You have (sort of) built a framework for talking about playing the best games vs different games, etc.
I think you should finish it. Or at least get it from the level where it is now (sorta vague, nobody is really going to disagree with it) to a point where you can effectively leverage it in your show.
The best way, I think, to do this would be to do shows about the games that you like (Savage Worlds, Burning Wheel) in an organized way.
Get into the nitty gritty about why they're systems are good and the choices that they've made are better than other choices and contribute to being the "best".
Then when you talk about other games and how they're not good you can succinctly discuss the system/setting choices that have been made that you feel are maladaptive (i.e. that are inferior to the choices made by the "best systems")
Topics that I think you could reasonably pick up in the Savage Worlds show would be
1. How does the wild die (which is a 50% success vs normal difficulty) affect the probabilities in the game? Why is it better than a "normal" dice pool system with a target number(like WoD, Shadowrun, whatever).
(I assume you think it's better)
2. Savage Worlds includes a flaw system with roleplaying only flaws (you are loyal, you are patriotic, whatever). So you receive a mechanical advantage for a roleplaying disadvantage. Could talk about whether that's a good thing in general, in this case, etc.
You could talk about games that do/did that and were not successful (GURPS, WoD).
(You kinda sorta dealt with this in discussing the kobold PC in DnD2e but it's worth talking about, I think, more directly and especially in relation to a game system you like.