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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2008, 03:19:40 PM »
Chain gun?
Quote from: Backstabbist
Can we sue Boeing, cause I've seen what comes out their so called "ChainGun", and it aint chain at all, its bullets...... clearly false advertizing 

I think boeing cant really claim the terms describing the chain driven cycling of the action. The capitolized ChainGun is boeing's, and the phrase 23mm chain gun isnt spoken english propper, unless the gun fires chain.... and these are not Pirates of the Carribean sail&rope wreckers. Chain driven gun, chain drive gun, chain action gun, some thing like that cant be gobbled up by Boeing.
You want a Chaingun, I got your chaingun right here, Pal ;)
That aint a Chaingun, THIS is a Chaingun:
[INDENT]Hornblower Chain Gun (pl7)
Unlike many chainguns being marketed, the xM442 if a first of its kind True Chaingun, utilizing a CarboFero 33mm WeldLink Chain 4' projectile. Pattanted chain feed mechanisms give this adaptation to a classic Railgun, a decided edge against bipedal targets: The Ranged Trip Attack.
Range Inc: 40
Rate: Single
Ammo: 10
Slot: 1
Damage: 3d8 NonLethal, or Ranged Trip Attack
Special: Trip target as 1 size smaller than it really is from high power heavy chain
Well, it is a McChaingun... but that is a problem for Marketing to deal with :)
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2008, 03:31:17 PM »
Hydra SF AntiMech Rocket PL6
A developement of a longstanding platform, the 2.75 dumbfire, the gen-VII Hydra70 smaller motors & weight reduction allow for shoulderfire variants.  Using the SF motors on regular production warheads gives extreme performance to infantry in a variety of roles: AT/AM, Apers, AAA, &  mission effect.  Deployed in 3man teams, Gunner & 2 ammo bearers, the Hydra SF system gives field commanders options unavailable before.

Hydra SF AntiMech Rocket PL6
Shoulder Fired Rocket Artillery
Size : Large
Weight : 15lb + rocket
Ammo : 1 internal
Reload : Full Round 2man, no feats applicable

The Hydra SF launcher takes 2 rounds to load, or 2 people to load in one round.  The ammo is 2part, warhead options & motor, that is assumed to be assembled prior to cambat, else it is a Move Equiv to assemble, or FullRound to change warhead on a motor.  All ammo weights include the 10lb motor.

[SIZE="1"]<All Data is in scale for RAW, not CyberDaves/Reality>[/SIZE]

HE Rocket
Range 100
Damage 6d8 Bal 40'r , Ref DC20 1/2
....and 6d8 Fire 20'r , Ref DC20 1/2
Weight 20lb

AT/AM KE Rocket
Range 100
Damage 10d8 Ignore 15Hardness
Weight 20lb
Equipped with a standoff fuse, it fires a terminal charge to launch a sabot dart at fantastic speed just prior to striking the target.

HEDP Rocket
Range 70
Damage 4d8 Ignore10 Hardness
... and 4d8 20'r Bal , RefDC18 1/2
... and 2d8 10'r Fire, RefDC15 1/2
Weight 30lb

KE Rocket
Range 130
Damage 8d8
Weight 12lb

- - - -
hmmm, just looked these up again...

HEDP: Not so much with the DP, more HEAT oriented
HEMP: HE MultiPurpose, HEAT, plus 9 submunition for squishies
Apers: on target Flechette burst

generic range, surface launch, indirect lobbing 10.4km
about 2500fps

 I'm thinking 1/10th range for direct fire,
and using the good old 2/3rd of 1/10th d20 RI on that DirectFire Range
DirectFire RI: 200'
...but that is a estimate on my part

That post I put up on pg3 (?) , it was for a game Shoulder Fire variant of the 2.75, while I tried to keep the warhead realism, the rest of the range & weights are fiction
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 03:44:24 PM by backstabbist »
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2008, 03:34:47 PM »
Fusion Ammo: 5 militon SlugNuke (12ga cartrige) PL6
The SlugNuke is the smallest nuclear weapon never produced with a yield equivalent to 10 lb of TNT. The SlugNuke is a Touch Attack on the target, plus does variable amounts of damage depending upon how far every creature or object is from the point of impact. Firing this weapon at ranges of less than 100 feet is not advised.

0-5 feet
10d6 points of fire damage
10d6 points of concussion damage
2d6 points of falling damage (Reflex save vs DC15 for half)
Living creatures suffer the effects of exposure to severe levels of radiation.

10-20 feet
5d6 points of fire damage
5d6 points of concussion damage
1d6 points of falling damage (Reflex save vs DC15 for half)
Living creatures suffer the effects of exposure to moderate levels of radiation.

25-30 feet
3d6 points of concussion damage
1d4 points of falling damage (Reflex save vs DC15 for half)
Living creatures suffer the effects of exposure to light levels of radiation.

35-50 feet
1d6 points of concussion damage
Living creatures suffer the effects of exposure to light levels of radiation.
Just juice up the damages x2 and the ranges by x1.5 and it would make a nice 10 MiliTon AMR/AT 30mm slug nuke, or leave the numbers as is for a more RAW feel 10militon atmo nuke
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2008, 03:41:02 PM »
Ok, I was rereading some earlier posts in the thread, and was thinking about the modular XM8 and the grenade gun that was also modular... to the point of having a double grenade weapon.... then I went overboard and put a modular xm8 carbine on the modular xm8 SAW for a double 5.56 sprayer: Two-fisted auto fun, grab it with its front pistol grip (a popular feature for ARs these days), just point and give both triggers a squeeze.

Autofire DC20 3d8
Burstfire 6d8
DoubleTap 4d8
Independant triggers allows rear drum fed saw to opperate as primary standard stats, but you can make any attack "Give 'em both barrels!"
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2008, 03:53:22 PM »
Barrage Rapid-Fire Rocket Launcher (PL 5)
The rapid-fire rocket launcher packs a large number of rockets into a single launcher, which then unleashes them at once to devastating effect. This weapon allows the mecha to target an area rather than a single target, blanketing the battlefield with a hail of deadly rockets. The entire magazine is expended at the time of use, necessitating a reload every time it is fired. The system carries up to four rockets.
Damage: Varies by Rocket
Critical: --
Damage Type: Varies by Rocket
Magazine: 4 int.
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Size: Huge
Weight: 45 lb.
Equipment Slots: 2 for launcher, must be back or shoulders.
Activation: Attack action.
Range Increment: 200 feet.
Target: Autofire only, except area is increased to 40ft-by-40ft (taking into account weapon size and rocket burst radius).
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: As per autofire or rocket DC, whichever is greater.
Purchase DC: 28 for rocket launcher.
Restriction: Military (+3).
Barrage Rapid-Fire Rocket Launcher (PL 5)
Please consult M202 Flash the US fielded so long ago it is obsoleted.
4x 66mm WhitePhos multishot shoulderfire 15lb,
the Comando RL the girl fired backwards (with HE cinematic results instead of WP)
and the basis of the Future Tech Multi RL (with super cheater stats: Link & Battery from one step up)

You put the 4shot Barrage 45lb 40x40 & the 6shot Rapid 30lb 30lb 20x20.
Considering a 10d6 blast 72LAW (67mm) is only a 4lb rocket, the multifire launchers should not get very heavy for adding rockets.

Please consider putting some rules up for beter aiming the barrage.  You text it as a ground attack but say it is an Autofire.  Your area is too small for a barrage. 40x40 is a sqare pattern of four 10'burst 20' apart, and even the 40mm m203 grenades would do better than that as four 15'burst 30' apart for 60x60.  You give a rocket 20'r in the stats which makes a 80x80 ( a wee bit less at this point from radius vs square area... maybe a 60x60 to be safe).  The 6pack would get a nice 40'radius if it were 7pack instead, center & 6 around.

But this is looking at the barrage as a Grenade/Artillery type attack, you pick a point on the ground and roll scatter for misses.  You have it as Autofire, where all the rockets just cease to exist on misses.  Consider making in a Ground Attack, since the name is Barrage.  This would also allow targeting "Anywhere in this 30x30 Gargantuan area, rather than targeting "This one little gird intersection."

You will probably want to adjust your 2slot McWeapon to be better than the persoanl m202 Flash of US ordinance history.
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2008, 04:04:31 PM »
Has anyone stated up a Localized Reverse-Terraformer?
Just install one at the front of a dungeon, seal the doors, and wait for all the oxygen to convert to hydrogen peroxide... collect XPs for WMD-crawl


Marco has infected me with a love for Hellsing, so...

Valentine Special (.30 Caliber)

The Valentine Special is a modified M1 Garand rifle used by Luke Valentine in the Hellsing anime and manga. The stock and barrel have been sawn off, leaving the rifle around the size of a large pistol.

Needless to say, even with this fairly cool weapon, Luke was still beaten (and destroyed) by Alucard. Did we really expect any different?

Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic.
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate Of Fire: S
Magazine: 8 Box
Size: Large
Weight: 6 lbs.
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Lic (+1)
D20 Modern Rules: This weapon may be used one-handed, provided the character has a STR of at least 14 or a Base Attack Bonus of +2 or higher.

Size Medium?
Uh.... is this for a very cinematic game? Cause that aint no medium.

To call it medium says that any librarian or soccer-mom can fire just fine one handed, rather than saying one particular dude is so badazz that he can fire it 1 handed.

That cut m14 aint medium.
Perhaps a Micro-m14 done in a machineshop, that uses a shorter op-rod & gas system, alloy skeleton furniture, GillPorts or TankBrake, and a 10 rnd magazine would make a

BastardRifle: EXOTIC Large Usable Onehanded with feat & Str13


Simple test:
Any gun you think Hillary can shoot 1 handed is medium.
If she cant, then it is large.

Gun size is a test of the gun, not the person using it.... all mediums (average) must be able to use it 1 handed. Finding 2 or 3 medium sized creatures that are so EXTR-ordinary that they can weild what standard folks cant is not a medium gun.

If only Alucard & Gen Patton could 1 hand a particular gun, it aint medium.
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Better Armor
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2008, 04:09:03 PM »
Sandwiching layers is kinda an old trick.... Damascus Steel or Folded Katana blades ring a bell? And I know folks were able to carry a CarboFerric sandwich sword no problem. Layer upon layer is not a problem it those layers are 27micron thick.

Hmmmm, Tank armors on folks.... never in a million years will we have ceramic strike plates for vests, only tanks can handle the weight of both ceramic & steel layered armor... humans could never layer ceramic in a pouch over kevlar.

Lets not go crazy.

If we need 3mm RHA surface treated steel to meet NIJ Level IV Vest specs, and that plate weighs 10lb to cover so much of your vitals..... why on earth would we not make a Vanadium Strike Plate that can meet the Level IV spec with just 1mm and weigh 2.7lb to cover the same area?

lvl IV Steel Strike Plate for vitals 10lb
lvl IV Ceramic strike plate for vitals 9lb (about 20 years old)
lvl IV Vanadium strike plate for vitals 2.7lb
lvl VII Vanadium strike plate for vitals 8lb
lvl VII Vanadium Extended Coverage Plate 10lb

So, to get the same protection as a steel plate insert for your kevlar II vest a Vanadium IV plate would weigh 27%. Some folks dont want to wear a IV plate because of the weight... so they would be more inclined to actually use a plate it if was 3lb not 10lb.

But the TacTeam would be looking at full thickness full weight 10lb plates to replace thier Steel IV 10lb plates... and Level VII for the same weight as Steel IV sounds good to me.... just by using a better material. Just like we dont use aluminum strike plates(balistic), cause an aluminum 10lb plate will be far below Level IV.

Certain types of armors are not as likely to be used as body armor such as Reactive armor, not due to weight so much as the concept of how it operates, as it has explosive material between armor plates that explodes as it is penetrated to create a diffused impact area that lacks penetration. Now other armors are more believable, for instance Chobham armor is certainly feasable to me since most of the materials that are thought to go into it's construction have been used in personal armors.

iirc, Reactive pannels are used to defeat HEAT/Shapecharge... by having a counter explosion mess up the focused jet from the shapecharge... in a sense UnShaping it.

While the amount of counter explosion reqired to defeat a LAW or 75mm HEAT ammo would blow the wearer to pieces before the incoming fire can draw blood.... what about some fool shooting 10mm Explosive Tip Light AP ?

A packetized Reactive tunic over standard bodyarmor,
with hundreds of tiny charges- just enough to defeat 10mm Explosive ammo (meaning small arms HEAT)... that should not be so much counter explosive as to be harmfull to a wearer with standard body armor backing the Reactive Tunic overgarment. Not sure of how to stat it, but something along the lines of
Defeats Explosive/HEAT benefits, take 1/2damage of standard ammo of that caliber.

This of course doesn't work if there is no standard bodyarmor under it, explosions hurt, even the small ones.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 09:41:16 PM by backstabbist »
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2008, 04:11:17 PM »

sure, I throw some stats out there.

Lets see... current armors to be made of advanced materials...
Tactical VestThe standard body armor for police tactical units, this vest provides full-torso protection in the toughest flexible protective materials available.
.no, that wont do... we are talking rigid materials.  This d20 level of flexible vest doesnt have steel/ceramic inserts... making it a NIJ IIIa or III at best
Plate Mail
Special Response VestBuilt like the tactical vest, but incorporating groin and neck protection as well as a ceramic plate over the chest, this armor provides additional protection in battles against heavily armed opponents.
ForcedEntry UnitThe most powerful protection available is built into this suit, which consists of a heavy torso jacket with ceramic plates over the chest and back, neck and groin guards, arm protection, and a helmet. Heavy and cumbersome, this armor is generally only donned by tactical officers heading into a dangerous assault.
oh yes, much better suited for advanced materials.  Just replace the 1980s ceramic with future plate materials, and replace Kevlar with MatlekTM (pl6 strongstring) fibers with micaflake & coperdusting to work on laser & be a faraday cage for ER... and then we got something.
Future Examples:
Armor Type                       
Platemail oldschool
Platemail Vanadium thin
Platemail Vanadium thck

Breastplate oldschool
Breast Vanadium thn
Breast Vanadium thck

Matlek Fiber Vest
Matlek Fibre Vest









50 lb.
15 lb.
50 lb.

30 lb.
10 lb.
30 lb.

2 lb.
10 lb.



so, with a material 3x as strong for 80% the weight,
we get really good armors compared to weak things like steel
either very high DEF numbers, or very low weight (giving high DEX etc)

ok, I'll break down & look up the BPs & BunkerNotes for the materials.

I know it is in them, it has Weight Hardness & HP/Inch for all the future ship/mech materials

ok, I knew it was back there archived.
BulletPoints: Back to the d20 Future
has the materials numbers that we use for statting stuff, then argueing how conflicting rules are

Dont have it the book handy, but Steel is Hardness10 .....30HP/Inch(iir?), just like D&D


look at the current armors made of steel

Then do some though as to what happens when you use a material 3x the hardness of steel.... 3x the protection or use 1/3 the material for the same protection.

Also consider the plastic material... same as steel for 1/2 the weight... which is what a logical person would associate with StormTroopers... plastic full value Platemail weighing 1/2 normal

Check post #13 for the logic.

oh, all the numbers are "Compared to Steel"
so they weigh 80% of what some object made of steel would weigh.
Hardness is the simple one. 30Hardness is 3x more bulletproof than 10Hardness (steel)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 05:10:07 PM by backstabbist »
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2008, 04:20:12 PM »
Just to keep everyone on the same page,
lets review what happens with a less powerful caliber in a pistol
.600NE Pistol video
That is about half(7/12th) as powerful as a 50BMG
I dont know about Bad & Evil, but the shooter was deffinately a Big Guy

John Browning just took the 30-06 (7.62x63), and scaled it up to use in a heavy machinegun that bore his name: 50 Browning Machinegun aka 12.7x99mm

If you shrink a giant 30-06 down a size, it is a non-giant 30-06, making it a 2d10 caliber. If you shrink it again you'd get something about .2" diameter x about 40mm... which is close to the .233 caliber (5.56x45) at 2d8. Shrink that again, and you get the .17HRM (4.4x27) 2d4 (2d6 if you have a kind gm) [SIZE="1"]<fyi: wildcat .17x28, a 5.7FN neckdown to .17... 4.4x28mm 20gr @3200>[/SIZE]

Now the fun
IF you want to get 2d12 out of a 2d6 caliber because it is a 3 size Miniature/Compact, then you would have to use something other than standard gunpowders in it.. cant use normal Win231 or BlueDot smokeless doublebase gunpowder, or else you would get the normal 2d6 for that size.  You need to say there is some special new Uber GunPowder Extreme (UGPX) that can get that .17caliber bullet going mach15 to be as damaging as a 2d12 50bmg.  Well, in the future who are we to say they didnt make UGPX in the year 2025, and can get the .17 to do 2d12.

See, easy.  Using the future propellant UGPX, .17 bullet can do 2d12.

Uh, why dont all pl6 firearms use UGPX in all formats from .17 to .30 rifle, wouldnt a 44mag (pl5 2d8) use UGPX instead of museum Win231 and get (2d8-->2d10-->2d12-->3d10).  Why wouldnt all pl6 firearms get 3 bigger dice damage by using the then current UGPX propellant?  Why would the military just choose to use museum gunpowder rather than then current powerfull UGPX?  Maybe they just dont want to have a G3/M14 that does 3d12, that is more of a civilian type weapon.  And they certainly wouldnt want the AbramsIV 120mm to do 15d12 or more

And it is alway entertaining to see the Gadgets shrink the 120mm Tankgun 3 sizes too.
Bipod AMR 10d12 Huge
[SIZE="1"]<I prefer 2d60, better doubletap +1Die that way>[/SIZE]

I see where you are wanting to go with this, and I'll make it easy
Dont MiniCompact the 50BMG (which then has to use the MiniCompact 50ammo)
MiniCompact the 40mmGrenade ammo, down to 10mm
and load up a magazine full of them in a 10mm MP5 or a rechambered Ingram,
so folks will be in 10 3d6 grenade blast autofires, attack the party, not 1 character

Regarding making guns lighter with alloys
please refer to the video at the top of Post #4

I wholely (sp??) support making small powerful guns with advanced materials & propellants in the future. I dont see why we wouldnt make firearms so advanced that a pocket gun would do 2d12. But tell me folks like JayneCob or GenPatton wouldnt want to carry around a 3d12 SMG if they existed... and exist they would if materials are there to make a 2d12 pocketgun.

Right now ,and for the past 100 years, wildcatters have been playing frankenstien with ammo calibers, just for laughs they made the 30TCU & 22PPC swapping the bullets into the cases of AK & m16 brass... 7.62x41 & 5.56x39. They took the 5.7 and put a .17 cal bullet in it. They have necked down 45acp to 22JMag... they cut a 338 down to under 2" for a subsonic 50. If there was a uber powder to get 2d12 from a tiny bullet, they will wildcat that into a TankKiller Carbine 7mm MightyManly MegaMagnum

It is a logic problem.
If 2d12 Small guns are there, then 3d10 medium pistols, 3d12 Heavy Pistols, 3d12 Carbines, 4d10 Rifles, 4d12 MagRifle, & 5d12 AMR would exist using those materials.

... will there be 14lb 4d12 Weatherby 8mm Magnums?
... will there be 10lb 4d10 BattleRifles with 8d10 Burstfire? <uber m14/g3>
... why not?

Well, you're basing the logic off of "current" technology. Can you predict all of what we'll have in the next 30-50 years?
No, no, no...
We are talking about the technology YOU are using to make a 2mm slug gun as powerfull as a 12mm slug gun.

It doesnt mater what that technology is, ETC, Rail, Grav... Whatever.  Use penutbutter&jelly for all I care.  But YOU are using something that we dont have in that Tiny 2d12 gun, and that is ok in first light.

Now that you have put that Whatever technology into the campaign, why is it only used in the  Ezram PocketMachinegun?  Why is it not also used in the Ezram SingleHand Machinegun 4d12, the Ezram Large Machinegun (8d12) and the Ezram AMR 10d12<Mini-Compact tankgun>

I called it Uber GunPowder Extreme UGPX, but the name doesnt mater.
Why would the world of macho man magnum shooters choose to have UGPX in just a little girly sized gun, when they could just pour a lot more into an AK47 sized gun for 8d12.

Compact & Miniaturization create an invisible technology that cant be seen or used in the world of Industry & Defense Contractors?  UGPX can be used in the GirlyGun but not in military battle rifles (mini-compact 40mm & 57mm autocannon)?  WHy would it not exist as a weapon technology?

The answer is AGB : Artificial Game Balance
You have seen me demonstrate that as technology advances, guns get gimped to keep the lethality down.  The Whatever technology (UGPX) far outstrides the Gimped weapon technologies in d20Future.
Large PlasmaRifle 3d10
Large (mini-comp 57mm AC) Whatevergun 8d12
... see the problem.  They cant admit they have a weapon technology that wasnt nerfed/gimped.... so the technology used in Min-Compact cant exist in rules, but is used by the rules as a gadget.

and that is dumb
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 04:33:40 PM by backstabbist »
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2008, 04:28:26 PM »
I just did this in the Question on Energy Weapons thread, the table I think he's talking about

Based on the scaling of Firearm technology weapons (pl5) for RAW based games.
I scaled the other technology Rifles of the other PLs to make a full set for each.

I like CyberDaves system way more than RAW, he put a lot of research & logic into his stuff... not only is is good, it makes sense.

Bold entry is RAW
RAW Disintegrator is only 6lb, so Carbine sized
RAW Railgun(grav) is 18lb, so MagnumRifle sized
Note: From MagnumRifle --> AMR in pl5 is +33% damage, so I made it +33% later too

Notice the AGB (artificial game balance) of damage cap as centuries of advancements dont make weapons better.  What would a Miniature Plasma AMR stat as, and why is the Plasma Pistol nowhere near those stats.

When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
Quote from:  Leadership Diplomacy Check
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2008, 04:38:15 PM »
again, we see that the future will bring forth a new era of Kinder Gentler Nukes.... because allowing a Nuke to be a 1shot kill is unballanced...

Compare the PL7 MG-4D Tactical Nuclear Rail Gun
to the DavyCrockett tac nuke rocket from decades ago,
and it seems yet again we had much better weapons before we got PLs.

Would it be ok to have

Davy McCrockett TacNuke Launcher(pl6)
Damage: Variable: 20Ton Nuke [SIZE="1"](what would 20lb TNT do? 20d6?... now 2000x that)[/SIZE]
---- upto 0.5KT Nuke [SIZE="1"](25x as powerfull as lower setting )[/SIZE]
Rate 1
Range Inc 1000
MaxRange 5 kilometer
Rate Single
Ammo 1
This mech weapon is no more than the original, anchient 1956, DavyCrockett 0.5kt Nuke that has been updated with a more efficient warhead for better balistics, and an arming/firing mechanism for mech use.

When imagining the future, it should be better than what we had in 1956, Wiki
or Waylan's Nukes For All Seasons to get a nice atmo burst nuke damage scale

XAD-Decimator Cannon
The Decimator Cannon is one of the most powerfull weapons of it's kind. Designed to give mechas a fighting edge in combat, a mecha armed with it can easily wipe out an entire squadron of other mechs.

Damage: 12d10
Range Increment: 150ft
Target: single target within 1,500ft.
Special: Cannot be mounted on large or gargantuan mechas.
Slots: 3 (must be arm, shoulder, and hand)
um... what?
Entire squadrons, but with a single 1500' target?
12d10 is the most powerful, meaning no gun will exceed the 120Abrams
... ignoring of course the 140mmRhinemetal the germans fire daily at demos
Must be so big, like a tank, but get no better damage than a tank from 2 PLs ago?
Abrams 12d10 gun has what for an RI?

Why wouldnt a giant robot carry a Mc79 120mm-smoothbore breakaction singleshot that combines the firepower of an Abrams shot with the simplicity of a 40mm M79 ... just carry it... wouldnt that be about right for a 40' robot.  Or we give man infantry Dragon shoulderfire AT missiles, wouldnt a metal 40' infantry guy get a really really big shoulderfire AT Missile?
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2008, 04:40:41 PM »
Mage Armor for mechs, aka Disbelief Armor
Capitolizing on research (a poll at Berkely), the northrup Human Resourses Dept developed a new mech armor material: Marketing-esium.  They state that peploe believe what they are told, and will act accordingly even with direct evidence to the contrary, given an adequately funded marketing campaign.  Thus begat the product Disbelief Armor: It is not really armor, but we tell folks it is... and they believe it.

Mage8 Armor Plating
is a set of lightweight fiberglass pannels with huge logos writen in a glow in the dark pigment, "Mage8" and "M8" blazen across the pannels let everyone know you have some serious armor, and the mass media advertizing of the product have made it a household name... everyone knows you dont wanna mess with a Mage8 armored mech. 

The key to the functionality of Disbelief Armor is that it is not really armor at all:
it has a TrueDefence of just +1,
but attackers must make a WillSave DC20 vs MarketingHype at the beginning of the fight or suffer the belief that it really is as good as the comercials say... Def +8.  This save is rerolled after any successful hit at the believed +8Def, with a -2DC to the roll cumulative for each hit... after a while you see the armor aint really good at all.

Mage8 Mech Armor
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2008, 04:42:49 PM »
McHand-Grenade (PL5+)
The McHandGrenade is a 1 slot rack that carries 6 'grenades' to be thrown by the mech.  Use of a grenade is a FullRound Action, which includes grabbing the grenade, arming, aiming, throwing, and the detonation.  As with smaller human grenades, the target is a grid intersection.  The actual grenades are sized (named) appropriately for the mech they are mounted on, and stats are based on that size.
Code: [Select]
PL5 CompB Frag McGrenades
Large Huge Gargan Col
Wt(lb) 10 20 33 50 each grenade
Range 10' 15' 20' 25'
Damage 5d12 6d12 7d12 8d12
Burst 30' 40 50' 60'
SaveDC 16 18 20 22

all PDC25 loaded rack

McBangStick (pl5)
An old time favorate of gator hunters, upgraded for mechs, this melee weapon is basicly a mk81 250lb bomb with a 81' flagpole screwed onto where the fins would attach.  The bombtip is fused with an contact trigger (once armed) and requires only a TouchAttack to detonate.  This weapon has a 60' reach, and must spend a MEA to switch to a shortreach grip.  It is a 2handed Colossal melee weapon that doesnt not gain damage from stronger strikes- no Strength bonus or Strength Based bonuse to damage.  Struck objects get no save, they really were hit by the McBangstick, if it didnt hit it wouldnt have exploded, so there is no RefSave for the struck target

McBangStick (pl5)
Size 2handed Colossal
Reach Weapon 60'
Melee Touch Attack
Damage 20d12
Burst 60'
RefSave DC25
PDC 25
Single Successful use

McMiniStick (pl5)
A smaller cousin to the McBangStick, it utilizes a 30lb modified 105mmHEAT tankshell in place of the bomb on the big stick, and only a 15' lightpole for the shaft.  Again, no save for the touch attack target, but reduced splash by the shapedness ofthe charge. May be used 1 handed by a Huge or bigger Mech
Size 2handed Large
Reach Weapon 15'
Damage 10d8 ignore 10 Hardness
Burst 10'
Burst Damage 2d8
Burst RefSave DC15
PDC 20
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2008, 04:44:52 PM »
Brass McKnuckles (PL6)
Mech Unarmed Melee System
PDC15 Large Mech (H16,G17,C18)

Allows the user to replace the standard Slam attack with feated/talented CMA & Brawl abilities of the pilot doing 1d8,2d8,3d8,4d8 base for LHGC. User selects CMA/Brawl/Other mode for the McKnuckles to act as Armed,Unarmed, Lethal, Non-Lethal, or other requirements for stylin kungfu azzkickery

I cant help but wonder... rule-wise I suppose its stable, but logically, how can a Mecha's metaloid fist (Large mecha's fists being about the size of a person's head), piston-thrusted/mechanically-thrusted at someone's head, be considered non-lethal

Largely from the name McBoxing Gloves just being too silly for even me to post.

Slam is nice, but for the DanceAround mechs why not let KungFu Joe get his thing on. Circle Kicks & that one with the snakefist (man that arm held up with the snakey hand cracks me up) would be just so cool for a 30' robot
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 04:49:40 PM by backstabbist »
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2008, 04:59:44 PM »
Maybe, like the Nostromo, it can land once it disconnects from it's cargo container.

That container in the pic must be over 1000ft long! I wonder if it could be writen up using the rules in Future Tech.

Hummm, unmanned/unpowered space frame?

Why Unmanned & Unpowered?
Power that sucker up, Arm & Armor it
Tug it upto 0.844 C, disconnect & let it coast toward the enemy plannet.
The collision asteroid that shoots back!

Frankly it wouldn't have enough mass to be a real threat.

Frankly its not the tug that you need to worry about, its the cargo pod filled with fifty megaton Fuel Rods which it has spent the last twenty months bringing up to light speed and has just cut loose as it jumps in on planetary approach.

"Resist the Plutonium fist of Khan at your peril dogs!"

wouldnt that be a giant dirty Enriched DU Penetrator?
Imagine a gun so big you can shoot a plannet and punch thru to Core, the bullets would be similar to our cargo pod full of FuelRods (or formed into one giant rod/penetrator)... we are just using a tug to get it to 0.8c rather than a gun of some kid to shoot the APDS ... well, actually PPDS (Planet Penetrating Discarding Ship).

Cores think they are so safe... with their Mantle & ArmoredCrust... Well, we got the giant PPDS KE penatrator that will punch that CrustArmor like a 44mag punching a leather jacket.
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2008, 05:18:51 PM »
Such Nutworthy threads like this just make me smile and forget my anal retentiveness towards spelling. :clap

"Yestiddy, I couldn't spell Ing-a-neer. Today I are one." or as Stabby says, "Conventional spelling is for the Unimaginative".

Its kinda hard to argue with a fella that munches C-4 like bubblegum and uses Cordite as air freshener.
I am the thing that goes bump in the night and then I'll go, "F**k, that was my toe!"

Founder of the Rackhirean Social Club. Abusing and Terrifying players for  years and ourselves in the off season.


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PL6: Are we there yet
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2008, 05:20:28 PM »

sorry guys, but all I keep seeing are bullpup gas-op .223 rifles.....
and the mini14 bullpup 25 years ago was what?

Terrific, there is a plastic housing over the entire gun, which if I recall Hollywood has been doing since before Planet of the Apes (original), like the tommyguns in Aliens.... sure they are pretty, but it's still just a bullpup gas-op 223 with a plastic VanityChassis- where is the technology difference from 25 years of them being around?

Where is the tech like RA (rocket assist, gyrojet) ammo? even the 16" iowas had RA 10" subcal shells
Or Liquid/Gaseous propellants?
Even the CaselessBlock ammo is not really common market item, and it was prototype decades ago too.

Where is the DIFFERENT technology to mark advancement, rather than same guns but the wood stock is now plastic/ Fiberglass/ CarbonFibre/ TitaniumSkeleton. That is not gun tech. Neither is putting a mp3 player on a gun.

The problem is that while we could get newer technology, unless we get something that increases the ease of killing people by a few times over, the governments are going to be too cheap to pay for it. Maybe if there was a war with competing weapon industries on each side, like WW2, we would get some new technology, but until then, I doubt anything big will happen. Unless it is some strange application of a normal technology. (like metal storm, but minus the sucking)

I think the problem is that Innovation the government doesnt find cost effective, is illegal to pursue.

Many of out greatest advancements were by common folk that wouldnt be allowed to do it again today.... the Wright Flyer is over the fed CFR14-103 250 pound limit for unregistered unlicensed, so you need federal approval just to do what the Wrights did. Dont even think of doing what Dr Gatling did, and Homeland Security would bust madam Currie for WMD.

Heck, even the Incandescent Light Buld is politically incorrect now.

The unions have made the cost of replacing Hover Dam beyond our GNP, the EPA will clobber you if you try to make Mt Rushmoore II, we agreed to a No Nukes In Space treaty that effectively bans achieving fusion/coldfusion powerd spaceships...

How do we get to the Fusion Age of space travel if fusion is globally banned in space?

Not a lot of reason to invest heavily in banned technology advancement

You can bet a lot of those tricky laws are going to be repealed or revokved. No fusion for spacecrafts in the future? Please, progress will trump congress

there are folks that ended up in Rolling Blackouts because they whined &cried till their Fission reactors were shut down.... they'd rather sit in the dark than have Fission discount, Zero Carbon Footprint electricity.

When we get every town over 50,000 running their own 400Mw Fission reactor, dropping the price of elect to zilch, then maybe we can say folks will want tech more than laws. Elecrtic cars, electric BridgeDe-Icers... heck, power the whole hiway to never get frosty ("if it saves just 1 life it is worth it"  ) Run your thermostat at whatever you want, the power is almost free... and yet we dont have Pre PL6 fission commonplace. Fission Subs & Carriers, but no nuke supercargo? It is ok for the goverment to have, but we cant.

What if tomorrow we master a new magfield science to stabilize fusion, producing buildable tech 25Mw Fusion reactors the size of a 4 bedroom house.... you will have a hard time actually building them in most places- they'd rather not have tech and their laws reflect it.

- -

the Orion nuke pulse drive was the best concept for deepspace drives, and after 40years we still have nothing even close, not even in the same book no the less the same page as Pulse Nuke Drive. The best part was that the heavier the sip was, the more efficient the drive train became- they were talking thousands of tons of colony ship

.... and the research of 40 years ago on it is where today? Mothballed for 40 years and counting. We are no closer today than in '63, because we stopped working on a globally illegal, but super awesome, drive.

yeah fission's great, until your water starts glowing because those spent fuel rods they buried in the ground however long ago start contaminating the water. when we find somewhere to put the fuel rods *cough*reprocessing*cough* then I agree with backstabbist, go totally electric, and while we're at it, get the EPA, ATF, and CPSC to relax their rules that make innovation/invention difficult.

Red Tape Bad. Invention Good.

with a fleet of spaceships powered by orion engines, you could take all the nuclear waste on the planet and drop it into the sun. you could make regular runs to venus to suck up greenhouse gasses and deliver them to Mars. You could also make regular runs to Europa to pick up Ice and deliver it to Mars, you could set up research stations on Mars, Euopa, and Titan, and mining colonies in the asteroid belt... you could place all of Earth's heavy industry in high orbit or on the dark side of the moon, heck you could tak all of Earth's greenhouse gasses and deliver them to mars too... imagine the environmental good you could accomplish by removing mining, heavy industry and all that methane from cow farts from the Eath's surface and "outsourcing" it to space...
All of this could be done today with the same technology (and probably for the same price tag) as that of a fully loaded ballistic missile submarine. all you need is a company willing to set up shop in Somolia... hmmm

you could take all the fission waste rods, and use it as Fuel Augmentation for Orion drive ships, or set up 15% efficiency reactors on the darkside of the moon to run the streetlights

for as long as the rods are hazrdous, they can be used for some power, even in the form of warming water to keep green houses a decent temp on mars.

we could do it if they would let us.


slightly back in the direction of the topic-

whether or not in the future we decide to break the treaty, in order to cancel the prohibition of research(testing), in order to develope a Drive that would justify breaking the treaty, it is Chicken & Egg....

...with the Chicken sitting in front of you!
It came first because I see the chicken without the egg (the Ban without the NukePulseDrive giving reason to lift the ban)

The laws are there, the research is not beng done, no Drive will be developed, no reason to lift the ban.

Sure, folks are probably developing space weapons in violation, but that is exactly that, WEAPONS not the Drive. If anything, when other countries develope & deploy weapons in space, that wont fuel Drive research by the US/Brits, but trump has been broken and the US will pour gobs into Weapons as well (making Drives a buget void)

Where are the nuke SuperContainer ships?
Where are the nuke railroads?
What % of US energy is nuke,
compared to *"burn Carbon/hydrocarbon/carbohydrate" % ?

Notice the common term in those fuels? Global warming is Topic DeJour, and the evil CO2 is catching heck from it. R&D on using "spent" rods is in the toilet, and "spent" is really far from no longer usable. Star dumping, Breaders, low output reactors... all simply not being persued. What to do with spent rods is not a problem, folks just claim the solutions dont exist because they are stopping us from developing them.

Much like putting a nuke Lightning Generator at the south pole & making O3 to patch the hole in the ozone... "we cant make ozone" I keep hearing from the envirofolk. They dont let physics or chemestry stand in the way of their opinion. Such as paying to offset your Carbon Footprint by developing Solar/Wind/Biomethane sounds great until you ask what is biomethane... oh, burning renewable methane.... uh, isnt that making CO2 ? Fight global warming by reducing carbondioxide- by making carbondioxide? They have BigAl touting it.

How can we get to the Fusion Age if we are not allowd to?
We have Fission tech, but not the FissionAge yet.... for about 40 years so far.


-- -

well, the WickedLaser could also raise your skin to 130 & make it feel like your clothes were on fire... well... like 2mm circle of your clothes were on fire... like that RayGun thread but smaller and less worksier

Is that a herald of PL6? a pocketsized laser Person Annoyer?

Na, we already had those before I was born, they are called spitwads

ok, so we will be at PL6 when we

1. Have Computers that can beat us at chess
2. Cure Cancer
3. Develope man portable spitwad weapons systems
4. Ban all research & developement of improved protection bodyarmors, but develope improved armors for vehicles/ships

Ah, nuclear energy production vs alternative energy. Is this topic becoming my version of backstabbists "Iowa Battleship", or am I just crazy.

JosephKell I am pretty shure that is only the case if you don't count the uranium that is currently still in the ground and available for mining. IIRC if we tap the known uranium deposites we could produce energy at our current consumption rate for a good 50 to 100 years using the current crop of "legal" reactors.

A breeder reactor can recycle its own waste and turn it into new fuel with greater than 90% efficiency. Yay republicans for banning research with breeder reactors that could extend that 50 to 100 to 500 to 1000 years of energy (not really, it will be shorter because our power consumption rates will likely increase dramatically over time). In either case, it offers greater longevity and less polution than any other consumable power source (oil, coal, the amazon rain forest, etc). It is also better than the "green" energy sources of solar or bio-fuel as each would require such vast tracts of land to satisfy our current energy needs that our ability to produce food to sustain our population would be extremely difficult.

I still say we need to cover the moon with solar panels and downlink to earth with microwave lasers. Then you not only control the worlds energy source, but you can also threaten to "miss" the recieving station.

again with the Moon Maser?
wish you would hurry up, the Colorado River aint going to reverse itself, & I aint getting younger- I cant wait for Razore to gather up his legions of shovelers

saw a thing on local station today
We should get Hydrogen Fuel cars, cause they are no emissions..... well, no emissions as long as you dont ask where the hydrogen is coming from to get put in the tank. The old USING electricity is no emissions trick, just dont mention on average we burn coal to make that electricity


We've got French fries that are still called French fries

true, and unlike NYC, your fries are still made like real fries, rather than the Wrong-Oil Psudo-Fries-Like Heathy Potato Sticks they got stuck with in New York

"Ahh, about time we got rid of that unhealthy oil..., now pass me the Ranch Dressing, I got a naked order of Cheddar Bacon Fries here."


was Demolition Man PL6?
Didnt SandraBullock say "In the future, all restaraunts are TacoBell"
...wait, I mean when she said anything that was bad for you was banned, like real french fries.

So maybe Banning French Fries is a step toward Sociological PL6

Meaning so far we hit:
Computers beat us at chess (AI tech)
Spitwad tech weapons (military)
Food choice verboten (social)
5.7mm FN ammo (magic)

almost there, PL6 within our grasp
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
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5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2008, 10:01:18 PM »
Loose Feats:
SOmetimes I just spit one out in a thread about something unrelated.
Or is it my feat that is unrelated to the thread... I'll have to look into that & get back to you.

Quote from: Granx
Reloading with a fresh mag when you have two or three bullets left means that some point down the line you have to reload another mag that has only two or three bullets in it, or to remove the bullets and pu them in another partially empty mag
Maybe we need a Feat to top off magaizines

Lock the slide back, and shove more loose rounds (kinda like a stripper) with your feated thumb to top off your doublestack pistol magazine without removing it from the gun. Handy to change ammo type for a few shots without having to change the magazine back to the original type.
Benefit: You may add upto twice your Dex Bonus of rounds of loose ammo to a magazine in a gun as a MEA
Normal: You cant.

no lost ammo when reloading a non-empty gun

Quote from: nodaisho
You forgot the added benefits.
You also get a +10 bonus to play (video games), perform (thumb piano), and thumb wrestling skill checks.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 10:08:05 PM by backstabbist »
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
Quote from:  Leadership Diplomacy Check
If that procedure is beyond your ability,
just say so & I will go get a 12 year old little girl to do it for you.


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Re: Backstabbists nefarious machinations & mechanizations
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2008, 10:59:33 PM »
Odd thing about the Repair skill:

Man, This place is a real Fixer-Upper, no wonder you got it so cheap BigAl.
I'll use Repair on the leaking pipes and broken tub fixtures, and then get my Repair tools out & bolster the foundation while under the house for the pipes. Then I'm gonna Repair the burnt countertops & swollen cabinet boards. A quick Repair of the chipping paint & fix of the trim boards and I'll be ready to Repair the shutters & trellises. The hardwood floors & squeaking stairs need some Repair too. Then we can Repair the ceiling fans & broken outlet wiring.... and Repair the funky bypassing the previous tenants did to the fusebox. I'll call my brother in law, and get his tools to Repair the cracked driveway & sidewalks. Only thing left after that is to Repair the fiber & cat5 system to get the automation back online.

Hey, can you put an extra plug behind the desk?

No, that would be craft Structural to put the hole in the wall, and Craft Electrical to install wiring to it, and I dont know how to craft.
When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
Quote from:  Leadership Diplomacy Check
If that procedure is beyond your ability,
just say so & I will go get a 12 year old little girl to do it for you.


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Things that go BOOM
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2008, 12:03:58 AM »
I'd give them the following stats, for a cinematic everything goes BOOM game.... but hold many of these numbers as not realistic

CO2 Extinguisher
( two 2liter bottle sized) : 1d6 Sonic(blast) 10'r + 1d6 Cold 5'r

BBQ Propane : 4d6 Fire 15'r

50gal Jet Fuel
(standard bullets): 4d6 30'r
(explosive ammo): 8d6 30'r

Crate Dynamite/C4: As 10lb of either by rules

Station Fuel Pump: 2d6 Fire 5'r

71 Pinto: 20d20 100'r No Save

Spraypaint: 1d6 no Radius

That car really did go up with a bang.  Despite the flaws in its design, I'd suggest 10d6 to the occupants of the vehicle, and 5d6 in 30' radius around the vehicle, as suggested on page 163 of the Core Rulebook. Feel free to add a few d6s of damage, though.

Improvised Spraycan Flamethrower

5ft long cone of fire (Ranged touch attack, 1D6 fire damage, no save )
10 shots from a standard can
25 shots from the industrial sized can of Aquanet Hairspray.

(Special: On any roll of a natural "1" the can catches on fire and the holder must roll a reflex save DC: 12 to disgard it before it explodes...BOOM!
Damage 1D6, no radius [thanks Backstabbist!] )

When not specified, the gun is always a m1911
Convetional spelling is for the Uncreative
5.7fn : Can a slug that only weighs 31gr still be called a slug?
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If that procedure is beyond your ability,
just say so & I will go get a 12 year old little girl to do it for you.