Author Topic: Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)  (Read 2568 times)

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Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:52:05 PM »
Hengeyokai (sparrow) Psychic warrior (assassin's path) 7/Monk 1/Fighter 1
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat ReflexesB, Fury's Fall, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Lunge, Multiattack
Traits: Magical Knack (psychic warrior), ?
Equipment: Guided amulet of mighty fists, items of +Wis/Dex

This character's CMB is calculated with Dex instead of Str (Dex x2 for Trip attempts), it adds Wis to AC and CMD, and uses Wis instead of Str for attack/damage. Lunge gives it 5ft reach. It has three natural weapons in addition to its unarmed strike, and is capable of manifesting psionic lion's charge.

What do you think? There's probably a Tiny race that works out better, but making it Fine seemed more amusing.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 02:00:36 PM by Prime32 »
My work
The tier system in a nutshell:
[spoiler]Tier 6: A cartographer.
Tier 5: An expert cartographer or a decent marksman.
Tier 4: An expert marksman.
Tier 3: An expert marksman, cartographer and chef who can tie strong knots and is trained in hostage negotiation or a marksman so good he can shoot down every bullet fired by a minigun while armed with a rusted single-shot pistol that veers to the left.
Tier 2: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything, or the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.
Tier 1: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything and the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.[/spoiler]


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Re: Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 03:44:56 PM »
Throw on Offensive Precognition for a bigger bonus, since all bonuses to attack rolls apply to CMB rolls.
The mind transcends the body.
It's also a little cold because of that.
Please get it a blanket.

I wish I could read your mind,
I can barely read mine.

"Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. At 2:15, it begins rolling up characters."

"Just what do you think the moon up in the sky is? Everyone sees that big, round shiny thing and thinks there must be something round up there, right? That's just silly. The truth is much more awesome than that. You can almost never see the real Moon, and its appearance is death to humans. You can only see the Moon when it's reflected in things. And the things it reflects in, like water or glass, can all be broken, right? Since the moon you see in the sky is just being reflected in the heavens, if you tear open the heavens it's easy to break it~"
-Ibuki Suika, on overkill

To sumbolaion diakoneto moi, basilisk ouranionon.
Epigenentheto, apoleia keraune hos timeis pteirei.
Hekatonkatis kai khiliakis astrapsato.
Khiliarkhou Astrape!

There is no higher price than 'free'.

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Re: Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 12:24:09 AM »
How is it using dex for CMB without Agile Maneuvers feat?

Have you considered Tengu for your race?  It gives +wis/dex and proficiency with every sword ever printed (like...the falcata).  I don't recall what Hengeyokai gets, just that it's a shapechanger and if it's updated to PF, I assume nerfed?

Consider dipping Inquisitor for Solo Tactics.  UC added a teamwork feat to roll twice and take the better result every single time you attempt a trip as long as an ally with the feat is also threatening the foe (yay Solo Tactics!).  Inquisitor is also sweet wisdom synergy for you.

Also, that guided weapon property is awesome.  Anyone know if it works on ranged weapons like bows, or is it melee only?

EDIT: Oh, dex is going to trip only.  I see.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 12:26:56 AM by StreamOfTheSky »


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Re: Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 12:42:21 PM »
How is it using dex for CMB without Agile Maneuvers feat?
It's smaller than Small size.
My work
The tier system in a nutshell:
[spoiler]Tier 6: A cartographer.
Tier 5: An expert cartographer or a decent marksman.
Tier 4: An expert marksman.
Tier 3: An expert marksman, cartographer and chef who can tie strong knots and is trained in hostage negotiation or a marksman so good he can shoot down every bullet fired by a minigun while armed with a rusted single-shot pistol that veers to the left.
Tier 2: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything, or the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.
Tier 1: Someone with teleportation, mind control, time manipulation, intangibility, the ability to turn into an exact duplicate of anything and the ability to see into the future with perfect accuracy.[/spoiler]


  • Barbary Macaque at the Rock of Gibraltar
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Re: Keep your eye on the birdy! (Build)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 02:39:46 PM »
Didn't realize that was the rule.  Interesting.

Next question...

How are you overcoming this rule, so you can actually trip most things?

"You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you"

I know there's a Ki Throw feat or something to spend ki points to trip larger foes, +1 size per point spent but a) you don't seem to have such a feat, b) you have no ki, c) even if you had both, that's insanely expensive to rely on multiple times a day.

Are you using some psionic power to overcome this?