Author Topic: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"  (Read 52505 times)

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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #80 on: November 02, 2010, 11:59:49 PM »
Could take Energy Sub (Electric) and then Born of Three Thunders.
Just for sillies.
Suddenly everyone's taking elec/sonic damage, getting knocked over and stunned every round.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #81 on: November 03, 2010, 01:08:48 AM »
for the last time, born of three thunders does not work that way


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #82 on: November 03, 2010, 01:28:50 AM »
Pretty funny, though, when the spell expires and whatever survivors remain are wondering, "How could this possibly get any worse?" and a shockwave shatters their windows and knocks them prone as the doomwinter fades.
So you end up stuck in an endless loop, unable to act, forever.

In retrospect, much like Keanu Reeves.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #83 on: November 03, 2010, 01:57:19 AM »
This seems very cool, if I had friends to play dnd with, I'd probably include this as and event in the world. :P


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #84 on: November 03, 2010, 03:08:49 AM »
Doesn't the fell drain only cause a single negative level?

Yep, each time they're damaged. And you're damaging them once a round.
You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level
I think that limits it to one level per spell, since it doesn't say "whenever".
The FAQ/Sage has said no and used the Fell Drain Magic Missile for the example. Wording wise it is pretty binary: "so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level.". Also, they cap out at 15 hours for the duration. Still plenty to get the job done, but several short of the mentioned 44 hours.

And yeah Bo3Ts doesn't give a three saves per round effect. Bo3T's effect is done when the spell concludes.

Do you have feat room (or maybe buy some metamagic rods?).
Reaping Spell: Nothing less than True Resurrection can be used to return someone to life, and even that has a 50% fail chance.
Transdimensional Spell: Any extraplanar space in the area is hit as well, including Rope Trick, Bags of Holding, people hiding on the Ethereal plane...
Violate Spell(fimbulwinter): Half the damage is Vile, which is uncurable without a Consecrated area. Undead are still immune.

And finally, the MiC, page 125 has the Ring of Mystic Fire. There is even a Ring of Mystic Lightning. A Ring of Mystic Cold isn't far fetched and could be used to add +4d6 damage to the spell. Probably works like Fell Drain but it does boost the first round of damage for a mere 7,500gp and allows stuff like Cold Snap to be applied.
Tiers explained in 8 sentences. With examples!
[spoiler]Tiers break down into who has spellcasting more than anything else due to spells being better than anything else in the game.
6: Skill based. Commoner, Expert, Samurai.
5: Mundane warrior. Barbarian, Fighter, Monk.
4: Partial casters. Adapt, Hexblade, Paladin, Ranger, Spelltheif.
3: Focused casters. Bard, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Martial Adapts, Warmage.
2: Full casters. Favored Soul, Psion, Sorcerer, Wu Jen.
1: Elitists. Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Wizard.
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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #85 on: November 03, 2010, 10:36:30 PM »
can i request a tl;dr version? sleepy but looks fun
An interesting read, nice to see a civil discussion
The point of Spell Resistance is to make it harder to get buffed.
And healed. Don't forget that.
Huge amounts of people are fuckwits. That doesn't mean that fuckwit is a valid lifestyle.

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It blows MoMF out of the water

But if your greedy for more [Wish] for something that only effects you, like another class level or two that doesn't count against your ECL.
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Yes, I'm the 3.0 "Masters of the Wild" shifter, the awesome kind. My favorite form to take is Force Dragon. Yes, I am immortal ... My character is hands down the coolest guy in the campaign and there is nothing I could possibly want.
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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #86 on: November 03, 2010, 10:40:37 PM »
can i request a tl;dr version? sleepy but looks fun
High CL + Fimbulwinter + Fell Drain + Other Meta's = snowstorm from hell
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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #87 on: November 03, 2010, 11:20:18 PM »
Doesn't the fell drain only cause a single negative level?

Yep, each time they're damaged. And you're damaging them once a round.
You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level
I think that limits it to one level per spell, since it doesn't say "whenever".
The FAQ/Sage has said no and used the Fell Drain Magic Missile for the example. Wording wise it is pretty binary: "so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level.". Also, they cap out at 15 hours for the duration. Still plenty to get the job done, but several short of the mentioned 44 hours.

And yeah Bo3Ts doesn't give a three saves per round effect. Bo3T's effect is done when the spell concludes.

Do you have feat room (or maybe buy some metamagic rods?).
Reaping Spell: Nothing less than True Resurrection can be used to return someone to life, and even that has a 50% fail chance.
Transdimensional Spell: Any extraplanar space in the area is hit as well, including Rope Trick, Bags of Holding, people hiding on the Ethereal plane...
Violate Spell(fimbulwinter): Half the damage is Vile, which is uncurable without a Consecrated area. Undead are still immune.

And finally, the MiC, page 125 has the Ring of Mystic Fire. There is even a Ring of Mystic Lightning. A Ring of Mystic Cold isn't far fetched and could be used to add +4d6 damage to the spell. Probably works like Fell Drain but it does boost the first round of damage for a mere 7,500gp and allows stuff like Cold Snap to be applied.

But its a different case than Fell Drain Magic Missile, as each of those missiles would impact them simultaneously, counting as a single burst of damage.

And since it outright says "so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level.", that means that when they are damaged the next round, they get another negative level, because they are being dealt damage. It never says that the number of negative levels applied to a creature is capped; other abilities that work like this tend to have language to that effect. And this one doesn't. So it isn't capped.

Quid pro Quo.
[spoiler]Fighter: "I can kill a guy in one turn."
Cleric: "I can kill a guy in half a turn."
Wizard: "I can kill a guy before my turn."
Bard: "I can get three idiots to kill guys for me."

On a strange note, would anyone be put out if we had a post about people or events we can spare a thought for, or if its within their creed, a prayer for? Just a random thought, but ... hells I wouldn't have known about either Archangels daughter or Saeomons niece if I didn't happen to be on these threads.
Sounds fine to me.
probably over on "Off-topic".
might want to put a little disclaimer in the first post.

This is the Min/Max board. We should be able to figure out a way to optimize the POWER OF PRAYER(TM) that doesn't involve "Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu".

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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #88 on: November 04, 2010, 02:15:04 AM »
But its a different case than Fell Drain Magic Missile, as each of those missiles would impact them simultaneously, counting as a single burst of damage.

And since it outright says "so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level.", that means that when they are damaged the next round, they get another negative level, because they are being dealt damage. It never says that the number of negative levels applied to a creature is capped; other abilities that work like this tend to have language to that effect. And this one doesn't. So it isn't capped.

Quid pro Quo.

Love the winter-pocalypse effect but how is it causing damage every round? I can see the 16 damage turned 8 cold/8 neg + 1 neg level, but I'm not sure it happens repeatedly.  The feats would imply it happens only once- which will still kill and undeadify most every peasant in the area, but it's not the awesome years long death-dealer it could be.  Am I missing something?
Standing in uffish thought.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #89 on: November 04, 2010, 04:17:08 AM »
Refluff Walker in the Waste to the Frostfell and you have a perfect villain.

Actually, would a regular WitW with his heat/draught aura negate the winter? That would almost make the typically villainous creature a hero...
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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #90 on: November 04, 2010, 04:29:47 AM »
Love the winter-pocalypse effect but how is it causing damage every round? I can see the 16 damage turned 8 cold/8 neg + 1 neg level, but I'm not sure it happens repeatedly.  The feats would imply it happens only once- which will still kill and undeadify most every peasant in the area, but it's not the awesome years long death-dealer it could be.  Am I missing something?
Umm, now that you mention it. It doesn't.

Flash Frost adds 2 damage per spell level to the spell. Not 2 damage per round.
A flash frost spell deals an extra 2 points of cold damage per level of the spell to all targets in the area.
Just like Fell Drain bestows a negative level to anyone damaged by the spell. Not damaged multiple times regardless of how far apart time wise the damage is.

So I figured it was the spell Fimbulwinter that was doing it. Nope, it isn't.
Amechra's thread is essentially based on the BS concept that adding a delay to how fast the damage hits you instantly makes Flash Frost & Fell Drain hit multiple times. You know, despite both only working once per spell effect and no rules saying that changes when you alter the duration.

1. But its a different case than Fell Drain Magic Missile, as each of those missiles would impact them simultaneously, counting as a single burst of damage.

2. And since it outright says "so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a negative level.", that means that when they are damaged the next round, they get another negative level, because they are being dealt damage. 3. It never says that the number of negative levels applied to a creature is capped; other abilities that work like this tend to have language to that effect. And this one doesn't. So it isn't capped.

Quid pro Quo.
Umm, what? This is SorO here. Failures like that in logic get made fun of by me in a condescending way that makes people hate me more.

1. Orly? I don't see text contained there in on either feats that change how they work when the duration is altered. Just what made you think you can pull that leap in logic out of your ass? Can I extend Deathwatch and then make up rules that, since I changed the duration, I gain 1,000 temp HP?
2. It can mean each time it deals damage, or not. Both interpretations are valid, however the FAQ/Sage says your wrong.
3. You failed to read my post, much like failing to read the feat rules, as I spoke of the duration of the negative levels is capped at 15 hours and not the mentioned 44 hour duration. I didn't say anything about how negative levels stack and would be dumbfounded at how you think I did if not for the glaring mistakes you have made already.

Have your stupid comment back too.
Quid pro Quo.

P.S. I retract my statement about the find being awesome from before and move to ignoring this thread. I hate his quid that much. Even trolls don't bring that one out in their first rebuttal.
Tiers explained in 8 sentences. With examples!
[spoiler]Tiers break down into who has spellcasting more than anything else due to spells being better than anything else in the game.
6: Skill based. Commoner, Expert, Samurai.
5: Mundane warrior. Barbarian, Fighter, Monk.
4: Partial casters. Adapt, Hexblade, Paladin, Ranger, Spelltheif.
3: Focused casters. Bard, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Martial Adapts, Warmage.
2: Full casters. Favored Soul, Psion, Sorcerer, Wu Jen.
1: Elitists. Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Wizard.
0: Gods. StP Erudite, Illthid Savant, Pun-Pun, Rocks fall & you die.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #91 on: November 04, 2010, 10:03:32 AM »
Hi Welcome
Smiting Imbeciles since 1985.

If you hear this music, run.

And don't forget:

There is no greater contribution than Hi Welcome.

Huge amounts of people are fuckwits. That doesn't mean that fuckwit is a valid lifestyle.

IP proofing and avoiding being CAPed OR - how to make characters relevant in the long term.

Friends don't let friends be Short Bus Hobos.

Sunic may be more abrasive than sandpaper coated in chainsaws (not that its a bad thing, he really does know what he's talking about), but just posting in this thread without warning and telling him he's an asshole which, if you knew his past experiences on WotC and Paizo is flat-out uncalled for. Never mind the insults (which are clearly 4Chan-level childish). You say people like Sunic are the bane of the internet? Try looking at your own post and telling me you are better than him.

Here's a fun fact: You aren't. By a few leagues.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2010, 10:20:51 AM »
Hi Welcome
I'm going to call it like I see it. That's less than perfect quality posting.

Would you like to say something more and contribute to this thread?
If I say something about real world physics, and someone disagrees, assume I am right 90% of the time. This number goes up to 100% if I am late night posting - trust me, my star dust sibs.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #93 on: November 04, 2010, 11:08:45 AM »
Hi Welcome
I'm going to call it like I see it. That's less than perfect quality posting.

Would you like to say something more and contribute to this thread?
There is no greater contribution than Hi Welcome.
Hi Welcome
Allow me to welcome you both with my literal words and with an active display of how much you fit in by being tone deaf, dumb, and uncritical of your babbling myself.[/spoiler]


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #94 on: November 04, 2010, 12:38:10 PM »
Achmera: the issue is that you would only deal the damage once.  Now, it could easily be argued that the damage is applied to anything that enters the area after the spell is cast, but you're still stuck with it only damaging once.  Only one negative level, 8 cold, and 8 negative energy damage are ever applied to any given creature.

Now, this would still be plenty to wipe out most 2HD creatures and all 1HD (which become wights) and it would still be a bitch of a 2 years, but it's not as awesome as you make it out to be.
I am constantly amazed by how many DM's ban Tomb of Battle.  The book doesn't even exist!

By yes, she means no.
That explains so much about my life.
Why would you even do this? It hurts my eyes and looks like you ate your keyboard before suffering an attack of explosive diarrhea.

If using Genesis to hide your phylactry, set it at -300 degrees farenheit.  See how do-gooders fare with a liquid atmosphere.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #95 on: November 04, 2010, 02:03:08 PM »
Hi Welcome
I'm going to call it like I see it. That's less than perfect quality posting.

Would you like to say something more and contribute to this thread?
There is no greater contribution than Hi Welcome.


And to the other guy:  :grave
Smiting Imbeciles since 1985.

If you hear this music, run.

And don't forget:

There is no greater contribution than Hi Welcome.

Huge amounts of people are fuckwits. That doesn't mean that fuckwit is a valid lifestyle.

IP proofing and avoiding being CAPed OR - how to make characters relevant in the long term.

Friends don't let friends be Short Bus Hobos.

Sunic may be more abrasive than sandpaper coated in chainsaws (not that its a bad thing, he really does know what he's talking about), but just posting in this thread without warning and telling him he's an asshole which, if you knew his past experiences on WotC and Paizo is flat-out uncalled for. Never mind the insults (which are clearly 4Chan-level childish). You say people like Sunic are the bane of the internet? Try looking at your own post and telling me you are better than him.

Here's a fun fact: You aren't. By a few leagues.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #96 on: November 04, 2010, 02:05:57 PM »
Now, this would still be plenty to wipe out most 2HD creatures and all 1HD (which become wights) and it would still be a bitch of a 2 years, but it's not as awesome as you make it out to be.
which would still be, like, 90% of the population.
the subsequent wights would take care of most of the survivors.

Okay, so he just created THE Zombie Apocalypse.  :thumb

If you stop ignoring 289 pages telling what the intent is to stretch "more power" in your own god complexion of your interpretation trumps all to cover ability adjustments from aging then I will ignore a quarter page of rules that exist within a sidebar.
I think in this case the grammar is less important than whether the Str and Dex bonus provided to your created undead scales.

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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #97 on: November 04, 2010, 02:12:59 PM »
Okay, so he just created THE Zombie Apocalypse.  :thumb
But honestly you can do this by just creating one Wight. No one in a normal village can survive against even one.


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #98 on: November 04, 2010, 02:19:09 PM »
Okay, so he just created THE Zombie Apocalypse.  :thumb
But honestly you can do this by just creating one Wight. No one in a normal village can survive against even one.
True. The only difference would be the time it took to spread. But even if there are a billion Wights, they're still just wights and eventually a single adventurer of 7th lvl would be able to wipe them all out.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 02:22:12 PM by Smokey_the_bear »


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Re: A Fun way to say "Fuck You"
« Reply #99 on: November 04, 2010, 02:44:25 PM »
Okay, so he just created THE Zombie Apocalypse.  :thumb
But honestly you can do this by just creating one Wight. No one in a normal village can survive against even one.
True. The only difference would be the time it took to spread. But even if there are a billion Wights, they're still just wights and eventually a single adventurer of 7th lvl would be able to wipe them all out.
well, until they get all pissed-off and start forming "mobs" (i.e., as per the mob template)  :p
yeah, things get a little more difficult from there.

of course, now that I think about it, once you introduce the fly spell, CoP, etc. (i.e., for that aforementioned 7th-level adventurer), I guess not so much.  :shrug

... but they have to sleep sometime  :plotting
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 02:45:59 PM by wotmaniac »

If you stop ignoring 289 pages telling what the intent is to stretch "more power" in your own god complexion of your interpretation trumps all to cover ability adjustments from aging then I will ignore a quarter page of rules that exist within a sidebar.
I think in this case the grammar is less important than whether the Str and Dex bonus provided to your created undead scales.

Greenbound Summoning RAI
Expanded Gestalt
More Savage Progressions[/spoiler]
Report any wrongs I have done here.