ok I miiiight have something here
Binder20(or spirit whatever EBL20)//Druid5,Planar Shepherd10, Druid5
planar shepherd picks Dal Quor(region of dreams) for 10:1 time ratio with planar bubble:(3/day for 10hours +1d10 rounds each time)
Use "Awe of Dantalion: When you invoke this ability (a move action), any creature that sees you is unable to attack you or target
you with a hostile spell for 1 round. If you attempt any hostile action, such as making an attack roll or casting an offensive
spell against the affected creature or its allies, the effect ends. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for
5 rounds." -Tome of Magic
I don't see a save anywhere in there....
just use this during the last turn of each of your 10 turns, and the wizard is as harmless as a kitten.
just try not to die during the first turn if you lose initiative....
now u have 9 rounds to spam summons, trip, coup de grace, grapple, use improvised weapons it just doesn't matter
if there are 2 enemies, just use this ability every 5 rounds, if there are 3, this trick doesn't work as well
also beware of hostile actions that can be used against you during YOUR turn.
oh and you need to concentrate to keep planar bubble going
so if this works, it comes down to winning initiative