Author Topic: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men  (Read 57035 times)

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2010, 10:01:53 PM »
He probably typoed dynamic priest (from dragonlance)
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2010, 10:10:49 PM »
Indeed. However, Dynamic Priest doesn't change the score used to determine Bonus Spells



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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2010, 11:31:36 PM »
Indeed. However, Dynamic Priest doesn't change the score used to determine Bonus Spells

The version in the Legends of the Twins does allow charisma to apply to bonus spells as well as maximum spell level.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2010, 11:34:45 PM »
Question: Would Serenity work to change the ability used for Divine Grace to Wisdom instead?


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2010, 01:19:08 AM »
There is one useful Elven Barb from the Revenant Blade handbook if you recall.  Fighter/Barb to taste into RevBl 5/FB 10 to turn everything into paste from full two handed power attack with a Valenar Double Scimitar.  Must be a real wild elf :P
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2010, 03:22:38 PM »
There is one useful Elven Barb from the Revenant Blade handbook if you recall.  Fighter/Barb to taste into RevBl 5/FB 10 to turn everything into paste from full two handed power attack with a Valenar Double Scimitar.  Must be a real wild elf

Remember that Eberron flips the traditional roles of elves and orcs. Orcs are nature-worshiping pansies who want to be left alone so they can fight horrors from the realm of madness. The Valenar elves are the most violent race on the continent and have the most feared heavy cavalry in the world - bear in mind that they live next door to people who ride dinosaurs, and said people are badly scared of the elves. I've heard the Valenar described as land Vikings with pointy ears. And really, what's a mere -2 Con penalty in the long run? You're going to be boosting that stat into low orbit anyhow regardless of your race.


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2010, 07:34:14 PM »
There is one useful Elven Barb from the Revenant Blade handbook if you recall.  Fighter/Barb to taste into RevBl 5/FB 10 to turn everything into paste from full two handed power attack with a Valenar Double Scimitar.  Must be a real wild elf

Remember that Eberron flips the traditional roles of elves and orcs. Orcs are nature-worshiping pansies who want to be left alone so they can fight horrors from the realm of madness. The Valenar elves are the most violent race on the continent and have the most feared heavy cavalry in the world - bear in mind that they live next door to people who ride dinosaurs, and said people are badly scared of the elves. I've heard the Valenar described as land Vikings with pointy ears. And really, what's a mere -2 Con penalty in the long run? You're going to be boosting that stat into low orbit anyhow regardless of your race.

All the more reason I love the idea of an elf foaming at the mouth with a two bladed scimitar and dancing through the ranks of the enemy with Supreme Cleave.  The REAL Legolas :P
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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2010, 12:21:08 AM »
great read thank you for this worl :clap


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2010, 10:43:00 AM »
I think that Brutal Throw feat [CAd], which is Weapon Finesse for High-Str Throwers, + Barbarian with few Harpoons (I forgot source, but harpoon deal dmg twice - when hit, and when pulled from the wound. + controlling foe with trailing rope) do the trick :)


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2010, 11:28:53 AM »
heres a fun RAGING ELF Build...(i believe i finished it .. but it may not be completely finished)

Wood Elf
Ranger 3/ Barbarian 1/ Fighter 2/ Wild Runner 2/ Champion of Corellon 2/ Runescared Berserker 10Anger Powers:
Rage 3/day gain +4 Str,+4 Con,+2 Will save,-2 AC, Duration 9 rounds
Primal Scream 10/Day gain +2 Str, +6 Dex, Duration 6 rounds,+1 secondary Bite Attack
Frenzy 5/day gain +10 Str, +1 additional Attack @full BAB, Duration 6 rounds

full Buff(Rage+ Frenzy + Primal Scream)

+16 Str,+6 Dex,+4 Con,+1 Additional Full BAB attack, +1 Secondary Bite Attack(-5 BAB),+2 Will save,-2 AC ... Duration 9 rounds

Combat Stats with Full Anger Buff + Full attack + haste:

Str 42, Dex 40, Con 24

Full Attack Melee: +42(+20 BAB +16 Str +5 Enhancement +1 Haste)


Full Attack Ranged: +41(+20 BAB +15 Dex +5 Enhancement +1 Haste) with Rapid Shot and Haste
Damage Courtblade = 44 damage (5(1d10) +5 Enhancement +16 Str +15 Dex +3 Vampiric)

Arrows = 25 damage (4(1d8) +5 enhancement +16 Str)

Special Attacks:

Disarm:  Attack roll +41 +4(2 handed) +4 Imp Disarm = 1d20 +49 ... if he Fails, he is immune to Disarm from opponent

Special Note .... everytime he is attacked he gets an AoO @+42 and does 44 Damage(heals 3 with every hit) and Ignores DR

Not too shabby for a little old Elf build ... hmmm

« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 11:32:29 AM by carnivore »


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2010, 12:26:54 PM »
Oh, and also fighter variant Dungeon Crasher from Dungeoncape is excellent IMO. Dungeon Crasher + Improved Bull Rush + Knock Back. Half-Ogre with any warhammer and this comibnation, is like a golf-player, and the foes are golf-balls in this case :D They splash on the walls or trees like a stomped frogs :clap

And some useful templates:
* Half-Minotaur (Dragon Magazine #313) - + natural AC, + 10ft speed, bonus Str and Con, some other stuff, and CHANGE size if smaller than Large. This is +12 Str, +6 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Int, +4 natural AC, +10ft speed, for LA +1? Hell Yes!  :love
* Half-Ogre (Dragon Magazine #313) - another broken template. Little worse than Half-Minotaur, but if base creature is Large, it's LA+0, not +1. So Human (or Half-Orce, but this is little weird - 3x "half"?  :banghead: ) Half-Ogre, Half-Minotaur will be still LA +1. In this case on the 1st lvl we have large brutish son-of-a-bitch, with a reach 10ft (or 15-20ft (I'm not sure and I loaned my books to friend) with barbed chain), +16 str, -4 Dex, +6 Con, -4 Int, -2 Cha +6 natural AC, +20ft of speed, bonus feat from human and few other bonuses :). With a monstrually attack bonus, damage, Fort save and hp. Barbarian from the hell  :twitch
* Feral (Savage Species). Little boost for useful stats, and pounce from 4 HD, and unarmed dmg from claws, +6 natural ac. LA +1. If we take also 1/2ogre and 1/2minotaur in good sequence (feral -> mino -> ogre), we have +20 Str, -6 Dex, +8 Con, -8 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, +12 natural AC and +30ft speed. And we have pounce since 4th lvl, so it's not necessary take Lion Totem Barbarian. Better will be 2 lvl of Wolf Totem, for free Improved Trip. For LA +2.
In the PB 32 for example
Str 36 (16+20)
Dex 10 (14-4)
Con 24 (16+8)
Int 6 (14-8)
Wis 10 (8+2)
Cha 6 (8-2)

Big, strong, stupid, ugly brute. He kill Arnold Schwarzenegger by shaking his hand  :lmao

Another one - War Hulk [Miniatures Handbook] - but good only for the "end of build" (if we don't intend play on the epic levels. If yes, this PrC is shit because he DON'T gain any BaB). Yes, within 10 levels, War Hulk gains +0 do BaB. But on every level +2 Str so +1 to attack and +1 to damage. But fifth attack from BaB is in this case only a dream. If I correctly understood, on 4 lvl (ability "Mighty Swing") War Hulk can attack 3 adjacents squares in standard action so he can attack 3 foes (size Medium) with ALL attack from High BaB, extra attack from Fury (Frenzied Berserker), etc. If I'm reading wrong, please - correct  :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 02:34:03 PM by GWJ »


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men
« Reply #51 on: November 24, 2010, 04:01:40 PM »
AC: 39 (10 + 12 Con + 12 Con + 5 Natural Armor), 43 with Rage, 39 with Rage & Frenzy (DR 3/-)
Attack: Guisarme +36/+36/+31/+26/+21 for 2d6+22, Trip +27 (for comparison, Big T is +33) OR Unarmed +35/+35/+30/+25/+20 for 2d6+15
HP: 12+d12*17+d10*2 + 12*20 (-20 for Quick) = 353, 413 while Raging
Speed: 40', Fly 40' (Average)
Saves: +28 Fort, +12 Ref, +24 Will (+3 Fort, +6 Will while Raging)

+30 Spot, Listen, Survival, Sense Motive; +28 Intimidate (realistically much lower, with 6-10 Int you can only buy so much and base Cha is unlike to be relevantly high)

So, the idea is you move up to hit someone with Belt of Battle, burn the action to throw down an AMF and beat people up in it. Only things I'm annoyed by not being able to fit there are Shock Trooper (suppose you can use both of the open feats for that) and Elusive Target (which would obviously make killing you in an AMF a pain).

The high Touch AC is really just there to make people throwing Orbs, Tripping you or whatever at you miss once until they kill you; obviously won't slow them down for long but hey, never hurts to try!

So yeah, I feel the normal Barbarian is a bit...meh. Doesn't do enough interesting crap. Immortality while in Rage? That's interesting. Anti-Magic? That's cool. Skin so tough it blocks lazers? Hell yeah! Too bad it's all race dependent and all that but that's the kinda character I'd love to play one day. And too bad there's about 8 feats

* I'm "rationalizing" Half-Minotaur here to not include the size increase score changes. Perfectly non-stupid Template that way.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 04:07:28 PM by Eldariel »

miz redavni

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Re: Being Bane: A Guide to Cracking Small Men
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2011, 01:15:14 PM »
Solo, care to do a revamp of the Hood guide for BG?
I can't do that, but I can give you something amusing to put in it.

"No. No. No no no no no no no. No I will not, Endarire, you Hood-whoring jerk. I have had about enough of you plugging your awesome battle jumping build, the likes of which would put Mario to shame in terms of enemies crushed under its boots. I will not help you spread the magnificence of the "death from above" style of fighting, since not only would it be encouraging you to keep plugging your spectacular Hood build at every opportunity, but also because it will detract from my work, and I never help the competition no matter how great their ideas may be. You'll find no kind words nor sympathy from me for your elegant combat vaulter, so why I suggest you pack up and leave now before I give you a real tongue lashing."
-Solo, on Hoods

please.... o.o give me a link to this build!!!

this is why:clicky


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men
« Reply #53 on: May 23, 2011, 08:40:27 PM »
I made a human CLR/BAR for a 12th level campaign focusing heavily on killing dragons.

1 Human Barbarian: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.
2-10 Cleric: Great Fortitude, Extra Rage, Reckless Rage
1 Bear Warrior
1 Fist of The Forest: Improved Natural Attack:Claws

I never do point buy, I like the high risk of rolling the D6's, and for this guy I rolled an 18, twice.
STR 18+3 for 12th level+2 for Belt of Magnificence=23
Con18+2 for Belt of Magnificence=20

Since I took Reckless rage, when I turn into a bear I get +10 STR, +2 DEX, +8 CON, -4 AC
But before I rage I cast Righteous Might and Divine Power on myself for a +8 Size bonus to STR and +4 Size bonus to CON, a +6 Enhancement bonus that overlaps the +2 from the belt, a full BAB, a size increase to large, a +4 to Natural Armor and 9 hitpoints
Also, Strength and War domains for extra uses per day of Divine Power and Righteous Might and a +9 to STR whenever I want it
Also, Feral Trance gives me +4 DEX and +2 to damage for unarmed attacks

So when I'm fully prepared for battle I have
STR 45
CON 32
AC +9, no shit, you get +6 from the increased CON and +3 from the increased DEX, and the +4 Natural Armor bonus from Righteous Might cancels out the armor penalty from raging, and the now I just gotta get a Mithral Breastplate with the Wild magic property
Claws that do arguably D8 or D10+12 depending on how your DM interprets Fist of the Forest and a bite that does D8 or D10+6 for the same reason. My attack bonus is 2 Claws at +21, and a Bite at +16
An extra 81 hitpoints.

I named him "Big" Al Rosenburg
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 08:50:23 PM by DocWarlock »


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men
« Reply #54 on: May 23, 2011, 10:42:16 PM »
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 03:37:39 AM by zook1shoe »


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Re: Being Bane: A Guide To Cracking Small Men
« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2011, 11:02:48 PM »
The Barbarian Skillmonkey

Human barbarian

ACF: trapkiller

1-nymph's kiss, educated
3-knowledge devotion
Afterwards- whatever barbarian stuff you want

A human barbarian with nymph's kiss and 14 int is getting a respectable 8 skill points/level. Plus there are several knowledge skills that give you a synergy bonus to your survival checks. And by pure coincidence there just happens to be a feat that gives you combat bonuses based on knowledge checks called knowledge devotion.