Author Topic: Lvl 20, Most-Mass-Heals-per-day 'Healer' build  (Read 6808 times)

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  • Bi-Curious George
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Re: Lvl 20, Most-Mass-Heals-per-day 'Healer' build
« Reply #40 on: September 30, 2011, 10:25:10 PM »
Oh, Jaron. You and your inordinate love of the undead. Get lich-loved already, you!  :P

But this idea is actually extremely good! If your DM is going to be a jerk and Disjunction everything, then debuff you, just turning undead nullifies much of the pain!

Immunity to effects requiring a Fort Save unless they affect objects, Immunity to poison, no need to sleep, all sorts of great stuff!

I started using Undead a lot precisely because of having to deal with too many low wealth games where you just couldn't get those immunities any other way.  So yeah, I know this works. 

...and yeah, I really like playing Necromancers and undead haunting scouty types now.  It's so much fun!  It's extra fun against DMs like this who throw casters with 9th level spells against you... use Animate Dread Warrior and throw them right back!  Heck, we broke a Shadowrun game with the same concept of "use what the DM throws at us back against him" when we showed up with a medic (who could strip out enemy cyberware) and a vodoo shaman (who could make zombies out of the fallen).  And you can do the same in D&D... whatever he throws against you, take it and throw it right back.


Plus, if everyone is undead, you can just put black sand in their boots to provide 1d6 healing every round!
The answer to everything:
I don't know if the designers meant you to take Skill Focus for every feat.
Sounds a little OP.

The monk is clearly the best class, no need to optimize here. What you are doing is overkill.

It's like people who have no idea what a turn signal is. They ruin it for everyone else.
When another driver brandishes a holy symbol and begins glowing with divine light, seek cover or get spattered with zombie brains. I do not see what is so complicated about this.


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Re: Lvl 20, Most-Mass-Heals-per-day 'Healer' build
« Reply #41 on: September 30, 2011, 10:41:07 PM »
...Turns out it was 1d4.  But yes.  And you can get Necrosis Carnexes up and running (if they can stay alive, with this DM that may be hard) for even more healing.  You can also use AoEs your immune to on your own position when you get swarmed.  Consider an Uttercold based build for example... you nuke on your own position for half cold, half negative energy.  If you can get immunity to cold somehow, you can heal yourself while icing your enemies.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 01:59:51 AM by JaronK »


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Re: Lvl 20, Most-Mass-Heals-per-day 'Healer' build
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2011, 01:39:25 AM »
Someone mentioned the possibility of always being able to make a DC15 Fort save.  Steadfast Determination would work to always grant a minimum, and some Dwarf subraces get a free version of Endurance.