but where would be the difference to mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, etc?
it would just be orb, orb, orb, orb, orb, orb, orb, etc^^
though im just thinking....could you do that with wings of flurry too?
technically it should work and it would wield higher damage then orb of force (cap of 10d6 vs no cap) and is aoe and with a casterlevel of 20+ its always more damage then the orb, even if the enemy makes it save
though theres a problem with it, as it hits friendly persons too which currently is worked around with purify spell (we got a all good group) and/or sculpt spell and with those no other metamagic feat could be applied so it still fits into arcane fusion
hmmm, is there a way to become immune to force damage? a buff for the whole party would be the best