Author Topic: Compilation of Low Level Builds  (Read 75052 times)

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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #140 on: December 12, 2010, 03:54:43 AM »
The Bomber
Male Mineral Warrior Kobold Commoner 1; CR 1 & 1/4; Small Humanoid (Reptilian, Earth); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., Burrow 15 ft.; AC 16 (+0 armor, +1 dex, +4 natural armor, +1 size), touch 12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +0; Grp -4; Atk +1 melee (1d2+0/x2; Unarmed Strike); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Earth Strike (1/day; +1 atk; +1 dmg); SQ Darkvision (60ft.), Damage Reduction 8/Adamantine; AL LN; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Knowledge (Religion) +1 and Speak Language (Draconic); Final Strike (Savage Species).

The main point of this build is for the bomber, consumed in their religious quest, to make it to their target so they may be vanquished and thus self-detonate. While the DR8/Adamantine is nice it serves merely as a guard until the bomber reaches their destination. When the bomber does pull off his jihad he does a simple 1d6 of earth damage (reflex save of 11) but this is nothing compared to the secondary effect. When destroyed the Bomber triggers the Earthquake spell (reflex save of 11) which is an eighth-level spell!

Now imagine sending these guys into battle...   


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #141 on: December 12, 2010, 01:09:36 PM »
The Quad-Threat (10th level character with 2 flaws)

Venerable loredrake dragonwrought kobold cloistered cleric2/sorcerer1/cleric1/mystictheurge6

Domains: kobold, trickery

ACF: spontaneous domain: trickery, trades knowledge domain for knowledge devotion

Feats: 1)heighten spell, F)dragonwrought, F)quicken spell, 3)versatile spellcaster, 6)draconic reservoir, 9)DMM: quicken spell

Spellcasting as a 9th level cleric and 10th level sorcerer (thanks to loredrake and greater draconic rite of passage), tanking with various cleric and sorcerer buffs with knowledge devotion, trapfinding via kobold domain and a decent amount of skill points thanks to cloistered cleric and +3 int due to being venerable


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #142 on: December 16, 2010, 03:13:16 AM »
So here is a tough, low-level minion used in my campaign world. Used primarily as enemy fodder they bring some nice strengths in the form of solid offensive might, the ability to 'convert' booze into healing potions and some flavorful skills. Their common tactic includes charging their opponent and than grappling them into any nearby water source. I present to you the frat boys of the rough waters.

The SeaWolves
Male Amphibious Water Orc Barbarian 1
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Orc, Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 1d12+4 (16 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares); 30ft. Swim
Armor Class: 12 (+2 armor, +0 Dex), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+6
Attack: +6 melee (1d6+7/x2; 10 ft.; Club) or +6 ranged (1d6+5; 10ft.; Club)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab
Special Qualities: Darkvision (60ft.), Light Sensitivity, Water Race Traits, Amphibious, Illiteracy and Rage (1/day; 7 rounds). 
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6
SkillsFeats: Fearless [1st], Poison Healer [Flaw], and Great Fortitude [Flaw].
Flaws: Inattentive and Weak Will
Languages: Common & Orc
Possessions: Club (0 gp; 3 lb.), Leather (10 gp; 15 lb.) and 10 clay tankards of weak ale (6 sp; 20 lbs.).   
Challenge Rating: 1     
Variants Used: Bear Totem and Wolf Totem.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #143 on: December 20, 2010, 06:44:32 PM »
Orc Rager CR 2:
Warblade 1 / Barbarian 1
Init: +0 Senses: Spot +3, Listen -1, Darkvision 60, light sensitivity


AC 14 (+3 Studded Leather armor, +1 dex), Touch 11, Flat-footed 13
HP 17 (2d12+4) Raging 21
Saves +6|+8 / +1 / -1|+1


Speed 40ft;
Melee - Scimitar +6 melee (1d6+4/18-20) or
    Kukri +6 melee (1d4+2/18-29)
Raging - scimitar +8 melee (2d4+6/19-20) or
    Kukri +8 melee (1d4+3/18-29)
Ranged - javelin +1 ranged (1d6+3)
Maneuvers: Wolf Fang Strike (hit with both weapons), Sudden Leap, Steely Strike
Stance: Blood in the Water (cumulative +1 atk/damage on successful critical hit)


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +8, Climb +8, Spot +3
Feats: Tiger Blooded (if raging, on a TC strike, target must make a DC 17 Fort save or be knocked back 5ft. )
Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves), weapon aptitude
Rage 1/d (+4 str, con, +2 will, -2 AC)

4 of these and a CR 7 leader (bard 1/barbarian 1/warblade 5 wr/tc) for a nice CR 8 encounter.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #144 on: December 24, 2010, 12:18:27 PM »


Included Domain Wizards.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 11:12:08 PM by Shadowhunter »
Quote from: Runestar
the most effective optimization is the one you can actually get away with.  :smirk

Quote from: Vinom
(A group of nerds are called a murder because like crows we are anti-social, like shiny things, and often squack at each other over nothing for hours)

I often have to remind people not to underrate divination.  The ability to effectively metagame without actually metagaming beats the ability to set things on fire more times than not.

Binder? You're Welcome

Zceryll makes Binders go from tier 3 to tier 2.
Cagemarrow is a Genius

Before giving the advice that build X would be better of with Fist of the Forest, take a long, good look at Primal Living. Twice.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #145 on: December 24, 2010, 11:47:04 PM »
The World's Angriest Paladin-Monk

Desert Half-Orc Half-Orc Paragon3/monk2/paladin5

ACFs: overwhelming attack monk, half-orc paladin racial subsitutions, holy warrior

Skill trick-never outnumbered

Feats: 1-nymph's kiss, 3-extra rage, monk1-power attack, monk2-improved bullrush 6-intimidating rage 9-shock trooper, holy warrior-divine might


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #146 on: December 24, 2010, 11:49:01 PM »
Generalist Wizard, level 1:

[spoiler]Neutral Good Grey Elf Wizard 1


Initative: +3
Armor Class: 12, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 9
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-1

Saves: 1/3/2

Skill ranks:
Concentration 4
Knowledge (Arcana) 4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 4
Knowledge (Religion) 4
Knowledge (The Planes) 4
Search 4
Spellcraft 4

Collegiate Wizard, Scribble Scroll

0: All
Protection from Evil
Benign Transposition
Mage Armor
Obscuring Mist
Charm Person
Power Word: Pain
Color Spray
Silent Image
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person

Spells Per Day:

Sources Needed:
Players Handbook: Wizard base class, most spells.
Monster Manual: Grey Elf variant, page 104.
Complete Arcane: Collegiate Wizard feat, page 181.
Spell Compendium: Benign Transposition spell.
Races of the Wild: Elven Generalist Substitution Level 1, page 157.
Races of the Dragon: Power Word: Pain spell.[/spoiler]
Add Domain Wizard from Unearthed Arcana. It works with the elven sub.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #147 on: December 25, 2010, 01:57:24 AM »

Mineral Warrior Killoren Factotum 2


2 Flaws

Feats: Charming the Arrow, Zen Archery, Font of Inspiration

Basically, you have the following to your ranged attacks:


When you feel like spending the inspiration:

1/day (Grab Extra Smiting, ya wuss)

So, yeah, it sucks, but it's pretty funny!
[spoiler]Fighter: "I can kill a guy in one turn."
Cleric: "I can kill a guy in half a turn."
Wizard: "I can kill a guy before my turn."
Bard: "I can get three idiots to kill guys for me."

On a strange note, would anyone be put out if we had a post about people or events we can spare a thought for, or if its within their creed, a prayer for? Just a random thought, but ... hells I wouldn't have known about either Archangels daughter or Saeomons niece if I didn't happen to be on these threads.
Sounds fine to me.
probably over on "Off-topic".
might want to put a little disclaimer in the first post.

This is the Min/Max board. We should be able to figure out a way to optimize the POWER OF PRAYER(TM) that doesn't involve "Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu".

My final project for my film independent study course. It could do with a watching and critiquing


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #148 on: December 26, 2010, 05:51:39 PM »
The Cannibal

Human Warlock 6

Corpsecrafter (H), Destruction Retribution (1), Tomb-tainted Soul (3), whatever (6)

See the Unseen
Entropic Warding (Alternatvely Spiderwalk)
Baleful Utterance
The Dead Walk

A surprisingly useful character in a dungeon.  Entropic Warding helps keep him alive while he blasts away with his 3d6 eldritch blast (which is still decent at level 6).  He can locate many foes even in the dark.  Handy, since invisible foes start showing up somewhat frequently at this level.  Using Detect Magic, he can locate magical traps more reliably than a Rogue can, allowing for better disabling (via Baleful Utternace) or avoidance, if disabling is not an option.

However, the real use is that every corpse is a potential minion or snack.  If he uses black onyx, he obtains a decent meatshield.  If he doesn't, then the minion explodes a few minutes later, healing himself and any minions in the area.  They can even be used in combat as sort of vampiric bombs.  Each minion is also a mundane trapfinder.  Since most of these traps use poison and/or piercing damage, skeletons are excellent for this task as they will frequently survive.  Once the trap has revealed its location, it can usually be hit with Baleful Utterance for disabling.  In addition, locks and jammed doors are not a problem as he can break them with baleful Utterance.
I am constantly amazed by how many DM's ban Tomb of Battle.  The book doesn't even exist!

By yes, she means no.
That explains so much about my life.
Why would you even do this? It hurts my eyes and looks like you ate your keyboard before suffering an attack of explosive diarrhea.

If using Genesis to hide your phylactry, set it at -300 degrees farenheit.  See how do-gooders fare with a liquid atmosphere.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #149 on: December 27, 2010, 11:45:00 AM »
The Cannibal

Human Warlock 6

Corpsecrafter (H), Destruction Retribution (1), Tomb-tainted Soul (3), whatever (6)

See the Unseen
Entropic Warding (Alternatvely Spiderwalk)
Baleful Utterance
The Dead Walk

A surprisingly useful character in a dungeon.  Entropic Warding helps keep him alive while he blasts away with his 3d6 eldritch blast (which is still decent at level 6).  He can locate many foes even in the dark.  Handy, since invisible foes start showing up somewhat frequently at this level.  Using Detect Magic, he can locate magical traps more reliably than a Rogue can, allowing for better disabling (via Baleful Utternace) or avoidance, if disabling is not an option.

However, the real use is that every corpse is a potential minion or snack.  If he uses black onyx, he obtains a decent meatshield.  If he doesn't, then the minion explodes a few minutes later, healing himself and any minions in the area.  They can even be used in combat as sort of vampiric bombs.  Each minion is also a mundane trapfinder.  Since most of these traps use poison and/or piercing damage, skeletons are excellent for this task as they will frequently survive.  Once the trap has revealed its location, it can usually be hit with Baleful Utterance for disabling.  In addition, locks and jammed doors are not a problem as he can break them with baleful Utterance.

Good stuff. I'll have to try this out. Thanks. :clap :clap :clap
This is johnboy069 and toryn from the wizards boards:)
\m/ RIP Ronnie James Dio, you will be missed.\m/ :bigeye


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #150 on: December 27, 2010, 05:35:19 PM »
Tiny von BigMcLargeHuge.

Doable by level 2 without flaws.

And at level 1 with them (or partially so without flaws).

I'm still trying to find a way to give kobolds the [human] subtype at level 1.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 06:32:12 PM by Lycanthromancer »
[spoiler]Masculine men like masculine things. Masculine men are masculine. Therefore, liking masculine men is masculine.

I dare anyone to find a hole in that logic.
[/spoiler]I'm a writer. These are my stories. Some are even SFW! (Warning: Mostly Gay.)
My awesome poster collection. (Warning, some are NSFW.)
Agita's awesome poster collection.
+1 Lycanthromancer
Which book is Lycanthromancer in?
Lyca ... is in the book. Yes he is.
shit.. concerning psionics optimization, lycan IS the book

Felix Underwood

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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #151 on: December 28, 2010, 06:55:31 PM »
The Cannibal

Human Warlock 6

Corpsecrafter (H), Destruction Retribution (1), Tomb-tainted Soul (3), whatever (6)

See the Unseen
Entropic Warding (Alternatvely Spiderwalk)
Baleful Utterance
The Dead Walk

A surprisingly useful character in a dungeon.  Entropic Warding helps keep him alive while he blasts away with his 3d6 eldritch blast (which is still decent at level 6).  He can locate many foes even in the dark.  Handy, since invisible foes start showing up somewhat frequently at this level.  Using Detect Magic, he can locate magical traps more reliably than a Rogue can, allowing for better disabling (via Baleful Utternace) or avoidance, if disabling is not an option.

However, the real use is that every corpse is a potential minion or snack.  If he uses black onyx, he obtains a decent meatshield.  If he doesn't, then the minion explodes a few minutes later, healing himself and any minions in the area.  They can even be used in combat as sort of vampiric bombs.  Each minion is also a mundane trapfinder.  Since most of these traps use poison and/or piercing damage, skeletons are excellent for this task as they will frequently survive.  Once the trap has revealed its location, it can usually be hit with Baleful Utterance for disabling.  In addition, locks and jammed doors are not a problem as he can break them with baleful Utterance.
The downside to this is that the corpsecrafter line of feats only apply to undead you create with spells (by RAW).  Invocations are spell-like-abilities, and woudn't benefit from them.

Personally, I house-rule the heck out of this in favor of allowing the corpsecrafter line.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #152 on: July 20, 2011, 03:08:47 AM »
I really find this one of the most useful handbooks. Just saying.
\\\"Disentegrate.\\\" \\\"Gust of wind.\\\" \\\"Now Can we PLEASE resume saving the world?\\\"


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #153 on: July 20, 2011, 03:57:22 AM »
The Cannibal

Human Warlock 6

Corpsecrafter (H), Destruction Retribution (1), Tomb-tainted Soul (3), whatever (6)

See the Unseen
Entropic Warding (Alternatvely Spiderwalk)
Baleful Utterance
The Dead Walk

A surprisingly useful character in a dungeon.  Entropic Warding helps keep him alive while he blasts away with his 3d6 eldritch blast (which is still decent at level 6).  He can locate many foes even in the dark.  Handy, since invisible foes start showing up somewhat frequently at this level.  Using Detect Magic, he can locate magical traps more reliably than a Rogue can, allowing for better disabling (via Baleful Utternace) or avoidance, if disabling is not an option.

However, the real use is that every corpse is a potential minion or snack.  If he uses black onyx, he obtains a decent meatshield.  If he doesn't, then the minion explodes a few minutes later, healing himself and any minions in the area.  They can even be used in combat as sort of vampiric bombs.  Each minion is also a mundane trapfinder.  Since most of these traps use poison and/or piercing damage, skeletons are excellent for this task as they will frequently survive.  Once the trap has revealed its location, it can usually be hit with Baleful Utterance for disabling.  In addition, locks and jammed doors are not a problem as he can break them with baleful Utterance.
Screw using onyx. Just make your 6th level feat Master of Undeath (CM).


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #154 on: July 20, 2011, 11:08:29 AM »
Good stuff. I'll update the 1st page with links. I've been neglecting this for a while...
A couple of water benders, a dike, a flaming arrow, and a few barrels of blasting jelly?

Sounds like the makings of a gay porn film.


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #155 on: July 21, 2011, 12:12:28 AM »
I would love it sooooooooooooo much if you updated the first page with all the builds that people have put up.   :love


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Re: Compilation of Low Level Builds
« Reply #156 on: July 21, 2011, 10:54:23 AM »
The Cannibal

Human Warlock 6

Corpsecrafter (H), Destruction Retribution (1), Tomb-tainted Soul (3), whatever (6)

See the Unseen
Entropic Warding (Alternatvely Spiderwalk)
Baleful Utterance
The Dead Walk

A surprisingly useful character in a dungeon.  Entropic Warding helps keep him alive while he blasts away with his 3d6 eldritch blast (which is still decent at level 6).  He can locate many foes even in the dark.  Handy, since invisible foes start showing up somewhat frequently at this level.  Using Detect Magic, he can locate magical traps more reliably than a Rogue can, allowing for better disabling (via Baleful Utternace) or avoidance, if disabling is not an option.

However, the real use is that every corpse is a potential minion or snack.  If he uses black onyx, he obtains a decent meatshield.  If he doesn't, then the minion explodes a few minutes later, healing himself and any minions in the area.  They can even be used in combat as sort of vampiric bombs.  Each minion is also a mundane trapfinder.  Since most of these traps use poison and/or piercing damage, skeletons are excellent for this task as they will frequently survive.  Once the trap has revealed its location, it can usually be hit with Baleful Utterance for disabling.  In addition, locks and jammed doors are not a problem as he can break them with baleful Utterance.
Screw using onyx. Just make your 6th level feat Master of Undeath (CM).
What use will controlling a single undead for caster level days do if it only lasts for caster level minutes at maximum?  You still need onyx to make them last longer.
I am constantly amazed by how many DM's ban Tomb of Battle.  The book doesn't even exist!

By yes, she means no.
That explains so much about my life.
Why would you even do this? It hurts my eyes and looks like you ate your keyboard before suffering an attack of explosive diarrhea.

If using Genesis to hide your phylactry, set it at -300 degrees farenheit.  See how do-gooders fare with a liquid atmosphere.