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Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:05:16 PM »
Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men

By Talic, Eldariel, and Solo. Also thanks to Midnight_V and Zendu for their Barbarian Information Compilation.
1. Introduction to BarbarismWhen I was a fighting-man, the kettle-drums they beat,
The people scattered gold-dust before my horses feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back.
What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie?
I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky.
The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king.

2. Building a BarbarianArus saw a tall powerfully built youth, naked but for a loin-cloth, and sandals strapped high about his ankles. His skin was burned brown as by the suns of the wastelands and Arus glanced nervously at his broad shoulders, massive chest and heavy arms. From under a mop of unruly black hair smoldered a pair of dangerous blue eyes. A long sword hung in a leather scabbard at his girdle.The God in the Bowl'

Military barracks, fighter academies, and martial temples are the factories that produce warriors for the civilized man. They claim that strict discipline is the only way to turn out dedicated fighting men, that only in order can they be forged. Barbarians who are said to lack the sense of control, discipline, and order, cannot hope to compete.

It is strange that we barbarians are considered at odds with order. Chaos is nature's order! The great warriors of old did not become the best through study, or focus, or lessons in a training room. No, true steel comes not from practice but from life, and life alone is a test great enough for the mettle of a true warrior! It is in chaos that the greatest are forged, not in the apostate of 'order', that illusion of control.  

A Barbarian is strong because rejects the trappings of civilization and order, choosing instead to exist as one with the harshness of nature and be shaped by her rough caresses. A man may travel far and wide, to the ends of the earth, the depths of the sea, and lands beyond the skies, but he will never find a braver, stronger, or tougher man than he who remains uncorrupted by the comforts of civilization.

He is as tranquil as the forest, but on fire within; as swift as the coursing river, with the force of a great typhoon; with all the strength of a raging fire, and as mysterious as the dark side of the moon. Truly, only Barbarians have the right to call themselves warriors.

AttributesIf it bleeds, we can kill it.want to build your character around Hulk Smash! This also governs all the martial maneuvers such as Trip, Disarm, Grapple and so on.

-Dexterity: Cartoons teach us that agility beats strength. This is not precisely true, but what is true is that acting fast, dodging blows and in general, gaining extra value out of your HP is great added to immense strength. Also, this fuels some Barbarian-feats and makes Archerians happen. Ferocious Barbarians can even build around this in the melee! No, not necessary, but handy.

-Constitution: Your chest muscle. You know every Barbarian ever has huge chest muscles! Barbarians even gain damage reduction or AC bonus due to their immensity! This is your primary defense; Fireball? You block with your chest! Sword? You block with your chest! Finger of DeathDominate Personkings in our ranks too! For the Barbarians of leadership and fear, this is the way![/spoiler]


Lt. Commander Worf: Of course, our tricorders will be useless from now on.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: There you go again - looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
Lt. Commander Worf: I am not complaining. I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, the funny thing is, you probably are.
-Star Trek, Deep Space 9

[spoiler]Class skillsnothingonbehind your back. You have d12 HD and Uncanny Dodge, but if you invest in it maybe the d4 caster you break will give you some nice gear.

-Survival: TRAPS WILL FALL AT YOUR HANDS!!! Also, you apparently will never have to spend 5 silver on rations or something like that. Trapkiller makes this worth it. See ACF section.

-Ride: You run as fast as a horse anyway (unless you traded Fast Movement for something good) and Survival is a class skill, so you have no need for Emergency Rations. Let the Paladin Ride on the high horse and fall tumbling down when you run into yet another bunch of otherworldly horrors the horse can't stand.

-Tumble: Cityscape allows you to trade Ride for Tumble. Tumble is much better than ride. Even without Cityscape, max this, no matter how fruity the description is. Basically, you can play "can't catch me" with that guy's guisarme until you get bored and cram a block of wood through his guts. It also allows a degoratory dance in the face of Elves and they can't even make attacks of opportunity to stop you!

Cross ClassSkill Tricksmoreis an ambush. You don't really care since you're always ready, but Squishy McSquishon might get squished before he can act otherwise. Requires 8 ranks.

-Spot the Weak Point: Great for fighting high-armor characters like the stupid smug Fighter or his prancing buddy the Warblade, take it if you meet the prerequisites. Needs, again, 12 ranks in Spot.

-Twisted Charge: Turn during a charge. Grab this. The guy to your left laughs at you as you charge towards a wall only to recieve a surprise Greatsword to the face! His face both, before and after the blow make this definitely worth it. Needs 5 Ranks in Balance and Tumble, which are both good investments anyways.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 08:50:56 AM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 07:11:06 PM »
FeatsFundamentals: Core & SRD

[spoiler]-Leadershipmagic (items) for you!) and to relieve stress overnight!

-Power Attack (Str 13) [PHB]: OMGWTFBBQ?! Trade attack bonus for damage, at a 1 for 2 ratio when wielding a weapon in two hands. This is basically a Barbarian class feature. Don't forget that it actually lacks prerequisites.

-Improved Bull Rush (Power Attack, Str 13) [PHB]: Necessary evil. You need it to qualify for Shock DragoonCleave (Str 13, Power Attack) [PHB]: Cleavage is always good.

-Combat Reflexes (Dex 13) [PHB]: Wonderful! Truly, life is boring when it's not your turn. You get to do nothing...except with this! Rules state that you stay still on your turn, but this allows you to Screw the Rules!always good fun (for you), especially after a full attack yourself! This lets you do it a lot, andStand Still (Str 13) [XPH]: Good. Forgo an AoO to force an opponent to make a reflex save or remain in place. Reflex save DC is equal to your damage. Your massive, massive damage. Help those fools you tripped to stay down!

-Improved Unarmed StrikeImproved Grapple (Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike) [PHB]: Ok. Grappling is a problem-laden area of combat. Size is the primary means of boosting it, which almost always favours the monsters. Freedom of Movement is commonly available on higher levels. And you open your back to all manners of depravity. That said, Barbarian is by far the best man for this job out of all the non-casters. This also makes the Barbarian the best man for the job in an Anti-Magic Field, period. Big HP, huge Str & full BAB are really all you can hope for in a Grapple. Not very good outside duels, but if you must be a grappler, at least be a Barbarian!

-Improved InitiativeRapid ShotPrecise Shot (Point Blank Shot): Might as well. If you plan on shooting at people, this allows you to shoot at the rightpass.

-Improved Precise Shotpass.

-Combat Expertise (Int 13) [PHB]: Necessary evil if limited to Core. Truly, if you have access to other books, you should never need to bother being a smart combatant; this stuff cramps your style, but acquiring abilities to knock people down, hit them for hitting you and so on can just be worth it. The reason to be a smart Barbarian.

-Improved TripKnock-DownReckless Offense (BAB +1) [XPH]: Somewhat worthwhile. If you have nothing better to use your feat on (as is like to be the case in Core), this is ok. Extra Power Attack; it's not like you'd been dodging hits anyways.

-Exotic Weapon ProficiencyWeapon FocusWeapon Finesse (BAB +1) [PHB]: Useless in core, but believe it or not, it is possible to make a Dex-focused Barbarian with additional material! Yes, it involves Chain Dancing. [/spoiler]

Tools of Trade: Completes, Races of & PHBIIShock Dragoon Brute OMGWTFBBQreally hard, and follow it up with an even harderallThis is why Barbarians truly are charismatic.

-Extra Rage (Rage) [CW]: Useful. Gives your 2 more rage attempts per instance of feat taken. Rage all day, every day! Theharderelsemelee attacksstillNauseaThe Final Frontier: All the rest

[spoiler]-Imperious Command (Cha 15) [DoTU]: Yes! Demoralized opponent cowers for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round. ThisIron Heart SURGE!a chunk of ice! Makes you immune to cold. The drawback is that you hatea living infernoblockBear Warrior" say anything to you? It will soon.

-Wolf Berserker (Lodge Membership, Rage, Rashemen) [UE]: Superb! Replaces Combat Expertise as a prerequisite for Improved Trip. Yes, and also provides stacking +4 bonus on Tripping. Oh, and +4 to resist Tripping. Yes! YES!

-Eagle Tribe Vision (Tribe membership, Human, from the Shaar) [SSouth]: Ok. +5 to Spot. Not much to...see here.

-Hyena Tribe Hunter (Tribe membership, Human, from the Shaar) [SSouth]: Decent. +2 Hide, +2 Trip, qualifies you for Improved Trip. Handy if you really, really want to pimp out those Trip-checks. Loses out to Wolf Berserker, but why couldn't you be a tribe member in the Shaar and a Lodge member in Rashemen?

-Lion Tribe Warrior (Tribe membership, Human, from the Shaar) [SSouth]: Mediocre. You gain Pounce with a single light weapon, or two attacks with two light weapons you can wield. Ok for an Unarmed Barbarian, but frankly, Snow Tigers whop Lions' arse any day.

-Rhinoceros Tribe Charge (Tribe membership, Human, from the Shaar) [SSouth]: For the early game! Extra 2d6 damage on charge. Unfortunately it can only be applied to one attack, trivial later on.[/spoiler]
Class Features Variants

TotemstellSRDApeBear: The Bear is an intimate animal; where a normal Barbarian learns to avoid, those to the likeness of the Bear learn to hugToughness beyond level 3, but lenient creators of the world make you acquire the Improved version [CW] instead. In their world, the Bear is the mighty animal it should be! Like the Ape, the Bear is jealous of the spirits and requires you to remain worldly.

BoarDragonEagleHorseJaguarSerpentWolfSpiritual Totems [CC]

Spirit BearSpirit EagleSpirit FoxSpirit Lion: The Spirit Lion gives you Pounce in exchange for extra movement. You can now full attack on a charge. You can even pick Whirling Frenzy to enjoy from level 1. Sold!

The Totem Manifestation teaches you to roar. You get StrengthSpirit WolfAbility Shopping List: Alternative Class Features

[spoiler]FerocityWhirling Frenzydefinitely the way to go. Oh, and this is just the thing for Barbarian Archers!

Spell Sense [CM]: Trade Trapsense bonus for AC bonus vs. Spells. If you actually have a build with some AC (mayhap a Spirit Fox-worshipping Barbarian Tripper?), this is well worth it. Of course, the primary selling point is that you get rid of Trapsense!

Trapkiller [DS]: Trade Trapsense for the ability to detect traps with Survival (!!!) and to disarm them by bashing them to bits!damnStreetfighter [CS Web]: Gets you rid of the stupid Damage Reduction that never did anyone any good, gives you all kinds of wonderful abilities while charging! TATSUMAKI SENPU KYAKU!

Wasteland Trap Sense [Sand]: Rids you of Trap Sense for more useless Trap Sense. Congratulations, a bad feature just got worse!

Bonus FeatWasteland Damage Reduction [Sand]: Loses Damage Reduction for a more useless form. Wasteland specializes in making bad worse.

Berserker StrengthCrafty Hunter [UA]: Lose Rage, gain Archery Combat Style and Favored Enemy. Seeing that what makes Barbarian a good Archer is a Rage-variant...

Aquatic BarbarianRoofdweller [CS Web]: So you get two useless feats for Fast Movement. Let me think, no?

Planar BarbarianDuskling BarbarianFangshield BarbarianHalf-Orc BarbarianGoliath BarbarianCombinations
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:41:16 PM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 07:35:08 PM »
Prestige Classes


Dragon Disciple [DMG]: The infamously bad Dragon Disciple class is actually passable in core.

Prerequisites: The ability to cast arcane spells spontaneously, 8 ranks in Knowledge Arcana. Looks like you'll be needing a dip in either Bard or Sorcerer.

Class Features: 3/4th BAB, decent skills, but the real interesting bits are the ones that slowly turn you into a half dragon.

Natural Armor Increase: Your Natural Armor increases by +1 at first level, +2 at third, and +3 at seventh. Meh.

Ability Boost: Now we're talking. You get a +2 to strength at second level and then again at fourth. The sixth adds +2 to Con, and the eighth adds +2 to Int. As you can see, the first six levels offer something useful for every barbarian.

Claws and Bite: You get to savage someone after you attack them with your regular weapon. Either you only use your Bite attack due to carrying weapons in your hands, or your feet grow claws like your hands, in which case you can really dole out the harshness.

Bindsense: You get 30 feet of it at fifth level, which increases to 60 at tenth level.

Breath Weapon: 1/day, you get to deal a small amount of damage. Not very useful.

Wings: Flying is important at higher levels, though magic items do it better.

Dragon Apotheosis: The usefulness of this ability depends on many unanswered questions' Do you gain the LA of a half-dragon? Do you gain additional stat bonuses? Probably not, since the prestige class is a way of paying off the LA and gaining the bonuses through the course of leveling.

Verdict: In a core only game, a few levels may be handy, but no more than 6 are ever really needed.

Horizon Walker [DMG]: When your options are limited, walking the planes is the best way to expand your abilities. That is the calling of a Horizon Walker; master the environment, master yourself, master the multiverse!

PrerequisitesClass featuresVerdictonlyCompletes, Races & PHBII

[spoiler]Bear Warrior [CW]: So, you like Rage? Makes you feel good and gives you the high of power! Now, imagine if othersbear! That way everyone will know just how fucking awesome you are! This awesome deal bears a closer look:

Prerequisites: None! Wait, really? +7 BAB (level 8 entry then), Power Attack (yea, you DO have it), Rage or Frenzy (yes, you DO have it). That means you need absolutely nothing to enter. Nothing at all.

Class featuresmotherfucking bearVerdict

Fist of the ForestPrerequisitesClass featuresFast Movement: Yeah, you grow even faster!

Feral Trance: Get in touch with your primal self! Adds to Dex, unarmed damage and teaches you to bite (read: extra attack)! Can specifically be used while Raging!

AC bonusUnarmed Strike Damage: Three levels give you the damage a Monk needs 8 levels for! Use your fists for everyday tasks like television, or romance, or helicopter repair and maintenance! You even get to hit through DR/Magic, incorporeality and all that with your BARE HANDS!

ScentVerdict: Always! Only three levels and two feats for all kinds of awesome! I heard Fists of the Forests got along well with Bear Warriors. You may wish to try marrying the two.

Frenzied BerserkerPrerequisitesClass features: Barbarian BAB and saves. Only two points per level and crappy list. Sucks.

Diehard: Meh, but bonus feats are always handy.

Supreme CleaveImproved/Supreme Power AttackFrenzyDeathless FrenzyGreater FrenzyInspire FrenzyVerdictalways wins. And your house is the DM!

Rage Mage [CW]: Ever been reallyPrerequisites: One feat in Combat Casting, 2nd-level Arcane Spells, +4 BAB, Rage, Nonlawful alignment. The combination of 2nd-level spells and +4 BAB is a tad difficult.

Class features: Medium BAB, nonexistent skills, good Fort-saves. Who the hell decided this thing has medium BAB? Anyways, onto the real business:

Spell Ragecharacter levelOvercome Spell Failure: So yea, you can wear a light armor again. Yay?

Spells per day: Now, this just sucks. This supposed fighter/mage class gets spells only every other level. Which is about as effective as alternating between Fighter- and Wizard-levels (or to say, not very; they specifically printed Eldritch Knight to help with that).

Rage: Extra uses of Rage. Sure, why not.

Spell Fury: Having to wait until level 7Tireless Rage: When will your Rage everWarrior CryWoohoo, what a capstone!Verdict: Sucks! Now, to be fair, it isknowRacial Specials

[spoiler]Eye of Gruumsh [CW]: Orcs are the most populous Barbarians on the planet. That much is known. Therefore, it's no surprise that Orcish Barbarians have their own sects with their own abilities. This is the organization for Orcish barbarians. But do they truly live up to their name of greatest Barbarians in the world? Let's find out!

Prerequisites: Two feats, Proficiency and Focus in Orc Double Axe. If your DM isn't a total doofus, he'll give Orcs automatic proficiency anyways, reducing it to one feat (which still sucks). Other than that, you got to be an Orc (duh) or a Half-Orc (don't...just don't). Then you have to get rid of one of your eyes. WTF, right? Apparently it's no problem though. Gotta be Gruumsh Cleric Alignment though; CN, CE, NE. Bad for adventuring, although CN might be doable. +6 BAB.

Class features: Barbarian BAB, saves, less skills. Usual fare, a small step down.

Blind-Fight: So yea, a crappy bonus feat. Congrats! One step closer to Pierce Magical Concealment for surprising those pesky mages though. Also, you can act as if you had both eyes. So much for that ritual, eh?

Command the Horde: You can command a bunch of weaker Orcs 30' from you. God help any opposing Orcish force encountering you!

Rage: So your Eye of Gruumsh-levels stack with Barbarian for extra Rages. Booooring.

Swing Blindly: Now, this is something! More strength, more AC penalty, on level 2! What it basically comes down to is that you hit harder and get hit more! Just the way you like it, especially since everyone automatically hits you anyways!

Ritual Scarring: You get some Natural Armor on 3, 6 & 9 to make up for the lost AC above. In reality, nothing happens.

Blinding Spittle: What a corny attack! You spit your stomach acid up to 20' away at a creature's eyes. The best part? Your stomach acid is mighty potent! 10+Eye of Gruumsh-level+Con! Smaller DCs have thrown men into despair. Also, it isn't listed to take an action; I suppose that defaults to a standard action, but man, would it be awesome to get it as a free action? Either way, while very limited in times/day, this is an actually useful ability! You start with 2 on level 4 and get it to max of 4 times on level 7.

Blindsight: You sense things 5' from you starting from level 5. On level 8, you sense things almost next to you (10'!). Never really big enough to help, but allows you to smack that sneaky thief who forgot to buy Lords of Madness for his idiocy (or should I say, his madness?).

Sight of Gruumsh: So basically, you get more power from...seeing when you die! That's right, Orcs wanna die! This gives you morale bonuses to saves and AC. Rather trivial as you're still tanking your AC with your Rage, but hey, whatever right? That said, this is not worth taking all 10 levels for.

Verdict: Orcs...could do better. That said, increasing your Strength-bonus when Raging is very good and while the prerequisites are completely pointless (seriously, Orc Double Axe?! What do you expect Barbarians to do, play Darth Maul?), Blinding Spittle is another handy ability. All in all, starts off crappy but turns out actually semi-decent! Probably loses out to straight Barbarian, but not by all that much (and that's mostly because this class gets some pointless AC boosts while tanking its AC further when Raging), mostly on the pointless prerequisites (ask your DM to homebrew a two-handed exotic Orc War Axe with 2d8 damage or something and call it a day).

Battlerager [RoF]: These are also called the "Kuldjargh" or "Axe idiots", and for a reason. If you remember Thibbledorf Pwent from Salvatore's books...well, this is nothing like him. Still, seeing that Dwarves do have a history for raging, let's see what their racial "angry class" does:

Prerequisites: Two feats, Cleave & Endurance. Not bad, Cleave is handy on its own and Endurance leads to Steadfast Determination. Skills though, you need 8 ranks in Intimidate (ok), 2 ranks in Knowledge: Religion (WTF?) and two ranks in two Performs, including Perform: Singing (WTF?!). Oh, and a non-lawful Dwarf and the ability to rage, but duh.

Class features: They get the already-familiar Barbarian BAB, saves, etc. and less skills.

Rage: They get an extra use of Rage on first and every two levels thereafter. This is actually good since it's much faster than standard Barbarian progression.

Gruff: -4 to all Charisma-based skills and Charisma-checks, except Intimidate to which you get +2 on level 1. If you're making a non-Intimidate Charisma check as a Dwarf Barbarian, something is wrong. This is ok, although due to their racial Charisma-penalty, Dwarves make for some of the worst Intimidator Barbarians in the first place.

Rock Gut: +2 to saves vs. poison. still fail only on 1. Nothing new here.

Close-Quarter Fighting: On level 2, you can avoid Grapples. The thing is, with your Str and abilities, nothing short of the Tarrasque will be grappling you anyways. At least you get to pretend you're getting class features.

Fearless: On level 2, you become immune to fear-effects, +2 Insight to all saves vs. mind-affecting. Useful to a degree! Insight is an obscure bonus-type to saves too!

Improved Unarmed Strike: Yawn. This is only a prerequisite. Level 3, btw. I suppose it helps enter some other classes, but it's not worth hammering your head to a wall for 3 levels.

Great Cleave: Yawn. Sometimes randomly useful. If only you were naturally Large, not some pesky Dwarf... Level 4 too.

Reckless Offensive: Yawn. I guess it's a free bonus. This is the same feat as the "Reckless Offense"-feat in SRD, except with a bit higher prerequisites. Likewise, level 4.

Natural Armor: +2 hardly makes up for all the penalties you'll be taking. Whatever... And this is all you get on level 5.

Verdict: Dwarves could do a lot better. Basically, you get +2 Intimidate, immunity to Fear (available as a feat) and a bunch of worthless or random feats. In fact, this class is little more than a CW Samurai in disguise; you get a bunch of poor, pre-determined feats and that's about it. This is basically a test to see if giving a ton of sitiuational/weak/worthless feats in few levels somehow made said feats less worthless. Protip: It doesn't. Stay away. Oh yeah, and it's 3.0.

Deepwarden [RoS]: Want to be a really hard guy? Like, Stonecold? If so, this is for you. Be the man...or dwarf of stone! Everything Battlerager should've been is right here. Toughness, simple kickass toughness and the feel of a Dwarf. A look at dwarfdom:

Prerequisites: Endurance as the only feat - reasonable, especially with Steadfast Determination. Heal, Climb, Jump, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) & Survival 5 ranks. Heal and Knowledge cause trouble here; Barbarian has neither in class pushing entry to level 7 unless doing something about it - a 1-level dip in Ranger will do. 3 levels might be better for free Endurance though. BAB +5.

Class features
: Barbarian BAB & Fort, good Will and 6+Int skills with a great list. Far superior to a Barbarian here.

Track: Free bonus, why not? Adds to your Survival-based abilities; combine with Trapkiller for real Survival-focus.

Trap Sense: Yawn.

Stone Warden: This is the reason to take Deepwarden. You get Con to AC over Dex! It's been clarified in FAQ that this is capped by armor's maximum bonus (RAW disagrees). However, there's an incredibly simple way around that: be unarmored! Pick up levels in Fist of the Forests to get Con to AC again! Since this replaces Dex, the two should stack just fine. Heck, pick a Monk's Belt for Wis to AC to boot! Then just enter classes that raise your Con skyhigh and enjoy your Way Higher Than Yours AC. The fact that this is available on level 2 makes this class best as a two-level dip (along with the good Will-saves). That said, the rest isn't horrible either; read on!

Animal Messenger: Free spell-likes never hurt. Good for delivering messages and so on. Small benefit though, and only thing you get on level 3.

Uncanny Dodge: Well, since you traded the original for something more useful, here's your chance to pick it up again! Two levels for this is a bit much, but hey, you're getting a ton of skills, important good saves and all that so it's not all that bad.

Stubborn Mind: With your Will, this extra insurance against domination could actually be useful! That said, you shouldn't plan on getting dominated often enough to make this good. Level 5 is still reasonable.

Sending: Actually a decent spell for communication and all that. No combat use, obviously, but it has obvious utility. Again, only class feature for level 6.

Swift Tracker: Well, I suppose you might as well... Helps with your speed since Dwarves aren't naturally too fast trackers. Level 7 is really high though, seeing how little the class gives at this point.

Improved Uncanny Dodge: You still stick it to Rogues, except worse since this only counts your Deepwarden class level. If you got it as a Barb though, this is all good. As a painful note, this is level 8...

Greater Animal Messenger: Meh, at this point the benefits really aren't matching up to the level at which you get them.

Verdict: This does it right. You get the huge defensive boost on level 2 and can afford some levels around that point. Two-level dip is great and you can afford up to 7 levels for the skills. It gets really hairy as the gains keep getting worse by the level. Still, the two-level dip is an obvious choice for most Dwarf Barbarians, especially in combination with Fist of the Forests to make the ability actually useful, and more Rage-versions that increase Con. Then you have Con to HP, Fort, Will (Steadfast) and AC twice. And thanks to Rage, your attacks will be very ok too.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 12:40:09 AM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


  • Organ Grinder
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  • Solo the Sorcelator, at your service
Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 07:35:28 PM »
Other Sources

[Frost]: For the frozen people of the north! This class is for those who want to have cold, living hands. You have a soul of ice and you die to pour it on others! A mere Barbarian is hardy, but you are the winter itself, the icy, biting chill and the unstoppable advance! A closer look at the specifics of this frozen path of ruin:

Prerequisites: BAB +7 and two feats. Oh, and Power Attack. But you know the drill by now. Frozen Berserker is a mediocre feat and Improved Unarmed Strike is Improved Unarmed Strike. Oh, and you need some Intimidate, Survival and you need to almost die of cold. So nothing major.

Class features: Barbarian BAB, saves, a bit fewer skills from an anemic list. Now, the things that make you a Frostrager...

Frostrage: You become a chunk of ice when Raging! More specifically, you get a natural armor, you hit harder and and your hands deal cold damage. If you already have a bigger unarmed damage die, this should probably advance that. Check with your worldmaking slave to be sure. This is what the class is all about anyways. Do realize that cold resistance is only second to fire in commonness though so don't rely too much on the cold damage. It goes two ways though: just walk around in Energy Immunity: Fire and you've got resistance/immunity to the two most common energy types in the game!

Freezing Blood: So your blood is so cold it freezes if you were to bleed. Nothing major, but doesn't hurt one bit. All bonus! Apparently, you can manage with a bit slower blood circulation; I suppose your Rage evens the blood pressure out! Free level 1 bonuses never hurt.

One-Two Punch: An extra attack. What's not to like? Oh yeah, the -2 penalty. But the thing is, since you're a Barbarian, you actually have the attack bonus to hit regardless. Great! And low level too.

Absorb Cold: So you can have the Big Stupid Blaster target you and the enemy horde hopelessly hacking away at you with a cold-substituted generic Boom. Also, cold planes rock, 'cause apparently you absorb the lack of heat or something and heal. Whatever, I'll take what I'm given! You'll get it in the passing.

Improved Frostrage: So your fists keep growing! Congratulations. Now, if this stacks with Fist of the Forests, you'll actually be looking at 2d8 fists! Oh, and the cold damage you deal increases.

Rend: If you hit a dude twice, you get a third one for free! Nothing major, but no reason to turn down free damage! Of course, it's all you get on the last level so think carefully if you really want it all that much; it doesn't get PA bonus.

Verdict: For the really, really cool dudes! Not best evar, but definitely not a waste of space either. As a northerner myself, I approve.

Runescarred BerserkerPrerequisites: Three feats. Iron Will (handy), Survivor (sucks), Berserker Lodge Feat (includes quite a few good options, covered in the feat section). Also, a bunch of pointless skills and Intimidate, but you can afford them. BAB +7 and hail from Rashemen. Rough, but it gets better!

Class features: Barbarian BAB, saves, skills, you know this crap. Additionally, this progresses most your Barbarian class features, granting you Damage Reduction, Extra Rage, Greater Rage. You also get Energy Resistance 5: Frost and some Natural Armor. Again, this is not what the class is about though. No, a Runescarred Berserker is defined by his runescars!

RunescarVerdict: YES! THIS is how a Barbarian plays into his strengths! Slay the Wizard, save the world!

Black Blood Cultist [CoR]: Do you want natural weapons, but still be a humanoid? Do you want to grapple people to death and then savage their souls? Do you want to truly be an incomparable wrestler? If so, this is for you. Don't be mislead by the name; all this PrC does is give you superb grappling abilities!

Prerequisites: Two feats, Improved Unarmed Strike and Track. 8 ranks in Survival, 2 in Knowledge (Nature), Rage and Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil alignment. Not too bad; those are easily attainable as bonus feats anyways.

Class features: Barbarian skills, good Fort & Ref, but only medium BAB. You'll have to find other Grapple-bonuses for that. That said, the class features help out a lot:

Feral Rage (Claws): You stack these levels for Rage-uses. All good. On level 1, you also get Claw-attacks. 1d6 damage, no less. Really nice; two primary Natural Weapons.

Damage Reduction: On level 1, it's 1/Silver. Pretty useless, but it may come up. On level 4 it's 3/silver and level 9 5/silver. The last one is almost never worth it due to the lost point of BAB, but the 3/silver is pretty much free and can be useful against Natural Attack- or Archery-focused characters. Pretty weak, but can randomally help.

Improved Grapple: Free bonus feat. All fine.

Feral Rage (Bite): A third natural attack. It's secondary, but it's still an extra attack so it's all good.

Scent: Sure, why not. It can help you in a surprising number of circumstances and it's a free part of the progression on 4.

Stranglehold: Move Action Coup de Grace; handy for when you're in a hurry or have stunned guys that need a-killin'. Even better if you have Boots of Battle Charger allowing you to use the standard action for a pouncing Charge. Not that useful that often, but it can definitely have its moments.

Feral Rage (Rend): More Natural Attack-damage never hurt anyone, except the opponent. Good for the level.

Improved Natural Attacks: See above. May stack with the Improved Natural Attack-feat as this isn't defined as a size increase and has a different name and mechanic (applies to all attacks).

Savage Grapple: This is why you take the class. Suddenly, your successful Grapple-checks downright destroy anything you're fighting, allowing you to easily drop anything in one round (Pouncing charge with Grab & Damage-attempts for iteratives should drop just about anything you can Grapple in the first place).

This is also level 8, which means you still haven't lost the third point of BAB. You aren't going to either, so this is probably where you should bail out. Do note that Freedom of Movement is going to be ruining your day on these levels a lot, but that's just more of a reason to Anti-Magic it up. Few creatures want to be in Grapple with you, and those are Colossal so you can't Grab them anyways.

Feral Form: You need a really good reason to fight without Rage on these levels. This just shouldn't come up nearly often enough to matter. It costs you two levels and an extra point of BAB; the cost is simply too high.

Verdict: With tentacles! It's obvious what Black Blood Cultist does: Grapple. And oh boy, does it ever Grapple well! Savage Grapple is the single most brutal attack you can do in Grapple and will result in really quick death whatever you're grappling. You'll need some manner of Anti-Magic to negate opponents' Freedom of Movement, and some manner of size increases to engage Larger-Than-Huge creatures, but if you want a grappler, you're unlike to do better than this at least as far as damage goes. Do note that Black Blood Cultist improves your damage, but is rather poor as far as your Grapple-checks go, so couple it with something to help on that front.

Primeval [Frost]: Barbarian ways date back to the dawn of time. Sometimes, a Barbarian may feel the need to dial back into day 1. That Barbarian is walking the path of a Primeval. Their strength as vast as the time before them, a Primeval is truly something to be feared. However, becoming one is not easy. Indeed, a great cost is required for a great gain.

Prerequisites: Three worthless feats: Self-Sufficient, Toughness, Endurance. Further, two worthless skills in Knowledge (Nature) and Handle Animal, only accompanied by Survival. Mere 5 ranks though. Finally, BAB +8; level 9 is the earliest possible entry. It is not easy being a Primeval.

Class features: Barbarian BAB and saves, less skills - the usual story. To business:

Primeval Form: This is what the class is all about; an alternative, prehistoric form you can assume like the Bear Warrior assumes that of a Bear. This is mono-form, and thus you must choose a single form and ride it to the end. Remember that instead of gaining the form's ability scores, the form's modifiers are applied as a bonus to your stats. There could be no better news for a Barbarian! Your massive Strength and Con grow ever more massive. This is truly something.

Allow me to suggest anything with a large array of natural attacks. Giant Octopus, for example, makes for a fine choice. The more, the merrier! All your abilities are amplified by the number of natural attacks you have. Extra uses come on levels 4, 7 and 10 and are badly needed. It is worth inquiring if the "Extra Wildshape"-feat would give you extra uses of Primeval Form; Wildshape is listed as being able to mimic Primeval Form, but you lack Wildshape so you don't qualify for the feat without help from above.

Animal Empathy: You gain some trivial bonuses when meddling with animals of the type you change into. I know not of you, but it does sound horribly boring to me. Free extra ability never hurt anyone though.

Regression: You begin the return to your roots, losing intellect and force of will, while empowering your body. Indeed, you become more and more animal-like, the further you walk this path. Worry not, that's why you're here. Levels 2, 5 and 8 each see a change.

Low-Light Vision: Having the ability in any form is always useful, when it comes as a bonus.

Feral Power: Now we are talking! Your physique reaches a new level, and you gain global bonuses to physical stats and armor. And the change continues! You accumulate these bonuses three times, making you vastly more powerful than standard version of your alter ego creature!

Scent: Like anything feral, your axillary senses grow keener and you notice things before unsmelled. This is half-way through your regression, on level 5.

Fast Movement: As your physique develops, so does your speed. Once you reach 8th level, you gain a boost to movement. It's always good to have.

Primeval Shapeshifter: Alas, your last ability is not amazing. You become one with your animal spirit. Unfortunately, that means giving up the powers making it worthwhile to be a Humanoid in the first place; magic such as Enlarge Person can no longer be cast upon you. You also gain a worthless Damage Reduction as it's pierced by magic - every creature either has ability to pierce it with their natural weapons, or access to magical weapons. Either way, this is not worthwhile.

Verdict: Great power, great price! You pay a dear price to enter and the hour is late. However, the abilities you gain are quite wonderful. Your strength grows immensely and you can acquire a form of larger size, power and more attacks. The only turkey about this class is the 10th level. The costs are a bit high, but for those willing to pay, you'll feel strength you haven't experienced in millenia! If only Primeval weren't completely magical in nature...

Totem Rager [MoI]: The primal ways of a Barbarian go hand-in-hand with the natural soul energy wielded by the Totemist. Where these two meet, a Totem Rager is born; the primal might of a Barbarian combined with the magical soulmelding of Totemist makes for some of the greatest warrior to ever have graced the planet with their presence. This is suited for those who have mastered manipulation of Incarnum. For those still learning, I suggest you start your studies here. With that said, let us see the deal here:

Prerequisites: One feat, Cobalt Rage. 5 ranks in Intimidate, 9 in Survival. The ability to bind soulmelds to Totem-chakra, Rage. Everything you would have anyways, so nothing of relevance.

Class featuresMeldshaping: 8 levels out of 10 advance your meldshaping abilities. As the first level is void, it is in your best interest to take as many as you can. A very fair deal in its entirety.

Totem RageWild EmpathyExtra Rage: 2nd level grants you an extra use of rage. As a Barbarian, you surely can appreciate the value.

Damage ReductionChakra BindsExtended Rage: Your Cobalt Rage now also extends the duration of your Rage. Not worth much, but at least you can be certain you can withstand the entire battle.

Totem Chakra BindVerdict: Depends. The value of the class is entirely dependent on what you do with your Meldshaping. With all the natural weapons and strength-check/damage bonuses it provides, there are many ways to make for truly brutal Totem Ragers. But again, all that depends on your proficiency with Incarnum; the Rage-abilities are merely an afterthought. This is principally a class for Totemists who want some strength and the free Pounce.

Champion of Gwynharwyf [BoED]: Just walking the road of a Barbarian does not mean abandoning your deities. On the contrary, the life of strife can bring you closer to your deity than a life of service ever could. Champions are Barbarians elevated by their deities to be their champions and fight in the forefront of the battle of deities manifesting itself on the material world once again. Such is certainly worth something. Let us scan the costs:

PrerequisitesClass features: Barbarian saves, skills, HD, BAB and everything else. This is all too familiar for us already. To the more unique part:

Detect Evil: Like a Paladin, you can detect the presence of evil creatures. This will help you in your struggle for a better world by beating the crap out of things.

Rage: You continue to advance as if a Barbarian. Most excellent.

Smite EvilSpells: Now thisyou must still do the attacking, but your god can empower your strikes.

Furious Casting: This is what the class is all about; in spite of the Rage, you can use magic! Truly wonderful ability, and granted on level two.

Divine Grace: Like a Paladin, you can use your Force of Will to protect you from harmful magic. As a bonus though, Charisma-focused Champion makes for a mighty intimidater too.

Damage ReductionResist Enhancement: Further defenses for your mind; it never hurts to be more secure against enhancements. This is on character level 9 too so you get it way before it becomes trivial.

Fearsome Fury: This adds perfectly to the Intimidate-combo! You get an effective extra Intimidate vs. everyone! Imperious Command it up and you have a bunch of opponents most definitely cowering in your feet! Truly an ability worth taking the class for.

Energy Resistance: So yes, you get a resistance to an energy type on 5 and it improves on 10. Free bonuses never hurt anyone.

Immunity to Charm and Compulsion: Free immunities never hurt anyone.

Verdict: Yes! For a charismatic Barbarian, or one interested in spellcasting, this is a wonderful class. Nobody else would even be interested, so in short, this rocks! More than 8 levels is probably a waste, though.[/spoiler]

« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 08:57:08 PM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 07:44:38 PM »
Gear and PossessionsWeapons:

Greatsword: It's a great sword.
Guisarme: A reach weapon which allows for tripping. Good basic weapon choice.

Spiked Chain: Possibly the best exotic weapon for a barbarian, since it allows you to attack everyone in a 10 foot radius and can be used for tripping.

Locked Gauntlet: Gives a +10 bonus to resist being disarmed, and can be used to bitch slap the pansy who tried to disarm you.

Spiked Gauntlet: Deals slightly more damage than a locked gauntlet. Fortunately, you can wear one of each type.

Armor Spikes: Show that monk who's boss in a grapple!

Composite Longbow: Shooting people in the face is a path full of awesome and win.


Adamatine: Great for weapons since it allows you to overcome DR and break things.


Collision (MiC, +2 Bonus): Adds 5 extra points of damage per hit.

Eager (MiC, +1 Bonus): +2 to initiative when wielding, can be drawn as a free action. +2 damage on surprise and first round of combat.

Ghost Touch (PHB, +1 Bonus): Hitting ghosts is a good thing.

Magebane (CArc, +1 Bonus): +2 extra enhancement and +2d6 damage against Batman and anyone else who casts arcane spells.

Merciful (PHB, +1 Bonus): Good to have if you're a Frenzied Berserker.

Spell Storing (PHB, +1 Bonus): Delivering a spell via hitting someone in the face is fun.

Transmuting (MiC, +2 bonus): After one hit, the weapon will automatically bypass the DR of the target. Less useful if you deal so much damage that anyone who does not have DR high in the triple digits will be dead instantly.

Valorous (UE, +1 Bonus): Doubles damage dealt on a charge.

Warning: (MiC, +1 Bonus): +5 to initiative.

Wounding (PHB, +2 Bonus): Deals 1 Con damage per hit.

Wrathful Healing (E&A, +3 Bonus): Heal half the damage you deal.

Note: There are many weapon crystals in the MiC that give or emulate some of the enchantments above. These are generally awesome and worth your while.

Specific weapons:

Halberd of Vaulting: A 3.0e weapon from the Arms and Equipment Guide that has a +2 enhancement bonus, doubles damage on a charge when dropping from a certain height, and gives +30 to jump checks.

Luck Blade (PHB, 22,060 gp): Keep an empty one around for the +1 luck bonus to saves and the reroll ability.[/spoiler]



Studded Leather: It's cheap.

Chain Shirt: Best light armor.

Breastplate: Best medium armor.

Full Plate: Best heavy armor. If you did not trade your movement bonus for Pounce, make it mithral.


Mithral armor means you can treat heavy armor as medium. This is great.


Animated (PHB, +2 Bonus): Have a shield without having to carry a shield!

Displacement (MiC, +1 Bonus): Once per day, gain the effects of the Displacement spell for 5 rounds.

Light/Medium/Heavy Fortification (PHB, +1/+3/+5 Bonus): Negating sneak attack and critical hits is useful.

Soulfire (BoED 112, +4 Bonus): Immune to death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.  Seeing as you probably will be getting hit by all sorts of nasty creatures with your low AC, this is totally worth it.

Note: There are many armor crystals in the MiC that give or emulate some of the enchantments above. These are generally awesome and worth your while.

Specific Armors:

Rhino Hide (PHB, 5,165 gp): +2 armor that has an ACP of -1 and adds +2d6 to damage on a charge, even if it is a mounted charge.[/spoiler]


"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 07:46:04 PM »
3. Playing the Barbarian Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!4. Enemies and RivalsThe greatest pleasure in life is to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.5. Beating up BatmanDammit Khan, stop taking all the good lines!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 11:14:05 PM by Solo »

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 10:59:25 PM »
Excellent.  Had me laughing throughout.

Favorite Line: "Not all Pansies are Elves"
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DM:"There are no visible armies"
Player:"Aw crap theres an Invisible army!"


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 11:01:38 PM »
Solo should do a guide for every class :lmao~


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2010, 01:31:49 AM »
This is so full of win it is overflowing.
A couple of water benders, a dike, a flaming arrow, and a few barrels of blasting jelly?

Sounds like the makings of a gay porn film.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2010, 01:43:57 AM »
I see the reason in going with something like giant octopus, but what do you think about dire ape as a chosen form for Primeval?  You don't get much in the way of natural attacks, but you get large size and 10' reach, Str +12, Dex +4, Con +4, natural armor +4 before Primeval bonuses, and hands.  You've still got a bite, too.  Might as well keep your favorite greatsword, and if you want you can get an extra made with a Mouthpick improvement.
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2010, 01:46:43 AM »
Can you improve the formatting on the prcs a little?  They're kind of blending together
Linguist, Mad, Unique, none of these things am I
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2010, 08:08:46 PM »
You also forgot a description for Cleave.

That being said this is like a blade forged of win in valhalla. The vikings approve  :clap

Solo should do a guide for every class :lmao~

Solo should just do a guide for everything, but I digress...
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2010, 08:20:25 PM »
Thanks for reminding me, I'll add it in straight away.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2010, 09:18:13 PM »
Opinions on that PrC from Hyperconscious which lets you kill people by firing beams of pure RAGE out of your brain?
My work
The tier system in a nutshell:
[spoiler]Tier 6: A cartographer.
Tier 5: An expert cartographer or a decent marksman.
Tier 4: An expert marksman.
Tier 3: An expert marksman, cartographer and chef who can tie strong knots and is trained in hostage negotiation or a marksman so good he can shoot down every bullet fired by a minigun while armed with a rusted single-shot pistol that veers to the left.
Tier 2: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything, or the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.
Tier 1: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything and the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.[/spoiler]


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2010, 09:23:53 PM »
No matter what you are, there is simply no way to measure up to a PrC that lets you kill people with eyebeams.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2010, 08:03:22 PM »
Here's a little something I just remembered for you:

And a quote:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 09:21:59 PM by Agita »
It's all about vision and making reality conform to your vision. By dropping a fucking house on it.

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2010, 09:19:14 PM »
Here's a little something I just remembered for you:

And a quote:
Deathless frenzy... is on a completely different level.
My work
The tier system in a nutshell:
[spoiler]Tier 6: A cartographer.
Tier 5: An expert cartographer or a decent marksman.
Tier 4: An expert marksman.
Tier 3: An expert marksman, cartographer and chef who can tie strong knots and is trained in hostage negotiation or a marksman so good he can shoot down every bullet fired by a minigun while armed with a rusted single-shot pistol that veers to the left.
Tier 2: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything, or the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.
Tier 1: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything and the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.[/spoiler]


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2010, 04:09:13 AM »
Solo, care to do a revamp of the Hood guide for BG?
Hood - My first answer to all your build questions; past, present, and future.

Speaking of which:
Don't even need TO for this.  Any decent Hood build, especially one with Celerity, one-rounds [Azathoth, the most powerful greater deity from d20 Cthulu].
Does it bug anyone else that we've reached the point where characters who can obliterate a greater deity in one round are considered "decent?"


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2010, 04:34:52 AM »
My muse is not with me.

"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down!"

The Legend RPG, which I worked on and encourage you to read.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2010, 06:05:00 AM »
I believe that Warshaper [CW] should be among the prestige class options, because there are two good ways to get in:

a) Be a changeling or shifter
b) Be a bear warrior

Since one of them is not terrible and the other is awesome, Warshaper should get a place in the handbook.