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  • Hong Kong
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Lists of Stuff
« on: November 06, 2008, 04:53:19 AM »
Updated 25 April 2010

A lot of categories I'm just putting in ad hoc, and then I don't feel like going back through the books to fill in the blanks, so lots of things will be missing. If you find something I don't have, or have a new category, let me know.

Most of the time whenever you see me list "ECL X", it's generally the lowest ecl that you can get it

Table of Contents
Post #2
Acrobatic Charge
"Alter Self"
Animal Companion
Arcane Spell Failure (ASF) reduction or casting in armor
Armor Proficiency
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music
Bonus Domains
Bonus Feats - not selectable
Bonus Feats - selectable
Breath Weapon
Channel Spell
Close Combat Shot
Crippling Strike

Post #3
Damage Reduction
Death Attack
Defensive Roll
Detect Evil
Detect Magic
Detect Thoughts
Divine Grace
Early Entry
Fast Healing
Favored Enemy
Flawless Stride/Woodland Stride/etc
Flurry of Blows
Freedom of Movement
Hide in Plain Sight

Post #4
Immunity to Ability Damage/Drain
Immunity to Daze/Stun
Immunity to Disease
Immunity to Energy Drain
Immunity to Fatigue/Exhaustion
Immunity to Fear
Immunity to Non-Lethal Damage
Immunity to Mind Effects
Immunity to Poison
Immunity to Stunning
Improved Evasion
Inspire Courage
Lay on Hands
Low-light Vision
Monk Abilities - for increasing monk damage, see post #5
Nondetection (or similar)
Poison Use
Powerful Build
Powerful Grip/Uncanny Blow
Skill Mastery
Slippery Mind
Sneak Attack - see post #6

Post #5
Speed Increase
 - land
 - burrow
 - climb
 - flight
 - swim
Spell Resistance
Steal Spell (or similar)
Supreme Cleave
Swift Tracker
Timeless Body
Trackless Step
Trap Sense
Turn/Rebuke Undead
Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge
Weapon Proficiency
Wild Empathy
Wild Shape

Post #6
Sneak Attack
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 05:19:09 PM by Surreal »
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


  • Hong Kong
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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 04:53:26 AM »
Acrobatic Charge
Duelist 6, ecl 12
Swashbuckler 7, Complete Warrior
Dread Pirate 4, ecl 9, Complete Adventurer
Thief-Acrobat 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Cloud Anchorite 6, ecl 12, Frostburn

special mention
Drunken Master 2 for the stagger ability, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - charge in a non-straight line

"Alter Self" or similar abilityAnimal Companion
Druid 1
Ranger 4
Ranger 4 (elf racial substitution level), Races of the Wild, Elven Hound, advances as animal companion, see text
Peregrine Runner 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone, peregrine falcon only
Beastmaster 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, also gains extra companions, see text
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 1, ecl 6, Player's Guide to Eberron, gains additional bonuses, see text

stacks for animal companion
Animal Lord, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer
Arcane Heirophant, ecl 8, Races of the Wild - combines with familiar
Lion of Talisad, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds
Wild Plains Outrider, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Peregrine Runner 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone, peregrine falcon only, otherwise gain extra companion
Beastmaster, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, only stacks for the first one, but at +3
Wavekeeper 2, ecl 7, Stormwrack, stacks at -1, arguably gives one if you don't already have it
Abolisher, ecl 7, Lords of Madness
Vandalis Beastkeeper, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Revenant Blade, ecl 6, Player's Guide to Eberron, stacks with ranger only
Planar Shepherd, ecl 6, Faiths of Eberron

Special Mention
Elemental Companion, druid class variant, Complete Mage, replace animal companion with an elemental (separate advancement table)
Natural Bond, feat, Complete Adventurer, add +3 to effective druid level, see text
Devoted Tracker, feat, Complete Adventurer, stack benefits of animal companion and mount
Beast Heart Adept, ecl 6, Dungeonscape, gain Monstrous Companions, see text
Vermin Keeper 3, ecl 8, FR: Underdark, vermin companion, see text
Exalted Companion, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, choose a new companion from list
Spider Companion, feat, Drow of the Underdark, choose monstrous spider
Aerenal Beastkeeper, feat, Races of Eberron, add +3 to effective druid level, baboon only
Durthan 3, 7/10, ecl 9?, FR: Unapproachable East, telthor only, see text

Arcane Spell Failure (ASF) reduction - or casting in armor
Bard, light armor
Fighter, Armored Mage alternative class feature, Complete Mage, light armor
Duskblade 1, 4, 7/20, Player's Handbook 2, casting in light armor, medium armor, then heavy shields respectively
Bladesinger 6, ecl 11, Complete Warrior, cast in light armor
Hexblade, Complete Warrior, casting in light armor
Spellsword 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, 10/15/20/25/30%
Rage Mage 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, -10% in light or medium armor
Spellthief, Complete Adventurer, casting in light armor
Fochlucan Lyrist 1, ecl 11, Complete Adventure, cast in light armor
Warmage 1, 8/20, Complete Arcane, casting in light then medium armor
Suel Arcanamach 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 7, Complete Arcane, 5% each time
Battlecaster, feat, Complete Arcane, allows casting in armor one category heavier (unclear whether you gain proficiency)
Geomancer 1, ecl ?, Complete Divine, see text

Dragon Devotee 3, ecl 8, Races of the Dragon, ignore ASF for 0-level and 1st-level spells
Arcane Heirophant 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, casting in non-metallic light or medium armor
Runesmith 1, ecl 6, Races of Stone, cast in any armor, see text
Knight of the Weave 2, ecl 7, Champions of Valor, cast in light armor, in medium at level 8
Pale Master 4, 8/10, ecl 9, Libris Mortis, -10% each for undead armor
Knight Phantom 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Five Nations, casting in light armor
Corrupt Avenger 1, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror, light armor
Silver Key 1, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked, light armor, abjuration only
Githyanky Battlecaster, feat, Monster Manual 4, light armor
Fatemaker 1, ecl 6, Planar Handbook, light
Ebonmar Infiltrator 1, ecl 6, Cityscape, cast in light armor, see text
Urban Savant 1, ecl 6, Cityscape, cast in light armor, see text
Knight of the Weave 2, ecl 7, FR: Champions of Valor, cast in light for all classes, medium at level 8

Mithril, armor material, PHB, -10%
Twilight, armor enhancement, Book of Exalted Deeds, -10%
Thistledown, armor add-on, Races of the Wild, -5%
Leafweave, armor add-on, Races of the Wild, -5%
Feycraft, armor template, DMG2, -5%
Githcraft, armor template, DMG2, -5%
Hellforged, armor template, DMG2, +5%
Blue Ice, component, Frostburn, cast [Cold] spells without ASF

Armor Proficiency
Arcane Archer, ecl 7, DMG, light, medium, and shield
Assassin, ecl 6, DMG, light
Blackguard, ecl 6, DMG, all armor and shields
Dwarven Defender, ecl 8, DMG, all armor and shields
Shadowdancer, ecl 8, DMG, light
Elocater, ecl 8, XPH, light
Slayer, ecl 5, XPH, all armor
Healer, Miniatures Handbook, light
Marshal, Miniatures Handbook, all armor and shields (not tower)
Scout, Complete Adventurer, light
Spellthief, Complete Adventurer, light
Bloodhound, ecl 5, Complete Adventurer, light
Dread Pirate, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, light
Ghost-Faced Killer, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, light
Highland Stalker, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, light
Nightsong Enforcer, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, light
Ollam, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, all armor and shields
Shadowbane Inquisitor, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, all armor and shields (not tower)
Spymaster, ecl 6, complete Adventurer, light and medium
Hexblade, Complete Warrior, light
Samurai, Complete Warrior, all armor, no shields
Bladesinger, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, light
Cavalier, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, all armor and shields
Gnome Giant-Slayer, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, light and medium armor, shields
Occult Slayer, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, all armor and shields
Purple Dragon Knights, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, tower shields
Warmage, Complete Arcane, light armor and light shields, medium armor at 8th level
Favoured Soul, Complete Divine, light and medium, shields (not tower)
Spirit Shaman, light and shields
Holy Liberator, ecl 6, Complete Divine, all armor and shields
Hospitaler, ecl 6, Complete Divine, all armor and shields
Radiant Servant of Pelor, ecl 7, Complete Divine, all armor and shields
Seeker of the Misty Isle, ecl 6, Complete Divine, light and medium
Shining Blade of Heironeous, ecl 8, Complete Divine, all armor and shields
Temple Raider of Olidammara, ecl 6, Complete Divine, light and medium
Warpriest, ecl 6, Complete Divine, all armor and shields
Ardent, Complete Psionic, all armor and shields (not tower)
Divine Mind, Complete Psionic, all armor and shields (not tower)
Lurk, Complete Psionic, light and shields (not tower)

Chameleon, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, all armor and shields (not tower)
Blade Bravo, ecl 6, Races of Stone, light
Deepwarden, ecl 6, Races of Stone, all armor and shields (not tower)
Goliath Liberator, ecl 8, Races of Stone, light and medium
Crusader, Tome of Battle, all armor and all shields
Swordsage, Tome of Battle, light
Warblade, Tome of Battle, light and medium, shields (not tower)
Pale Master, ecl 6, Libris Mortis, light and medium
Dragonrider, ecl 6, Draconomicon, all armor and shields
Dragonslayer, ecl 6, Draconomicon, all armor and shields
Dragonstalker, ecl 6, Draconomicon, light armor and shields
Platinum Knight, ecl 6, Draconomicon, all armor and shields
Fatemaker, ecl 6, Planar Handbook, light armor and shields (not tower)
Chaotician, ecl 5, Planar Handbook, all armor and shields
Incarnate, Magic of Incarnum, light and medium and shields (not tower)
Soulborn, Magic of Incarnum, all armor and shields (not tower)
Totemist, Magic of Incarnum, light and shields (not tower)

Crimson Scourge, ecl 6, Cityscape, light and medium and shields (not tower)
Bladesinger, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, light
Breachghone, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, all armor and shields
Great Rift Skyguard, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, light and medium and shields
Warrior Skald, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, all armor and shields

Special Mention - reduce ACP
Vengeance Knight 1, 6, 10/10, ecl 6, Champions of Ruin, reduce ACP by 1/3/5
Champion of Corellon Larethian
Dread Commando

Auras - or other area effects
Rogue 10, 13, 16, or 19/20, class variant, Complete Champion, "Friend's Evation", evasion for all adjacent allies
Paladin 1 - aura of good, courage at level 3
Paladin 3, half-orc substitution level, Races of Destiny - aura of awe
Paladin 3, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild - aura of freedom
Blackguard 1, ecl 7, DMG - aura of evil
Blackguard 3, ecl 9, DMG - aura of despair 10'
Dragon Shaman, PHB2 - draconic auras, improves with level
Knight of the Chalice 8, ecl 16, Complete Warrior, 20' immune to fear and enchantment effects from evil outsiders
Knight Protector 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, 10', +4 vs fear
Ravager 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, 10', fear, 20' at 5th, 30' at 8th
Marshal, Miniatures Handbook - various, improves with level
Courage, domain, Complete Warrior - aura of courage
Divine Mind, Complete Psionic - various
Enhanced Beneficience, feat, Complete Psionic, +5' psychic aura
Warpriest 5, ecl 10, Complete Divine, 20', fear aura, limited use, see text
Warpriest 10, ecl 15, Complete Divine - implacable foe 100' (keep fighting until -20 HP)
Ravager 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - aura of fear, range increases over levels
Tattoed Monk 1 (Falcon Tattoo), ecl 6, Complete Warrior - 10', similar to aura of courage
Divine Crusader 1, ecl 8, Complete Divine - alignment aura
Holy Liberator 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine - aura of good, resolve at level 3
Radiant Servant of Pelor 3, ecl 9, Complete Divine, 10', +2 Will
Sacred Exorcist 5, ecl 12, Complete Divine, 20', consecrate
Evil Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, damage reduction, 30', see text
Good Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, damage reduction, 30', see text
Protection Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, AC aura, 30', see text
Mythic Examplar (Reikhardt) 10, ecl 14, Complete Champion, 60', Cha to either Fort or will saves, also gain limited use DR
Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess 1, ecl ?, FR: Underdark, 20', fear aura 1/day
Squire of Legend 3, ecl 7, Complete Champion, can extend an ally's aura by 50% once/day
Cold Comfort, warlock invocation, ecl 6, Complete Mage - warm or cool aura
Eldritch Disciple 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage, magic circle against evil, see text
Enlightened Spirit 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage - aura of courage, aura of menace
Storm Disciple 1, ecl 6, Complete Psionic - shocking aura - see text

Outcast Champion 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, aura of confidence, Cha to will saves
Dread Necromancer 5, Heroes of Horror - 5' fear aura
Corrupt Avenger 5, ecl 11, Heroes of Horror, 30' frightful fury, improves at level 9
Death Delver 5, ecl 10, Heroes of Horror - fear aura 1/day
Dread Witch 5, ecl ??, Heroes of Horror - fear aura
Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine 1, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror - aura of purity
Commander auras, Heroes of Battle - see chapter
Dread Commando 1, ecl 6, 30', initiative boost = class level
Legendary Leader 5, ecl 11, Heroes of Battle - commander aura
Death's Chosen 3, ecl 8, Libris Mortis, unnatural aura, 30'
Master of Radiance 1, ecl 6, Libris Mortis - radian aura - increases caster level
Harper Paragon 1, ecl 6, Player's Guide to Faerun - aura of good
Incarnate 1, Magic of Incarnum - depends on alignment
Soulborn 9 (lawful good Dwarn substitution level), Magic of Incarnum - varies with alignment, only affects Dwarves, 30'
Incandescent Champion 8, ecl 14, Magic of Incarnum - damages foes
Lucky Dice, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - variable effects, 30'
Chupoclops, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic - despair
Focalor, vestige, ecl 5, Tome of Magic - sadness
Fatemaker 4, ecl 9, Planar Handbook - confidence
Dragonfire Mask, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - fear
Diamond Dragon 10, ecl 15, Dragon Magic, frightful presence, 60', see text
Dragon Lord 1, ecl 7, Dragon Magic - draconic auras, improves with level
Singer of Concordance 1 and up, ecl 6, Races of the Dragon, various effects, mostly defensive, see text
Frightful Crest, draconic graft, Races of the Dragon - fear
Dragonslayer 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon, aura of courage
Brand of Nine Hells (Mammon), feat, ecl?, Fiendish Codex II, aura of pity, 30', see text
Devil's Aura, feat, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex II, aura of fear 10', limited use, see text
Hellbreaker 1, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex II, inhibits telepathy and divination spells, 20', inhibits conjuration at level 7, see text
Soulguard 8, ecl 14, Fiendish Codex II, allies within 20' get +2 on saves vs evil outsider spells and abilities
Celestial Mystic 10, ecl 17, Book of Exalted Deeds, fast healing 2 to all within 10'
Chaotician 3, ecl 7, Planar Handbook, "babble" aura impedes all sound
Demonwreaker 4, ecl 9, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, 30', allies weapons become good and cold iron
Eye of Lloth 1, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, 20' zone of truth
Slave to Evil, vile feat, Elder Evils, aura of evil, other effects, see text

stacks with...
Triadic Knight, ecl 6, Champions of Valor - aura of good

Special Mention
Extra Aura, feat, Complete Psionic, generate psychic aura based on mantle
Dilate Aura, feat, Fiendish Codex II, double range of aura once per encounter
Draconic Aura, feat, Dragon Magic, gain a draconic aura
Double Draconic Aura, feat, Dragon magic, project two draconic auras simultaneously
Mythic Examplar (Reikhardt) 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Complete Champion, increases bonuses from certain auras, see text
Squire of Legend 3 (Reikhardt), ecl 7, Complete Champion, increase an ally's aura range by 50%, see text
Inspiration, shield enhancement +1, Forge of War, doubles beneficial aura range
Widen Supernatural Ability, feat, Tome of Magic, double range, limited use
Spellsinger 5, ecl 10, Races of Faerun, extend range of bardic abilities
Helm of Tactics/Horn of Resilience, item, Magic Item Compendium (p.208), increase Marshal minor/major aura for short duration

Bardic Knowledge
Bard 1
Troubadour of Stars 1, ECL 9, Book of Exalted Deeds
Loredelver 1, ecl 8, Races of Destiny
Rogue 3, Rilkan racial substitution level, Magic of Incarnum
Harper Mage ?, Magic of Faerun
Harper Priest ?, Magic of Faerun
Psion (Seer) 1, alternate class feature, Mind's Eye expanded classes
Binder, vestige: The Triad (online)

stacks with bard levels
Moonstar Agent, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR) - stacks with anything that functions like bardic knowledge
Sublime Chord, ecl 11, Complete Arcane
Fochlucan Lyrist, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer
Ollam, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Troubadour of Stars 1, ECL 9, Book of Exalted Deeds
Loredelver 1, ecl 8, Races of Destiny
Ardent Dilettante 1, ecl 6, Planar Handbook
Merchant Prince 1, ecl 6, Power of Faerun

functionally the same as "bardic knowledge", but called something else
Loremaster 2, ecl 9
Ollam 1, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Cloistered Cleric, variant class, Unearthed Arcana
Ardent Dilettante 1, ecl 6, Planar Handbook
Tainted Scholar 3, ecl 8, Heroes of Horror
Dragon Descendant 2, ecl 7, Dragon Magic, "Ancentral Lore", see text
Primal Scholar 1, ecl 8, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik, "Xed'Drik Lore"
Psion 1 (Seer), Mind's Eye expanded class (link), "psionic knowledge"
Merchant Prince 1, ecl 6, Power of Faerun, "mercantile knowledge"
Court Herald 1, ecl 8, Power of Faerun, "Lore"
Paragnostic Apostle, ecl 3?, Complete Champion, "Lore"
Celestial Mystic 5, ecl?, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text
Prophet of Erathaol 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text
Beast Heart Adept 2, ecl 7, Dungeonscape, "Monster Lore", see text

Bardic Music - (any prestige class that grants bardic music also stacks with bard levels for number of uses per day)
Virtuoso 1, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Fochlucan Lyrist 1, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer
Dragonsong Lyrist 1, ecl 8, Draconomicon, functions like bardic music but different name, does not stack
Warrior Skald 1, ecl 6, Races of Faerun
Spellsinger 1, ecl 6, Races of Faerun
Troubadour of Stars 1, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds

stacks for bardic music uses per day
Seeker of the Song, ecl 11, Complete Arcane
Sublime Chord, ecl 11, Complete Arcane, add only half level
Fochlucan Lyrist , ecl 11, Complete Adventurer
War Chanter, ecl 6 (maybe 5), Complete Warrior
Dawncaller, ecl 7, Races of Stone
Dirgesinger, ecl 6, Libris Mortis
Stormsinger, ecl 6, Frostburn
Lyric Thaumaturge, ecl 7, Complete Mage

special mention
Extra Music, feat, Complete Adventurer, 4 extra uses
Harmonius Knight paladin sub level (Champion of Valor; web enhancement) grants inspire courage, but not as a bardic ability
Initiate of Milil, feat, Champions of Valor, lets you stack bard/cleric/paladin levels to determine what kind of music you have
Initiate of Hlal, feat, Dragon Magic, gain one additional use of bardic music if you already have it
Divine Prankster, ecl 6, Races of Stone, uses bardic music to fuel "Comedic Performance" which has effects similar to bardic music
The Artist, regional feat, Player's Guide to Faerun, 3 extra bardic music uses
Evangelist, ecl 6, Complete Divine, stacks for strength of bard songs, see text

Dragon Disciple 5, ecl 10, DMG, 30 feet, 60 feet at level 10
Scout 10, Complete Adventurer
Blindsense, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, 30' limited duration
Warlock 6, Complete Arcane, voidsense invocation, 30'
Dungeon Delver 5, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer, 30 feet
Sacred Fist 6, ecl 11, Complete Divine, 10 feet
Geomancer 9 (stage 5 drift), ecl 15, Complete Divine, 30'
Focused Perception, feat, Complete Psionic, 60', see text
Ardent Dilettante 9, ecl 14, Planar Handbook
Dragonborn template (mind aspect), Races of the Dragon, at 15 HD gain blindsense 30 feet
Disciple of the Eye 5, ecl 10, Races of the Dragon, 30 feet
Glaring Eye, graft, Races of the Dragon, 30'
Atavist 5 (insightful spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, 5'
Ardent Dilettante 9, ecl 14, Planar Handbook, 10 feet
Willing Deformity (Tongue), vile feat, Heroes of Horror, 30'
Yrthank Mask, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 10' or more, see text
Soulsight, incarnum feat, Magic of Incarnum, 5' or more, use as move action, see text
Elder Spirit, soulmeld, Dragon Magic, 5'/essentia
Voidsense, Dragonfire Adept invocation, ecl 6, Dragon Magic, 30'
Cyre Scout 7, ecl 13, Eberron: Dragonmarked, variable range and duration, see text
Wildhunt Elite, shifter feat, Races of Eberron, 30', while shifting
Dream of Perception, dreamtouched feat, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, no range given
Eye of Lloth 1, 4, 7, 9/10, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, 10' each
Ebonmar Infiltrator 9, ecl 14, Cityscape, 5'
Hearing the Air, Diamond Mind stance, ecl 9, Tome of Battle

Special Mention
Lifesense, feat, Libris Mortis, living creatures provide points of illumination
Mindsight, feat, Lords of Madness (not really blindsense... arguably better, but requires telepathy)
Thief of Life 1, ecl 3(?), Faiths of Eberron, gains "lifesense"
Dragonstalker 9, ecl 14, Draconomicon, foil blindsense 1/day
Killoren Hunter, feat, Races of the Dragon, pinpoint location within 30' if have line of effect

Eye of Gruumsh 5, ecl 11, Complete Warrior, 5', 10' at level 8
Scout 20, Complete Adventurer, 30'
combat awareness, feat, PHB2 - 5'
Henshin Mystic 6, ecl?, Oriental Adventures, 30'
Shade Hunter 10, ecl 15, FR: Champions of Ruin, 30'
Slime Lord, PrC, Player's Guide to Faerun
Blindsighted, weapon enhancement (30k gp), Underdark, 30'
Blindfold of True Darkness, item, Arms and Equipment Guide, p.130, Grants 60' Blindsight and immunity to gaze attacks, but negates all other vision
Tentacle whip, symbiote, Eberron Campaign Setting - the symbiote has blindsight 60 feet and can communicate what it "sees" telepathically
Cerebral hood, symbiote, Fiend Folio - see above
Necrocarnum Circlet, soulmelt, Magic of Incarnum, 30' for undead only
Shadow Mantle, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 5' or more, see text
Orthos, vestige, ecl 17, Tome of Magic, 30'
Umbral Disciple 7, ecl 12, Magic of Incarnum, 10' per essentia
Scorpion Wraith 4, ecl 9, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik, 60' limited use, see text
Devil's Sight, feat, Fiendish Codex II, grants darkvision and limited use blindsight 30', see text

Bonus DomainsBonus Feats - (not selectable)
Fighter 1, kobold substitution level, Races of the Dragon, Dodge, replaces heavy armor proficiency
War, cleric domain, Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus
Sorcerer 1, dragonblood class variant, Races of the Dragon, Draconic Heritage replaces familiar
Monk 2, halfling substitution level, weapon finesse
Duskblade 2, PHB2, combat casting
Animal Lord 6, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer, depends on animal totem: brachiation, improved grapple, flyby attack, lightning reflexes, trample, improved critical (bite), improved initiative, improved trip
Beastmaster 2, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer, Alertness
Dread Pirate 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, Two-Weapon Fighting
Shadowbane Inquisitor 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, Improved Sunder
Warmage 7, 10, 15, 20, Complete Arcane, Sudden Empower/Enlarge/Widen/Maximize in that order
Swashbuckler 1, Complete Warrior, weapon finesse
Drunken Master 6, 7/10, ecl 11, Complete Warrior, improved feint, improved grapple
Frenzied Beserker 1, elc 7, Complete Warrior, diehard
Halfling Outrider 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, alertness
Hunter of the Dead 6, ecl 11, Complete Warrior, extra turning
Justiciar 2, 3/10, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, improved grapple, exotic weapon proficiency (manacles)
Knight Protector 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, Iron Will
Master Thrower 1, 4/5, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, quick draw, snatch arrows
Order of the Bow Initiate 4, 6/10, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, greater weapon focus, sharp-shooting
Reapon Mauler 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, improved grapple and mobility, only in light or no armor
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, pine tattoo, remain conscious
Favoured Soul 3, 12/20, Complete Divine, weapon focus, weapon specialization (must match diety's favoured weapon)
Spirit Shaman 1, Complete Divine, alertness
Divine Crusader 5, ecl 12, Complete Divine, weapon specialization (diety's favoured weapon)
Pious Templar 3, ecl 8, Complete Divine, weapon specialization (diety's favoured weapon)
Ordained Champion 2, ecl 6, Complete Champion, diehard
Unseen Seer 2, ecl 7, Complete Mage, silent spell
Divine Mind 1, Complete Psionic, wild talent
Whisperknife 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, rapid shot
Blade Bravo 1, ecl 6, Races of Stone, Goad
Deepwarden 1, ecl 6, Races of Stone, Track
Goliath Liberator 3, ecl 11, Races of Stone, Improved Trip
Dread Necromancer 19, Heroes of Horror, Craft Wondrous Item
Fist of Raziel 4, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds, Sanctify Martial Strike
Lion of Talisad 4, ecl 9, Book of Exalted Deeds, exalted companion
Sentinel of Bharrai, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, track
Vile Darkness, domain, Lords of Madness, blind-fight
Knight of the Raven 5, 8/10, ecl 9, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, enduring life then lasting life
Dracolyte 3, ecl 8, Draconomicon, Alertness
Dragonrider 4, ecl 9, Draconomicon, Flyby Attack
Dragonslayer 6, 7/10, ecl 11, Draconomicon, Lightning Reflexes then Improved Critical
Cipher Adept 1, ecl 8, Planar Handbook, improved unarmed strike
Legendary Captain 1, ecl 6, Stormwrack, Great Captain or Skill Focus
Leviathan Hunter 3, ecl 8, Stormwrack, Clever Wrestling
Crimson Scourge 5, ecl 10, Cityscape, Improved Disarm
Battlerager 2, 3, 4/5, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, close-quarters fighting, improved unarmed strike, great cleave and reckless offensive
Thunderguide 2, ecl 6, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook, EXP: Xen'drik Boomering, increase range increment to 30'

Bonus Feats - (selectable)
Fighter 1 and every even level, fighter feats only
Paladin 4, 8, 11, 14/20, class variant, Complete Champion, give up spellcasting, select from large list
Ranger 4, 8, 11, 14/20, class variant, complete Champion, give up spellcasting, select from large list
Wizard every 5th level, metamagic feats only
Wizard 5, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild, archery feat from list
Monk 1, 2, 6/20, from given list
Loremaster 1, ecl 8, DMG, any, requires Int 24
Eldritch Knight 1, DMG, fighter feats only
Hierophant 1-5/5, ecl 13, DMG, metamagic feats
Psychic Warrior 1, 2, 5, and every 3 level afterwards, fighter or psionic feats only
Psion 1, 5, 10, 15, 20/20, psionic or metapsionic or psionic item creation
Human Paragon 2, Unearthed Arcana, any
Hexblade 5, 10, 15, 20/20, Complete Warrior, from small list (casting related)
Ronin 5, ecl 11, Complete Warrior, from small list (mounted or archery related)
Spellsword 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, metamagic or fighter feat
Thayan Knight 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, fighter feat except specialization
Wu-Jen 1, Complete Arcane, metamagic
Alienist 3, 7/10, ecl 8, Complete Arcane, metamagic
Mage of the Arcane Order 2, 9/10, ecl 7, Complete Arcane, metamagic
Hospitaler 1, 5, 9/10, ecl 6, Complete Divine, fighter feats
Pious Templar 4, 8/10, ecl 9, Complete Divine, fighter feats
Scout 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, Complete Adventurer, from list (mostly movement and archery)
Exemplar 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, from list (mostly skill)
Maester 1, 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, item creation
Battle Trickster 2, ecl 7, Complete Scoundrel, fighter feat
Fortune's Friend 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Scoundrel, luck feat
Magical Trickster 2, ecl 7, Complete Scoundrel, metamagic feat
Metamagic Storm, magical location, Complete Mage, metamagic feat, see text
Holt Warden 9, ecl 14, Complete Champion, only if you already have timeless body
Ordained Champion 1, ecl 5, Complete Champion, lose domain powers for fighter feats
Shadowspy 2, 5, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Champion, small list
Ectopic Adept 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Psionic, ectopic form
Flayerspawn Psychic 2, 4, 8/10, ecl 7, Complete Psionic, Illithid feat
Soulbow 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 8, Complete Psionic, from list (archery)

Chameleon 2, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, any, changes every day
Dracolexi 2, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon, eschew materials or still spell
Dragon Devotee 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage 2, 4, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon, any draconic feat
Champion of Corellon Larethian 1, 4, 7, 10/10, Races of the Wild, fighter feat with restrictions
Ruathar 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, martial weapon proficiency in longsword, rapier, longbow or shortbow
Stormtalon 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 7, Races of the Wild, aerial combat feat from list
Blade Bravo 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 8, Races of Stone, combat feat from list
Archivist 10, 20/20, Heroes of Horror, from list
Justice of Weald and Woe 2, 8/10, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin, archery feat from list
Vengeance Knight 3, 9/10, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin, fighter feat
Warblade 5, 9, 13, 17/20, Tome of Battle, from given list
Marshal 1, Miniatures Handbook, if you already have Skill Focus (diplomacy), any
Annointed Knight 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, alertness of combat reflexes
Annointed Knight 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, from list (mostly combat related)
Exalted Arcanist 3, 5/5, ecl 9, Book of Exalted Deeds, exalted feats
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds, sacred vow related feats
Sword of Righteousness 1, 2, 3/3, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Vassal of Bahamut 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds, from list (mostly combat related)
Wonderworker 1, 2, 3/3, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds, exalted feats
Citadel Elite 2, 4/5, ecl 9, Eberron - Sharn: City of Towers, any feat
Court Herald 1, 9/12, ecl 8, Power of Faerun, any
Dragonrider 3, ecl 8, Draconomicon, mounted feat
Doomlord 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 9, Planar Handbook, combat feat from list
Ardent Dilettante 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 9, Planar Handbook, any
Cloud Anchorite 3, 7/10, ecl 9, Frostburn, from list

Bladesinger 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, from list
Breachgnome 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, from list
Great Rift Skyguard 3, 7/10, ecl 8, Races of Faerun, mounted combat feat

Breath Weapon
Half-Dragon template
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, dragon tattoo
Dragonborn, template, Races of the Dragon
Draconic Breath, feat, Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage 1, ecl 6, Races of the Dragon
Metabolic Fire, graft, Races of the Dragon
Dragon Shaman 4, PHB2
Talon of Tiamat 1, ecl 5, Draconomicon
Dragonfire Mask, soulmeld, Dragon Magic
Ankheg Breastplate (Throat bind), Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Behir Gorget (Throat bind), Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Gorgon Mask (Throat bind), Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Winter Mask (Throat bind) Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Dragonfire Adept, Dragon Magic
Druid 5 (Aspect of the Dragon variant), Dragon Magic
Swift Wing 3, ecl 8, Dragon Magic, see text
Diamond Dragon 4, ecl 9, Dragon Magic, Int based DC
Chromatic Dragon, Domain, ???

Amon, vestige, ecl 1, Tome of Magic
Orthos, vestige, ecl 15, Tome of Magic

spells that give you a breath weapon

Ranger 13
Druid 13, halfling substitution level, Races of the Wild, replaces Thousand Faces
Scout 8, natural terrain only
Highland Stalker 7, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer
Stonedeath Assassin 2, ECL 7, Races of Stone, only while underground and touching stone
Dark Hunter 4 (ECL 9) Complete Warrior, only by a stone wall/etc
Forest Reeve 4, ecl 9, Complete Champion, natural terrain

Special Mention
Ranger or Scout, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement
Ruby Knight Vindicator 5, Tome of Battle, armored stealth

Channel Spell (and similar)
Spellsword 4, 6, 8/10, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, at level 10 can channel two spells simultaneously
Duskblade 3, 13/20, Player's Handbook 2, at level 13 can channel one spell into multiple opponents
Ordained Champion 3, ecl 7, Complete Champion

Close Combat Shot - use ranged weapon while in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity
Exotic Weapon Master 1, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, exotic weapons only
Gnome Giant-Slayer 5, ecl 10, Complete Warrior
Order of the Bow Initiate 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
Soulbow 4, ecl 9, Complete Psionic
Justice of Weald and Woe 6, ecl 12, FR: Champions of Ruin, called "steady shot", only while in light or no armor
Master Thrower 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, "defensive throw", see text
Arrow Mind, spell (Ranger 1), Spell Compendium
Perfect Archery, psionic power (Psychic Warrior 2), Complete Psionic
Versataile Combatant, feat, Drow of the Underdark, hand crossbow only, see text

Concealment - see text
Monk 7 (Dark Moon Disciple substitution level), Champions of Valor web enhancement
word Given Form, martial art, Tome of Magic (p.218)

Crippling Strike
Rogue 10
Bloodhound 5, ecl 9, Complete Adventurer, only against mark, see text
Justiciar 2, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, see text
Thayan Slaver 5, ecl 12, FR: Unapproachable East
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 02:53:17 AM by Surreal »
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 04:53:32 AM »
Damage Reduction
Barbarian (berserker strength variant), PHB 2, stacks with other types of DR
Barbarian 7, goliath substitution level, Races of Stone, DR 2/adamantine each time
Monk 20, DR 10/magic
Dwarven Defender
War Mind 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 8, XPH, DR 1/- each
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, DR 2/magic per tattoo
Pious Templar 3, 7/10, ecl 8, Complete Divine, DR 1/-
Ollam 5, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer, DR 5/- to ally
Acolyte of the Skin 10, ecl 16, Complete Arcane, DR 10/good
Alienist 10, ecl 15, Complete Arcane, DR 10/magic
Green Star Adept 1, ecl 6, Complete Arcane, DR 1/adamantine per level
Mythic Examplar (Reikhardt) 10, ecl 14, Complete Champion, aura 60', DR 2/-, 10 rounds per day
Iron Mind 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of Stone, DR 1/- each
Eldeen Ranger 5 (Greensingers), ecl 10, Eberron Campaign Setting
Hammer of Moradin, PGtF
Favoured Soul 20, Complete Divine, DR 10/silver or DR 10/cold iron
Spirit Shaman 20, Complete Divine, DR 5/cold iron
Divine Crusader 10, ecl 17, Complete Divine, DR 10/magic
Eldritch Theurge 1, ecl 7, Complete Mage, DR 1/cold iron, improves with level
Ordained Champion 3, ecl 7, Complete Champion, see text
Eldritch Disciple 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage, see text
Martyred Champion of Ilmater, PGtF
Slime Lord, PGtF
Survivor 5, ecl 6, Savage Species, DR 5/-
Scaled Horror, SS
Moonspeaker, RoE
Runescarred Beserker 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 11, FR: Unapproachable East
Divine Ageneter 5, ecl 8, Player's Guide to Faerun, DR +5/silver
Haztaratain 7, ecl 12, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona

Totem Rager 3, 7/10, ecl 9, Magic of Incarnum, DR 1/- each time, stacks with existing DR
Knight of the Sacred Seal 5, ecl 10, Tome of Magic, DR 10/magic
Celestial Mystic 9, ecl 16, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 10/unholy
Draconic Grafts, Races of the Dragon, DR X/magic
Fiend-Blooded 10, ecl 15, Heroes of Horror, DR 10/magic
Dread Necromancer 2, 7, 11, 15/20, Heroes of Horror, DR 2/bludgeoning and magic each time
Dragon Descendant 7, ecl 12, Dragon Magic, DR X/cold iron where X is your class level
Swift Wing 7, ecl 12, Dragon Magic, DR 5/magic
Dragonfire Adept 6, 16/20, Dragon Magic, DR 2/magic, later 5/magic
Knight of the Sacred Seal 5, ecl 10, Tome of Magic, 10/magic
Berserk 2, 4, 6, 8/10, ecl 7, Deities and Demigods, start at DR 1/-
Gray Hand Enforcer 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 8, FR: Waterdeep - City of Splendors, DR 1/- each time
Annoited Knight 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 3/-
Celestial Mystic 9, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 10/unholy
Champion of Gwynharwyf 3, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 9, Book of Exalted Deeds, tops out at DR 5/-
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 10, ecl 16, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 10/unholy
Swanmay 10, ecl 15, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 10/cold iron
Troubadour of the Stars 10, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds, DR 10/unholy
Demonbinder 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 7, Drow of the Underdark, DR 2/good each

Mineral Warrior, Underdark (FR)

earth elemental grafts (Magic of Eberron), DR 1/- per graft beyond the first, explicitly stacks with others

Roll With It, Savage Species
Shifter Defence, Eberron Campaign Setting
Greater Shifter Defence, Eberron Campaign Setting
Greater Resiliency, Complete Warrior, DR +1/existing
Planar Touchstone (Valley of Thunder), Planar Handbook, DR 5/magic (limited use)
Planar Touchstone (The Life Moulds of Neumannus), Planar Handbook, DR 5/adamantine (limited use)
Planar Touchstone (Peak of Continuation), Planar Handbook, DR 1/stacks with everything
Touchstone (Vale of Dead Trees), Sandstorm, DR 2/slashing
Bladeproof Skin, spelltouched feat, Unearthed Arcana, DR 3/bludgeoning
Cloak of the Obyrith, abyssal heritor feat, Fiendish Codex I, DR 1/lawful, increases with more abyssal heritor feats
Mark of Xoriat, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, DR 5/byeshk
Protective Mark, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, varies, see text
Fey Skin, Complete Mage, DR X/cold iron, see text
Ironskin Chant, bardic music feat, Complete Adventurer, DR 5/-
Endure Blows, feat, Draconomicon, DR 2/- that stacks

Totem Avatar, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Wind Cloak, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Eurynome, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic, DR 2/lawful
Halphax, vestige, ecl 17, Tome of Magic, DR 10/adamantine
Dragon Mantle, soulmeld, Dragon Magic, DR X/magic where X is essentia invested
Metallic Dragon Domain

Creature types: aberration, construct, dragon, elemental, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider, undead, vermin
Creature subtypes: angel, archon
Dwarf, 60'
Half-Orc, Orc, 60'
Horizon Walker 1, ecl 6 - 60' or 120'
Barbarian 5, class variant, Complete Champion, limited use, see text
Paladin 5, class variant, complete Champion, see text
Hellbred (spirit aspect), race, Fiendish Codex II, 30'+
Shadowdancer 2, ecl 9, range = normal vision

Devil's Sight, least warlock invocation, Complete Arcane, 30' also works in magical darkness
Acolyte of the Skin 1, ecl 6, 60' (120' at 5th level)
Elemental Savant 6, ecl 11, Complete Arcane, 60'
Greenstar Adept 4, ecl 9, Complete Arcane, 60'
Pale Master 3, ecl 8, Libris Mortis, 60 feet
Divine Crusader 7, ecl 14, Complete Divine, 60'
Nightcloak 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine Web Enhancement, 60', can also see through magical darkness 10'
Sun Soul Monk 8, ecl 13, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR), 60'
Green Star Adept 4, ecl 9, Complete Arcane
Dungeon Delver 1, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, 60' or adds 30'
Dark Hunter 2, ecl 7, Complete Warrior, 30 feet or adds 30 feet, plus an extra 30' at level 4
Darkwood Stalker 4, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, 30 feet, 60' at level 7
Deepvision, feat, Complete Psionic, +30' while psionically focused
Sunlight Eyes, reserve feat, Complete Mage, works in magical darkness, limited duration, see text
Light and Darkness, mantle, Complete Psionic, 60' or +30', see text
Umbral Shroud, reserve feat, Complete Champion, 10' or +10'

Disciple of the Eye 3, ecl 8, Races of the Dragon, 120 feet
Dawncaller 1, ecl 7, Races of Stone, 60 feet
Deep Vision, psionic feat, Races of Stone - +30' while focused
Dragon Devotee 5, ecl 10, Races of the Dragon, 60 feet

Exorcist of the Silver Flame 3, ecl 18, Eberron Campaign Setting, 30' (60' at level 6)
Eldeen Ranger 3 (Gatekeepers), ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting, 60 feet or +30'
Shadow Hunter 4, ecl 8, Eberron: Dragonmarked, 60' works in magical darkness, see text
Dream of Perception, dreamtouched feat, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, 60'
Monocle of the Ebon Hunter, item, Eberorn: Explorer's Handbook, 60', also improves ranged attacks
Telflammar Shadowlord 1, ecl ???, FR: Unapproachable East - can also see through magical darkness
Monk 3 (Dark Moon Disciple substitution level), FR: Champions of Valor web enhancement
Night Mask Deathbringer 7, ecl 12, FR: Champions of Ruin, 60'
Shade Hunter 5, ecl 10, FR: Champions of Ruin, +60'
Drow Eyes, feat, Races of Faerun, 120', half-drow elf only
Cavestalker 3, ecl 8, Drow of the Underdark, 120' or +60'
Cavelord 2, ecl 6, FR: Underdark, 120'

Darkrunner 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 6, Lords of Madness, +10' each time
Fleshwarper 10, ecl 17, Lords of Madness, 60'
Inhuman Vision, aberrant feat, Lords of Madness, +5' per abberant feat
Darksight Eyes, Illithid Graft, Lords of Madness, 60'
Shadow Creature, +2 LA template, Lords of Madness - 60'
Dracolyte 7, ecl 12, Draconomicon, 60'
Hoardstealer 1, 5, 9/10, ecl 6, Draconomicon, +30' each
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 3, ecl 8, Draconomicon, 60'
Talon of Tiamat 8, ecl 12, Draconomicon, 60'
Incarnate 1 (Tiefling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum - also works in magical darkness, see text
Basilist Mask, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 30'/essentia
Truthseeker Goggles, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 60'
Amon, vestige, ecl 1, Tome of Magic
Geryon, vestige, ecl 10, Tome of Magic - range = normal vision, can see through even magical darkness
Tenebrous, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic - range = normal vision, can see through even magical darkness
Shadowcaster 3, Tome of Magic - 30' (60' at level 11)
Shadowblade 7, ecl 12, Tome of Magic - range = normal vision, can see through even magical darkness
Planar Touchstone (The Unseen Path), feat, Planar Handbook - range not specified
Planar Touchstone (The Blinding Tower), feat, Planar Handbook - 60' or +30'
Dragonfire Mask, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - 60' or +30'
Fiendish Skin, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio - 60'
Dragonfire Mask, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - 60' or +30'
Draconic Senses, draconic feat, Dragon Magic, 60' only if you have 3 or more draconic feats
Eyes of the Abyss, abyssal heritor feat, Fiendish Codex I - 30' plus bonus to search and spot
Winterhaunt of Iborighu 10, ecl 15, Frostburn, 60', become an evil elemental
Devil's Sight, feat, Fiendish Codex II, 60' or +60', can also gain blindsight
Vassal of Bahamut 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, 120'
Ebonmar Infiltrator 9, ecl 14, Cityscape, 30'

special mention
Earth Dreamer 4, ecl 11, Races of Stone, see through any sort of earth except metal
Pierce the Darkness, divine feat, Races of Stone, temporarily double the range of your darkvision
At Home In The Deep, feat, Drow of the Underdark, see through the darkness spell

Death Attack
Assasin 1, ecl 6
Black Flame Zealot 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Dark Hunter 5, ecl 10, Complete Warrior
Darkwood Stalker 10, ecl 15, Complete Warrior
Stonedeath Assasin 5, ecl 10, Races of Stone - stonedeath strike, not quite death attack
Cultist of the Shattered Peak 5, ecl ??, Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires of Faerun
Monk of the Long Death ???
Telflammar Shadowlord 6, ecl ???, FR: Unapproachable East
Thayan Slaver 1, ecl 8, FR: Unapproachable East - ennervating attack, can paralyze
Slayer of Domiel 1
Justice of Weald and Woe 10, ecl 16, Champions of Ruin
Strifeleader ??, ecl ??, FR: Faiths & Pantheons
Imaskari Vengeance Seeker 10, ecl ?? , FR: Underdark

Defensive Roll
Rogue 10
Shadowdancer 5, ecl 10
Thief-Acrobat 3, 5/5, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Nightsong Infiltrator 5, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer
Gnome Giant-Slayer 10, ecl 15, Complete Warrior
Factotum 13, Dungeonscape, see text

Detect Evil
Paladin 1
Church Inquisitor 1, ecl 4, Complete Divine
Holy Liberator 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Rainbow Servant 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Sacred Exorcist 2, ecl 9, Complete Divine
Shadowbane Stalker 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer
Vigilante 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer
Unicorn Horn, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Champion of Gwynharwyf 1, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 2, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Risen Martyr 4, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds
Slayer of Domiel 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds
Stalker of Kharash 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text
Troubadour of Stars 1, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds

Detect Magic
Warlock 2, Complete Arcane
Spellthief 2, Complete Adventurer
Nightsong Infiltrator 4, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer
Knight of the Weave 1, ecl 6, Champions of Valor, read magic at level 2
Loredelver 2, ecl 9, Races of Destiny
Occult Slayer 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior
Paladin 1 (Golden Lion substitution level), Champions of Valor
Disenchanter Mask, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Witchborn Binder 1, ecl 7, Magic of Incarnum
Vatic Gaze, feat, ecl 9, PHB2
Cyre Scout 3, ecl 9, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Mark of Finding, dragonmark, Eberron Campaign Setting
Magic Insight, Dragonfire Adept Invocation, ecl 1, Dragon Magic - also allows you to identify items, see text
Magic Sensitive, reserve feat, Complete Mage - see text
Sharulhensa, guild affiliation, PHB2, at will

Special Mention
Court Herald 7, ecl 14, Power of Faerun, use Identify as an (ex) ability

Detect Thoughts
Cabinet Trickster 1, ecl 7, Races of Eberron, improves with level, at will at level 5, see text
Incarnate 2 (gnome substitution level), Magic of Incarnum, once per day, see text
Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4, ecl 9, Eberron Campaign Setting, at will
Dantalion, vestige, ecl 10, Tome of Magic
Rainbow Servant 10, ecl 15, Complete Divine, at will SLA
Insidious Corrupter 2, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, no save, target becomes confused afterwards

Special Mention
Scion of Dantalion, ecl 11, Tome of Magic - improves your detect thoughts ability, see text
Mindspy, ecl 6 (?), Complete Warrior - improves your detect thoughts ability, see text
Shadowmind 1, ecl ?, Complete Adventurer, see text
Mindbender 3, ecl 8, Complete Arcane, mindread
Vigilant Sentinel 3, ecl 8, Magic of Eberron, thought theft

Divine Grace (or similar)
Paladin 2
Blackguard 2, ecl 8, DMG, "dark blessing"
Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, "arcane resistance", add Cha vs spells and spell-like effects
Nightcloak 7, ecl 12, Complete Divine Web Enhancement, add Int to saves
Holy Liberator 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine
Divine Mind 4, Complete Psionic
Corrupt Avenger 3, ecl 9, Heroes of Horror, "grim resolve"
Champion of Gwynharwyf 2, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Slayer of Domiel 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds

Special Mention
Gift of Grace, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, share divine grace with allies, see text
Crusader 2, Tome of Battle, "Indomitable Soul", Cha to Will, does not stack with divine grace

Early Entry Prestige Classes
class - can get in by level ##
Slayer, ecl 5, Expanded Psionics Handbook (XPH)
Warchanter, ecl 4, Complete Warrior, using Harmonious Knight Paladin substitution levels from Champions of Valor web enhancement
Warshaper, ecl 5, Complete Warrior
Bloodhound (CA) ECL 5 (requires a feat to get Gather Information as a class skill (ex: City Slicker, RoD) or H-elf ranger sub level (RoD)
Church Inquisitor, ecl 4, Complete Divine
Shadowmind, ecl 4/5?, Complete Adventurer
Fist of the Forest, ecl 5, Complete Champion
Mythic Examplar, ecl 5, Complete Champion
Ordained Champion, ecl 5, Complete Champion
Paragnostic Initiate, ecl 5, Complete Champion
Shadowspy, ecl 4, Complete Champion
Squire of Legend, ecl 5, Complete Champion
Master Specialist, ecl 4, Complete Mage

Stoneblessed, ecl 3, Races of Stone
Chaotician, ecl 5, Planar Handbook
Talon of Tiamat, ecl 5, Draconomicon
Sanctified Mind, ecl 5, Lords of Madness
Darkrunner, ecl 5, Lords of Madness
Tomb Warden, ecl 4, Libris Mortis
Master of Shrouds, ecl 4, Libris Mortis
Anima Mage, ecl 2, Tome of Magic, using with Precocious Apprentice, Bind Vestige, and Improved Bind Vestige
Justiciar of Taiia, ecl 5, Deities and Demigods
Jaunter, ecl 5, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
Survivor, ecl 2, Savage Species
Warchief, ecl 4, Miniatures Handbook
Dread Witch, ecl 3/4/5?, Heroes of Horror

Dragonmark Heir, ecl 5, Eberron Campaign Setting
Extreme Explorer, ecl 5, Eberron Campaign Setting
Master Inquisitive, ecl 4, Eberron Campaign Setting
Walker in the Waste, ecl 4, Sandstorm, can take it 3rd if you don't worship a particular deity
Bone Knight, ecl 5, Eberron: Five Nations
Thunder Guide, ecl 5, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook
Deneith Warden, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Shadow Hunter, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Silver Key, ecl 4, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Storm Sentry, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Vandalis Beastkeeper, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Fist of Dal Quor, ecl 5, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona
Knight of the Raven, ecl 5, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Thief of Life, ecl 3, Faiths of Eberron - using Glimmerskin Halfling (Dragon Magic) Spellthief 1/Rogue 1, or something like that

debatable early entry
Spellsword, ecl 5, Complete Warrior, Duskblade with a way to get 2nd level spells
Whisperknife, ecl 5, Races of the Wild - using Unearthed Arcana sneak attack fighter variant (e.g. Fighter (sneak attack) 1/Ranger 2/Swashbuckler 1)
Stormcaster, ecl 2???, Stormwrack - if you can find a way to cast the req spells as SLA's...
Master of Many Forms - A cleric, paladin, or ranger at 4th level who retrains a feat (PHB2) at 4th level to Initiate of Horus-Re (Champions of Valor) gains the ability to wildshape into a hawk, thus gaining entry to MoMF at ecl 5
Master of Many Forms - any character with the Divine Minion feat qualifies for MoMF at ecl 2
Forsaker, ecl 2, Masters of the Wild - requires flaws from UA
Any of the dual casters using stuff like precocious apprentice, Illumian improved sigil (krau), earth spell, etc.
Primary Contact, feat, Cityscape, increases a particular skill rank by 1, making some prestige classes more accessible
Hand of the Winged Masters, ecl 5, using sneak attack fighter (UA) and some feats to gain the class skills?
Sapphire Hierarch, ecl 4, using Illumian Improved Krau Sigil
Paragnostic Apostle, ecl 3, Complete Champion, some way to get 3rd level SLA
Celestial Mystic, ecl 4? Book of Exalted Deeds, low skill ranks, but need 4th level spells
Troubadour of the Stars, ecl 4? Book of Exalted Deeds, low skill ranks, but need 4th level spells

Cancer Mage
Thrall of Jubilex
Thrall of Orcus
Master of flies

Astral Dancer 2 (4), ecl 7 (9), Planar Handbook - first value in zero-G, bracket value in normal circumstances
Chameleon 3, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, see text
Cipher Adept 2, ecl 9, Planar Handbook
Combat Medic 4, ecl 9, Heroes of Battle
Dungeon Delver 4, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer
Loredelver 3, ecl 10, Races of Destiny
Monk 2
Ninja 12
Ranger 9
Rogue 2
Scout 5
Shadow Scout, OA
Shadowdancer 2
Survivor 2, ecl 3, Savage Species
Extreme Explorer 2, ecl 6, Eberron Campaign Setting
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon
Master Thrower 2, ecl 7 (CW)
Great Raptor Mask, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Impulse Boots, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Riding Bracers, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, for your mount
Combat Medic 4, ecl 9, Heroes of Battle
Swordsage 9, Tome of Battle
Master Specialist (abjuration) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - works for all saves, see text
Lurk 9, Complete Psionic
Aglarondan Griffonrider 2, ecl 9, FR: Unapproachable East - only while mounted

Ring of Evasion, ring, DMG, works in armour

special mention
Divine Oracle 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine, works in any type of armour
Shadow Creature, template, Lords of Madness
Riding Bracers, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - grants evasion to your mount
Spell Reflection, Complete Mage variant - reflects spells that missed, see text
Rogue 10, 13, 16, or 19/20, class variant, Complete Champion, "Friend's Evasion", evasion for all adjacent allies
Sanctified One (Olidammara) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, allies within 30', see text

Wizard 1
Sorcerer 1
Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior
Dread Necromancer 7, Heroes of Horror
Nar Demonbinder 1, ecl 8, Unapproachable East - fiendish familiar

Celebrant of Sharess ?, ecl ?, Player's Guide to Faerun - feline familiar
Diabolist ?, ecl ?, Book of Vile Darkness - imp familiar
Demonologist ?, ecl ?, Book of Vile Darkness - quasit familiar

Stacks to determine familiar level
Alienist, ecl 8, Complete Arcane
Arcane Heirophant, ecl 8, Races of the Wild
Fleshwarper, ecl 8, Lords of Madness

Special mention
Bonded Summoner, ecl 6, Miniatures Handbook - gain elemental familiar, see text
High Elemental Binder, ecl 6?, Player's Guide to Eberron - gain elemental companion (in addition to familiar)
Weapon Familiars, Races of Eberron - see text
Master of Shadow, ecl 6, Tome of Magic - gain shadow elemental familiar, see text
Sorcerer 1, Raptoran substitution level, Races of the Wild - small air elemental, see text
Knight of the Raven 1, ecl 5, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - Raven Harrier, see text
Ranger 4 or Druid 1, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, an animal companion that advances like a familiar, see text

Feats for familiars
Morphic Familiar, feat, Races of Eberron
Improved Familiar, feat, many sources - all have different lists
Obtain Familiar, feat, Complete Arcane
Shadow Familiar, feat, Tome of Magic
Dragon Familiar, feat, Draconomicon
Planar Familiar, feat, Planar Handbook
Shadowform Familiar, feat, Champions of Ruin
Stiched Flesh Familiar, feat, Libris Mortis
Bonded Familiar, feat, Players Handbook II
Combat Familiar, feat, Players Handbook II
Lurking Familiar, feat, Players Handbook II
Familiar Concentration, feat, Lost Empires of Faerun - familiar maintains concentration on a spell for you
Celestial Familiar, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, new list of available familiars

Fast Healing
Fast Healing via Classes
Cleric 1, alternative class feature, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, limited use, see text
Warshaper 4, ecl 8 (CW)
Nature's Warrior 1 (CW), Wild Growth ability
Soldier of Light (D&D) 7th
Wild Reaper 16th (DrMg 311)
Saingehirn 5th (WoTC Mind's Eye)
Ranger 9, Shifter racial substitution level (+Con trait), Races of Eberron, limited use
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 3, ecl 8, Sandstorm, fast healing 5 only when you begin your turn in or adjacent to river
Dragon Shaman, fast healing aura, PHB 2, affects allies
Incandescent Champion 2, ecl 8, Magic of Incarnum - very limited, but can share it with allies at level 9
Celestial Mystic 10, ecl 17, Book of Exalted Deeds, fast healing 2 to all within 10'
Master of Many Forms 7, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer - turn into any creature that has fast healing as an (Ex) ability
Soldier of Light 7, ecl 12, Deities and Demigods
Eldritch Theurge 2, ecl 8, complete Mage - limited duration, see text
Argent Fist 10, ecl 15, Faiths of Eberron - variable effect, limited duration, see text
Sanctified One (Elhonna) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, fast healing 5 for 10 rounds, once per day
Dragon Prophet 5, ecl 10, Magic of Eberron, see text
Wildrunner 10, ecl 15, Races of the Wild, limited duration

Half-Troll +4 LA (Fiend Folio)
Saint +2 LA (BoED)
Feral +1 LA (SS)
Anarchic +5 LA (Planar HB, at 4+ HD)
Shadow +2 LA (Lords of Madness)
Half-Vampire +2 LA (LM), up to half full normal hit points
Evolved Undead +1 LA (LM)
Vivacious +5 LA (Planar HB)
Radiant +3 LA (Dragon #321) (when exposed to any light source)
Curst +3 LA (LEoF)
Greenbound +5 LA (LEoF)
Dry Lich (Walker in the Waste 10, PrC Sandstorm)
Unholy Scion +5 (Heroes of Horror), fast healing 4

Mul +1 LA (Dragon #319, at 10th+ level)

Combat Vigor, feat, Player's Handbook II
Sacred Healing, ecl 5, divine feat, Complete Warrior - all allies within 60' burst
Touchstone (Womb of Kikanuti), feat, Sandstorm, long duration but limited use
Troll-blooded (Dragon 319), Regen 1
Dragonmark Rage, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked - see text
Brand of Nine Hells (Glasya), feat, ecl?, Fiendish Codex II, fast healing 3 for 10 minutes 1/day, see text
Devil's Stamina, feat, Fiendish Codex II, variable 1/day, see text
Healing Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, fast healing 1, see text

Phoenix Belt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see text
Buer, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Healing Blood, Silthilar Graft, Lords of Madness
Millenium Chainmail, armor, Complete Divine
persistent Mass Lesser Vigor spell
Dragon Mantle, soulmeld, Dragon Magic, up to half full normal hit point
Druid (Spontaneous Rejuvenation variant), PHB 2, see text
Rapid Regeneration, feat, Fiendish Codex II, improves regeneration by 1, see text
Paragnostic Apostle 1, ecl 4?, Complete Champion, summoned creatures have fast healing, see text

Favoured Enemy or similar
Fighter 6 (Darksong Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - Yochlols only
Ranger 1 & 5 & 10 & 15 & 20
Ranger 1, class variant, Complete Mage - Favoured Enemy (Arcanists)
Paladin 4 (Crescent Moon Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - lycanthropes only
Paladin 4 (Shadow Cloak Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - humanoid subtype
Paladin 1 (Holy Judge substitution level), Champions of Valor - devils only
Rogue 2 (Golden Hand of Vergadain substitution level), Champions of Valor Web Enhancement - organization opposed to dwarves
Slayer 1, ecl 5, Expanded Psionics Handbook - specific type of psionic creature only
Darkwood Stalker 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - orcs only, functionally same, but different name
Gnome Giant Slayer 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - giants only
Knight of the Chalice 1, 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 9, Complete Warrior - Fiendslaying: against evil outsiders only
Goliath Liberator 1, 5/5, ecl 8, Races of Stone - giants only
Scar Enforcer 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny - humans and elves
Leviathan Hunter 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Stormwrack - only against huge or larger...
Abolisher 1, 4, 8/10, ecl 7, Lords of Madness - abberations only
Eldeen Ranger 4, ecl 9, Eberron Campaign Setting
Cyran Avenger 2, 5/5, ecl 7, Eberron: Five Nations, enemy region
Duraak'ash 4, 9/10, ecl 9, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Deadgrim 2, 5/5, ecl 7, Magic of Eberron - undead only
Impure Prince 2 & 6, ecl 7, Magic of Eberron - abberations only
Unnatural Enemy, feat, Player's Guide to Eberron (p.86) - extra +2 against abberations, see text
Revenant Blade 4, ecl 9, Player's Guide to Eberron - called "Giant Slayer", +4 bonus
Shade Hunter 8, ecl 13, FR: Champions of Ruin - only stacks with existing, vs shades only
Foe Hunter ?, ecl ?, Player's Guide to Faerun - depends on region
Stalker of Kharesh 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, evil creatures
Swanmay 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text
Corrupt Avenger 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror - against a specified single creature type, also gain rage like ability

Special Mention
Improved Favoured Enemy, feat, Complete Warrior
Ranger, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild, favoured enemy +3
Ranger, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, gain rival organizations rather than favoured enemies
Mythic Examplar (Orsos) 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Imaskari Vengeance Taker 1, ecl ?, FR: Underdark, see text
Nemesis, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, can sense favoured enemies, extra damage, see text
Leviathan Hunter, ecl 6, Stormwrack
Vow of Vengeance, feat, Drow of the Underdark
Paragnostic Initiate 1, ecl 5, Complete Champion, "discern weakness", see text

Fear effects and similar, see texts
Barbarian 7, class variant, Complete Champion, no HD limit
Samurai, various
Purple Dragon Knight 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior
Ghost-Faced Killer 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, "frightful attack"
Menacing Brute 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, successful intimidate lasts one extra round/level
Intimidating Rage, feat, Complete Warrior, intimidate when raging
Kiai Shout/Great Kiai Shout, feat, Complete Warrior
Fearsome Necromancy, feat, Complete Mage
Nightmare Spiner 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage, no save
Imperious Command, feat, Drow of the Underdark, demoralize causes cower then shaken
Cataclysm Mage 6, ecl 11, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook, cause panic, failed save still shaken, see text
Disciple of the Eye 2, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon
Crimson Scourge 7, ecl 12, Cityscape, various, see text

Flawless Stride or woodland stride, or mountain stride, or...
Druid 2, woodland stride
Druid 2, class variant, Dungeonscape, like woodland stride but over stone surfaces
Ranger 7, kobold substitution level, Races of the Dragon, Subterranean Stride
Scout 6, Complete Adventurer, flawless stride
Highland Stalker 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, mountain stride
Peregrine Runner 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone, mountain stride
Wildrunner 7, ecl 12, Races of the Wild, unfettered stride
Reachrunner 2, ecl 7, Races of Eberron, nature's stride
Chameleon 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, wild focus, woodland stride
Nentyar Hunder 1, ecl 5, FR: Unapproachable East
Justice of Weald and Woe 2, ecl 8, FR: Champions of Ruin, woodland stride
Mark of the Wilderness, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, see text
Witchwood Step, warlock lesser invocation, Complete Mage, also gains waterwalk, see text
Druid 2 or Ranger 7, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, "crowd-walker"
Forest Reeve 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion, woodland stride
Holt Warden 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion, woodland stride, get +10' land speed if already have woodland stride
Knight Phantom 4, ecl 9, Eberrin: Five Nations, "aspect of the phantom" see text

Special Mention
Snowrunner, feat, Frostburn, as Woodland Stride through loose snow

Flurry of Blows
Shou Disciple

stacks for flurry
Shou Disciple, ecl 6, Unapproachable East - fuzzy 3.0/3.5 area, debatable but generally allowed
Disciple of the Eye, ecl 6, Races of the Dragon
Sun Soul Monk, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR)
Disciple of the Word, ecl 6, Tome of Magic - errata states it stacks fully
Shadow Sun Ninja, ecl 8, Tome of Battle - only for reducing penalties
Initiate of Pistis Sophia, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Haztaratain, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona

Special Mention:
Dragon 318 (OA Update) makes arguments for monk prestige classes progressing flurry
Tashalatora, feat, Secrets of Sarlona, stacks a psionic class for flurry progression

Barbarian 5, goliath substitution level, Races of Stone, 25%, replaces improved uncanny dodge
Rogue 8, goliath substitution level, Races of Stone, 25%, replaces improved uncanny dodge
Greenstar Adept 3, 5, 9/10, ecl 8, Complete Arcane - +25% each, immune at 10
Stonespeaker Guardian 4, ecl 10, Races of Stone - 50%
Impure Prince 3, 6/6, ecl 8, Magic of Eberron - 25% then 50% - functionally the same, different name
Dread Necromancer 10, 17/20, Heroes of Horror, 25% then 50%
Bone Knight 7, ecl 11, Eberron: Five Nations - 50%, 100% at level 10
Incarnum Blade 2, ecl 7, Magic of Eberron, 25%, see text
Sapphire Hierarch 5, 10/10, ecl 11, Magic of Eberron, 25% then 50%
Adamant Pauldrons, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 25% or 50% if bound
Abyss-Bound Soul (Zuggtmoy), vile feat, Fiendish Codex I, 25%
Tomb-born Fortitude, feat, Libris Mortis, 25%
Landforged Walker 5, ecl 10, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik, 50%
Belt of Fortification, warforged componenet, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik, 75%
Warforged Juggernaut 2, ecl 7, Eberron Campaign Setting, 100%
Imbued Healing, metamagic feat, Complete Champion, 25%, see text
Plant Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, 25-100%, see text
Fleshwarper 2, ecl 9, Lords of Madness, 25%
Elemental Bloodline, feat, Races of Faerun, genasi only, 25%

Freedom of Movement
Bloodhound 8, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer
Jaunter 4, ecl 8, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
Mythic Exemplar 10 (Orsos), ecl 14, Complete Champion, see text
Swiftblade 8, ecl 14, <a href="">online</a>

Hide in Plain Sight (or similar) (also see the "camouflage" section)
Ranger 17 - natural terrain
Scout 14 - natural terrain
Illusionist 15 (class variant), Unearthed Arcana - unconditional
Assassin 8, ecl 13 - within 10 feet of a shadow
Shadowdancer 1, ecl 8 - within 10 feet of a shadow
Nightsong Infiltrator 10, ecl 17, Complete Adventurer - natural terrain
Dark Lantern 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Five Nations - does not require natural terrain or concealment, in fact seems totally unconditional
Scar Enforcer 7, ecl 12, Races of Destiny - natural terrain
Stonedeath Assassin 2, ecl 7, Races of Stone - "stoneskulk"
Wildrunner 5, ecl 10, Races of the Wild - natural terrain
Stalker of Kharesh 4, ecl 9, Book of Exalted Deeds, w/quarter cover or quarter concealment
Wilderness Rogue (UA)
Umbral Disciple 3, ecl 8, Magic of Incarnum, see text
Luiren Marchwarden 5, ECL 10, FR: Shining South - doesn't require cover or concealment, but only works in specific region
Shadar-Kai, race, Fiend Folio, ecl 4
Dark creature, template, Tome of Magic - doesn't require cover or concealment or terrain, but doesn't work in bright light
Shadow Creature, template, Lords of Madness - in shadowy regions only
Lurking Terror 3, ecl 8, Libris Mortis - requires cover or concealment
Paladin 6 (Shadow Cloak Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor web enhancement - near shadows
Justice of Weald and Woe 9, ecl 15, FR: Champions of Ruin - natural terrain
Planar Touchstone (The Veil), feat, Planar Handbook - near shadow
Hellbreaker 1, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex II, in any kind of darkness, called "mantle of darkness"
Shadowspy 9, ecl 13, Complete Champion, in area of sunlight
Sentinel of Bharrai 5, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds, within 10' of natural terrain
Eye of Lloth 6, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, within 10' of shadow
Ebonmar Infiltrator 8, ecl 13, Cityscape
Forest Reeve 4, ecl 9, Complete Champion - natural terrain, called "camouflage"

Special mention
Shadowcraft Mage 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone - constant ability, provides partial concealment, allows hide checks
Collar of umbral metamorphosis, item, tome of magic - gives the Dark Creature template (see above)
Ranger 17 or Scout 14, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, Hide in Plain Site in any urban environment
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 02:56:11 AM by Surreal »
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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 04:53:38 AM »
Immunity to Ability Damage/Drain
Warforged Juggernaut 5, ecl 10, Eberron Campaign Setting
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
Pale Master 10, ecl 15, Libris Mortis, ability drain only

Items from Magic Item Compendium that protect or heal ability damage
1] Scarab of invulnerability
2] orb of mental renewal
3] Rod of bodily restoration
4] Talisman of undying fortitude
5] Wraith's woe set
6] Caduceus bracers

Immunity to Daze
Mark of the Dauntless, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, immune to stun as well

special mention
Quick Recovery, feat, Lords of Madness, see text

Immunity to disease
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, crane tattoo
Contemplative 1, ecl 11, Complete Divine
Radiant Servant of Pelor 2, ecl 8, Complete Divine
Necrocarnum Mantle, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Pauldrons of Health, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Buer, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Nosomatic Chirurgeon 5, ecl 10, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Shadowcaster 15, Tome of Magic - sustaining shadow, see text
Child of Night 6, ecl 11, Tome of Magic - stacks with sustaining shadow, see text
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
Disease Immunity, feat, Heroes of Horror, against one disease only, bonuses vs others
Seeker of the Song 4, ecl 14, Complete Arcane, all allies within 30', see text
Sanctified One 1 (Wee Jas), ecl 6, Complete Champion, for one minute per day
Fleshwarper 2, ecl 9, Lords of Madness
Pale Master 7, ecl 12, Libris Mortis
Haztaratain 7, ecl 12, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona
Pestilence, domain, Spell Compendium, immune to the effects, but still a carrier
Feast, domain, ???, against ingested diseases
Heart of Steel, warforged graft, Faiths of Eberron
Deformity (parasite), vile feat, Elder Evils, see text

Immunity to energy drain
Hunter of the Dead 10, ecl 15, Complete Warrior
Pauldrons of Health, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Strongheart Vest, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Binder 13, Tome of Magic
Master Specialist (necromancy) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - see text
Enlightened Spirit 10, ecl 15, Complete Mage
Shadow Sun Ninja 10, ecl 15, Tome of Battle - see text
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
Thief of Life 7, ecl ?, Faiths of Eberron
Deadgrim 3, ecl 8, Magic of Eberron
Pale Master 10, ecl 15, Libris Mortis

Immunity to Fatigue/Exhaustion - see text for specifics
Horizon Walker 1, ecl 6, DMG, desert terrain mastery
Divine Mind 1 or 6 or 12, Complete Psionic, Repose Aura Power - extends to all in aura
Peregrine Runner 9, ecl 16, Races of Stone
Cyre Scout 6, ecl 12, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
Thief of Life 8, ecl ?, Faiths of Eberron - limited duration, see text
Shifter Stamina, shifter feat, Races of Eberron, while shifting, fatigue/exhaustion effects take place after shift ends
Heavy Legs, warforged graft, Faiths of Eberron

Immunity to fear
Paladin 3
Dragon Shaman 4, PHB2 - only against frightul presence of dragons
Lloth-touched, template, Monster Manual 4
Knight of the Chalice 2, ecl 10, Complete Warrior, fear effects from evil outsiders, enchantments at 5th level, 20' aura at level 8
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, falcon tattoo
Black Flame Zealot 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Nightmare Spinner 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage
Enlightened Spirit 1, ecl 6, Complete Mage
Loredelver 5, ecl 12, Races of Destiny

Dragonslayer 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon - any
Dragonrider 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon - only against frightful presence of dragons
Platinum Knight 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon - only against frightful presence of dragons
Elder Spirit, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - only againt frightful presence of dragons
Druid 1 or Ranger 4, Phynxkin Companion variant, Dragon Magic, only when near companion, see text
Dragon Descendant 1 (rampaging ancestor), ecl 6, Dragon Magic
Barbarian, class variant, Dragon Magic, vs dragon frightful presense only

Leviathan Hunter 5, ecl 10, Stormwrack
Dragon Samurai 3, ecl 8, Miniatures Handbook - only against dragon frightful presence
Binder 6, Tome of Magic
Agares, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Soulborn 2 (lawful good), Magic of Incarnum - can share with an ally at level 9
Death Delver 2, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror
Dream domain, Heroes of Horror
Legendary Leader 1, ecl 7, Heroes of Battle, at 5th level also affects your cohort and followers
Citadel Elite 5, ecl 12, Eberron: Sharn
Nentyar Hunter 5, ecl 10, FR: Unapproachable East
Thief of Life 5, ecl ?, Faiths of Eberron
Fearless, regional feat, Player's Guide to Faerun
Initiate of Cyric, feat, Player's Guide to Faerun
Defender of the Homeland, feat, Champions of Valor - only while in home region
Triadic Knight 6, ecl 11, Champions of Valor
Krinth, race LA+0, Champions of Ruin, immune to shaken
Abyss-Bound Soul (Graz'zt), vile feat, Fiendish Codex I
Dungeon Lord 5, ecl ?, Dungeonsape, only while in home dungeon
Hellreaver 1, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex II, see text
Lion of Talisad 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, and +4 vs mind effects
Battlerager 2, ecl 7, Races of Faerun

Special Mention
Banner of the Storm's Eye, item, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook, suppresses (not removes) fear within 20'

Immunity to mind effects - mind blank or similar effect
Ranger 9 (Shifter substitution level, Wis trait), Races of Eberron, enchantment effects while shifting
Occult Slayer 5, ecl 10, Complete Warrior
Wild Mage 6, ecl 11, Complete Arcane, confusion and insanity effects only
Champion of Gwynharwyf 7, ecl 13, Book of Exalted Deeds, charms and compulsions only
Holy Liberator 3, ecl 8, Complete Divine
Church Inquisitor 2, 5/10, ecl 5, Complete Divine, see text
Soulborn 2 (chaotic good Elf substitution level), Magic of Incarnum - enchantment (charm) effects
Enigma Helm, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, only vs enchantment (charm) effects
Planar Ward, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see text
Atavist 9, ecl 14, Races of Eberron, 1/day for 1 hour as mind blank, see text
Binder 19, Tome of Magic
Haures, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic
Slayer 9, ecl 13, Expanded Psionics Handbook, only while psionically focused
Topaz Guardian 1, ecl 6, Lords of Madness, charm or compulsion only, see text
Shadow Sun Ninja 10, ecl 15, Tome of Battle - see text
Feytouched, race, LA+1, Fiend Folio - see text
Necropolitan, template, LA+0 (see text), Libris Mortis - see text
Warforged Juggernaut 3, ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting
Soulguard 2, ecl 8, Fiendish Codex II, enchantment (charm) effects only at level 2, compulsion effects at level 5
Ghostly Visage - as a familiar? (need citation)
Cataclysm Mage 2, ecl 7, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook, only vs confusion and insanity
Thunderguide 2, ecl 6, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook - only vs songs, see text
Mythic Examplar (Imdastri) 6, ecl 10, Complete Champion, limited use, see text
Deformity (madness), vile feat, Elder Evils
Charm Resistance/Charm Immunity, feat, Serpent Kingdoms

Special Mention
Insane Defiance, vile feat, Elder Evils, see text

Immunity to Non-Lethal Damage
Crimson Scourge 8, ecl 13, Cityscape, plus spells that inflict or manipulate pain (DM's discretion)
Warforged Juggernaut 2, ecl 7, Eberron Campaign Setting

Immunity to poison
Monk 11
Druid 9
Tattoed Monk 3, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, crane tattoo
Elemental Savant 9, ecl 14, Complete Arcane
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations
Contemplative 5, ecl 15, Complete Divine
Scorpion Heritor 5, ecl 10, Sandstorm - only against scorpion poisons
Warforged, race, Eberron & Monster Manual 3
Necrocarnum Mantle, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Fiend Blooded 10, ecl 15, Heroes of Horror
Justice of Weald and Woe 10, ecl 16, FR: Champions of Ruin
Buer, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Serpent Slayer 3, ecl 9, FR: Serpent Kingdoms
Master of Vipers 1, ecl 10, FR: Serpent Kingdoms
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 3, ecl 8, Player's Guide to Eberron
Shadowcaster 15, Tome of Magic, sustaining shadow, see text
Child of Night 6, ecl 11, Tome of Magic, stacks with sustaining shadow, see text
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations, plus other immunities
Seeker of the Song 4, ecl 14, Complete Arcane, all allies within 30', see text
Holt Warden 5, ecl 10, Complete Champion
Sanctified One 1 (Wee Jas), ecl 6, Complete Champion, for one minute per day
Vermin Keeper 3, ecl 8, FR: Underdark, organic poisons only
Pale Master 10, ecl 15, Libris Mortis
Haztaratain 7, ecl 12, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona
Feast, domain, ???, against ingested diseases
Vow of the Spider Queen, feat, Drow of the Underdark
Demonbinder 7, ecl 12, Drow of the Underdark, even against magical poisons
Heart of Steel, warforged graft, Faiths of Eberron
Deformity (parasite), vile feat, Elder Evils, see text

Immunity to Stunning
Paladin 3, warforged substitution level, Races of Eberron
Warshaper 1, ecl 5, Complete Warrior
Sanctified One 1 (Wee Jas), ecl 6, Complete Champion, for one minute per day
Pale Master 7, ecl 12, Libris Mortis
Necrocarnum Vestments, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, bind to heart
Wakeful Mind, warforged graft, Faiths of Eberron
Mark of the Dauntless, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, immune to daze as well

Special Mention
Banner of the Storm's Eye, item, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook, removes stunned and confused condition within 20'
Quick Recovery, feat, Lords of Madness, see text

Improved Evasion
Monk 9
Ranger 9 (Shifter substitution level, Dex trait), Races of Eberron
Rogue 10/13/16/19 (special ability choice)
Shadowdancer 10, ECL 18 (DMG)
Master Thrower 2, ecl 7 (CW)
Dungeon Delver 4, ECL 11 (CA)
Nightsong Enforcer 8, ECL 15 (CA)
Nightsong Infiltrator 6, ECL 13 (CA)
Thief-Acrobat 5, ECL 10 (CA)
Extreme Explorer (ECS)
Yakuza 2 (OA)
Ninja Spy (OA)
Slayer of Domiel 6, ecl 11, Book of Exalted Deeds
Survivor 4, ecl 5, Savage Species
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 9, ECL 15 (BoED) - does not require evasion
Astral Dancer 6 (8), ecl 11 (13), Planar Handbook - first value in zero-G, bracket value in normal circumstances
Cipher Adept 7, ecl 14, Planar Handbook
Halfling Outrider 7, ECL 12 (CW) - also grants it to mount
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 6, ECL 11 (Draconomicon)
Loredelver 8, ecl 15 (Races of Destiny)
Night Mask Deathbringer 5, ecl 10 (FR:Champions of Ruin)
Shade Hunter 6, ecl 11, FR: Champions of Ruin
Swordsage 17, Tome of Battle
Aglarondan Griffonrider 8, ecl 15, FR: Unapproachable East - only while mounted
Dread Fang of Lloth 4, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark

Inspire Courage
Bard 1
Paladin 10 (Crescent Moon Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - "battlesong"
Paladin 1 (Harmonious Knight substitution level), Champion of Valor web enhancement
Purple Dragon Knight 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
Dawncaller 2, ecl 8, Races of Stone
Divine Prankster 1, ecl 6, Races of Stone
Orc Warlord 2, ecl 8, Races of Faerun
Mythic Examplar 2 (Reikhardt), ecl 6, Complete Champaion, can inspire greatness at level 6

Special mention
Dread Pirate 3 (honourable), ecl 8, Complete Adventurer - Rally the Crew stacks with bonus from Inspire Courage
From Smite to Song, feat, Champions of Valor - spend a smite evil to duplicate an inspire courage effect
Paladin 10 (Crescent Moon Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - "Battlesong" inspire courage as a bard of level (Paladin - 4)
Vest of Legend, item, DMG2, increases Inspire Courage, see text
Song of the White Raven, feat, Tome of Battle, stacks crusader/warblade with bard, see text

Lay on Hands - and stacks with
Paladin 1
Hospitaler 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Grey Guard, ecl 6, Complete Scoundrel
Champion of Correlon Larethian, ecl 8, Races of the Wild
Divine Champion 1, ecl 8, Player's Guide to Faerun
Knight of the Pearl 1, ecl 6, Stormwrack

Special Mention
Hands of a Healer, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, treat Cha as 2 higher for lay on hands
Sentinel of Bharrai 7, ecl 12, Book of Exalted Deeds, can heal damage in self or others up to your total hp
Defiant 1, ecl 6, Planar Handbook, requires fallen cleric levels
Dragon Shaman 6, PHB 2, Touch of Vitality

Low-light Vision
Animal Lord 2, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer, triple distance if already have it
Beastlord 5, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, triple distance if already have it
Cougar's Vision, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, limited duration
Greenstar Adept 4, ecl 9, Complete Arcane

Hexblade 3
Pious Templar 1, ecl 6, Complete divine
Vigilante 9, ecl 14, Complete Adventurer
Witch Slayer 2, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Crusader 13, Tome of Battle
Deneith Warden 5, ecl 9, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Master Specialist (abjuration) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - works for all saves, see text
Argent Fist 8, ecl 13, Faiths of Eberron
Hellreaver 4, ecl 9, Fiendish Codex II
Kinslayer 1, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark

Honorable Mention
Iron Mind 5, ecl 10, Races of Stone - "mettle of will" affects will saves only
Goliath Rogue 2 racial substitution level, ecl 3, Races of Stone - "mettle of mountains" affects Fort saves only, improves if later gain improved evasion

Monk Abilities
- just what exactly stacks varies from class to class
- methods to increase monk damage are below

Sacred Fist, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Enlightened Fist, ecl 6, Complete Arcane
Tattoed Monk, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Sun Soul Monk, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR)
Disciple of the Eye, ecl 6, Races of the Dragon, speed, flurry
Atavist, ecl 6, Races of Eberron
Cloud Anchorite, ecl 7, Frostburn
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries, ecl 6, Draconomicon
Shou Disciple, ecl 6, FR: Unapproachable East
Disciple of the Word, ecl 6, Tome of Magic
Dragon Descendant, ecl 6, Dragon Magic
Shadow Sun Ninja, ecl 8, Tome of Battle
Fist of the Forest, ecl 5, Complete Champion - unarmed damage
Zerth Cenobite, ecl 7, Complete Psionic, unarmed damage, AC, speed
Haztaratain, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, damage, flurry, AC, speed

Special Mention
Tashalatora, feat, Secrets of Sarlona, stack monk and a psionic class

Increasing Monk Damage thanks to snb1131 and Brol_The_Mighty for compiling most of them

Initiate of Draconic Mysteries: 2 Die Step (Draconomicon, pg 131)
Mighty Whallop, Greater (CL20): 5 Size Step (Races of Dragon, pg 115)
Improved Natural Attack: 1 Size Step (Monster Manual)
Warshaper, Morphic Weapons: 1 Size Step (Complete Warrior, pg 90)
Righteous Might, perm'd: 1 Size Step (PHB)
Ectoplasmic Fist: 1 Size Step (ECS, pg 264)
Empty Hand Mastery(OA): 1 Size Step (OA, pg 80)
Monk's Belt: increases effective monk lvl by 5 (DMG)
Monk's Tattoo: increases effective monk lvl by 4 (Magic of Faerun, pg 163)
Gauntlets of the Talon: increases effective monk lvl by 5 (Complete Divine, pg 97)
Superior Unarmed Strike: increases effective monk lvl by 4 (Tome of Battle, pg 33)
Fist of the Forest, ecl 5, Complete Champion, see text
Hammerfist, feat, Races of Faerun, add 1.5*Str to unarmed damage, cannot flurry or TWF

There's also this table from another thread:

Monk levels increases:
Monk's Belt (Dungeon Master's Guide): +5 levels; 12,000 gp
Monk's Tattoo (Magic of Faerun): +4 levels; 80,000 gp
Gloves of the Talon (Complete Divine; requires True Believer feat): +5 levels; 20,000 gp
Two levels of the Swift Scion PrC (Unearthed Arcana): +4 levels
Total levels available: 18

Size increases:
Fanged Ring (Dragon Magic); 10,000 gp
One level of Warshaper (Complete Warrior; must be able to change shape)
Improved Natural Attack feat (Eberron/Savage Species/Monster Manual; requires BAB +4)
Battlefist (Eberron; requires at least one level in monk for size increase); 2,600 gp
Ectoplasmic Fist Shard (Eberron); 4,000 gp
Expansion (Expanded Psionics Handbook; 1st-level psychic warrior power) - may be manifested twice: first time costs one point; second time costs an additional six points
Metamorphosis (Expanded Psionics Handbook) - 4th-level Egoist power
Empty Hand Mastery (Oriental Adventures; requires Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Eagle Claw Attack and Fists of Iron feats)
Sharptooth (Draconomicon; 4th-level sorcerer/4th-level wizard spell)
Earth Hammer (Races of Stone; 5th-level cleric/3rd-level paladin spell)
Stone Fist (Races of Stone; 2nd-level cleric/2nd-level paladin spell) - damage increases according to size (given on table); not a true concrete size increase
Totem Avatar, soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum), chakra bind (shoulders)
Total size increases available: 12/13

Die increases:
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries (Draconomicon) 4 (requires Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike and Power Attack feats)
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 8
Acolyte of the Fist (Dragon #296) 4 (requires Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will and Stunning Fist feats)
Acolyte of the Fist (Dragon #296) 8
Total die increases: 4

Mount or companion or something similar
Paladin 5 - special mount
Paladin 5, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild - unicorn mount - advances as paladin special mount, see text
Blackguard 5, ecl 11, advacement based on character level
Cavalier 1, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Hafling Outrider 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Holy Liberator 6, ecl 11, Complete Divine - unique advancement based on character level, celestial template, see text
Healer 8, Miniatures Handbook
Knight of the Iron Glacier 1, ecl 7, Frostburn - War Megalocerous only
Ashworm Dragoon 1, ecl 6, Sandstorm - Ashworm only, separate advancement or stack with Paladin
Aglarondan Griffonrider 1, ecl 8, Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East, separate advancement or stack with paladin
Waverider 1, ecl 6, Savage species - advancement based on character level, not class level
Knight of the Flying Hunt 1, ecl 8, Champions of Valor - pegasus only, does not improve with level
Moonsea Skysentinel 1, ecl 6, Champions of Valor - dire hawk only, separate advancement
Triadic Knight 1, ecl 6, Champions of Valor
Knight of the Blue Moon 1, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR), also counts levels of wizard/sorcerer for mount levels
Bone Knight 2, ecl 6, Eberron: Five Nations - skeletal steed, see text
Beloved of Valarian 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, unicorn, does not advance with levels, becomes celestial charger at level 6
Skylord 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, separate advancement, does not stack with others
Great Rigt Skyguard 2, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, Hippogriff, separate advancement, see text

stacks for paladin special mount
Halfling Outrider, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Wild Plains Outrider, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Cavalier, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Knight of the Iron Glacier, ecl 7, Frostburn - War Megalocerous only
Ashworm Dragoon, ecl 6, Sandstorm - Ashworm only, see sidebar on p.67, unclear wording on how levels stack/overlap with Paladin
Aglarondan Griffonrider, ecl 8, Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East
Triadic Knight, ecl 6, Champions of Valor
Vandalis Beastkeeper, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked, gains magebred template at level 5
Bone Knight, ecl 6, Eberron: Five Nations

special mention
Wizard 5 (High One Warrior-Wizard substitution level), Champions of Valor web enhancement, combines mount and familiar
Devoted Tracker, feat, Complete Adventurer - stack benefits of animal companion and mount
Swift Call, feat, Complete Champion, call mount as a swift action
Drow Judicator 5, ecl 12, FR: Underdark, call a spider servant
Celestial Mount, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, mount gains celestial template
Sanctified One (Elhonna) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, "nature's mount" see text

Nondetection - or hide alignment, or alternate identities, or hide from divinations, etc. see text for all
Ninja 14, Complete Adventurer, "ghost mind", see text
Svirfneblin, race, MM, as the spell
Slayer 6, ecl 10, XPH, protected from anything that reveals location
Bloodhound 6, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, SR vs divination
Spymaster 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, cover identities, undetectable alignment, magic aura at level 3
Occult Slayer 4, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, white mask tattoo, immune to detect thoughts/lies, hidden alignment, +10 bonus to bluff
Shadowspy 3, ecl 6, Complete Champion, undetectable alignment
Wild Mage 6, ecl 11, Complete Arcane
Unseen Seer 5, ecl 10, Complete Mage, nondetection
Master of Masks 1, ecl 6, Complete Scoundrel, Faceless mask
Defiant 7, ecl 12, Planar Handbook
Vigilant Sentinel 1, ecl 6, Magic of Eberron
Hellbreaker 1, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex 2, "telepathic static", see text

Special Mention
Shadowmind, Complete Adventurer, make enemies forget about you

Rogue 10
Nightsong Enforcer 6, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Dread Fang of Lloth 7, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark

Poison Use
Assassin 1, ecl 6
Black Flame Zealot 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Blackguard 1, ecl 7, DMG
Whisperknife 6, ecl 11, Races of the Wild
Justice of Weald and Woe
Monk of the Long Death
Ninja 3, Complete Adventurer
Zhentarim Spy
Shadow HUnter 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Scorpion Wraith 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik
Bard 1, drow substitution level, Drow of the Underdark
Rogue 1, drow substitution level, Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lloth 2, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark

Pounce - aka: full attack on a charge

Originally Posted by Tempest Stormwind
The Grand Compilation of Full-Attack Charging PC Tricks
(by approximate level of availability; missing Sandstorm, Lost Empires of Faerun, Lords of Madness, Heroes of Battle, Champions of Ruin)


Also, certain abilities only work in the first round of combat. Others work any time they are used.

1) Snow Tiger Berserker feat (berserker lodge feat (RP restriction), light weapons only, Unapproachable East)
1) Lion Totem Barbarian, class variant, Complete Champion
1) Lion Tribe Warrior (Regional feat, human only, single light weapon only, Shining South)
2) Catfolk Pounce feat (Racial feat: Catfolk, Races of the Wild. Available at character level 1, but listed at level 2 because of Catfolk's +1 LA)
4) Psionic Lion's Charge (2nd level psywar power, augments to add damage to each attack, Expanded Psionic's Handbook)
5) Lion's Charge (3rd level druid / 2th level ranger spell, Spell Compendium)
5) Wild Shape (Fleshraker, Monster Manual III)
6) Lion's Pounce Wild Feat (Complete Divine), only after using wildshape, see text
6) Bestial charge, feat, Complete Champion
7) Polymorph spell (many forms grant Pounce or similar abilities)
7) Metamorphosis power (as Polymorph, but might require Supernatural Transformation)
8) Wild Shape (Tiger) (If Core-only.)
8) Weretouched II: Tiger (Weretouched Master prestige class ability, Shifter only and only while shifting, Eberron CS)
10) Pouncing Ambush (5th level Reachrunner prestige class ability, Shifter only and only while shifting, against flat-footed opponent only, Races of Eberron)
11) Lion's Pounce (4th level Sigh Rager prestige class ability, Oriental Adventures)
11) Lion's Pounce (5th level Lion of Talisid prestige class ability, Book of Exalted Deeds)
13) Drift 4: Pounce like a leopard (7th level Geomancer drift, Complete Divine)
17) Shapechange spell (many forms grant Pounce or an extra move action, or something sicker (Chronotryn (FF), Choker).)
17) Greater Metamorphosis power (As Shapechange, but may require Metamorphic Transfer feat)
21) Dire Charge epic feat (Widely accepted as at least slightly underpowered, but works regardless of your equipment or magic availability. Draconomicon)

Variable level: Claws of the Leopard (spiked gauntlets, Complete Adventurer, priced at 38,305. Only works with the claws themselves).

Note that the Great Granddaddy of Wild Shape, the Mulhorandi Divine Minion, may be able to pull off some of these far earlier than other characters.

With sufficient cheatery twinks, anything is possible.

Runner-ups (those with similar abilities that do not exactly count as charging):
Full Mounted Attack (Cavalier and Halfling Outrider, CW; Kishi Charger, OA, possibly others)
Dervish Dance (Dervish, CW)
Hustle (Psychic Warrior / Egoist power, XPH)
Wild Plains Offensive (Wild Plains Outrider, CV)
Shadow Pounce (Teflammar Shadowlord, UE), ecl 11
Lion Tribe Warrior (Regional feat, two light weapons only, Shining South)
Two-Weapon Spring Attack (Tempest, CV)
Dimension Spring Attack (Elocator, XPH)
Black Magic Oil: Malign Fury (Warrior of Darkness, BoVD)
Animal Lord (Catlord): two claws at end of charge, ecl 8

10) Crinty Shadow Maurauder 5 (shadow pounce) - Shining South (Forgotten Realms)
11) Wildrunner 6 (primal scream: pounce) - Races of the Wild
11) Waverider 6, Savage Species, full mounted attack when mount moves more than 5 feet
12) Ashworm Dragon 7, Sandstorm, full mounted attack when mount moves more than 5 feet, but not on a charge
15) Blade of Orien 10, Eberron: Dragonmarked, full attack after dimension leap

Sphinx Claws, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, natural weapons only
Chupoclops, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic
Pouncing Charge, Tiger Claw maneuver, Tome of Battle

Powerful Build
Goliath, Races of Stone
Half-Giant, Expanded Psionics Handbook
Redcap, Monster Manual 3
Paladin 3 (Wary Swordknight substitution level), Champions of Valor - halflings only, only for opposed checks and special attacks
Touchstone (Sunken City of Pazar), feat, Sandstorm, limited use

special mention
Jotunbrud, feat, Races of Faerun, see text

Powerful Grip/Uncanny Blow - add 2 times your Str modifier instead of 1.5 to damage rolls
Exotic Weapon Master 1, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
Hammer of Moradin 3, ecl 11, Player's Guide to Faerun
Disciple of Thrym 3, ecl 8, Frostburn, greataxe only

Half-Orc Paragon 2, ecl 2, Unearthed Arcana
Beserker - faerun...
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine
Eye of Gruumsh 1, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
lyncanthropy with badger or wolverine
Weretouched Master 3 (Wolverine), ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting, see text
Kinslayer 1, 5, 9/10, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark

Similar to Rage
Bear Warrior, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, shift into a bear
Frenzied Berserker, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - gains Frenzy, stacks on top of rage, see text
Rage Mage, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - gains spell rage, works in conjunction with rage, Tireless Rage at level 9, see text
Berserk 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods - called "Battle Fury", stronger than standard rage, see text
Corrupt Avenger 1, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror, "sworn foe" sort of a cross between rage and favoured enemy, see text
Barbarian 1, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, "Ferocity", bonus to Str and Dex, see text
Barbarian 1, class variant, PHB2, see text
Shifter, race, Eberron Campaign Setting or Monster Manual 3, see text
Bloodclaw Master 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 7, Tome of Battle, "shifting" bonus to Str and gain claws, see text
Wildrunner 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, "Primal Scream"
Fist of the Forest 1, 3/3, ecl 5, Complete Champion, "Feral Trance" bonus to dex
Outcast Champion 3, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, "desperate fury", affects allies at level 5

stacks for rage
Eye of Gruumsh, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - stacks for number of uses
Champion of Gwynharwyf, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, free intimidate against anyone within 30' at level 4
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine
Runescarred Berserker, ecl 8, FR: Unapproachable East - not quite stack, but gives extra rage, also gain Greater Rage at level 8 (ecl 15)
Black Blood cultist, ecl 6, FR: Champions of Ruin - stacks for everything
Rage Mage, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, not stack but grants addition uses of normal rage, plus Tireless Rage at level 9
Battlerager 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 6, Races of Faerun

Produces rage/frenzy/boost/etc. in allies
Warchief 1, ecl 4, Miniatures Handbook
Orc Warlord 5, ecl 11, Races of Faerun
Frenzied Berzerker 6, ecl 12, Complete Warrior
Virtuoso 7, ecl 14, Complete Adventurer
Warrior Skald 10, ecl 16, Races of Faerun
Dawncaller 10, ecl 16, Races of Stone

Special Mention
Extend Rage, feat, Complete Warrior, rage lasts +5 rounds
Extra Rage, feat, Complete Warrior, extra 2 rages
Intimidating Rage, feat, Complete Warrior
Instantaneous Rage, feat, Complete Warrior
Righteous Wrath, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, foes are shaken, see text
Frantic Rage, feat, Faiths of Eberron, bonus to Dex instead of Str
Ferocity, alternate class feature, Cityscape web enhancement, boost to Dex, see text

Warshaper 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, +5'
Atavist 5 (aggressive spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5'
Umbral Disciple 10, ecl 15, Magic of Incarnum, +5' per essentia
Shadowblade 9, ecl 14, Tome of Magic, +10', limited use
Deformity (tall), vile feat, Heroes of Horror, +5'
Inhuman Reach, aberrant feat, Lords of Madness, +5'
Long Reach, feat, FR: Unapproachable East, +5' with short or longspears, on your turn only
Long Arm, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio, +5'
Mark of Malbolge, feat, Fiendish Codex II, +5' for 1 round, see text
Bestial Charge, feat, Complete Champion, +5' once per day, see text
Lunging Strike, feat, PHB2, +5', see text
Dancing Blade Form, stance, Tome of Battle, +5' only on your turn
Reach, power, web, +5'
extend reach, ? ?

Girallon's Arms, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Frostrager 5, ecl 11, Frostburn
Black Blood Cultist 6, ecl 11, Champions of Ruin
Ipos, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic

Animal Lord (wolflord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, improves at level 7, see text
Beastmaster 8, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Bloodhound 9, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Bear Warrior 3, ecl 10, Complete Warrior
Wildrunner 2, ecl 7, Races of the Wild
Ardent Dillitent 5, ecl 10, Planar Handbook
Weretouched Master 3, ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting
Ardent Dilettante 5, ecl 10, Planar Handbook
Primeval 5, ecl 13, Frostburn
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine, 30'
shifter w/Wildhunt trait, race, Eberron Campaign Setting
Scent, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, limited duration
Hunter's Circlet, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Zagan, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic
Serpent's Tongue, least warlock invocation, Complete Mage
Hunter's Sense, stance (Tiger Claw), ecl 1, Tome of Battle
Bloodclaw Master 5, ecl 11, Tome of Battle
Imbued Healing (w/animal domain), metamagic feat, Complete Champion, see text
Fist of the Forest 3, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Lion of Talisad 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Stalker of Kharesh 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, for evil creatures only, see text
Beastial, domain, Book of Vile Darkness
Crimson Scourge 10, ecl 15, Cityscape

Special Mention
Dragonstalker 5, ecl 11, Draconomicon, hide scent

See Invisible or True Seeing or similar, see text
Ninja 16, invisible and ethereal
Bloodhound 6, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, invisible, only against the mark
Ghost-Faced Killer 7, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer, invisible and ethereal
Soulguard 1, ecl 7, Fiendish Codex 2, limited true seeing
Shadowspy 10, ecl 13, Complete Champion, true seeing 3/day
Platinum Knight 10, ecl 15, Draconomicon, 1/day for an hour
Illusion Veil, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see invisible
Keeneye Lenses, Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see invisible
Dreamsight Elite, feat, Races of Eberron, see invisible
Urban Savant 8, ecl 13, Cityscape, see text

Skill Mastery - aka "Take 10"
Rogue 10
Rogue 1, Changeling substitution level, Races of Eberron, Diplomacy/Bluff/Gather Info/Intimidate/Sense Motive
Ranger 13, Half-elf substitution level, Races of Destiny, select 3+(Int mod) skills
Swashbuckler 13, Complete Warrior, jump/tumble
Invisible Blade 4, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, bluff
Exemplar 1, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer, 1+Int and a new one each level
Dread Pirate 8, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, balance/climb/jump/tumble
Dungeon Delver 3, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, select 3+Int
Nightsong Infiltrator 6, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, climb, disable device, open lock, search
Thief-Acrobat 4, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, balance/climb/jump/tumble
Evangelist 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine, select 1+Int from list
Temple Raider of Olidammara 9, ecl 14, Complete Divine, select 3+Int
Urban Soul 6, ecl 13, Races of Destiny, balance/climb/jump/move silently/tumble
Artificer 13, Eberron Campaign Setting, spellcraft and Use Magic Device
Warlock 4, Complete Arcane, on Use Magic Device checks
Shade Hunter 6, ecl 11, FR: Champions of Ruin
Dervish 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, jump/perform/tumble
Cyre Scout 8, ecl 14, Eberron: Dragonmarked, survival
Deneith Warden 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Dragonmarked, sense motive
Savvy Rogue, feat, Complete Scoundrel, "take 12" on skill mastery
Court Herald 10, ecl 17, Power of Faerun, selet 3+(int mod)
Darkrunner 8, ecl 12, Lords of Madness, balance/climb/escape artist/jump/swim
Naberius, vestige, ecl 1, Tome of Magic, diplomacy
Hoardstealer 8, ecl 13, Draconomicon, 3+Int

Highland Stalker 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Peregrine Runner 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Races of Stone
Dragon Devotee 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon - only if you already have skirmish
Monk 1, Halfling substitution level, Races of the Wild
Unseen Seer 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Mage - only if you already have skirmish
Improved Skirmish, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Swift Ambusher, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Swift Hunter, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Hand of the Winged Masters 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 6?. Dragon Magic

Slippery Mind
Rogue 10
Shadowdancer 7, ecl 14
Spymaster 4, ecl 9, Complete Adventurer
Spirit Shaman 5, Complete Divine
Contemplative 2, ecl 12, Complete Divine
Spirit Shaman 5, Complete Divine, "follow the guide"
Lurk 15, Complete Psionic
Mountebank 7, ecl 12, Complete Scoundrel
Binder 9, Tome of Magic
Witch Slayer 4, ecl 9, Tome of Magic
Dragon Descendant 4, ecl 9, Dragon Magic
Ninja Spy 9, ecl 16, Oriental Adventures
Yakuza 10, ecl 17, Oriental Adventures
Zhentarim Spy 4, ecl 10(9?), FR: Player's Guide to Faerun
Night Mask Deathbringer 6, ecl 11, FR: Champions of Ruin
Eldeen Ranger (Gatekeeper) 5, ECL 10, Eberron campaign Setting
Silver Key 8, ecl 11, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 6, ecl 11, Player's Guide to Eberron
Deepwarden 5, ecl 10, Races of Stone, "Stubborn Mind"

Special Mention
Master Specialist (enchantment) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - see text
Armor Special Ability (45,000 gp) DMG2
Liberation, cleric domain, Complete Divine

Smite Evil
Paladin 1, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild, ranged smite
Exorcist of the Silver Flame 3, 7/10, ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting
Eldeen Ranger 5 (Wardens of the Woods), ecl 10, Eberron Campaign Setting
Pious Templar 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Holy Liberator 1, 5, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 4, 8/10, ecl 9, Sandstorm
Adras, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic, good or evil
Triadic Knight 5, ecl 10, Champions of Valor
Initiate of Bahamut, feat, Dragon Magic - stacks, see text
Grey Guard 3, 8/10, ecl 8, Complete Scoundrel - can eventually smite any alignment, see text
Shadow Striker 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Champion of Gwynharwyf 1, 5, 9/10, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Fist of Raziel 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, smites gain additional abilities
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Stalker of Kharesh 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 11, Book of Exalted Deeds
Argent Fist 4, 8/10, ecl 10, Faiths of Eberron

Smite other than "evil"
Cleric 1, dwarf substitution level, Races of Stone, smite giants replaces turn undead
Blackguard 2, 5, 10/10, ecl 8 - smite good
Shadowbane Inquisitor 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer - smite the "corrupt"
Vigilante 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, smite the guilty
Scar Enforcer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of Destiny - elves and humans only, see text
Hunter of the Dead 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, smite undead
Sanctified Mind 2, ecl 6, Lords of Madness - "cleansing strike" - smite psionic creature, unclear on uses per day, potentially unlimited
Topaz Guardian 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Lords of Madness - smite abberation
Knight of the Raven 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 6, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - smite undead
Platinum Knight 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Draconomicon, against evil dragons only, doesn't stack with normal smite
Witch Slayer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/5, ecl 6, Tome of Magic, against binders with vestiges or other possessed creatures
Crusader 6, 18/20, Tome of Battle, against any
Ordained Champion 2, ecl 6, Complete Champion, no restriction, spend turn/rebuke uses to make more smites
Killoren (Aspect of the Destroyer), race, Races of the Wild, 1/hour, affects abberations, constructs, humanoids, oozes, outsiders, and undead, see text
Kinslayer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark, elves

Honourable Mention
Extra Smiting, feat, Complete Warrior
Initiate of Nobanion, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Initiate of Torm, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Triadic Knight 7, ecl 12, Champions of Valor - Threefold Smite
Holy Scourge 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Mage - applies to a spell, see text
Sapphire Smite, feat, Magic of Incarnum - grants additional uses of smite and bonus damage
Exalted Smite, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, weapon becomes good-aligned
Ranged Smite Evil, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, can smite with a ranged weapon
Outcast Champion 2, ecl 7, Races of Destiny, Cha uses per day, 1d6 per level
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, lion tattoo
Avenging Strike, feat, Tome of Battle, can use Cha times per day only against evil outsiders

Sneak Attack - see post #5
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 05:26:38 PM by Surreal »
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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 04:53:44 AM »
Speed increase - aka Fast Movement, +10' land speed each unless otherwise noted
Barbarian 1
Monk 3/6/9/12/15/18, +10 each
Paladin 5, class variant, Complete Champion, +10' all speeds, only while underground
Ranger 6, class variant, Complete Warrior, +10'
Scout 3, 11/20, Complete Adventurer +10 (land)
Animal Lord (horselord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, +10, +20 at level 7, see text
Bloodhound 3, 6, 9, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer, +10 each when chasing mark
Wild Plains Outrider 2, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, +10 for mount (all modes)
Dash, feat, Complete Adventurer, +5' (does not specify land only)
Celerity, domain, Complete Diving, +10'
Wildrunner 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, +10'
Whisperknife 6, ecl 11, Races of the Wild
Pregrine Runner 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone
Reachrunner 1, 4/5 (+5/+10), ecl 6, Races of Eberron
Shadow Scout 2 (OA) ecl 8
Dervish 2/5/8 (+5/+10/+15)
Gnome Giant-Slayer 6, ecl 11, Complete Warrior
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Elemental Warrior (fire) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook
Cloud Anchorite 4, 8/10, ecl 10, Frostburn, +10' each
Primeval 8, ecl 16, Frostburn, +10'
Cheetah's Speed, wild feat, Complete Divine - speed becomes 50' for 1 hour, once per hour can move at 10X speed
Geomancer 3 (stage 2 drift), ecl 9, Complete Divine, +5'
Geomancer 9 (stage 5 drift), ecl 15, Complete Divine, once per hour move at 10X speed
Shifter w/Longstride trait, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Longstride Elite, feat, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Nentyar Hunter 2, ecl 7, FR: Unapproachable East, +10'
Improved Speed, feat, Draconomicon - fly speed improves by 20', all others improve by 10'
Speed of Thought, feat, XPH - +10' insight bonus
Divine Vigor, divine feat, Complete Divine - temporary +10'
Barbarian 3 (Fangshield substitution level), Champions of Valor - +10' while charging
Marshal 2, Miniatures Handbook - +5' per aura bonus
Incarnate 3 (chaotic), Magic of Incarnum - +10' +10'every five levels, share with allies at 7th level
Totemist 8 (halfling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum - +10'
Barbarian 1 (Duskling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum, +10'/essentia (enhancement)
Dread Carapace, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +60' +10'/essentia (enhancement) once per minute
Incarnate Avatar (chaos), soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +30' (enhancement)
Lamia Belt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +10' (enhancement) plus spring attack feat
Worg Pelt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +5' +5/essentia (unnamed)
Cerulean Sandals, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +5'/essentia (unnamed)
Knight of the Sacred Seal 4, ecl 9, Tome of Magic - +10' temporary
Shadow Creature, template, Lords of Madness - all speeds x1.5
Fast Leg, Fiendish Graft, Fiend Folio - +10'
Quick, character trait, Unearthed Arcana - +10'
Fleet of Foot, regional feat, Player's Guide to Faerun - +10'
Abberant Limbs (legs), unique NPC ability, DMG 2 - +20', LA+2
Nimble Bones, feat, Lords of Madness - +10', applies to undead created by someone with this feat
Vandalis Beastkeeper 10, ecl 14, Eberron: Dragonmarked - +10', does not specify land only
Divine Alacrity, divine feat, Faiths of Eberron, +30' (enhancement) for 1 round
Wild Soul 6, ecl 11, Complete Mage - +10'
Minor Shapeshift, reserve feat, Complete MAge - +5' enhancement, limited duration, see text
Swiftness of Orien, feat, Player's Guide to Eberron (p.48) - +20' to 90' enhancement to all speeds, see text
Freedom, Mantle, Complete Psionic - +10' (untyped) to all speeds
Berserk 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods - +10'
Extreme Leap, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, +10' see text
Mark of Malbolge, feat, Fiendish Codex II, +10' for 1 round, see text
Absolute Steel, stance, Tome of Battle, +10' (enhancement) to all speeds
Bloodclaw Master 2, ecl 8, Tome of Battle, +10' while in Tiger Claw stance
Dark Creature, template, Tome of Magic, +10' to all moves of movement
Animal Devotion, feat, Complete Champion, +5-30' once per day, see text
Imbued Healing, metamagic feat, Complete Champion, +5', see text
Fist of the Forest 1, ecl 5, Complete Champion, +10' land
Forest Reeve 1, ecl 6, Complete Champion, +10' land
Holt Warden 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion, +10' land speed if already have woodland stride
Mythic Examplar 2 (Orsos), ecl 6, Complete Champaion, +20' all movement
Sanctified One (Kord) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, +10' foot speed
Jaunter 2, ecl 6, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, +10' land
Swift Tumbler, feat, Cityscape, tumble at half speed +10'
Paragnostic Apostle 1, ecl 6?, Complete Champion, +10' from any spell that grants speed or increase, not just land

Special Mention
Dwarf, ignore movement penalties
Tooth of Savnok, item, Tome of Magic, move at normal speed regardless of armor
Champion of Corellon Larethian 5, ecl 12, Races of the Wild, move at normal speed regardless of armor
Knight 4, ignore movement penalties from medium armor, heavy at level 9
Vengeance Knight 6, ecl 11, Champions of Ruin, only take half movement penalty for heavy armor

Burrow (or earth glide)
Paladin 12, class variant, Complete Champion, equal to land speed, see text
Earth Dreamer 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone - equal to base speed, limited use
Stonespeaker Guardian 5, ecl 11, Races of Stone - half base speed
Mineral Warrior, template, LA+1, FR: Underdark, equal to half highest speed, lose flight
Earth Glider, elemental graft, Magic of Eberron, equal to base land speed, see text
Haztaratain 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration
Darkrunner 10, ecl 14, Lords of Madness - equal to base speed, limited use
Burrowing Claws, Illithid Graft, Lords of Madness, 20'
Lord of Tides 3, ecl 8, Sandstorm - 5' through soft earth only
Ashworm Dragoon 6, 10/10, ecl 11, Sandstorm - only while on mount, see text
Thrall of Eltab 3, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin - 10'
Elemental Warrior (earth) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook, 30'
Planar Touchstone (Echolost), feat, Planar Handbook - varies

Barbarian 1, ape totem variant, Unearthed Arcana, half land speed, full land speed at 5th level
Monk 4, class variant, Dungeoncape, limited climb ability, see text
Horizon Walker 1, ecl 6 - +10' to existing
Up The Walls, psionic feat, XPH, pseudo-climb
Scout, class variant, PHB2, half land speed
Ninja, Complete Adventurer, climb at full speed, see text
Climb Like an Ape, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, equal to land speed, limited duration
Warlock 1, Complete Arcane, Spiderwalk invocation, 20'
Leaping Climber, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Speedy Ascent, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, +10' see text
Peregrine Runner 4, 8/10, ecl 11, Races of Stone - +20' each
Fleshwarper 2, ecl 9, Lords of Madness - equal to land speed
Cloud Anchorite 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Frostburn - +10' each
Planar Touchstone (Widow's Walk), feat, Planar Handbook - +10', or limited 20'
Climbing Legs, Illithid Graft, Fiend Folio - 15'
Replacement Tail, Yuan-Ti graft, Fiend Folio - lose 10' land speed, climb and swim at half original land speed
Claws of the Wyrm, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - half land speed
Dance of the Spider, Stance (Shadow Hand), Tome of Battle - 20'
Weretouched Master 3 (Rat), ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting, 20' or +10'
Shifter w/Cliffwalk trait, race, Eberron Campaign Setting, 20'
Cliffwalk Elite, feat, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Haztaratain 3, ecl 8, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration, see text
Night Mask Deathbringer 1, ecl 6, FR: Champions of Ruin - limited use
Spirit Folk (Mountain), race, FR: Unapproachable East, LA+0, 30'
Chameleon, template LA+1, FR: Underdark
Arachnomancer 7, ecl 12, Drow of the Underdark, equal to land speed
Cavestalker 10, ecl 15, Drow of the Underdark, as Spider climb

Flight (a few more ways to gain flight/wings in the second post [thread=706353]here[/thread])
Druid 5 (Aspect of the Dragon variant), Dragon Magic, equal to land speed (good)
Favoured Soul 17, Complete Divine, 60' (good)
Aminal Lord (birdlord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, equal to land speed, duration improves at level 7, see text
Geomancer 9, ecl 15, Complete Divine, 60' (no manoeuverability listed)
Rainbow Servanat 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine, 60' (good), limited use, see text
Raptoran, race, Races of the Wild - improves with level
Raptoran Fighter 8, substitution level, Races of the Wild - +10'
Stormtalon 3, 5, 9/10, ecl 6, Races of the Wild - +10/+20/+40'
Aarakocra, race, Races of Faerun - 90' (average), LA+2
Fly, domain, Races of the Wild - +5'
Aeriel Alacrity, spell, Races of the Wild, +30' and improve maneuverability one step
Elemental Warrior (air) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook - 20' (perfect)
Starspawn, abberation feat, Lords of Madness - half land speed
Eagle's Wings, wild feat, Complete Divine - grow wings for 1 hour, 60' (average)
Improved Speed, feat, Draconomicon - existing fly speed +20', all others +10'
Dragonborn (Wings aspect), template, Races of the Dragon - improves with level, eventually 30' (average)
Improved Dragon Wings, feat, Races of the Dragon, 30' (average)
Paladin 5 (Lion Legionnaire substitution level), Champions of Valor - temporary flight at land speed
Airstep Sandals, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 10'/essentia (good/perfect)
Incarnate Avatar (good or evil), soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 30' (good)
Manticore Belt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 10' or more (poor) plus flyby attack
Pegasus Cloak, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 10' or more (average)
Dragon Disciple 9, ecl 14 - equal to land speed (average)
Geryon, vestige, ecl 10, Tome of Magic - 60' (perfect)
Air Heritage, heritage feat, Planar Handbook - +30'
Buffeting Wings, draconic graft, Races of the Dragon - equal to land speed (average)
Feathered Wings, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio - twice land speed (average)
Membranous Wings, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio - twice land speed (average)
Dragon Mantle, soulmeld, Dragon Magic, 10'/essentia (poor) - must land at end of each turn, see text
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Diamond Dragon 6, ecl 11, Dragon Magic - 30'+ (perfect), see text
Swift Wing 5, ecl 10, Dragon Magic - equal to land speed (good), twice land speed at level 10
Pectoral of Maneuverability, item, Draconomicon, increase maneuverability by one or twp steps
outsider Wings, feat, Races of Faerun - equal to land speed, Aasimar or Tiefling only
Celestial Flight, Enlightened Spirit invocation, ecl 8, Complete Mage - equal to land speed
Born Aloft, reserve feat, Complete Mage - 30' (perfect), limited use, see text
Rising Phoenix, Desert Wind stance, Tome of Battle - equal to land speed (perfect)
High Elemental Binder 10, ecl 15?, Player's Guide to Eberron - 100' (perfect), see text
Child of Shadow 10, ecl 15, Tome of Magic - 40' (perfect) 1 minute per day, incorporeal, see text
Psion Uncarnate 2, ecl 7, Expanded Psionics Handbook - equal to land speed (perfect), see text
Ritual of Wings, Dragon Prophecy Ritual, ecl 10, Magic of Eberron, equal to land speed (or more), duration 24 hrs, see text
High Elemental Binder 10, ecl 15?, Player's Guide to Eberron, 100' (perfect), see text
Shifter w/Swiftwing trait, Races of Eberron, 20' (average)
Swiftwing Elite, shifter feat, Races of Eberron, +10' and maneuverability improves to good, while shifting
Animal Devotion, feat, Complete Champion, 40 + 5-20' (good), once per day, see text

Special Mention
Improved Flight, feat, Races of the Wild, improves flight maneuverability by one category

Horizon Walker 1, ecl 6, DMG, aquatic terrain mastery, +10'
Elemental Warrior (water) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook - 30' (plus breathe underwater)
Fleshwarper 2, ecl 9, Lords of Madness - equal to land speed
Waterspawn, feat, Lords of Madness - equal to land speed
Waterjet, Aboleth graft, Lords of Madness, double swim speed once per minute
Rapid Swimming, feat, Stormwrack/Races of Faerun, +20' to swim
Water Adaptation, feat, Stormwrack/Races of Faerun, aquatic half-elf can breath water and air and improves to 20' swim
Wavekeeper 1, ecl 6, Stormwrack - 20' or +10'
Amphibious, template LA+0, Stormwrack - half land speed, -2 dex
Kraken Mantle, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - equal to land speed or half as a move action
Sailor's Bracers, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - equal to land speed or half as a move action
Shax, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic - equal to land speed
Water Heritage, heritage feat, Planar Handbook - gain 20' or +20'
Planar Touchstone (Mundellir Lake), feat, Planar Handbook - +10'
Skum Tail, aboleth graft, Fiend Folio - base 40'
Added Tail, Yuan-Ti graft, Fiend Folio/Serpent Kingdom - half land speed, see text, also gain constrict
Replacement Tail, Yuan-Ti graft, Fiend Folio - lose 10' land speed, climb and swim at half original land speed, see text, also gain constrict
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Swimming the Styx, least warlock invocation, Complete Mage, equal to land speed
Elements (water), Mantle, Complete Psionic - equal to land speed
Quick Swimmer, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, +10' see text
High Elemental Binder 10, ecl 15, Player's Guide to Eberron, 60', see text
Spirit Folk (River), race, FR: Unapproachable East, LA+0, 30'
Truedive Elite, shifter feat, Races of Eberron, +10', while shifting
Cavelord 4, ecl 9, FR: Underdark, 30'

Spell Resistance
Phrenic, template, Expanded Psionics Handbook, LA+2, power resistance 10+level
Tattoed Monk 7, ecl 12, Complete Warrior, SR = 15+class
Enlightened Fist 9, ecl 14, Complete Arcane, SR = 10 + monk + class
Contemplative 7, ecl 17, Complete Divine, SR = 15 + class
Ur-priest 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine, SR = 15 against divine spells and SLA of outsiders, SR = 20 at level 8
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 7, ecl 12, Draconomicon, SR=15+class level
Spellward Shirt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Dread Carapace, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Defiant 1, ecl 6, Planar Handbook, 15+class level, against divine mind affecting spells only, against all divine spells at level 10
Defiant 6, ecl 11, Planar Handbook, bestow SR on target, see text
Warrior of Darkness 8, ecl 13, Book of Vile Darkness, SR 20 (does not improve)
Celestial Mystic 9, ecl 16, Book of Exalted Deeds, SR 20 (does not improve)
Karsite, race, Tome of Magic, LA +2, SR= 10+class
Bauriar, race, Planar Handbook, LA +1, SR= 10+class
Daazzix's Vest, wondrous item, DMG2, +5 to SR
Boost Spell Resistance, feat, Book of Vile Darkness, +2 to SR (profane)
Gray Hand Enforcer 4, ecl 11, FR: Waterdeep - City of Splendors, SR = 5 + character level
Court Herald 12, ecl 19, Power of Faerun, SR = character level
Mythic Examplar (Ktolemagne) 8, ecl 12, Complete Champion, SR = 10 + arcane caster level
Exalted Spell Resistance, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, +4 (untyped) to SR vs spells and SLA of evil outsiders
Celestial Mystic 9, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds, SR 20
Swanmay 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, SR = 12 + Swanmay levels
Silver Key 5, ecl 8, Dragonmarked, "Sly Soul"
Psychic Refusal, feat, Drow of the Underdark, +4 to SR vs mind-affecting spells and abilities

Special Mention
Spellthief 15 - steal opponent's SR
Undo Resistance, feat, Fiendish Codex II, your sneak attacks lower opponent SR, see text
Eldritch Erotion - feat, Complete Scoundrel, your sneak attacks lower opponent SR, see text
Slayer 8, ecl 12, Expanded Psionics Handbook, each attack lowers power resistance by 1, see text
Demonwreaker 1, ecl 6, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, bonus to overcome SR, automatically beat SR at level 5
Reactive Resistance, feat, Drow of the Underdark, lower SR as an immediate action

Steal Spell or similar
Spellthief, Complete Adventurer, level 1: spells, level 3: energy resistances, level 5: spell-like abilities, level 15: spell resistance
Hellbreaker 2, ecl 7, Fiendish Codex 2, spell-like abilities, supernatural at level 8
Ur-priest 10, ecl 15, Complete Divine, steal spell-like abilities 1/day

Still Mind
Monk 3
Archivist 4, Heroes of Horror

Supreme Cleave
Frenzied Berserker 2, ecl 8, Complete Warrior
Knight Protector 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior

Swift Tracker
Highland Stalker 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Bloodhound 1, ecl 5, Complete Adventurer, can track the trackless at level 5
Deepwarden 7, ecl 12, Races of Stone
Reach Runner 3, ecl 8, Races of Eberron
Duraak'ash 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Forest Reeve 3, ecl 8, Complete Champion
Cavelord 2, ecl 6, FR: Underdark, caves only
Crimson Scourge 2, ecl 7, Cityscape

Telepathic Bond, spell, SRD
Mindlink, power, XPH
Animal Lord 8, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, 100' with selected animal totem
Mindbender 1, ecl 6, Complete Arcane, 100'
Incarnate 7 (Tiefling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum, 100'
Shedu Crown, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 100'
Soulspeaker Circlet, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 20'/essentia
Ghostwise Halfling, race (LA+0), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, 20'
Hellbred (spirit aspect), race, Fiendish Codex II, 100' at 15 HD
Psion 5 (Telepath), Mind's Eye expanded class (link), 5'/manifester level
Demonbinder 1, ecl 8, Drow of the Underdark, 100'
Planeshifter 7, ecl 16, Manual of the Planes, 100'

Special Mention
Mindsight, feat, Lords of Madness (p.126) - allows you to "see" through your telepathy
Hellbreaker 2, ecl 7, Fiendish Codex II, inhibits telepathy 20'
Nightcloak 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine Web Enhancemnet - "shadow talk" 500', see text

Timeless Body - or immune to aging, or can't die from age, or something similar
Monk 17
Druid 15
Soulborn 17, Magic of Incarnum
Sapphire Hierarch 8, ecl 13, Magic of Incarnum
Cloud Anchorite
Alienist 9, ecl 14, Complete Arcane
Contemplative 9, ecl 19, Complete Divine, don't take penalties for aging, still die of old age
Tattoed Monk 5, ecl 10, Complete Warrior, don't take penalties for aging, still die of old age
Master of Many Forms ?
Henshin Mystic
Eldritch Disciple 10, ecl 15, Complete Mage
Zerth Cenobite 10, ecl 16, Complete Psionic, same name but completely different ability
Holt Warden 9, ecl 14, Complete Champion
Dragon Prophet 10, ecl 15, Magic of Eberron, "ageless", gain the bonuses but not the penalties, see text
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 9, ecl 14, Draconomicon

Trackless Step
Druid 3
Scout 3, Complete Adventurer
Wildrunner 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild
Nightsong Infiltrator 3 (self), ecl 10, affects your team at level 7
Justice of Weald and Woe 4, ecl 10, FR: Champions of Ruin
Duraak'ash 5, ecl 10, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Bamboo Spirit Folk, race, Oriental Adventures
Holt Warden 3, ecl 8, Complete Champion

Special Mention
Druid or Scout 3, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, "lay low", can't be found with urban tracking

Trap Sense
Barbarian 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18/20
Rogue 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18/20
Dwarven Defender 4, 8/10, ecl 11
Deepwarden 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 5, Races of Stone
Dungeon Delver 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Nightsong Infiltrator 1, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer - teamwork trap sense   
Divine Oracle
Temple Raider of Olidammara 1, 4, 7, 10, ecl 6, Complete divine
Shade Hunter 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 6, FR: Champions of Ruin
Combat Trapsmith 1, ecl 6, Complete Scoundrel
Trapsmith 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 6, Dungeonscape

Special Mention
Spell Sense, Complete Mage variant for barbarian or rogue, replaces Trap Sense, applies to spells, see text

Barbarian 3, class variant, Dungeonscape, replaces Trap Sense, see text
Rogue 1
Ranger 1, class variant, Dungeonscape, replaces Track
Beguiler 1, Player's Handbook 2
Ninja 1, Complete Adventurer
Scout 1, Complete Adventurer
Spellthief 1, Complete Adventurer
Nightsong Infiltrator 1, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer
Geometer 3, ecl 9, Complete Arcane, Traps based on writing only
Temple Raider of Olidammara 1, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Stoneblessed(Dwarf) 3, ecl 5, Races of Stone, stone traps only
Stonedeath Assassin 1, ecl 6, Races of Stone
Artificer 1, Eberron Campaign Setting, disable traps
Silverkey 1, ecl 4, Eberron: Dragonmarked, called "wardsense", works at range, see text
Factotum 1, Dungeonscape
Disciple of Dispater 2, ecl 8, Book of Vile Darkness,  metal only
Kobold domain, Races of the Dragon, web enhancement
Theft Gloves, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Hoardstealer 1, ecl 6, Draconomicon

special mention
Planar Touchstone (Catalogues of Enlightenment), feat, Planar Handbook, gain the ability of a chosen doman (pick Kobold, see above)
Trap Sensitivity, feat, Dungeonscape, do not have to search for traps actively, see text

Horizon Walker 6, ecl 11, DMG, 30 feet
Geomancer 9 (stage 5 drift), ecl 15, Complete Divine, 30'
Tremor Graft, elemental graft, Magic of Eberron
Darkrunner 4, ecl 8, Lords of Madness, 30'
Earth Dreamer 3, ecl 10, Races of Stone, lesser tremorsense: 10 feet only
Insectile, Template LA+2, Savage Species
Scorpion Sense, feat, Sandstorm, 10' or 20'
Scorpion Carapace, armour, Sandstorm
Landshark Boots, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 10' or more
Cavelord 7, ecl 12, FR: Underdark, 30'
Favoured Soul 5, drow substitution level, Drow of the Underdark
Arachnomancer 3, ecl 8, Drow of the Underdark, 20', 60' at 6th level, limited use
Cavestalker 8, ecl 13, Drow of the Underdark, 30'

Turn/rebuke Undead

grants turn/rebuke undead - anything that grants turning generally stacks
Cleric 1
Paladin 4
Blackguard 3, ecl, command or rebuke only
Sacred Exorcist 1, ecl 8, Complete Divine, turn only
Ur-priest 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine, rebuke only
Divine Mind 4, Complete Divine, class variant (here)
Dread Necromancer 1, base class, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Death Delver 1, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Chameleon 3, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, see text
Master of Radiance 1, ecl 6, Libris Mortin, turn only - unclear whether you gain turning or if it only stacks
Tenebrous, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic, unlimited use but see text
Knight of the Raven 3, ecl 7, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Apostle of Peace 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Soldier of Light 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods
Deadgrim 1, ecl 6, Magic of Eberron - unclear whethero you gain turning or if it only stacks

levels stack for turn/rebuke undead (ie: requires turn/rebuke to qualify for the PrC)
Radiant Servant of Pelor, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Warpriest, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Eldritch Disciple, ecl 6, Complete Mage
Paragnostic Apostle, ecl 3?, Complete Champion
Ordained Champion, ecl 4, Complete Champion
Master of Shrouds, ecl 4, Libris Mortis - rebuke only
Sacred Purifier, Libris Mortis - turn only
True Necromancer, Libris Mortis - rebuke only
Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror - turn only
Death Delver, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Bone Knight, ecl 5, Eberron Five Nations, rebuke only
Deadgrim, ecl 6, Magic of Eberron
Eye of Horus-Re 1, ecl 7, Player's Guide to Faerun

Yathrinshee, ecl ?, Player's guide to Faerun - rebuke only

Greater Turning
Sacred Purifier 1, ecl 6, Libris Mortis

Special Mention
Cleric 1, Azurin racial substitution, Magic of Incarnum - gain Channel Incarnum instead, but counts as turning for feats
Cleric 1, Dragonblood substitution level, Races of the Dragon, turn energy instead, counts as turning for feats
Spirit Shaman 2, Complete Divine - chastise spirits, see text
Exalted Turning, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, turned creatures take 3d6 damage
Druid Domains, Sun (UA, House Rule sidebar, pg 68) but only 1/day
Bone Talisman (Drd 2) spell online at Earthmother's Weapons (Druid Spells from the Moonshaes)

Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge (since most sources stack, but check specific text)
Fate, domain, Complete Warrior
Barbarian 2, 5/20
Scout 2
Assassin 2, 5/10
Dwarven Defender 2, 6
Shadow Dancer 2, 5/10
Warlock 16, Dark Foresight invocation, Complete Arcane, see text
Divine Oracle 4, 6/10, ecl 9, Complete Divine
Temple Rader of Olidammara 3, 6/10, ecl 8, Complete Divine
Beloved of Valarian 4, ecl 11, Book of Exalted Deeds
Deepwarden 4, 8/10, ecl 9, Races of Stone
Chameleon 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, stealth focus
Great Rift Deep Defender 2, 4/5 ECL 9 (Shining South)
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 3, 6/10, ECL 9 (BoED)
Master of the Yuirwood 2, 5/10, ecl 9, FR: Unapproachable East
Shadow Thief of Amn
Streetfighter 5, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer
Whisperknife 1, 9/10, ecl 6 (RotW)
Yakuza (OA)
Elemental Scion of Zilargo 5, 9/10, ecl 10, Magic of Eberron
Moonstar Agent 5, ecl 10, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR)
Darkwood Stalker 2, 5/10, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
Windwright Captain 2, ecl 9, Eberron: Explorer's Handbook
Survivor 1, 3/5, ecl 2, Savage Species
Paladin 4 (Wary Swordknight substitution level), Champions of Valor
Impulse Boots, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Threefold Mask of the Chimera, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, can't be flanked
Incarnum Blade 1 and 4, ecl 6, Magic of Incarnum, not quite Uncanny Dodge, see text
Paimon, vestige, ecl 5, Tome of Magic
Celestial Mystic 5, ecl 12, Book of Exalted Deeds - "Blessing of the Crystal Heaven"
Warblade 2, 6/20, Tome of Battle
Deneith Warden 4, 7/10, ecl 8, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Master Specialist (divination) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - see text, does not stack with uncanny dodge
Fist of the Forest 2, ecl 6, Complete Champion
Eternal Blade 3, ecl 13, Tome of Battle
Dread Fang of Lloth 3, 9/10, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark
Ebonmar Infiltrator 4, ecl 9, Cityscape
Breachgnome 2, 5/5, ecl 7, Races of Faerun

Special Mention
Mark of the Stars, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked, never surprised or flat-footed
Brand of the Nine Hells (Dispater), feat, Fiendish Codex II, can't be flanked or flat-footed
Celestial Mystic 5, ecl ?, Book of Exalted Deeds, similar to uncanny dodge, see text
Rudimentary Eyespots, Silthilar graft, Lords of Madness, can't be flanked
Occular, armor enhancement +2, Champions of Ruin, can't be flanked

Weapon Proficiency
Arcane Archer, ecl 7, DMG, simple and martial
Assassin, ecl 6, DMG, crossbow, dagger, dart, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword
Blackguard, ecl 7, DMG, simple and martial
Duelist, ecl 7, DMG, simple and martial
Dwarven Defender, ecl 8, DMG, simple and martial
Duskblade, PHB2, simple and martial
Shadowdancer, ecl 8, DMG, club, crossbow, dagger, dart, mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword
Elocater, ecl 8, XPH, simple and martial
Slayer, ecl 5, XPH, simple and martial
Healer, Miniatures Handbook, simple
Marshal, Miniatures Handbook, simple and martial
Bloodhound, ecl 5, Complete Adventurer, simple and martial
Dread Pirate, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple, light martial, and rapier
Ghost-Faced Killer, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple and martial
Ollam, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, simple weapons
Shadowbane Inquisitor, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple and martial
Spymaster, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple and martial
Thief-Acrobat, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple
Vigilante, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, simple and martial and net
Cavalier, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, simple and martial
Gnome Giant-Slayer, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, simple and martial
Occult Slayer, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, simple and martial
Favored Soul, Complete Divine, simple and diety' favoured weapon
Holy Liberator, ecl 6, Complete Divine, simple and martial
Hospitaler, ecl 6, Complete Divine, simple and martial
Radiant Servant of Pelor, ecl 7, Complete Divine, simple and martial
Sacred Exorcist, ecl 8, Complete Divine, simple
Seeker of the Misty Isle, ecl 6, Complete Divine, martial
Shining Blade of Heironeous, ecl 8, Complete Divine, simple and martial
Temple Raider of Olidammara, ecl 6, Complete Divine, simple and rapier
Warpriest, ecl 6, Complete Divine, simple and martial
Ardent, Complete Psionic, simple
Divine Mind, Complete Psionic, simple and martial
Lurk, Complete Psionic, simple and martial
Chameleon, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, simple
Deepwarden, ecl 6, Races of Stone, simple and martial
Goliath Liberator, ecl 8, Races of Stone, martial

Crusader, Tome of Battle, simple and martial
Swordsage, Tome of Battle, simple and martial (melee only)
Warblade, Tome of Battle, simple and martial (melee only)
Gatekeeper Mystagogue, ecl 5, Player's Guide to Eberron, light and heavy mace
Dragonrider, ecl 6, Draconomicon, simple and lance, longspear, shortbow
Dragonslayer, ecl 6, Draconomicon, simple and martial
Dragonstalker, ecl 6, Draconomicon, simple and longbow, longspear, net, shortbow
Hoardstealer, ecl 6, Draconomicon, simple
Platinum Knight, ecl 6, Draconomicon, simple and martial
Doomlord, ecl 8, Planar Handbook, martial
Fatemaker, ecl 6, Planar Handbook, simple plus longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, whip
Chaotician, ecl 5, Planar Handbook, simple and martial
Incarnate, Magic of Incarnum, simple
Soulborn, Magic of Incarnum, simple and martial
Totemist, Magic of Incarnum, simple

Crimson Scourge, ecl 6, Cityscape, simple and martial
Breachgnome, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, simple and martial
Great Rift Skyguard, ecl 6, Races of Faerun, martial
Warrior Skald, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, martial

Special Mention
Master of Masks 1, ecl 6, Complete Scoundrel, Gladiator mask, all martial and exotic weapons

Wild Empathy
Druid 1
Druid 1, class variant, Dungeonscape, vermin empathy, replaces wild empathy
Spirit Shaman 1, Complete Divine
Initiate of Nobanion, feat, Champions of Valor - only useable on felines
Animal Lord 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer
Beastmaster 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer
Chameleon 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny, wild focus
Totemist 1, Magic of Incarnum
Totem Rager 1, ecl 7, Magic of Incarnum
Black Blood Hunter 2, ecl (8?), Player's Guide to Faerun
Primeval 1, ecl 9, Frostburn - specific animal only
Vandalis Beastkeeper 1, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Call of the Beast, least warlock invocation, Complete Mage, can also speak with animals
Natural World, mantle, Complete Psionic
Weretouched Master 2, ecl 7, Eberron Campaign Setting
Vermin Keeper 1, ecl 6, FR: Underdark, vermin only

Scorpion Wraith, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'Drik, also treat vermin as magical beasts
Swanmay, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds

Special Mention
Urban Savant 2, ecl 7, Cityscape, urban empathy
Beast Heart Adept 1, ecl 6, Dungeonscape, "monster empathy" see text

Wild Shape
Druid 5
Ranger variant 5 (UA)
Monk variant... Dragon???
Abolisher 1, ecl 7, Lords of Madness
Lion of Talisad 3, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Moonspeaker 5, ecl 13, Races of Eberron
Landforged Walker 5, ecl 10, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'Drik - "plants shape", see text

stacks for wildshape (conditions vary)
Master of Many Forms, Complete Adventurer, stacks for duration and HD, fast at level 3, extraordinary at level 7
Nature's Warrior, Complete Warrior, stacks for duration and HD
Daggerspell Shaper, Complete Adventurer, stacks for duration, gain extra uses, fast wildshape at level 7, enhanced wildshape at level 8
Warshaper, complete Warrior, does not stack with wildshape, but deserves honorably mention for the class abilities
Lion of Talisad, Book of Exalted Deeds, stacks at -2 for duration and HD, odd wording if you don't have druid levels
Abolisher 1, ecl 7, Lords of Madness
Arcane Heirophant, ecl 8, Races of the Wild
Moonspeaker, ecl 9, Races of Eberron, stacks at -5 for hd, duration and size
Stonespeaker Guardian, ecl 7, Races of Stone
Planar Shepherd, ecl 6, Faiths of Eberron

uses wildshape
Primeval, Frostburn, fuzzy wording open to interpretation regarding duration, DM caveat

Special mention
Blighter 3, ecl 8, Complete Divine, undead wildshape
Druid's Vestment, PHB, gain extra use of Wildshape
Primeval 1, Frostburn - gain a feral form
Druid 1, shapeshift variant, Player's Handbook II
Initiate of Horus-Re, feat, Champions of Valor, ecl ?? - wildshape into a hawk
Landforged Walker 5, ecl 10, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik - plant shape, see text
Berserk 3, ecl 8, Deities and Demigods - gain a beast form
Druid 16, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, can wildshape into animated objects, see text
Vestment of Verminshape, wondrous item, DMG2, allows wildshape into vermin
Wildshape Amulet, wondrous item, Magic of Faerun, adds +4 to wildshape level
Swift Wild Shape, feat, Complete Champion, wildshape as a swift action
Armor of the Beast, Complete Champion, gain extra use of wildshape
Wavekeeper 7, ecl 12, Stormwrack, turn into a water elemental, see text
Vermin Keeper 1, ecl 6, FR: Underdark, vermin forms, vermin swarms at level 10, see text
Exalted Wild Shape, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, gain new forms
Swanmay 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, "shift" into a swan
Arachnomancer 2, ecl 7, Drow of the Underdark, spider shape but functions as wildshape
Cavestalker 1, ecl 6, Drow of the Underdark, allows wildshape ability to assume vermin forms
Armor/Mantle/Ring of the Beast, items, Complete Champion, wildshape as swift action, additional wildshape, +1 effective druid level

« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 07:05:00 PM by Surreal »
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 04:54:04 AM »
Sneak Attack

Sort of alphabetical, campaign settings books at the bottom of the post

Updated: 7 October 2007

Rogue 1, 3, 5, 7.../20

Arcane Trickster: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10 (full caster advancement)
Assassin: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10 (Death Attack at level 1, gain minor arcane casting)
Blackguard: 4, 7, 10/10 (gain divine casting at level 1, full BAB)

Pionic Rogue: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19/20

Book of Exalted Deeds
Slayer of Domiel: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10 (Death Touch at level 1, gain divine casting at level 1)
Sacred Strike, feat, against evil creatures roll d8 for damage instead of d6

Book of Vile Darkness
Cancer Mage: 1, 5, 9/10
Disciple of Baalzebub: 2, 5, 8/10

Complete Warrior (all full BAB)
Dark Hunter: 3/5 (Death Attack at level 5)
Darkwood Stalker: 3, 6, 9/10 (Death Attack at level 10)
Invisible Blade: 1, 3, 5/5 ("dagger" only, faint as free action 1/round)
Justiciar: 1, 4, 7, 10/10 (nonlethal strike)
Ronin: 1, 4, 7, 10/10

Complete Divine
Black Flame Zealot: 3, 6, 9/10 (Death Attack at 1, advances divine half)
Temple Raider of Olidammara: 2, 5, 8/10 (gain divine spells at level 1)

Complete Arcane

Complete Adventurer
Ninja: 1, 3, 5, 7.../20 (Sudden Strike)
Spellthief: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17/20 (gains arcane casting at level 4)
Daggerspell Mage: 3, 6, 9/10 (advances arcane 9/10)
Daggerspell Shaper: 3, 6, 9/10 (advances divine 9/10)
Dread Pirate (dishonourable): 3, 7/10 (full BAB)
Ghost-Faced Killer: 2, 5, 8/10 (Sudden Strike, full BAB)
Nightsong Enforcer: 1, 4, 7, 10/10 (full BAB)
Nightsong Infiltrator: 4, 8/10 (Teamwork Sneak Attack)
Shadowbane Inquisitor: 4, 7, 10/10 (full BAB)
Shadowbane Stalker: 3, 6, 9/10 (advances divine 8/10)
Shadowmind: 2, 5, 8/10 (advances manifesting class 7/10)
Spymaster: 3, 6/7
Streetfighter: 3/5

Complete Psionic
Lurk: 2, 7, 12, 17/20 (psionic sneak attack, only functions while psionically focused)
Ebon Saint: 3/5 (sneak attack or psionic sneak attack)

Complete Mage
Unseen Seer 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6 (either sneak attack, sudden strike, or skirmish; full arcane advancement)

Complete Scoundrel
Avenging Executioner: 1, 3, 5/5 (sudden strike, gain abilities to make opponent flatfooted)
Cloaked Dancer: 2, 4/5 (suprise strike, 3/5 arcane advancement)
Mountebank 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Complete Scoundrel
Psibond 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 8, Complete Scoundrel
Master of Masks 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, only while wearing the Assassin Mask
spellwarp sniper 2, 4/5, ecl 8, (sudden raystrike, see text)

Complete Champion
Mythic Examplar (Dardallion): 3, 5, 7, 9/10 (early entry ecl 5, advances casting 4/10)

Deities and Demigods
Justiciar of Taiia: 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6 (gain minor divine spellcasting at level 1)

Dragonstalker: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10 (gains 2d6 sneak attack each time, only effective against dragons, full BAB)

Dragon Magic:
Hand of the Winged Masters: 2, 5, 8/10, ecl ?? (sneak attack or sudden strike or skirmish)
Dragon Descendant 3 (subtle ancestor), ecl 8: gain 2d6, see text (also stacks for certain monk abilities)

Fiendish Codex II - Tyrants of the Nine Hells:
Hellbreaker 3, 6, 9/10 (can also steal spell-like or supernatural abilities)

Ebonmar Infiltrator: 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7 (gain minor Int based arcane casting)



Heroes of Battle
Dread Commando: 1, 3, 5/5 (Sudden Strike, full BAB)

Libris Mortis

Lords of Madness

Magic of Incarnum
Umbral Disciple: 2, 5, 8/10

Miniatures Handbook
Skullclan Hunter: 3, 6, 9/10 (can "sneak attack" undead at level 2, read "Divine Strike" wording carefully, not actually sneak attack... I think)
Tactical Soldier: read "Flanker" ability

Planar Handbook
Fatemaker: 3, 6, 9/10 (gains minor Cha based arcane casting)

Races of Destiny
Chameleon: see text
Menacing Brute: 3/5 (full BAB)
Scar Enforcer: 3,6,9/10 (advance half caster)

Races of the Dragon
Dragon Devotee 2, 4/5, ecl 7, (either sneak attack, sudden strike, or skirmish; advances sorcerer casting 2/5)

Races of Stone
Blade Bravo: 4, 8/10 (melee only, full BAB)
Stonedeath Assassin: 2, 4/5 (Stonedeath Strike at level 5)

Races of the Wild
Whisperknife: 2, 5, 8/10 (full BAB)

Scorpion Heritor: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10
race: Marrulurk, small Monstrous Humanoid, 3 HD, +1 LA (ECL 4), 2d6 sneak attack

Scarlet Corsair 2, 6, 10/10 (full BAB, faint as free action once per 2d4 or 1d4 rounds)

Tome of Battle:
Assassin's Stance, Shadow Hand Stance - gain 2d6 sneak attack

Tome of Magic:
Andromalius vestige - see text
Malphas vestige - see text (sudden strike)
Shadowblade 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10 (sudden strike, at level 3 gain ability to deny opponent their dex bonus)

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Rogue 3: "Penetrating Strike" - exchange trapsense for the ability to do half you sneak attack damage against undead

Eberron Campaign Setting

Eberron: Five Nations
Dark Lantern: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10

Magic of Eberron
Vigilant Sentinal of Aerenal: 2, 4/5

Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik
Scorpion Wraith: 1, 3, 5/5 (sudden strike, full BAB)

Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona
Fist of Dal Quor: 1, 3, 5/5 (sudden strike, also gain stunning attacks)

Eberron: Faiths of Eberron
Thief of Life: 2, 6, 10/10

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
The Divine Seeker: 2, 4/5
Guild Thief: 1, 3, 5/5

FR: Champions of Ruin
Justice of Weald and Woe: 3, 7/10 (death attack at level 10, gain minor diving casting)
Night Mask Deathbringer: 4, 8/10
Shade Hunter: 4, 8/10 (gain minor arcane casting)

FR: Unapproachable East
Thayan Slaver: 4, 7, 10/10

FR: Lords of Darkness
Darkmask: 3/5

FR: Lost Empires of Faerun
Cultists of the Shattered Peak: 2, 4/5 (Death Attack at level 5, gain minor arcane casting)
Magelord: 1, 5, 9/10 (full arcane advancement)

FR: Races of Faerun
Warsling Sniper: 1, 3, 5/6, ecl 6, warsling only

FR: Player's Guide to Faerun
Shadow Thief of Amn: 1, 3, 5/5
Zhentarim Spy: 2, 4/5

FR: Serpent Kingdoms
Fang of Sseth: 1, 4, 7, 10/10

FR: Shining South
Crinti Shadow Marauder: 2, 4/5 (Sudden Strike, gains a "Shadow Pounce" at level 5)

FR: Silver Marches
Orc Scout: 3/5
Peerless Archer: 1, 4, 7, 10/10 (ranged only)

FR: Underdark
Imaskari Vengeance Taker: 3, 5, 7, 9/10 (half arcane advancement)

FR: Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lloth: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10 (sudden strike, full BAB)
Eye of Lloth: 2, 5, 8/10 (half caster)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 05:04:43 AM by Surreal »
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2008, 04:54:13 AM »
placeholder 7
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 04:54:22 AM »
placeholder 8
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 04:58:06 AM »
 :love :love :love
The cake is a lie.
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Brilliant Gameologists' PbP Forum. Do it, you know you want to.
The 3.5 Cleric Handbook
The 13th Guard - An alternate history campaign idea.
Clerics just wake up one morning and decide they need to kick ass, and it needs to be kicked NOW. ~veekie


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 05:08:35 AM »
Ok, that should be all of it. I can't believe how long this thing is. My master's thesis was barely 15k words... this beast weighs in at over 21k. In many ways, I consider this just as strong a contribution to CO as my handy links have been.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 05:15:42 AM by Surreal »
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 05:10:48 AM »
My babies - A thread of random builds I've come up with over the years.
Notes to self


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 02:02:31 PM »
yeah you definetly have put together a couple of the most all around useful posts for CO work...
 :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :D :D :D :D :D


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 02:50:54 PM »
Nicely done.  Thanks!
My balancing 3.5 compendium
Elemental mage test game

Quote from: Cafiend
It is a shame stupidity isn't painful.
Quote from: StormKnight
Totally true.  Historians believe that most past civilizations would have endured for centuries longer if they had successfully determined Batman's alignment.
Quote from: Grand Theft Otto
Why are so many posts on the board the equivalent of " Dear Dr. Crotch, I keep punching myself in the crotch, and my groin hurts... what should I do? How can I make my groin stop hurting?"
Quote from: CryoSilver
I suggest carving "Don't be a dick" into him with a knife.  A dull, rusty knife.  A dull, rusty, bent, flaming knife.
Quote from: Seerow
Fluffy: It's over Steve! I've got the high ground!
Steve: You underestimate my power!
Fluffy: Don't try it, Steve!
Steve: *charges*
Fluffy: *three critical strikes*
Steve: ****
Quote from: claypigeons
I don't even stat out commoners. Commoner = corpse that just isn't a zombie. Yet.
Quote from: CryoSilver
When I think "Old Testament Boots of Peace" I think of a paladin curb-stomping an orc and screaming "Your death brings peace to this land!"
Quote from: Orville_Oaksong
Buy a small country. Or Pelor. Both are good investments.


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 03:31:50 PM »
Awesome, Surreal, thanks :D
"Weakness? Come test thy mettle against me, hairless ape, and we shall know who is weak!"

Quote from: J0lt
You caught a fish.  It was awesome.   :lol


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2008, 03:50:37 PM »
Is anyone else getting errors when loading this thread? Sometimes entire posts go blank or the box is entirely black. A refresh or two seems to fix it.
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2008, 06:08:13 PM »
I got black boxes when scrolling down really fast, but I let it sit for a few seconds and it went back to normal.
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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2008, 06:09:43 PM »
Yeah, it works normally. You just have to make sure to give it time to load it all. It's a huge post.
The cake is a lie.
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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2008, 06:16:49 PM »
Yeah, it works normally. You just have to make sure to give it time to load it all. It's a huge post.

This is where I say Plus Fucking One, isn't it? :P
Smiting Imbeciles since 1985.

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There is no greater contribution than Hi Welcome.

Huge amounts of people are fuckwits. That doesn't mean that fuckwit is a valid lifestyle.

IP proofing and avoiding being CAPed OR - how to make characters relevant in the long term.

Friends don't let friends be Short Bus Hobos.

Sunic may be more abrasive than sandpaper coated in chainsaws (not that its a bad thing, he really does know what he's talking about), but just posting in this thread without warning and telling him he's an asshole which, if you knew his past experiences on WotC and Paizo is flat-out uncalled for. Never mind the insults (which are clearly 4Chan-level childish). You say people like Sunic are the bane of the internet? Try looking at your own post and telling me you are better than him.

Here's a fun fact: You aren't. By a few leagues.


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2008, 04:30:48 AM »
I officially put in my vote for Surreal as President of the Internet.  :clap


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Re: Lists of Stuff
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2008, 08:09:28 AM »
I officially put in my vote for Surreal as President of the Internet.  :clap

Maybe Secretary of the Internet...
"The late, sedate, and no to great." ~Surreal

Some Handy Links for CO Work (WotC 339 version) - a compilation of links for base/prestige class handbooks, tactics, spellcasting, character builds, D&D databases, etc.
Archived version of the above with working links

The Mango Index - a giant index for all things D&D and where to find them
The Mango List Reborn! - rehosted by KellKheraptis

Lists of Stuff - listing of class features etc and how to get them, etc. sort of like above but a little more specific and sorted by category
Polymorph, Wildshape and Shapechange, oh my! (comparison charts) - side-by-side comparison of all the various form altering abilities
Alternative Class Features
alternative ways to get class skills