Author Topic: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men  (Read 57045 times)

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  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2010, 06:07:40 AM »
I do use Warshaper in a few builds. Haven't explicitly mentioned it in the prestige class section, though. will probably talk about it in the Bear Warrior description, though.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2010, 09:10:12 PM »
Solo, care to do a revamp of the Hood guide for BG?
I can't do that, but I can give you something amusing to put in it.

"No. No. No no no no no no no. No I will not, Endarire, you Hood-whoring jerk. I have had about enough of you plugging your awesome battle jumping build, the likes of which would put Mario to shame in terms of enemies crushed under its boots. I will not help you spread the magnificence of the "death from above" style of fighting, since not only would it be encouraging you to keep plugging your spectacular Hood build at every opportunity, but also because it will detract from my work, and I never help the competition no matter how great their ideas may be. You'll find no kind words nor sympathy from me for your elegant combat vaulter, so why I suggest you pack up and leave now before I give you a real tongue lashing."
-Solo, on Hoods
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 09:11:53 PM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2010, 02:50:35 AM »
If I may humbly suggest my (as of yet unfinished) Incredible Hulk build? If the optimizers on the board would be so kind as to help me finish it off, that would be nice. I kind of hit a couple of speed-bumps putting the thing together, but I think the overall chassis works well for the concept.
Bruce Banner
"Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry..."

CG/Male/Strongheart Halfling/ Monk (Overwhelming Attack style) 2/Stoneblessed3/Crusader1/Barbarian1/Hulking Hurler2/War Hulk10/FB1
Init +Dex, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages Common, Terran, Goliath
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed (13)
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed20 ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +8 (+15 unarmed), Grp +
Atk Options Full attack: 6d8+16, or 6d8+48 on a charge) +25/+25/+20/+15 or Throw: 8d6+41 (+25)
Combat Gear
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str 6, Dex 20, Con 16 (20 after level-points applied), Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8 (38 point buy)
Feats Power Attack (monk bonus), Improved Bull Rush (Monk bonus), Point Blank Shot (racial bonus), (1st level feat open), Weapon Focus (rocks) (3rd level), Cleave (6th level), Intimidating Rage (9th), Destructive Rage (12th)
Possessions Necklace of Natural Attacks +1 Skillful, Valorous; Monk's Belt[/spoiler]

Offensive capabilities:
Pounce + PA/Shock Trooper/FB/Leap Attack + Flurry + Attacking every opponent within reach as an attack action = lots of hits per turn at lots of damage.
Hulking Hurler for... well... I don't abuse Cancer Mage, or tauren template, but everyone know what HH is for.
Shards of Granite lets him bypass DR of opponents, making constructs and other high-DR opponents with obscure or complicated weaknesses whimper in fear

Defensive capabilities:
Stone Power allows him to negate the first 10 damage per round, this is applied after DR, as it is temp hit points that are refreshed every round
Various Stone Dragon strikes for additional DR
Other methods of DR which can be obtained via throwing WBL at the problem
Martial Spirit stance lets him heal 2 points per blow landed on an opponent. Considering how many blows he's got, this is significant
Various Devoted Spirit maneuvers for spot healing
Evasion from Monk2
Cloak of Displacement, Lesser and +5 to all saves to negate sneak attacks and boost saves. 20% miss chance also helps cut down on the number of hits received

So it really doesn't matter that his AC is going to literally be negatives when he charges, because he's got better things to mitigate damage with than AC.

Battlefield Control capabilities
Intimidating Rage + Never Outnumbered. I don't think I can squeeze Imperious Command into this build, it's too feat-starved as it is
I don't think I can fit Improved Trip into the build, but with as many attacks as he is cranking out, it would be... exceedingly useful. Knockback also would work, since there's no way he's going to not 'proc' it if he can find a way to squeeze it in.

So, would anyone care to help me flesh this bad boy out and add Big Mean Green to the list of "Nerdy Finger Waggler Crushers"?


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2010, 06:07:08 AM »
While I typically approach The Incredible Hulk with psionics this is a pretty traditional (and well) style of constructing the green, mean machine.

The one issue I would perhaps inquiry towards is what can this character do when not in combat. While the Incredible Hulk is important, there is also Bruce Banner.

Focus on giving your build a Bruce Banner aspect (perhaps some ranks in heal?).


  • Ring-Tailed Lemur
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2010, 09:49:05 PM »
With a high Int score, he's got access to a larger than normal skill selection. Ranks in Profession (Scientist) or Knowledge (Biogenetics) would be appropriate.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2010, 10:13:05 PM »
With a high Int score, he's got access to a larger than normal skill selection. Ranks in Profession (Scientist) or Knowledge (Biogenetics) would be appropriate.

But this character is for Dungeons & Dragons, not d20 Modern.

Regardless profession is an awful skill.

Flay Crimsonwind

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2010, 11:52:46 PM »
Do we now have two competing barbarian handbooks?


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2010, 12:04:57 AM »
If you can call the other one "competition".

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.

Flay Crimsonwind

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2010, 12:07:47 AM »
It does lack your style.


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2010, 10:10:20 AM »


  • Grape ape
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2010, 10:25:04 AM »

Nope.  Pounce isn't from Totem Manifestation, it's from Spiritual Totem (the 1st-level ability that replaces fast movement).  Totem Manifestation is the 7th-level ability that replaces damage reduction, and in Lion's case it reads
Lion Totem: If you select the lion as your spiritual totem, he rewards you with the ability to loose a powerful and intimidating roar.  When you roar, every creature within a 30-foot radius must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your barbarian level + your Str modifier) or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to your barbarian level.  This ability can be used once per day, and you gain an additional use per day at each level at which your damage reduction would increase (10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th levels).

All the errata is doing is specifying what action type it takes to roar.
"We managed to make an NPC puke an undead monster."
"That sounds like a victory to me."


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2010, 10:26:29 AM »
ah, whoops, ok, my bad :D

didnt read closely enough


  • Curious George
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2010, 02:40:50 PM »
Lt. Commander Worf: Of course, our tricorders will be useless from now on.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: There you go again - looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
Lt. Commander Worf: I am not complaining. I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, the funny thing is, you probably are.
-Star Trek, The Next Generation

I like how you think Jadzia Dax was in The Next Generation.
Shh. My common sense is tingling. . .


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2010, 06:33:50 PM »
Fuck you.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Curious George
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2010, 01:12:12 AM »

Ontopic: Almost as hilarious and exponentially more useful than the truenamer guide. Solo got moves. What are the odds you'd want to add useful templates to the races section? There's a few gems hidden away like proto-creature from bestiary of krynn (dragonlance) that are absolutely golden for barbarians.
Shh. My common sense is tingling. . .


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2010, 08:23:21 PM »
Lt. Commander Worf: Of course, our tricorders will be useless from now on.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: There you go again - looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
Lt. Commander Worf: I am not complaining. I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, the funny thing is, you probably are.
-Star Trek, The Next Generation

I like how you think Jadzia Dax was in The Next Generation.

Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men

Though I must say, you have a flare for words Solo, sometimes it is slightly difficult to search through the words and hunt down straight out information on races. (Suggestion: Flavor followed by technical information would be extremely appreciated good sir!)



  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2010, 08:29:21 PM »
Suggestion: go to the Barbarian Information Compilation for that.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2010, 08:35:28 PM »
Also, Battle Blessing does -not- make your casting Charisma based. It allows you to cast your Paladin spells as swift actions.

You can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast paladin spells.
Benefit: You can cast most of your paladin spells faster than normal. If the spell normally requires a standard action, you can cast it as a swift action. If it normally requires a full round to cast, you can cast it as a standard action. Spells with longer or shorter casting times are not affected by this feat.


Where is this?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 08:42:09 PM by A_Shadow_of_Life »



  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2010, 08:46:41 PM »
Also, Battle Blessing does -not- make your casting Charisma based. It allows you to cast your Paladin spells as swift actions.

Do we even have that in the feats list?

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2010, 08:51:44 PM »

