I hope its OK to post what I have so far here rather than the peanut gallery. Given the long hiatus, I figure there's a good chance there will be a spot open.
Concept: A princess far down in the line of succession, who led a split life impersonating a prince second in line to the throne (but had died in a "hunting accident"). Many years later when her ruse was discovered, she would have been quietly married off, rather than add flame to the controversy by having a trial.
Born Noble, Arcane Devotee, Page, Squire, Knight, Lady, Prince(Princess) of the Blood, Duke (Duchess)
Age: 48
10 points Mental, 16 points Physical
Mental -- Perception B5, Will B5
Physical -- Agility B4, Speed B4, Power B3, Forte B5
"I will use others (esp. the Duke) to claim my rightful throne."
"The best way to excel at court is to ingratiate oneself with all while keeping the help at each others throats."
"I will protect my son from the dangers of court politics."
"Rulership is my natural and ordained task."*
"Always look (Observe) for signs of betrayal."
"Always remain armed to the degree that etiquette allows."
Traits: 11
Mark of Privilege, Base Humility, Sworn Homage, Born to be King (Queen), Noblesse Oblige, Your Grace, Gifted, Second Sight
Edit - added instincts and traits