artifact has changed...im still a big fan...
i am going to run this sweet game again soon this incarnation like yours is going to have more horror in it. cuz scary is funner....thats right FUNNER.
good job guys, you all keep playing i'll keep reading....and stealing ideas Moohahahaha!
j0lt kept expecting an entire village of Zombies,
(And since I own more than 20 zombie movies, I am sooo the guy to put them in there)... but it wasn't right for what I'm trying to accomplish tone-wise for the Prologue itself.
This PbP is the third time I've run The Prologue since I first started the first Artifact campaign... what four years or so ago? I keep telling them that this is the best version of this campaign to date, and it is. I've expanded Santa Boca, changed everything about Orino Perro
(except the Grateful Goat Tavern )I've redrawn every map that was used in the past and a complete overhaul of adventure pacing. Because this campaign has been in the works for sooo long, I have a much better idea of how and where to seed relevant game info
(of course there are always red herrings )The BIGGEST change is yet to come-- I've been getting a decent amount of interest by more players who have begun to follow the Artifact Prologue, and harbor interest in joining the "Main Game" when we get there. It's beginning to look like like I may enough players to run a Second Squad, of sorts. I've got a BUNCH of ideas I'm mulling over on exactly how this will work, but if this is the direction I decide to go... I think it will be something special.