Kell, the previous build you said was in error because it was using circle magic, I'm assuming that's where the +40 cl to each class was coming from? If not, where did that come from?
i'm not sure which to be more worried about, the fact that i'm apparently mad, or that i just lay down positive arguments regarding that fact.
Do you wear a hat and/or enjoy tea parties?
you have no idea how hard i fought to resist the "Mad as a hatter" schtick.
but no, i usually wear a hood. crap, there's another reference!
and fuck tea. real men drink coffee.
hey now, don't be dissin' tea. I have a special homebrew (
) version I make that has been dubbed "death tea", or "the tea of death".
basically, about 12 caffeine filled tea bags in 4 liters of water, along with another 4 camomile tea bags, and then add a cup or two of sugar. the result is a super potent caffeine buzz that doesn't cause hyperactivity, allowing for several hours of win. recipe is, of course, party sized. and is normally iced. I use it for DnD.