Author Topic: Evaluate my build. Please.  (Read 1662 times)

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  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Evaluate my build. Please.
« on: August 06, 2010, 01:03:57 AM »
Alright, some background on the campaign.  We are ambassadors for our races, most people don't even know that monsters exist, think they're just fairy tales.  Our job is to find out if the world is cool to come out of hiding and try to integrate with/take over/destroy the humans depending on what our race would prefer.  I'm playing a kobold sorcerer, yes the DM knows what it can do, yes it's planned on being a high power campaign.  Also, there will only be one other player other than myself, and we may or may not be in a party due to the setting.

Heres stuff for first level.

Sorcerer/1 +2 from Loredrake


Feats: 1:Dragonwroght
          F:Precocious Apprentice

Skills:Bluff, Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft all max ranks.


0: Presdigitation
    Detect Poison
    Detect Magic
1:Mage Armor
   Magic Missile
2:Wings of Protection

SLA from Draconic Rite of Passage:Identify

My end build I plan on being Sorcerer/5, Incantar/10, Abjurant Champion/5

Feat Build:

1:Listed above
3:Iron Will(entry requirement for Incantar)
6:Draconic Reservoir, B:Heighten Spell
9:Empower Spell, B: Reach Spell(this one if iffy, depends on how many touch spells I have at the time)
12:Twin Spell, B: Quicken Spell
15: Split Ray, B: Not sure, maybe make Split Ray the bonus and take Extra Spell here?
18:Another not sure here, maybe another Extra Spell?

Alright, thats all I can think of to put down.  If you guys need anything else I'll be more than glad to supply :)


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 01:12:24 AM »
Get Iron Will from the Oytugh Hole in the Complete Scoundrel if possible.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 01:16:20 AM »
Ocular Spell instead of Reach
Slappin ho's like E-Honda


  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 01:39:25 AM »
Ocular Spell instead of Reach

What book can I find this in?  I read on it on a site, but I would like to be able to show it to my DM so he know's I'm not making shit up lol. 


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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 01:42:55 AM »
Lords of Madness.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2010, 01:46:55 AM »
Thought as much with all the talk of studying beholders and what not.  Couldn't remember what the book on those were called though.

Ivory Knight

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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2010, 07:44:19 AM »
If you get Iron Will from the magical location, I have a feat for you: Alternate Form(Dragons of Eberron), should be useful in your campaign.
Hidden Strength would make this quite a good(and long lasting^^) combat buff, if you can spare a second feat.

Shapeshifter(from Oriental Adventures, was IIRC updated to 3.5 in Errata or Dragon Magazine) might be worth the 2 lost levels of spellprogression(Wildshape up to Large & addional uses for Alternate Form), if Alternate Form just isn't enough for you ;)


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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 12:27:28 PM »
Take Launch Item instead of Detect Poison as a cantrip, and get some acid flasks. Now you have a weapon that does 1d6 as a ranged touch attack out to medium range.

I'd also pick up other useful alchemical items later as you can afford them, like torchbug paste and tanglefoot bags.

Later on, pick up Shrink Item and you can launch huge boulders, pools of lava, etc at people with Launch Item. You can cast Shrink Item on your "off days", so you don't even need to use daily spellslots on it. Just make sure you keep that shrunken lava somewhere that isn't easily dispelled. :P (Or at least somewhere that won't instantly kill you if it is)

I was working on a cheesed out kobold sorcerer a while back, and got a lot of good suggestions for it. The thread is here, and you might find it useful.
A couple of water benders, a dike, a flaming arrow, and a few barrels of blasting jelly?

Sounds like the makings of a gay porn film.


  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2010, 01:32:37 AM »
Probably not going to get Alternate Form, even if I get Iron Will magically, simply because I feel like I've put enough cheese on this guy.  Depending on what the other guy chooses for his race/class I might, but yeah.  I've already got a 4 cheese pizza going on with the Loredrake and venerable kobold nonsense :p

Ivory Knight

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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2010, 02:17:07 PM »
Need I remind you, that a Dragonwrought Kobold of Age old or older can choose Epic Feats, just by virtue of being a 'True' Dragon? :lmao


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Evaluate my build. Please.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2010, 05:00:34 PM »
As a creature with the dragon type, you get a free grandfather clause into Singer Of Concordance despite normally not meeting the prereqs.  Unless you're planning on some sorcerer sub levels, just go sorcerer 1/singer of concordance 4/ until you qualify for something else.  Class features are decent (better than sorc's nonexistant ones), and the domain is nice to have.
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