Author Topic: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.  (Read 7037 times)

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  • Donkey Kong
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Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:58:24 AM »
I've taken a break from RL tabletop DMing, so I'm running one through FantasyGrounds. FG is a VTT that costs money, but I managed to get in on it early enough to get a normal DM license, then pay an upgrade fee for an Ultimate license. An Ultimate license lets me have players that don't own FG. They just download the unregisterd version and connect to mine. I REPEAT: THIS IS FREE FOR YOU.

Room code: "able ogre warm dice"

Character Creation Rules:
32pb, "Normal" Humanoids only (Example: Illumian is fine, as are the planetouched and Elans, but Half-Minotaur is not.)
Level 3
Setting Stuff
[spoiler]Magic is known of, but considered a rarity, as most mages are part of history, and the current ones keep their heads down.

Humans are the dominant race, followed by dwarves, halflings, and elves. Orcs are the "slum" class.

Many encounters in the game will progress VERY much like an old text based rpg. On your way to the brothel you meet a man wearing vermillion robes and a cheerful grin. He introduces himself as Vodalian and says he simply loves adventure. Do you stay to chat?[/spoiler]

Houserules are spoilered. Some of them are familiar, as I lifted a good number of them from a houserules thread here on BG. If you think other nerfs/buffs would be good for gameplay in general, feel free to post them in this thread. Post applications here as well.
[spoiler]1: Everyone automatically gets Quick Draw.
Quick Draw is not worth a feat.

2: Everyone automatically gets Combat Expertise and Power Attack.
These are simply modes anyone can activate, but are slightly changed:

-Combat Expertise has no BAB cap.

-Power Attack also works on light weapons at +1 damage per -1 accuracy.

3: Special Attacks get improved.
This means anyone can Bull Rush, Disarm, Trip, Grapple, Overrun, and Sunder without provoking an AoO. Those who want to be especially skilled at these techniques must invest in them, like Improved Bull Rush or Charging Minotaur.

Also, bull rushing doesn't require that you follow the target back. It's like Knockback instead of tackling.

Finally, you can Disarm, Sunder, Pin, and Trip with ranged weapons.

4: Full attacking is a standard action.

Standard action martial strikes can only be used once per full attack.

For example, if you're a Warblade11, you normally get 3 attacks on a full attack.  You could use Emerald Razor, a standard action strike, in place of a normal attack.  You may also use Dancing Mongoose, a swift action maneuver to give you an extra attack at your highest BAB.  Thus; your attack sequence could go +11 standard attack/+11 Dancing Mongoose/+6 standard attack/+6 Emerald Razor (touch attack).

Maneuvers that normally require full attacks or charging still do.  Their effects are unchanged.

5: Charging is a standard action.
You can only move up to your normal speed for this standard action. However, you can use a move action before or after you charge. You may full attack as normal with melee weapons at the end of a charge.

6: iterative attack accuracy is +0/-5/-5/-5 instead of +0/-5/-10/-15.
I know AC diminishes in value as levels rise, but -10 accuracy feels insulting. -15 accuracy is laughable.

7: When you make an attack of opportunity, you may initiate a martial strike or a single melee attack.
This maneuver must be readied and granted as normal.

8: Melee martial strikes may be used with ranged weapons.
Why not let martial strikes work with ranged attacks, such as bow shots, sling bullets, and thrown weapons?

If you are mundane you are either paranoid or dead. For this rule, spells aren't class features, and neither are an artificers items. Move along.

10. Armor Proficiency grants bonuses based on BAB
MAP Grants +2 AC but requires 5 BAB to benefit
HAP Grants +4 AC but requires 10 BAB to benefit
EAP Grants +6 AC but requires 15 BAB to benefit

11. Kalamar Villain Builder's Handbook is usable, and AntiFeats are required.
Yes, this means you have a ludicrous amount of feats.

12. Initiative is rolled each round, and spells and powers you cast give you a -1/spell level initiative.
Concentrating on a spell makes you slower to react to other threats, and I wanted to make initiative special again. Also, this makes celerity screw you for initiative.

13. Armor grants DR=1/2 AC
DR might not be pointless now.

14. Spell failure applies to divine spells cast by full casting classes.
Fuck you CoDzilla.

15. Spell failure isn't reduced by special materials.
I'm looking at you Thistledown Fey/Githcraft Mithril armor.

16. Magical Healing converts lethal damage to nonlethal, which heals over time as normal[/spoiler]

Already Approved Homebrew:
Ephemeral Blade
Blue Mage
Gemini Dancer[/spoiler]


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 12:03:50 PM »
Why don't you post this on the play by post board? As said before, I'm in.

When you say humanoids do you mean the type or the word? aka, are Elans, Otherworldly Elves or Planetouched allowed? What's the starting level? :P

This the homebrew I'd like to use. Entering with Swordsage/Crusader/Ardent. Need a starting level before I can get a grip on the background but I have an idea in mind.


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 12:08:10 PM »
Fine with me. Adding it to the main post. Not posting it on PbP because it'll be a much faster pace than that. It's a VTT, so it will always be running.


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 12:56:11 PM »
13. Armor grants DR=1/2 AC
DR might not be pointless now.
Total AC bonus or only the armor bonus? AKA does the +1 count?


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 01:00:21 PM »
1/2 the AC bonus from the armor, and the magic +1s count. Shields do not grant DR.


  • Organ Grinder
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 01:27:11 PM »
Does rule 12 include manifesting powers?


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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2011, 01:24:07 AM »
How does rule 14 interact with the martial divine types like paladin and ranger?  And color me interested, so long it works with my schedule.  I've fooled around with FantasyGrounds before but I've never had the opportunity to play a game with it.

I'll kick around a couple of concepts and see what feels good.
"A witty saying proves nothing." --Voltaire


  • Grape ape
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2011, 05:31:09 AM »
Was this the game where you got Anti-feats every level? If so I soooo wanna join!
Monks are pretty much the best designed class ever.


Meep Meep - Mixster out


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2011, 05:34:26 AM »

Just PM me a link to your character sheet. We'll probably start this weekend.


  • Monkey bussiness
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2011, 05:37:11 AM »
Hey, long time lurker here, just checking this to see if registration is still open. I've been looking for a D&D Pbp game for a while now and I would like to get into this if possible. I already have the trial version of Fantasy Grounds so it shouldn't be a problem. One thing though - although I have been surfing this boards and several other boards pertaining to D&D for years now, I have very little actual experience in playing a game.


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2011, 05:42:53 AM »
That's fine. You are perfectly welcome. If you join "able ogre warm dice" through fantasygrounds I'll help you right away.


  • Monkey bussiness
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2011, 05:46:46 AM »
Awesome :D. I'll get to it right now. Also, just checking, would an Archivist/Malconvoker with a few levels in paragnostic apostle work in your campaign, and would you allow it?


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2011, 05:48:54 AM »
Sure, just read the campaign description and the houserules, because they nerf casting pretty hard.


  • Monkey bussiness
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2011, 06:04:32 AM »
Hmm. Looks like I have a few problems connecting, so can you brief me about them now? How badly is summoning nerfed?


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2011, 06:22:18 AM »
Just read the houserules on the first post. Any spells you cast apply a penalty to your next initiative roll equal to the spell level.


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2011, 06:26:04 AM »
Hey, long time lurker here, just checking this to see if registration is still open. I've been looking for a D&D Pbp game for a while now and I would like to get into this if possible. I already have the trial version of Fantasy Grounds so it shouldn't be a problem. One thing though - although I have been surfing this boards and several other boards pertaining to D&D for years now, I have very little actual experience in playing a game.

You need to install the full version in "Unregistered" mode. The demo isn't compatible with anything for some stupid reason.


  • Grape ape
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Re: Oldschool RPG style FantasyGrounds campaign.
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2011, 06:49:29 AM »
Attempting to connect as well, how do I do that? Do I only need your username or a host adress as well?
Monks are pretty much the best designed class ever.


Meep Meep - Mixster out