Author Topic: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?  (Read 4257 times)

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How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:06:48 AM »
Well, I am prepping a build for a game with three cowards next months, the kind who would rather let their barbarians throw their shoes at the monsters than charge them, and actually risk getting hit. Not that it matters much, but as my former melee cleric character got left behind in an encounter where he was tied up in melee while the others decided to make a run for it, I decided to change tactics; I want to be a ranged attacker! Now, Ive heard all about how cool elven archer clerics are, and how the right domains makes the character an avatar of ranged death, so I decided to go with that, but Ive run into a problem; I cant make my build seem strong!

I am especially short on stats and feats, and I was wondering if Im doing it wrong?

The build:

Star Elf

St: 10
Dx: 14
Co: 12
It: 8
Ws: 15
Ca: 16

Solonor Thelandria (Starting domains: Knowledge, Elf, War)

Cloistered Cleric

Advancement Plan
-1: Cleric 1 Feat (Rapid Shot), bonus feats (Weapon Proficiency & Focus: Longbow), bonus feat (Point Blank Shot)
-2: Cleric 2
-3: Cleric 3 Feat (Improved Initiative)
-4: Cleric 4
-5: Cleric 5
-6: Cleric 6 Feat (Extend Spell)
-7: Cleric 7
-8: Cleric 8
-9: Divine Disciple 1 Feat (Holy Warrior)
-10: Divine Disciple 2
-11: Divine Disciple 3
-12: Hierophant 1 Feat (DMM: Persist Spell), special ability (Persist Spell)
-13: Divine Disciple 4 Domain (Plant)
-14: Divine Disciple 5
-15: Cleric 10 Feat (Knowledge Devotion)
-16: Cleric 11
-17: Cleric 12
-18: Cleric 13 Feat (Improved Toughness)
-19: Cleric 14
-20: Cleric 15 

This character will start out as a level 3, and I have access to all books except those that belong to other campaign settings that FR.

Help :(


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 08:38:13 AM »
Zen Archery needs to be in there. Also you can have knowledge devotion at level 1 by trading the domain for the domain feat (Complete Champion).

Andion Isurand

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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 09:02:56 AM »
If all you use Charisma is for turning attempts to fuel DMM...
you could take the LA +0 Arctic template from Dragon Magazine 306 for +2 Con and -2 Cha...
and then you can take Extra Turning instead of Improved Toughness.

You could be a Snow Elf which starts out with +2 Dex and -2 Cha. (which is like standard elf with the arctic template)
Or you could be a Sun, Grey or Fire Elf for the +2 bonus to Int...
which would help provide you with more skill points to fuel Knowledge Devotion.

Arctic Grey Elf (w/ Extra Turning instead of Imp Toughness)

12 Str (14-2)
10 Dex (8+2)
14 Con
16 Int (14+2)
15 Wis
8 Cha (10-2)

Arctic Fire Elf (hehe...  ) (w/ Extra Turning instead of Imp Toughness)

10 Str
10 Dex (8+2)
14 Con
16 Int (14+2)
15 Wis
10 Cha (14-4)

Then if you stick to using very light armor, like Githcraft Nightscale (DMGII + Underdark), that reduces arcane spell failure to 0%... then you can take the Divine Gestures flaw from Dragon Magazine 326... which gives your divine spells the same chance of spell failure as arcane spells... in exchange for a feat.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 04:54:15 PM by Andion Isurand »


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2011, 09:13:11 AM »
I always forget to mention how no flaws or traits are allowed, since Ive never been used to use them, but... No flaws or traits allowed.

And yeah, I use the Cha score for turn attempts, but I am now willing to delay my DMM usage to level 18 when there is room for that extra turning feat. Anyways, Zen Archery looks good, so I will not need much of a dex bonus anyway.

However, if I trade away the knowledge domain for the knowledge devotion feat, wont I loose access to the knowledge skills that Im trying to boost? Just wondering..

Andion Isurand

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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2011, 09:24:38 AM »
Knowledge Devotion does grant you access to one knowledge skill as a permanent class skill.

Pick Dungeoneering or Local...
...since clerics already get Arcane, History, Planes and Religion
...and that plant domain grants you access to Nature as a class skill


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2011, 04:18:41 PM »
Also, you could easily meet the prerequisites to Church Inquisitor if you're lawful good or lawful neutral.  Then you can dip it for a level and gain the Inquisition Domain.  According to the chart in Complete Champion, that domain can be traded for Knowledge Devotion and you'll get to keep Dungeoneering, Nature, and Local as class skills.


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2011, 04:39:25 PM »
I notice a lack of PrC Ranger in there.  I assume this is because you have not yet realized the awesomeness of some of the Ranger only spells, especially when Persisted.  Remember: Persistent Guided Shot + Persistent Visage of the Deity + Chain of Eyes on one of your party members, combined with a nice Greatbow of Distance (you DID remember to use Lesser Bracers of Archery, right?), lets you fly outside the visual range of all enemies while using your ally as a spotter, thus letting you rain down death like an flying artillery position.  And you can keep shooting even while your cowardly allies flee!



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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2011, 04:46:56 PM »
Try to be a Human who just reveres elves (fanboy?) or something, cause elves suck.  If you can get away with it, Dwarf with Elf domain is even better still.  Lets you take Ancestral Knowledge (Races of Stone) feat.

I think you should pick up Knowledge Devotion as a feat, having them all as class skills is helpful.  Alternatively, swap Church Inquisitor's Inquisition domain for it when you enter that class.

If you can squeeze Time domain into your build, with PHB2's spontaneous domain alternate class feature you can spont. cast haste, which is nice for an archer.

You need precise shot in the build.  Use the Sign spell (SpC) and some 1st level pearls of power to replace Imp. Initiative if you feel it's important.

At higher levels, get something other than Imp. Toughness.  If you want hp, find a 4th level or higher polymorph spell (Lesser Holy Transformation from SpC SHOULD count...) and get the minor Shapechange reserve feat in C.Mage instead.  I highly recommend Imp. Precise Shot, even if you get a Seeking bow (seeking doesn't help with cover).

Andion Isurand

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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2011, 05:11:39 PM »
You could also bypass DMM altogether and take Node Spellcasting (earth) and Metanode spell.

Then locate or create an earth node, plant an oak tree in its center via Quall's Feather Token...

Then use Acorn of Far Travel spell via PrC Ranger to remotely access the node's power and persist (and possibly extend) your spells of choice.

[spoiler]Acorn of Far Travel
Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One acorn
Duration: 1 day/level or until expended
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Acorn of far travel must be cast upon an acorn that is still attached to a living oak tree. As you cast the spell, the spirit of the oak tree wells into the acorn, which detaches into your hand once the casting is complete. As long as you carry the acorn (and as long as the acorn is not stored in an extradimensional space like a bag of holding), you are considered to be standing under that oak tree's canopy (and thus within an area of forested terrain). Whenever you cast a spell that has additional effects when cast in forested terrain (such as deadfall, creaking cacophony, fey ring, or splinterbolt), you can choose to use the acorn as an additional material component for that spell. Doing so consumes the acorn immediately, but the spell's effects manifest as if you stood in forested terrain no matter what your actual location. Likewise, you can use the acorn as an oak tree for spells like tree stride or transport via plants; this also consumes the acorn.

Dryads gain an additional benefit from this spell. If a dryad spellcaster casts this spell on an acorn harvested from her bonded oak tree, she is considered to be in contact with her tree at all times, despite the actual distance between her and the tree. A dryad spellcaster can thus use this spell to travel great distances from her tree without growing sick.

You can have only one acorn of far travel spell in effect at any one time. If you cast it more than once, any acorn of far travel spells you may have already in effect immediately end. The magic of the spell is not bonded to you, though. You can pass the infused acorn to others, allowing them to gain the benefits of this spell.

Material Component: A fallen leaf taken from the oak tree from which the acorn is to be harvested.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 05:16:12 PM by Andion Isurand »


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2011, 05:24:49 PM »
I see two potential builds here:

1) NG Cloistered Cleric of Solonor Thelandria 4/Ordained Champion 5/Hierophant 1/Filler 10 (Contemplative works if nothing else)
-For a race, pick one of the +2 Dex/-2 Int or Cha elves.  10 Charisma is plenty, and you can get that even with a penalty.  Likewise, you don't need many skill points to make Knowledge Devotion work for you, you just want to grab about 5 ranks.
-Start with War, Elf, Knowledge Domains, no Devotions
-With Ordained Champion, pick up Good Domain
-Sack Good Domain and Knowledge Domain abilities for 2 Fighter Bonus Feats (technically, Knowledge Domain only adds skills to your Cleric class skills, so it's done it's job at this point) at the first level of Ordained Champion.
-Beyond that, go with the same, general feat progression.  Note, however, that Divine Disciple and Ordained Champion would have an alignment conflict with this build.

2) CG Cloistered Cleric of Labelas Enoreth 7/Divine Disciple 5/Contemplative 2-6/Hierophant 1/Filler 1-5
-Start with Elf, Time, Knowledge Domains, no Devotions
-Spontaneous Time Domain is a strong ACF for this build.
-Use your bonus domains to grab Knowledge Devotion, Chaos Devotion, and possibly also Good Domain.
-Drop Holy Warrior, obviously, and get another Extra Turning.

Acorn of Far Travel is alright, but getting into Prestige Ranger to cast it yourself is onerous.  Instead, have an NPC Druid cast the spell and carry it in your pocket to gain the effect.  It can be replaced periodically with the Animal Messenger spell, even.

Another feat to consider is Chaos Devotion.  It's kinda ignored when compared to Law Devotion because it's unpredictable and it's bonus is generally less impressive, but when you gain an AC bonus you can cast a spell, and when you gain an Attack bonus you can make your full attack.


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2011, 08:03:04 PM »
Hood - My first answer to all your build questions; past, present, and future.

Speaking of which:
Don't even need TO for this.  Any decent Hood build, especially one with Celerity, one-rounds [Azathoth, the most powerful greater deity from d20 Cthulu].
Does it bug anyone else that we've reached the point where characters who can obliterate a greater deity in one round are considered "decent?"


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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2011, 02:19:51 AM »
"That's one for the good guys.
Current score: Evil 923,472,810, Good 1."



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Re: How did that elven cleric archer build work again?
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2011, 04:03:04 AM »
"That's one for the good guys.
Current score: Evil 923,472,810, Good 1."
