Do you use any D20 source??
Quintessential Dwarf (1 or 2 ) (GMW) +3 hit, Greater honed +6 dam, Folded Steel +1 crit,
Swashbuckler (AEG)Bent grip +1 Crit, Mortis assassin (AEG) prestige 5 lvls lets you add 1 to crit range and mod per lvl (5 lvl prestige) use any small bladed weapon suggest (Sailors knife 17-20/x3 Small 1d4 ) puzzle serrated + 2 damage lvls
Modified-GMW, GHoned, Balanced, Bent grip Folded Sailors knife +4hit 10-20/x9+6 Small 1d8 (cost 2520 GP )
Fighter 2/Mortis 5 fights as twin weapons
entry into Mortis is BAB 2
I use monk lvl 3 typically slower but better character skills