Author Topic: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level  (Read 19450 times)

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  • Curious George
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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2011, 01:57:48 PM »
Spells are Persistable if they have a Personal or Fixed Range and their effects aren't discharged and isn't instantaneous.
As a note, I do not believe that touch spells count as a fixed range.
Quote from: 3,0 FAQ
Would spells that have touch range, such as  spell resistance, be considered to have a fixed range, and therefore be usable with the Persistent Spell feat?
REACH SPELL (CD) will make 'touch' a fixed range of 30'
I know of no way to make personal spells persistable.


  • Grape ape
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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2011, 02:38:27 PM »
Personal spells are persistable from the get-go it's in the feat description.

A level of arch mage can grant you arcane reach which does the same thing as reach spell but without the level increase.
Monks are pretty much the best designed class ever.


Meep Meep - Mixster out


  • Curious George
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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2011, 02:44:39 PM »
Personal spells are persistable from the get-go it's in the feat description.

A level of arch mage can grant you arcane reach which does the same thing as reach spell but without the level increase.

Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2011, 10:06:44 PM »
Transmutation 5

Complete Adventurer
Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 152)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)

Complete Arcane
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8,Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 99)

Complete Divine
Blink, Improved - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Divine, pg. 154-155)

Complete Mage
Flaying Tendrils - Gain 4 tentacles from face, can attack with 1 as standard action or 4 as Full-attack deal 1d4+Str, have Improved Grapple with Tentacles, +2 to opposed grapple/attached tentacle, can attempt to kill creature at beginning of round if all four tentacles attached, foe must make fort or die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Complete Mage, pg. 104-105)
Form of the Threefold Beast - Take form of a Chimera and gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 105)
Heart of Fire - +10 Enhancement to Land Speed, Fire Resistance 20, Expend to activate Fire Shield for 1 round/CL, bonuses if Heart of Air,Water, and/or Earth Active (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5 (fire)) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Mage, pg.107)
Unicorn Blood - Immunity to Poison, Compulsion and Charm spells and effects, use swift action to gain Temp HP and end previous immunities (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Draconic Polymorph - As polymorph except that you can assume a form up to 20 HD and form has an additional +8 Str and +2 Con (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Draconomicon, pg. 79)
Magic Fang, Superior - Grant Every Natural Weapon gains an Enhancement of +1/4 CL Max +5 (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)
Flight of the Dragon - Grow wings giving fly speed 100 (average), cannot carry more than light load, can fly 15 mph or 24 mph hustling (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 113)

Dragon Magic
Form of the Desert Hunter Become a Dragonne and 30 temp HP (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 67)
Lord of the Sky - Gain Fly Speed of 40 or 30 with medium or heavy armor, Use swift action to fire 60 ft ranged touch to deal 1 Electric damage/CL (max 20) and reduce Fly speed to 1/2 normal.  Activate Lightning Bolt to End Spell; if dragonblood grant 60 ft. instead or +10 fly speed (Shugenja 5 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Transmutation) [Electricity] (Dragon Magic, pg. 69-70)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Spell Haven (Pointless) (Requires Dragonmark) - Store a spell in Dragonmark, cast it later as an immediate action, Least 1st spell level, lesser 3rd spell level, greater or siberys 5th spell level (Bard 5, Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 153)

Drow of the Underdark
Dridershape - Take on the forms and abililities of a drider but without drider spellcasting, but retain your spellcasting. (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 61)
Spider Form, Greater - Take the form of a Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means while Matrix active (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 110-111)

Player's Handbook
Overland Flight - Gain 40 ft fly speed (30 with medium or heavy armor or with medium or heavy load), can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 259)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)
Breath Weapon Substitution - Change breath weapon to deal acid, cold, electric, or fire damage instead (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 39)
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium pg. 73)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep)(Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)
Gutsnake - Create a Giant Constrictor snake from stomach (counts as a tentacle), can use snake's balance and climb instead of your own, climb speed 20 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Spell Matrix, Lesser - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)

Airy Water - Creatures can breathe air in 20 ft., creatures make DC 10 swim check, success means move normally failure means move at half speed, negate any penalty for melee attacks underwater (Seafolk 6, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation [Air, Water]) (Stormwrack pg. 113)

Races of Eberron
Unfettered Heroism - Gain Temporary Action Point each round (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190-191)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Resonating Resistance (Fiend Spell Component) - Every attempt to breach spell resistance must roll and succeed twice.  Must have spell resistance from extraordinary ability. (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 102)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to 4 3rd level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Tome and Blood, pg. 90)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Improved Blink - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50-51)

Transmutation 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Quickshift (Requires Celestial Component and Teleport Spell-like ability) - Teleport Spell-like ability is quickened (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Arcane
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Dragon Magic
Dragonshape, Lesser - Take the form of a young red dragon, gain 60 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66)
Primal Speed (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Resistance bonus to Reflex, +10 Enhancement to speed, bonuses if other primal spells active (Druid 6, Ranger 4, Sorceror 6) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Whip, Greater - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 20), can be used to deliver touch spells of 7th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)

Player's Handbook
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
- Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 207)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Fiendish Quickening (Requires Fiend Component) - Cast Teleport or Teleport without Error spell-like ability is quickened. (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-VI,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 93)

Transmutation 7

Book of Exalted Deeds
Eladrin Form - Become incorporeal globe of colors, Fly 150 ft perfect, pass through solid objects, cannot cast spells, require +1 or greater weapons to hit, 50% miss chance from Incorporeal source (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 97)

Complete Arcane
Giant Size - CL1-15 Become Huge, CL16-18 Become Gargantuan, CL19+ become Colossal Size, gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for size (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109-110)

Complete Mage
Unicorn Heart - 60 ft base landspeed, +4 Enh to Str, Dex, Con, can end spell to instantly transport yourself and another creature up to 360 ft. as dimension door spell, special bonuses if Unicorn Blood and/or Unicorn Horn active as well (Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Construct under your control, gains size and abilities according to your breath energy type and size  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 76)

Dragon Magic
Aspect of the Platinum Dragon - Take Form of Aspect of Bahamut and gain 110 temp hp (Sorceror 7) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Channel the Dragon - Gain a 15 ft cone breath weapon usable 1d4 rounds and a defensive ability either DR 5/adamantine or Fire, Cold, or Acid Resistance 30 (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 65)

Player's Handbook
Control Weather - Change current weather to either be a season, Spring (Tornado, Thunderstorm, Sleet Storm, Hot Weather), Summer (Torrential Rain, Heat Wave, Hailstorm), Autumn (Hot or Cold Weather, Fog, Sleet), Winter (Frigid Cold, Blizzard, Thaw), Late Winter (Hurricane-Force Winds or Early Spring) and to Cause the weather associated with the season respectively, Druids Double the duration and radius of the spell (Air 7, Cleric 7, Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 214)
Ethereal Jaunt - Become Ethereal, become invisible to material plane creatures, move at half speed but in any direction, can move through solid objects and creatures, if spell ends while in a solid object, become shunted to the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage/5 ft moved (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 227-228)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Huge Fire Elemental under your command.  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 11)
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Body of War - Gain appearance of warforged Titan, Type is Construct, cannot cast spells, Size Huge, Str 28, Dex 8, Landspeed 50, darkvision 60, low-light vision, Construct Immunities, Trample 1d8+Str, Reflex 25 half, Axe and warhammer 2d8 x3, (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 35)
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
Synostodweomer - Spells casted are converted into positive energy for 1d8 cured/Spell level (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 218)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Eye of the Beholder - Gain +2 Circumstance on Spot checks, gain random ray ability (usable by standard action) that either lets you use, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Sleep (no max HD), Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Fear, Slow, Inflict Moderate wounds, Finger of Death, or Telekinesis.  Ray has range of 150 ft, DC18 (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Sequencer - Cast up to 4 5th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 2nd or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)
Simbul's Synostodweomer - Spells you cast are turned into positive energy equal to 1d6/spell slot level, can heal self or another by touch (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 119)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Oriental Adventures (3.0)
Giant Size - CL1-15 Become Huge, CL16-18 Become Gargantuan, CL19+ become Colossal Size, gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for size (Hero 8, Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 105)

Savage Species (3.0)
Vipergout - Summon 1d4+3 Fiendish or Celestial vipers, may attack enemies or do other tasks as you command (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Savage Species,pg. 72)

Transmutation 8

Complete Arcane
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109)
Minute Form - CL 15-16 Shrink to Tiny, CL17-18 Shrink to Diminutive, CL 19+, shrink to Fine Size.  Gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for small size (Wu Jen 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 115)

Complete Mage
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant - Gain form of beholder except that you can only use 1 eye ray/round and an eye ray once used cannot be used again, gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 102-103)
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death - Take the Form of a Marut, cannot use 1/day or 1/week abilities, can use other spell-like abilities 1/casting, gain 50 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Dragon Magic
Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon - Become Aspect of Tiamat and gain 100 temp hp, evil component (Sorceror 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)

Libris Mortis
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Libris Mortis 65-66, pg. 109)

Player's Handbook
Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)

Oriental Adventures (3.0)
Minute Form - CL 15-16 Shrink to Tiny, CL17-18 Shrink to Diminutive, CL 19+, shrink to Fine Size.  Gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for small size (Wu Jen 8) (Transmutation) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 110)

Spell Compendium
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 103)

Savage Species (3.0)
Flame Whips - Forelimbs transform into flames, when they hit, deal 5d6+1/CL (max 20) fire damage, may not cast spells with material components or carry items with limbs, items on limbs cease functioning (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)

Transmutation 9

Complete Mage
Transcend Mortality - Gain DR 30/Epic, SR21+CL, Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sonic Resistance 50, Immune to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects, don't need to eat, drink, or breath, +10 enhancement to saving throws, instantly slain and reduced to pile of dust at end of spell, cannot prevent this by any means (Wu Jen 9) (Transmutation) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Player's Handbook
Shapechange - Assume the form of any single non-unique creature of any size with HD up to your CL (max 25), gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities assumed form but lose your own supernatural abilities, and gain the type of the creature in question.  Can change form once/round as a free action.  Gain +10 Disguise. (Animal 9, Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 277-278)
Time Stop - Move so fast that time appears to cease to flow for everthing and everyone but you, Other creatures are invulnerable to your spells and attacks and they may not be targeted for the duration of Time Stop, spells with a remaining duration after the timestop proceed normally, you cannot move or harm items held or carried by another creature while time stop is active, cannot enter an anti-magic field while spell is active (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Trickery 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Player's Handbook II
Dragonshape - Gain 100 temp hp, gain stats and abilities of mature adult red dragon except spellcasting (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Spell Matrix, Greater - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to 4 7th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 4th or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, can set a spell or a sequence to come into effect like a contingency spell, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means while main spell active(Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118-119)

Underdark (3.0)
Undermaster - Can use any of the following spells as a Spell-like ability (1 spell/round) requiring a standard action (even if the spell normally requires more than that), : Burrow, Earthquake, Excavate, Flesh to Stone, Meld into Stone, Move Earth, Reverse Gravity, Soften Earth and Stone, Statue, Stone Shape, Stone Sphere, Stone Tell, Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone (Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Underdark, pg. 62)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2011, 10:09:01 PM »
Arcane Persistent Spell Categories by Function and Level

With the plethora of books in 3.5, several different spells do basically the same thing and many stack, use this list to help customize/specialize your character base and ease yourself of the hassle to search through the above list.

Spells that improve your ability to utilize ranged weapons or attack forms
Archery 1

Complete Adventurer
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer pg. 143)
Guided Shot - No ranged attack distance penalties, ignore everything except total cover and total concealment (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 150)

Spell Compendium
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Guided Shot - No ranged attack distance penalties, ignore everything except total cover and total concealment (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)

Archery 2

Complete Mage
Near Horizon - No Ranged penalties for weapons (Assassin 2, Ranger 2) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)


Spells that improve your initiative, attack and/or damage or increase the damage/effectiveness of existing attack forms
Combat 1

Complete Adventurer
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 145)

Player's Handbook
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Spell Compendium
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 56)
Cutting Hand - Hand does 1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc. damage and you are armed, +2 enhancement to attack and damage with hand (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Focusing Chant - +1 Circumstance to Attacks, Skill Checks, Ability Checks (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 121)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cutting Hand -  You are considered armed, +2 enhancement to attack and damage with hand, cannot cast spells with hand (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 104)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 36)

Combat 2

Complete Adventurer
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 158)

Razorfangs - Choose 1 natural weapon, its threat range doubles (does not stack with other effects that increase a threat's range (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)

Dragon Magic
Soul of Anarchy (Cancels Soul of Order) - +5 Competence to Escape Artist and to resist grapple, natural weapons are chaotic-aligned, Bonus if Soul of Light or Soul of Shadow is active (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Chaotic] (Dragon Magic, pg. 72-73)
Soul of Order (Cancels Soul of Anarchy) - +2 morale to Will Saves to resist enchantment effects, natural weapons are also lawful aligned.  Damage reduction if soul of light or shadow also present (Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Lawful] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Player's Handbook
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Player's Handbook II
Stretch Weapon - 1 Melee Weapon wielded gains an additional 5 ft reach (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 126)

Spell Compendium
Daggerspell Stance - +2 Insight bonus to attack and damage using Full Attack with daggers, gain SR5+CL while fighting defensively with 2 daggers in hand (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Extend Tentacles - Tentacle reach increases with 5 feet (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 86)
Grace - Silver Illumination out to 60 feet, -20 Circumstance to Hide, +2 Sacred to Dexterity, +10 Land speed, weapons considered Good-aligned (Bard 2, Cleric 3) (Transmutation) [Good] (Spell Compendium, pg. 107)
Razorfangs - Choose one natural weapon that deals slashing or piercing, it's threat range doubles (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 168)
War Cry - Gain +4 Morale to Attack and Damage rolls as part of a charge, damaged foe must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for one round (Bard 2) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 236)
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 243)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Masochism - Every 10 points of damage/round taken gives +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks for the next round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 99)
Sadism - Every 10 points of damage dealt/round grants +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks in the following round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Combat 3

Dragon Magic
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage - 1/2CL Morale bonus to melee damage rolls (weapons or natural attacks), can expend spell to activate a true strike effect for one attack (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Divination) (Dragon Magic pg. 67)
Primal Instinct (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Competence to Initiative, Survival. +5 Competence to one knowledge skill with Dragonblood subtype.  Gain Uncanny dodge if other Primal spell active (Druid 3, Ranger 2, Sorceror 3) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic pg. 72)
Wreath of Flames - At end of turn, adjacent enemies take 1d6 Fire Damage, Melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (fire)) (Evocation) [Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 75)

Player's Handbook
Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Strike as an invisible creature (+2 unless target can see invisible), targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)
Invisibility Sphere - All creatures around target (personal or touch) within 10ft emanation are invisible.  Effect ends for individual creatures if they attack or if they leave the emanation.  Spell ends if the target attacks (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Find the Gap - First Melee or Ranged Attack each round is a touch attack (Assassin 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3) (Divination) (Draconomicon, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
Find the Gap - First Melee or Ranged Attack each round is a touch attack (Assassin 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3) (Divination) (Spell Compendium)

Combat 4

Book of Exalted Deeds
Inspired Aim - All allies within 40 foot emanation get +2 Insight to Ranged Attacks (Bard 4, Cleric 3, Fey 3, Ranger 3) (Enchatment) (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 101)

Sharptooth - Choose one natural weapon, attack deals damage as if it were one size larger (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 81)

Player's Handbook
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Spell Compendium
Sharptooth - Choose one natural weapon or unarmed strike, attack deals damage as if it were one size larger (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 187)

Savage Species (3.0)
Extend Tentacles - Tentacle reach increases by 5 feet, also extends the length of a medusa's snakes by 5ft and gives them the improved grab abillity with the ability to constrict for 1d3+your Str damage on a successful grapple attempt (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)
Weapon of Energy - Choose Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic, the targeted weapon weapon deals an additional 1d6 damage of that type on a hit, and on a critical hit the weapon deals additional damage (1d10 x2, 2d10 x3, 3d10 x4, etc.) (Cleric 4,Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 72)

Combat 5

Complete Arcane
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8,Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 99)

Complete Divine
Blink, Improved - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Divine, pg. 154-155)

Magic Fang, Superior - Grant Every Natural Weapon gains an Enhancement of +1/4 CL Max +5 (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)

Spell Compendium
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)

Airy Water - Creatures can breathe air in 20 ft., creatures make DC 10 swim check, success means move normally failure means move at half speed, negate any penalty for melee attacks underwater (Seafolk 6, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation [Air, Water]) (Stormwrack pg. 113)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Improved Blink - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50-51)

Combat 6

Aura of Terror - Whenever you Attack or Charge, creatures within radius with fewer HD than CL must make Will save or become Shaken, extra bonuses if you already have frightful presence (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] (Draconomicon, pg. 77)

Player's Handbook
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Races of Faerun
Stone Body - Gain DR 20/+2, +4 Enh to Str, -4 Penalty to Dex (minimum 1), reduce speed by half, weightx3, vulnerable to attacks that affect stone golems, immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison stunning (Cleric 6 (gnome), Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Combat 7

Spell Compendium
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Combat 8

Player's Handbook
Moment of Prescience - Gain +1 Insight/CL (max 25) on 1 attack, opposed ability, skill check, saving throw, or AC against a single attack, can activate this ability at any time, takes no action, not more than one Moment of Prescience can be active at a time (Luck 8, Sorceror/WIzard 8) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 255)

Spell Compendium
Invisibility, Superior - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, blindsight, other immunities (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)

Savage Species (3.0)
Stalking Spell - Become invisible and remain invisible even if attacking, radiate a silence effect of 5ft radius, leave no scent and cannot be detected by scent (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Savage Species, pg. 71)

Combat 9

Complete Arcane
Superior Invisibility - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, detectable by Blindsight or True Seeing (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Arcane, pg. 125)


Spells that facilitate, enable, or improve communication
Communication 1

Player's Handbook
Comprehend Languages - You understand all spoken and written languages. (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212)

Communication 2

Communication 3

Whispering Sand - Fix your mind on creatures whom you know, have me, or know the name of, if both you and them have at least 1 pound of sand, dust, or ash, you can speak back and forth through the material as long as you are on the same plane (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation [Language-Dependent]) (Sandstorm, pg. 128)

Spell Compendium
Telepathic Bond, Lesser - Can communicate telepathically with one creature within 30 ft (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 219)

Communication 4

Voice of the Dragon - +10 Enh to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, speak and understand but not read Draconic, end spell to use suggestion on creature (Bard 4, Dragon 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 115)


Spells that cause damage or harm to creatures within a radius
Damaging Aura 1

Damaging Aura 2

Complete Divine
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) (Ref Half) starting on caster's turn (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Fire](Complete Divine, pg. 155)

Spell Compendium
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) starting on caster's turn (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Spell Compendium, pg. 35)

Masters of the Wild (3.0)
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) (Ref Half) to any creature it touches (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation [Fire]) (Masters of the Wild, pg. 84)

Damaging Aura 3

Dragon Magic
Wreath of Flames - At end of turn, adjacent enemies take 1d6 Fire Damage, Melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (fire)) (Evocation) [Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 75)

Damaging Aura 4

Damaging Aura 5

Damaging Aura 6

Damaging Aura 7

Player's Handbook II
Pulse of Hate - 2d6 unholy damage to all enemies within 20ft radius/round at start of your turn (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)

Damaging Aura 8

Spell Compendium
Lightning Ring - Elec Res 20, adjacent creatures take 10d6 electric (Ref Half), at start of turn, direct 2 lightning bolts dealing 5d6 electric damage (Ref Half) (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) [Electricity] (Spell Compendium, pg. 132)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2011, 10:09:22 PM »
Spells that improve AC, saving throws, gain hp, improve/gain SR, or reduce the chance to get hit/affected by an enemy action
Defensive 1

Complete Arcane
Scales of the Lizard - Gain Natural armor enhancement that stacks with racial natural armor but not any other type of natural armor, +2 base, +3 at 6th, +4 at 9th, +5 at 12th+ (Wu Jen 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 121)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Shield (Requires Dragonmark) - Dragonmark hovers and moves about in front of you, negate magic missiles, shield and Reflex Saves bonus of +2 or up to +5 depending on strength of dragonmark (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150)

Libris Mortis
Ectoplasmic Armor - Gain +5 Armor Bonus to AC +1/4CL (max +9) to incorporeal touch attacks (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Ectomancy) (Libris Mortis, pg. 64)

Player's Handbook
Shield - Gain +4 Shield to AC that counts against incorporeal touch attacks and negate magic missiles targeted at you (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 278)

Player's Handbook II
Deflect, Lesser - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack (Duskblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)

Spell Compendium
Nightshield - +1 Resistance to saving throws/3 CL (Max +3), magic missiles negated (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 148)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium)

Tome of Magic
Bulwark of Reality - Gain +6 Armor Bonus that also applies to incorporeal creatures, must speak own truename (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Creation [Force])) (Tome of Magic, pg. 256)

Defensive 2

Champions of Valor
Silver Dragonmail - Gain +1 Mithral Breast plate and proficiency with it, if sorceror gain Cold Res 5 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration(Creation)) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57-58)

Scintillating Scales - Gain Deflection to AC=Con, lose natural armor  = Con*.5 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)

Dragon Magic
Soul of Anarchy (Cancels Soul of Order) - +5 Competence to Escape Artist and to resist grapple, natural weapons are chaotic-aligned, Bonus if Soul of Light or Soul of Shadow is active (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Chaotic] (Dragon Magic, pg. 72-73)
Soul of Order (Cancels Soul of Anarchy) - +2 morale to Will Saves to resist enchantment effects, natural weapons are also lawful aligned.  Damage reduction if soul of light or shadow also present (Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Lawful] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Fortify Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Critical hits and sneak attacks have a % chance to be negated according to strength of dragonmark (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 151-152)

Player's Handbook
False Life - Gain 1d10+1/CL (max 10) Temporary HP (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Mirror Image - Create 1d4+1/3CL (Max 8) Illusory Duplicates with AC=10+Dex+Size, successful hit destroys it (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Figment)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254-255)

Player's Handbook II
Deflect - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack and a shield to AC (1/2 CL) against next attack (Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)

Spell Compendium
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)
Daggerspell Stance - +2 Insight bonus to attack and damage using Full Attack with daggers, gain SR5+CL while fighting defensively with 2 daggers in hand (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Scintillating Scales - Transform Natural Armor bonus to AC into Deflection bonus to AC (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 181)
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 185)
Veil of Shadow - Gain concealment (20% miss chance), not removed from see invisibility, dispelled with daylight or 3rd level light spell (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Spell Compendium, pg. 228)

Turbidity - Create a 20ft radius spread cloud swirling around you, obscures all vision and darkvision beyond 5 ft, have concealment to creatures up to 5 ft away and total concealment for creatures more than 5 ft away, Creatures other than you casting in the cloud must make a Concentration check DC15+Level or lose spell, ranged attacks going through turbidity automatically fail, vigorous and stronger currents can disperse the spell, functions only underwater (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Stormwrack, pg. 123)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Masochism - Every 10 points of damage/round taken gives +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks for the next round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 99)
Sadism - Every 10 points of damage dealt/round grants +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks in the following round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 36)
Veil of Shadow - Gain concealment (20% miss chance), not removed from see invisibility, dispelled with daylight or 3rd level light spell (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Miniatures Handbook)

Defensive 3

Champions of Valor
Golden Dragonmail - Gain +1 Mithral Full Plate and proficiency with the armor, if Sorceror gain fire resistance 10 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Champions of Valor, pg. 55)

Complete Mage
Repelling Shield - Gain +4 Shield bonus (even against incorporeal attacks) and negate magic missile, melee attackers that strike you make Ref save or be pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 115)

Dragonskin - Choose a color, gain energy resistance 10 of the color, gain +3 NA CL5, +4 NA CL7, or +5NA CL9 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)

Drow of the Underdark
Spider Form - Take the form of a Fiendish Large Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Backblast - Turn 1d4+2 levels of fire spells targeted at you back at the original caster, gain fire resistance 10 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Fire] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 30)

Player's Handbook
Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Strike as an invisible creature (+2 unless target can see invisible), targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)
Invisibility Sphere - All creatures around target (personal or touch) within 10ft emanation are invisible.  Effect ends for individual creatures if they attack or if they leave the emanation.  Spell ends if the target attacks (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wererat - Gain +6 enh. to Dex, +2 Enh. to Con, +3 Enh. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Dragonskin - Choose a color, gain energy resistance 10 of the color, gain +1 Natural Armor/2 CL (max +5) (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 73)
Mage Armor, Greater - Field of Force grants +6 armor bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 136)
Primal Form - Gain 1 Elemental Subtype, +4 saves against mind affecting abilities, Light fortification and either Fly 20 ft., Damage reduction 5/-, 1d4 fire damage, Fire Resistance 10, or Swim 90 Feet drench ability, Cannot cast spells, lose abilities of base form (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 161)
Reverse Arrows - Gain Damage Reduction 10/magic against projectiles, any projectile that hits but does not exceed your damage reduction returns to the original attacker using the same attack roll with damage rerolled, spell ends once 10 damage/CL (max 100) total is absorbed (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 175)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Harper 2,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 73)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Reverse Arrows - Gain Damage Reduction 10/+1 (10/+2 CL 10, 10/+3 CL 15, 10/+5 at CL20) against projectiles, any projectile that hits but does not exceed your damage reduction returns to the original attacker using the same attack roll with damage rerolled, spell over after 10 damage/CL (max 100) is absorbed (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 114)

Defensive 4

Complete Adventurer
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Mage
Heart of Earth - +8 to resist Bull Rush, Overrun, Trip, 2 Temp HP/CL (Max 30) expend to gain Stoneskin for 1 round/CL, bonuses if heart of air, fire or water also active (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Wu Jen 4 (earth)) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Complete Mage, pg. 106)

Magic of Eberron
Watchful Ancestors - Gain improved uncanny dodge as a barbarian except use your CL in place of the barbarian level, can end spell as an immediate action for +1 Insight/CL to Reflex saves (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)

Player's Handbook
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)

Player's Handbook
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Player's Handbook II
Mirror Image, Greater - As Mirror Image, but 1 image created every round (Max 8), spell ends if all images destroyed (Bard 4, Beguiler 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 120)

Races of the Dragon
Hoard Life - Suffer nonlethal damage = CL*2 and become fatigued, as standard action, heal hp = nonlethal damage suffered then spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Healing) (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113)

Races of the Wild
Aerial Alacrity - Increase Fly speed by 30 ft and maneuverability 1 category (max perfect), gain +1 dodge to AC and on Reflex while airborne (Sky 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation)  (Races of the Wild, pg. 174)

Spell Compendium
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)
Bite of the Werewolf - +2 Enh. to Str, +4 Enh. to Dex, Con, natural armor.  Gain bite attack for 1d6+1.5 Str.  Gain Blind Fight Feat (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 29)
- Gain either Cha as Luck to Fortitude +immune to poison, Cha as Luck to Ref+Evasion, Cha as Luck to Will+Fear immunity, or Temp HP=4d8+Cha, spell can be cast multiple times (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 178)
- +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Ilyykur's Mantle - Gain luck bonus of +1/3 CL to saves against spells and spell-like abilities (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50)

Defensive 5

Champions of Valor
Skin of the Steel Dragon - Gain Spell Resistance 10+CL, if Sorceror gain +5 resistance bonus on saves vs. poison (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 58)

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Arcane
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8,Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 99)

Complete Divine
Blink, Improved - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Divine, pg. 154-155)

Complete Mage
Coat of Arms - Gain one force blade/3CL (max 6), gain shield bonus = # of blades, can direct a blade to break off and deal 2d6 damage to a target within 30 feet, lose 1 shield bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 99-100)
Heart of Fire - +10 Enhancement to Land Speed, Fire Resistance 20, Expend to activate Fire Shield for 1 round/CL, bonuses if Heart of Air,Water, and/or Earth Active (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5 (fire)) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Mage, pg.107)

Contingent Energy Resistance - If dealt Fire, Acid, Cold, Electric, or Sonic Damage, automatically gain Resistance 10 against that type (Cleric 4, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 110)

Libris Mortis
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 67)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Nezram's Sapphire Shield of Shielding - Gain +4 Shield bonus to AC even against incorporeal touch attacks, negate magic missile gain DR 10/Magic (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) [Force] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 33)

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass personal emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 41)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 183)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 103)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Improved Blink - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50-51)

Defensive 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Empyreal Ecstasy - One Creature/Level Removes penalties due to pain, immune to mind-affecting effects, take only half damage from ranged and melee attacks, -4 penalty to skill checks, DC 15 Concentration to cast spells (Bard 6, Pleasure 7) (Abjuration) (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 98)

Complete Mage
Prismatic Aura - Gain Concealment, any creature striking you with a non-reach melee weapon is subject to one prismatic spray spell effect, once a color has been expended it disappears from the aura, once all 7 colors have been expended the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 113)

Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Dragon Magic
Eyes of the Oracle - +2 Insight to AC, Reflex; if Dragonblood: Bonuses +3; Can ready Standard action at end of turn, if taken, spell ends (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Wu Jen 6) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66-67)
Primal Speed (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Resistance bonus to Reflex, +10 Enhancement to speed, bonuses if other primal spells active (Druid 6, Ranger 4, Sorceror 6) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Magic of Eberron
Glimpse of the Prophecy - Gain +1 Insight to AC and Saving throws, can end spell effect as an immediate action to gain +1 insight/2 CL (max 10) to a saving throw, with Dragon Prophesier feat can enter prophetic favor state as an immediate action (still counts against daily uses) and spell ends (Bard 6, Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Player's Handbook
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons, those with Evasion gain +4 to Ref for Breath (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 18)
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 207)
- Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier or to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 83)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Spore Cloak - Gain Concealment, if you move into the space of another creature or bull rush or grapple them, they must make a fort save or suffer 1d6 Con damage and make another save in 1 minute or suffer 2d6 Con damage.  Immune to fungal infestations.  Lose spell if fail saving throw vs. a fire attack, lose ability to cause others to make fort save while in direct sunlight (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)
Stone Body - Gain DR 20/+2, +4 Enh to Str, -4 Penalty to Dex (minimum 1), reduce speed by half, weightx3, vulnerable to attacks that affect stone golems, immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison stunning (Cleric 6 (gnome), Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Defensive 7

Complete Adventurer
Cacophonic Shield - 10 ft emanation. Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)

Dragon Magic
Channel the Dragon - Gain a 15 ft cone breath weapon usable 1d4 rounds and a defensive ability either DR 5/adamantine or Fire, Cold, or Acid Resistance 30 (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 65)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR/10 Magic, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 128)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Defensive 8

Complete Arcane
Heart of Stone - Exchange heart for piece of stone, gain DR 5/-, ER 5: Cold, fire electricity, heal naturally 1 hp/day, healing effects require CL check = 10+your CL to heal you, if original heart is destroyed, instantly killed. (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) (Complete Arcane, pg. 110)

Libris Mortis
Necrotic Empowerment - +8 enh to Dex, Int, Wis, +8 Natural Armor, +5 competence to Fort, 100 temp hp (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 68)

Player's Handbook
Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)
Moment of Prescience - Gain +1 Insight/CL (max 25) on 1 attack, opposed ability, skill check, saving throw, or AC against a single attack, can activate this ability at any time, takes no action, not more than one Moment of Prescience can be active at a time (Luck 8, Sorceror/WIzard 8) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 255)

Spell Compendium
Invisibility, Superior - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, blindsight, other immunities (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)

Savage Species (3.0)
Stalking Spell - Become invisible and remain invisible even if attacking, radiate a silence effect of 5ft radius, leave no scent and cannot be detected by scent (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Savage Species, pg. 71)

Defensive 9

Complete Arcane
Superior Invisibility - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, detectable by Blindsight or True Seeing (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Arcane, pg. 125)

Complete Mage
Transcend Mortality - Gain DR 30/Epic, SR21+CL, Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sonic Resistance 50, Immune to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects, don't need to eat, drink, or breath, +10 enhancement to saving throws, instantly slain and reduced to pile of dust at end of spell, cannot prevent this by any means (Wu Jen 9) (Transmutation) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Player's Handbook
Foresight - Receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger to yourself such as knowing in advance a rogue was about to sneak attack you, can never be surprised or flat-footed, Gain +2 Insight to AC and Reflex Saves (Lost if you lose your Dex bonus) (Druid 9, Knowledge 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2011, 10:09:44 PM »
Spells that grant the ability to detect auras and/or locations of creatures, objects, etc.
Detection 0

Player's Handbook
Detect Magic - Gain ability to detect Magic Auras and with spellcraft check the school of the aura within 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Read Magic - Gain ability to read magical inscriptions on objects, and can detect glyphs of warding with a spellcraft check (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 269)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Detect Ghost - Detect the Presence or Absence of Ghosts (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination [Ectomancy]) (Ghostwalk, pg. 51)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Detect Crossroads - Detect Fey Crossroads withing 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 88)

Detection 1

Complete Mage
Guided Path - Know most direct path to non-hidden location within 1 mile (Bard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 106)

Dragon Magic
Detect Dragonblood - Detect presence and auras of creatures of the dragon type (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 65-66)

Faiths of Eberron
Detect Manifest Zone - Detect areas where traits of other planes leak into the prime material (Adept 1, Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Faiths of Eberron, pg. 150)

Magic of Eberron
Detect Dragonmark - Detect presence/absence, number of dragonmarks, and location/type, etc. of dragonmarks by concentrating within 60ft cone emanation (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 95)

Magic of Incarnum
Detect Incarnum - Detect Presence of Incarnum within a cone-shaped emanation (Bard 1, Blackguard 1, Cleric 1, Incarnum 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Incarnum, pg. 101)

Player's Handbook
Detect Secret Doors - Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. Cone, more rounds spent concentrating reveal more information (Bard 1, Knowledge 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Detect Undead - Detect Presence or Absence of Undead Auras (1st round), Number of auras and strength of each aura (2nd round), and Location of auras (3rd round), if of good alignment, detecting an overwhelming aura that has HD greater than twice character level stuns you (Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)

Tome of Magic
Detect Vestige - Detect Presence and Strength of Vestiges within Area Cone (Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Tome of Magic, pg. 71)

Detection 2

Complete Adventurer
Listening Lorecall - +4 Insight to Listen, 5 ranks listen gain 30 ft. Blindsense, 10 ranks listen 30 ft blindsight (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Lords of Madness
Detect Aberration - Detect Aberrations within Cone Emanation (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Lords of Madness, pg. 210-211)

Player's Handbook
Detect Thoughts - Detect thoughts of creatures within 60ft cone emanation, 1st round detect presence or absence of thoughts, 2nd round determine # of thinking minds and intelligence scores of each, 3rd round read surface thoughts of creatures in the area as long as they fail a Will save, must cast spell again for it to work against the same creature if it made the save, spell ends during 2nd round if any creature has Int 26 or higher (Bard 2, Knowledge 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)

Spell Compendium
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 66)

Detection 3

Complete Arcane
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 103)

Fiendish Codex II
Devil's Eye - Gain Darkvision and ability to see in Magical Darkness up to 30 Feet (Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Diabolic 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Fiendish Codex II, pg. 101)

Player's Handbook
Arcane Sight - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, can spend a full-round action to determine whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)

Spell Compendium
Treasure Scent - Detect Coin types and gems within 30 feet. (Bard 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 223)
Tremorsense - Automatically Pinpoint location of creature or object on the ground within 30 feet (Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 224)

Races of Eberron
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Races of Eberron, pg. 184)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Devil's Eye - Gain Darkvision and ability to see in Magical Darkness up to 30 Feet (Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Diabolic 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 92)
Eyes of the Zombie - Replace controlled zombie eye with own eye to perceive  through the zombie; take 1d6 damage (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Detect Metal and Minerals - Determine presence, distance, direction, of metals and other minerals within 60 ft Cone even through solid stone and other barriers and approximate wealth by concentrating the appropriate amount of time (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Races of Faerun, pg. 189)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Arcane Sight - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, can spend a full-round action to determine whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Tome and Blood, pg. 85-86)

Underdark (3.0)
Tremorsense - Automatically Pinpoint location of creature or object on the ground within 30 feet (Harper Scout 3, Ranger 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Underdark, pg. 62)

Detection 4

Complete Adventurer
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Arcane
Darkvision, Mass - All allies with 10 feet burst gain Darkvision 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 102)

Dragon Magic
Primal Senses (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - Gain Low Light Vision +5 Competence to Listen, Spot.  With Dragonblood gain Blindsense 10 ft.  With other Primal spell active gain Uncanny Dodge (Druid 4, Ranger 3, Sorceror 4) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Player's Handbook
Detect Scrying (Pointless, 24 hour base duration) - Immediately know if someone tries to scry on you, and with opposed caster level check get an image and an accurate sense of the distance and direction they are from you  (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)

Spell Compendium
Treasure Scent - Detect Coin types and gems within 30 feet. (Bard 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 223)
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 193)

Detection 5

Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)

Spell Compendium
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium pg. 73)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)

Detection 6

Detection 7

Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Clarity - Gain Darkvision 60 ft, can see in magical darkness as if it were regular darkness, see invisibility as per the spell, detect good at will (Cleric 7, Demonic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) [Evil] (Fiendish Codex I, pg. 94)

Player's Handbook
Arcane Sight, Greater - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, know whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Fiendish Clarity - Gain darkvision 60, see in magical darkness, see invisible as per see invisibility spell, detect good at will (Cleric 7, Demonic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)


Spells that grant a feat in some fashion
Gain Feats 1

Complete Adventurer
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Spell Compendium
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 13

Gain Feats 2

Magic of Eberron
Expose the Dead - Gain +1 Insight/CL to Listen and Spot against undead, on Survival checks to track undead and can follow undead tracks as if held the Track Feat, Gain the the Investigate feat (Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 55) when looking at a dead body, save DC of any speak with the dead spell cast is +2 (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Gain Feats 3

Bite of the Wererat - Gain +6 enh. to Dex, +2 Enh. to Con, +3 Enh. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)

Gain Feats 4

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werewolf - +2 Enh. to Str, +4 Enh. to Dex, Con, natural armor.  Gain bite attack for 1d6+1.5 Str.  Gain Blind Fight Feat (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 29)

Gain Feats 5

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)

Complete Mage
Flaying Tendrils - Gain 4 tentacles from face, can attack with 1 as standard action or 4 as Full-attack deal 1d4+Str, have Improved Grapple with Tentacles, +2 to opposed grapple/attached tentacle, can attempt to kill creature at beginning of round if all four tentacles attached, foe must make fort or die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Complete Mage, pg. 104-105)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Gain Feats 6

Player's Handbook
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)

Gain Feats 7

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)


Spells that grant you some form of a creature to control/direct at your bidding
Gain Minions 1

Races of the Dragon
Instant Diversion - Create 1+1/4 CL (Max 5) Illusory doubles of yourself.  AC=10+Dex Mod+Size Mod, can only move, withdraw, or run, successful attack destroys a double (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Figment) (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113-114)

Gain Minions 2

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Graz'zt's Long Grasp - Detach one hand, it can fly at 20 ft (perfect), move hand by thought as normal, can use hand to deliver touch attacks with +2, hand can flank opponents, punch (+2 attack), or grapple (tiny), and has 2d4 hp and improved evasion and AC22+IntMod, if caster can no longer see or is no longer directing hand, it returns to caster, caster loses 2d4 hp when cast and gains 2d4 hp when hand reattaches. (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 96)

Gain Minions 3

Player's Handbook
Phantom Steed - Summon ghost horse with AC 18, 7 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 20ft/CL (max 240), bonuses with higher CL, does not fight but animals shun and refuse to attack it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 260)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Tongue Serpents - Caster can use standard action to spit out a tiny viper up to 30 feet away, use caster's melee attack bonus, and
deal damage as tiny viper, can make spit 1 viper/4 CL (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmuation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 107)

Gain Minions 4

Spell Compendium
Ethereal Mount - Summon 1+ 1 mount/2CL ghost mounts with AC 18, 10 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 240, bonuses with higher CL (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)

Manual of the Planes
Ethereal Mount - Summon 1+ 1 mount/2CL ghost mounts with AC 18, 10 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 240, bonuses with higher CL (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 35)

Gain Minions 5

Player's Handbook
Prying Eyes - Create 1d4+CL Fine orb constructs that float, perceive, and follow your instructions, they can fly around at will and have normal vision of up to 120 feet, they can return to you and it takes one round to recover 1 hour's worth of intake, the eyes cannot extend past 1 mile away from you or they cease to exist (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 266-267)

Spell Compendium
Gutsnake - Create a Giant Constrictor snake from stomach (counts as a tentacle), can use snake's balance and climb instead of your own, climb speed 20 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)

Gain Minions 6

Races of Stone
Eye of Stone - Gain an invisible magical sensor that sends you visual information that can move 30 ft/round looking straight ahead or 10ft/round looking up, down, and horizontally, can fit through up to a 1" diameter and can pass wholly through stone (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Scrying) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Gain Minions 7

Complete Arcane
Body Outside Body - Create 1 Duplicate/5 CL, has all mundane version of all equipment you posess, completely loyal, has all abilities of yours but cannot cast spells, has 1/4 of your hp.  If slain, you lose 10 hp. (Wu Jen 7) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Arcane)

Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Construct under your control, gains size and abilities according to your breath energy type and size  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 76)

Spell Compendium
Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Huge Fire Elemental under your command.  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 11)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Vipergout - Summon 1d4+3 Fiendish or Celestial vipers in your mouth, may spit 3 vipers as a standard action or 1 as a move action, cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components until all vipers have been spat, vipers that have been spat may attack immediately (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Conjuration) (Summoning) [Varies] (Magic of Faerun,pg. 130-131)

Savage Species (3.0)
Vipergout - Summon 1d4+3 Fiendish or Celestial vipers, may attack enemies or do other tasks as you command (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Savage Species,pg. 72)

Gain Minions 8

Gain Minions 9

Complete Mage
Genius Loci (Pointless, permanent duration) - Designate a particular area to be guarded by an elder elemental (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 105)


Spells that improve the ability to grapple
Grapple 1

Grapple 2

Serpent Kingdoms
Razorscales (must be a Scaled One) - Nonlethal Damage from grapples is lethal (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Serpent Kingdoms, pg. 157)

Spell Compendium
Balor Nimbus - Any creature in a grapple with you take 6d6 Fire Damage (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 24)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d8 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 47)
Fearsome Grapple - Grow two tentacles that grant +4 circumstance to grapple, +8 if CL 9 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d4 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 67-68)

Grapple 3

Serpent Kingdoms
Handfang - Gain Touch attack for 1d8 damage, on Crit, start Grapple as free action without provoking AoO, if successful 1d6 damage/round until hold broken (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Serpent Kingdoms, pg. 156)

Grapple 4

Planar Handbook
Balor Nimbus - Any creature in a grapple with you take 6d6 Fire Damage (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 95)

Grapple 5

Complete Mage
Flaying Tendrils - Gain 4 tentacles from face, can attack with 1 as standard action or 4 as Full-attack deal 1d4+Str, have Improved Grapple with Tentacles, +2 to opposed grapple/attached tentacle, can attempt to kill creature at beginning of round if all four tentacles attached, foe must make fort or die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Complete Mage, pg. 104-105)

Spell Compendium
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, spells cast with acid descriptor deal 1 extra damage/die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 1d6+2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, creatures you ride on top of take acid damage, can make a melee touch for 1d6+1 acid damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 108)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2011, 10:10:02 PM »
Spells that improve one Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and/or Cha
Improve Stats 1

Complete Arcane
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1, Warmage 1) (Transmutation [Earth]) (Complete Arcane, pg. 107-108)

Improve Stats 2

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Grace - Silver Illumination out to 60 feet, -20 Circumstance to Hide, +2 Sacred to Dexterity, +10 Land speed, weapons considered Good-aligned (Bard 2, Cleric 3) (Transmutation) [Good] (Spell Compendium, pg. 107)

Improve Stats 3

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Bite of the Wererat - Gain +6 enh. to Dex, +2 Enh. to Con, +3 Enh. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)

Improve Stats 4

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werewolf - +2 Enh. to Str, +4 Enh. to Dex, Con, natural armor.  Gain bite attack for 1d6+1.5 Str.  Gain Blind Fight Feat (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 29)
- +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Abyssal Might (Requires heart of a dwarf child) - +2 Enh. to Str, Con, Dex, Spell Resistance (Blackguard 3, Cleric 4, Demonologist 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 84)

Improve Stats 5

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)

Draconic Polymorph - As polymorph except that you can assume a form up to 20 HD and form has an additional +8 Str and +2 Con (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Draconomicon, pg. 79)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Improve Stats 6

Player's Handbook
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
- Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 207)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Stone Body - Gain DR 20/+2, +4 Enh to Str, -4 Penalty to Dex (minimum 1), reduce speed by half, weightx3, vulnerable to attacks that affect stone golems, immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison stunning (Cleric 6 (gnome), Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Improve Stats 7

Complete Mage
Unicorn Heart - 60 ft base landspeed, +4 Enh to Str, Dex, Con, can end spell to instantly transport yourself and another creature up to 360 ft. as dimension door spell, special bonuses if Unicorn Blood and/or Unicorn Horn active as well (Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)

Improve Stats 8

Libris Mortis
Necrotic Empowerment - +8 enh to Dex, Int, Wis, +8 Natural Armor, +5 competence to Fort, 100 temp hp (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 68)

Player's Handbook
Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)


Spells that grant an effect non-applicable to the other categories
Miscellaneous 0

Player's Handbook
Arcane Mark - (Pointless, permanent base duration) Inscribe own personal rune or mark of up to 6 characters on an object (Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Prestidigiation - Create a simple magic effect which can do any of the following, lift 1 pound of material, soil, color, or clean 1 foot cube/round, and more (Bard 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)
Summon Instrument - Summon a music instrument of your choice that isn't too large to be held in two hands and it will only play for you (Bard 0) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Player's Handbook, pg. 285)

Miscellaneous 1

Complete Adventurer
- Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 151)
Inspirational Boost (Pointless, lasts until inspire courage effect ends) - Morale bonus from inspire courage increases by 1 (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)

Complete Mage
Climbing Tree - Creates a Tree 10 ft/caster level max 50 ft tall, DC 5 to Climb (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Wu Jen 1 (wood)) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 99)
Summon Component - Summon a spell component not worth more than 1 gp (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Summoning)) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)
Vigilant Slumber (12 Hour Duration) - Set a specific condition, and then awake when that condition occurs (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Complete Scoundrel
Blockade - Create a block of wood weighing 2000 lbs, hardness 5, 600 hp, completely fills a 5 ft square (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 95)
Mimicry - Perfectly Mimic sounds, voices, and accents you have previously heard, vocal chords must be capable of such action (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 101)

Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance if failure occurred (Bard 1, Greed 1,Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation [Evil]) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Dragon Magic
Hoard Gullet - Can swallow and transport objects in a transdimensional stomach up to 3 size categories smaller than you, max capacity 100 pounds and/or 10 cubic feet/CL  (max 1000 pounds or 100 cubic feet) cannot remove individual items but can expel contents as a full-round action (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 68)
Path of Frost - Up to 5 Squares gain slippery frost requiring balance checks and dealing damage to those on or adjacent to them (Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Cold] (Dragon Magic, pg. 71)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Mask Aberrant Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Alters aberrant dragonmark to look like a true dragonmark up to strength of your aberrant dragonmark (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152-153)

Libris Mortis
Necrotic Awareness - Sense Presence of creatures who bear a Necrotic Cyst (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Necromancy) (Libris Mortis, pg. 67)

Player's Handbook
Obscuring Mist - Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high,  creatures 5 ft away in mist have concealment (20% miss chance), creatures farther than 5 ft have total concealment (50% miss chance) (Air 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Water 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 258)

Races of Destiny
Scholar's Touch - Touch a book and gain Knowledge as if it was completely read (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Shining South
Darsson's Cooling Breeze - Create a 60ft line of light breeze from a point designated by you, vapors, fumes, clouds, smoke, gases, etc. drift away from the light breeze at a speed of 80ft/round and dissipate in 1/4th the amount of time, breeze can also move wind chimes, scatter pieces of paper, and so forth like a normal breeze (Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Air] (Shining South, pg. 45)

Spell Compendium
Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance  if failure occurred (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 46)
Spell Flower - Hold 1 touch spell per limb (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 198)
- Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 113)
Inspirational Boost (Pointless, lasts until inspire courage effect ends) - Morale bonus from inspire courage increases by 1 (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance if failure occurred (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
- Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 100)

Savage Species (3.0)
Spell Flower - Hold 1 touch spell per limb (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Savage Species)

Miscellaneous 2

Complete Mage
Caterwaul - Creatures in cone must save or be nauseated, successful save=Sickened (Bard 2) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Complete Mage, pg. 98)
Summon Weapon - Conjure non-magical light weapon of your size (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)

Dragon Magic
Magic of the Dragonheart - Count as having 2 more draconic feats than you currently have, count this spell as having a spell level = 1/2 CL for purposes of draconic feats, gain +1/2 CL (max 10) competence bonus to skill checks made with the skill granted by your Draconic Heritage feat (Sorceror 2) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Adoration of the Frightful - Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked creatures are now Friendly (Will negates), Dragonblood: +1 Competence to Diplomacy (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)

Leomud's Tiny Igloo - Create a 5 ft. radius igloo that can house 1 large, 3 medium, or 12 small creatures, temp 50 F, sleeping platform and lamp for cooking (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Cold] (Frostburn, pg. 101)

Player's Handbook II
Bigby's Helpful Hand - Hand holds items up to 20 lbs for you, gain +2 competence to Craft, Disable Device, Open Lock (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Force](Player's Handbook II)

Races of Stone
Harmonize - Starting Bardic Music only requires a move action (Bard 2) (Transmutation) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Spell Compendium
Grace - Silver Illumination out to 60 feet, -20 Circumstance to Hide, +2 Sacred to Dexterity, +10 Land speed, weapons considered Good-aligned (Bard 2, Cleric 3) (Transmutation) [Good] (Spell Compendium, pg. 107)
Reflective Disguise - Creatures viewing you perceive you as the same species and gender as themselves (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 171)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 189)
Wave of Grief - Enemies in Cone take -3 to Attacks, Saving throws, Ability Checks, Skill Checks (Bard 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2) (Enchantment) [Evil, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 236)

Turbidity - Create a 20ft radius spread cloud swirling around you, obscures all vision and darkvision beyond 5 ft, have concealment to creatures up to 5 ft away and total concealment for creatures more than 5 ft away, Creatures other than you casting in the cloud must make a Concentration check DC15+Level or lose spell, ranged attacks going through turbidity automatically fail, vigorous and stronger currents can disperse the spell, functions only underwater (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Stormwrack, pg. 123)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to appear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Bone Collector 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Ghostwalk, pg. 57-58)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cloud of Bewilderment - Breath out a 10 ft. cone shaped cloud, creatures in area make fort save or are blinded and stunned 6 rounds (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 85)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 117)

Savage Species (3.0)
Inky Cloud (only works underwater) - Cloud provides concealment 5 feet away, and total concealment farther away (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Savage Species, pg. 68)

Song and Silence (3.0)
Getaway - Pursuers who lose sight of you must make a will save, or have 50% chance of heading down the wrong direction (Assassin 2) (Enchantment (Mind-Affecting)) (Song and Silence, pg. 92)

Underdark (3.0)
Reflective Disguise - Creatures viewing you perceive you as the same species and gender as themselves (Bard 2, Prime Underdark Guide 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Underdark, pg. 60)

Miscellaneous 3

Complete Arcane
Commune with Lesser Spirit - Contact a spirit of up to 4 HD, and ask 1 question/2 CL, may only ask questions with one-word answers.  If a one-word answer would be misleading, the DM may have the spirit respond with up to 5 words, spirits contacted again within a week causes the spell to auto fail, spirits with alignment different than your own may save to resist spell (Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 101)

Dragon Magic
Adoration of the Frightful - Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked creatures are now Friendly (Will negates), Dragonblood: +1 Competence to Diplomacy (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +10 Insight to Spot, Immune to dazzling and blindness.  If see invisibility-like spell active, use Faerie Fire at will as swift action on invisible creature within 60 ft.  Gain +1 competence to Spot by knowing spell (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Evocation) [Light] (Dragon Magic, pg. 74)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Whip - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 10), can be used to deliver touch spells of 4th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)
Hide from Dragons (Requires Dragonmark) - Dragons cannot see, hear, or smell you even with blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, if you touch a dragon or attack any creature, the spell ends, even if the dragon knows where you are, you have total concealment against it (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152)

Planar Handbook
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 92-93)
Analyze Touchstone - Know if area contains a Planar Touchstone and gain information about it (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 93)

Player's Handbook
Leomud's Tiny Hut - Summon 20 foot radius sphere of colored force with controlled temperature that can house 10 med. creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 247)

Spell Compendium
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 10)

Favorable Wind - Wind Blows in 60 ft. cone emnation with a strong windforce (30mph) directly behind you.  Tiny or smaller creatures in area must make save or be knocked prone or if flying blown back 1d6x10 feet.  Small creatures must save vs. fort or be unable to move forward or if airborn become blown back 1d6x5 feet.  Medium and larger creatures can move normally.  Creatures take -2 to Ranged Attacks and Listen if within the area.  (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Air]) (Stormwrack, pg. 117)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Eyes of the Zombie - Replace controlled zombie eye with own eye to perceive  through the zombie; take 1d6 damage (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)
Glimpse of Truth (Pointless) - Ask a question that can be answered by a simple yes or no, answer is right 75% of the time, DM can decide not to give answer, misleading answers can be replaced with 5 words or less. (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 96)
Stunning Screech - All creatures in 30 ft make Fort or be stunned (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Sonic, Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 106)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Portal 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 66-67)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 33)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Verraketh's Shadow Crown - Bardic music ability taps into the shadow weave (doesn't stack with Shadow Weave Magic), +4 competence to perform checks (Bard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Miscellaneous 4

Book of Exalted Deeds
Radiant Shield - Creatures attacking with natural or handheld weapons suffer 1d6+1/CL Electric Damage, take only half damage from electricity, on ref for half, on save take no damage, emit radiance = light spell for 10ft. radius, must not have cast darkness or necromancy spell within 24 hours (Sorceror/Wizard 4, Wrath 4) (Evocation) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Mage
Deathsight - Next attack before next round is a Death without the need for 3 rounds of observation, must have death attack ability or no effect (Assassin 4) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
Lingering Chorus (Requires Bardic Music) - Continues any bardic music effect for spell duration (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Complete Mage, pg. 110)
Unseen Strike - The next time you deliver a successful melee attack become invisible (Assassin 4, Hexblade 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Player's Handbook
Crushing Despair - Creatures within 30ft cone take -2 to attacks, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, weapon damage rolls (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 215)
Fear - Creatures in 30ft cone must save vs. Will or become panicked (if cornered become cowered), if save succeeds they are shaken instead (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Necromancy (Fear) (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)

Player's Handbook
Minor Creation - Create a non-magical unattended object of nonliving vegetable matter up to 1 cubic foot/CL, to make a complex item, must succeed on an appropriate craft check, object may not be used for spell components (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration(Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254)

Races of Stone
Harmonize, Greater - Starting and maintaining concentration for Bardic Music only requires a move action (Bard 4) (Trasmutation) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Miscellaneous 5

Champions of Valor
Shard Blessing Aura - Blue-white light shines from your space equal to the lumens of a candle, gain a lesser globe of invulnerability effect (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57)

Planar Handbook
Death Throes - When killed, explode in a 30ft radius burst of force dealing 1d8/CL damage (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Force] (Planar Handbook, pg. 97)
Precipitate Breach - Cause a minor breach between planes or turn a minor breach into a severe breach (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 103)

Player's Handbook
Contact Other Plane - Ask 1 question/2CL from the powers of a different plane that can be answered by one word, the response depends on the plane contacted, also must make an intelligence check to avoid Charisma and Intelligence becoming 8 for the specified period of time (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212-213)
Symbol of Pain (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or suffer pains causing -4 to attacks, skill checks, ability checks that last for 1 hour after leaving 60ft from the symbol (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy [Evil]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)
Symbol of Sleep (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 10HD or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or fall into a catatonic sleep for 3d6x10 minutes and cannot be awakened by nonmagical means (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Enchantment [Compulsion] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)

Player's Handbook II
Radiance - 60 ft. Radius Sheds light equal to Daylight Spell, undead in area are dazzled in radius and for 1d6 rounds later, counters or dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level (Cleric 5, Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Good, Light] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)

Spell Compendium
Symbol of Spell Loss - When triggered, spellcasters within 60 feet must make Will save or loss highest level spell slot or prepared spell, creatures with spell-like abilities have them supressed for 1 round, absorbs up to fifty levels of spells (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 218)
Wail of Doom (Offensive) - Those in area take 1d4/CL (Max 15d4) and panicked for Duration, Save to Halve damage and reduce effect to shaken and duration to 1 round (Bard 5) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 233)

Races of Eberron
Unfettered Heroism - Gain Temporary Action Point each round (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190-191)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Shadowfade - On a plane coexistent on the plane of shadow and in an area of deep shadows (not in Plane of Shadow), open up an invisible portal (appears white in the plane of shadow) to the Plane of Shadow that you and creatures you touch pass through, other creatures can go back and forth between the 2 planes if they succeed a Will Save) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion (Shadow)) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 40)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Spiritwall - Create wall up to 1 10ft square/level or sphere or hemisphere with radius up to 1ft/level, 1 side of the wall emits a shriek causing those within 60 ft to make will save or become panicked for 1d4 rounds, wall provides total concealment, blocks magical effects, provides 9/10 cover against melee attacks, touching the wall causes 1d10 damage, going through the wall causes 1d10 damage and make a fort save or suffer a negative level (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) (Tome and Blood, pg. 96)

Miscellaneous 6

Dragon Magic
Eyes of the Oracle - +2 Insight to AC, Reflex; if Dragonblood: Bonuses +3; Can ready Standard action at end of turn, if taken, spell ends (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Wu Jen 6) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66-67)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Symbol (Requires Dragonmark) - Like symbol of death, but each creature within 60 ft must make a Fort save/beginning of round or be nauseated, no hp limit, does not trigger for others with your dragonmark symbol (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150)

Waves of Cold - Save vs. Will or Fire Subtype creatures are shaken for spell duration, Cold Subtype creatures lose immunity to cold (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Cold] (Frostburn, pg. 106)

Magic of Eberron
Glimpse of the Prophecy - Gain +1 Insight to AC and Saving throws, can end spell effect as an immediate action to gain +1 insight/2 CL (max 10) to a saving throw, with Dragon Prophesier feat can enter prophetic favor state as an immediate action (still counts against daily uses) and spell ends (Bard 6, Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Player's Handbook
Contingency (Pointless, Day/Level Duration) - Choose one spell to go into effect once a certain condition you specify occurs (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 213-214)
Globe of Invulnerability - Create a 10ft immobile sphere centered on you that does not move, all spell effects, spells, and spell-like abilities of 4th level or lower fail their areas do not include the globe and targeted spells don't work, spells, spell-like abilities, etc. can be cast through the globe (Wu Jen 6, Complete Arcane pg. 94) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 236)
Symbol of Fear (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150 hp or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be panicked for 1 round/CL (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy [Fear] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)
Symbol of Persuasion (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be charmed by the caster (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Mind-Affecting) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)

Symbol of Thirst - Those within 60 ft of Symbol must immediately drink all containers of liquid, when no liquid remains subjects fly into a rage and attack anyone they can (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Thirst 6) (Enchantment (Compulsion)) (Sandstorm, pg. 123)

Spell Compendium
Dirge - Enemies in the area take 2 Str and Dex Damage on Failed Fort Save, must make new save each round (Bard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 65)

Miscellaneous 7

Player's Handbook
Control Weather - Change current weather to either be a season, Spring (Tornado, Thunderstorm, Sleet Storm, Hot Weather), Summer (Torrential Rain, Heat Wave, Hailstorm), Autumn (Hot or Cold Weather, Fog, Sleet), Winter (Frigid Cold, Blizzard, Thaw), Late Winter (Hurricane-Force Winds or Early Spring) and to Cause the weather associated with the season respectively, Druids Double the duration and radius of the spell (Air 7, Cleric 7, Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 214)
Symbol of Stunning (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150HP or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or become stunned for 1d6 rounds (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Enchantment [Compulsion] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)
Symbol of Weakness (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or suffer 3d6 Str Damage (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)

Spell Compendium
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR/10 Magic, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 128)
Synostodweomer - Spells casted are converted into positive energy for 1d8 cured/Spell level (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 218)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Synostodweomer - Spells you cast are turned into positive energy equal to 1d6/spell slot level, can heal self or another by touch (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 119)

Miscellaneous 8

Libris Mortis
Veil of Undeath - Immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, damage to physical ability scores, effects that require fort save unless they affect objects or are harmless, don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, Con becomes -, cured by inflict spells and harmed by cure spells (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 72)

Player's Handbook
Symbol of Death (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150 hp or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or die (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy [Death]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 289-290)
Symbol of Insanity (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be become insane (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)

Miscellaneous 9

Planar Handbook
Precipitate Complete Breach - Cause a complete breach between planes (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 104)

Player's Handbook
Time Stop - Move so fast that time appears to cease to flow for everthing and everyone but you, Other creatures are invulnerable to your spells and attacks and they may not be targeted for the duration of Time Stop, spells with a remaining duration after the timestop proceed normally, you cannot move or harm items held or carried by another creature while time stop is active, cannot enter an anti-magic field while spell is active (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Trickery 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2011, 10:10:30 PM »
Spells that create a new movement form or improve one
Movement 1

Complete Adventurer
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Move Silently without penalty (Bard 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 142)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)

Player's Handbook
Expeditious Retreat - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 228)

Races of Destiny
Rooftop Strider - +5 competence to Balance, Jump, automatically succeed on jump checks for 5 feet horizontally, no balance checks for running or charging across a sloped surface (Assassin 1, City 1) (Transmutation) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Races of the Dragon
Wings of Swift Flying - Add 30 ft (40 if dragon or dragonblooded) to your fly speed granted by a temporary spell or effect (Sorceror 1) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 119-120)

Spell Compendium
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble without penalty (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)

Quickswim - +10 enhancement to swim speed, must have a swim speed for spell to be effective (Bard 1, Druid 1, ranger 1, Seafolk 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Stormwrack, pg. 120)

Movement 2

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Adventurer
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 143)
Complete Adventurer
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)

Complete Mage
Heart of Air - Gain +10 Enhancement to Jump Checks, +10 Enhancement to Fly, expend as Feather Fall (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Wu Jen 2 (air)) (Transmutation) [Air] (Complete Mage, pg. 106)

Complete Scoundrel
Smoke Stairs - Gain Ability to climb up a single cloud of smoke as if it were stairs (Assassin 2, Druid 2) (Transmutation) [Air] (Complete Scoundrel, pg. 103)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 106)

Player's Handbook
Levitate - Target of spell (Personal or Touch) can use a move action to move up or down 20 ft, each attack applies a -1 cumulative  penalty (max -5), can use a full-round action to restabilize and reset penalty to -1 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 248)

Spell Compendium
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 23)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Grace - Silver Illumination out to 60 feet, -20 Circumstance to Hide, +2 Sacred to Dexterity, +10 Land speed, weapons considered Good-aligned (Bard 2, Cleric 3) (Transmutation) [Good] (Spell Compendium, pg. 107)
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 133)
Surefooted Stride - +2 Competence to Climb, Move through Difficult Terrain as if it were normal Terrain (Bard 2, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 216)

Movement 3

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Arcane
Fire Wings - Transform Arms into fire wings.  Fly speed of 60 ft or 40 ft in medium or heavy armor.  If not flying gain 2 natural attacks for 2d6 fire damage (Wu Jen 3) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 107)

Complete Mage
Heart of Water - Gain Swim speed equal to land speed, +8 Racial to Swim, Breathe Water, +5 Enhancement to Escape Artist. Expend to gain Freedom of Movement, gain benefits if Heart of air, earth, and/or fire active (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (water)) (Transmutation) [Water] (Complete Mage pg. 107)

Dragon Magic
Wingblast - Gain Dragon Wings for 60 ft. Flight. End spell by tranforming wings into wind or fog (Druid 3, Shugenja 3 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Air] (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 74-75)

Player's Handbook
Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Strike as an invisible creature (+2 unless target can see invisible), targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)

Spell Compendium
Allegro - All Allies gain 30ft Enhancement to Landspeed (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 9)
Primal Form - Gain 1 Elemental Subtype, +4 saves against mind affecting abilities, Light fortification and either Fly 20 ft., Damage reduction 5/-, 1d4 fire damage, Fire Resistance 10, or Swim 90 Feet drench ability, Cannot cast spells, lose abilities of base form (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 161)

Races of Faerun
Burrow - Gain burrow 10 ft speed, gain claws on hands (usually 2) that do 1d6 damage, considered armed (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 189)

Movement 4

Complete Adventurer
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Dragon Magic
Passage of the Shifting Sands - Gain form as Cloud of Sand with Fly 40 ft, else treat as gaseous form.  End turn in creatures space Fort Save or be blinded. Expend to activate gust of wind (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Evocation) [Air] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)

Races of the Wild
Aerial Alacrity - Increase Fly speed by 30 ft and maneuverability 1 category (max perfect), gain +1 dodge to AC and on Reflex while airborne (Sky 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation)  (Races of the Wild, pg. 174)
Enduring Flight - Can fly at normal speed while carrying a medium load or wearing medium armor, double the duration of a effect which grants flight which has limited duration (Sky 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Races of the Wild, pg. 175)

Spell Compendium
Flight of the Dragon - Gain wings with fly speed 100 feet (average), cannot carry more than light load (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 95)
- +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Fire Stride - If within a fire, can transport from sufficiently large fire to sufficiently large fire within 400 ft+40ft/CL, can transport oneself 1 time/CL (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Telportation) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 69-70)

Movement 5

Complete Adventurer
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Mage
Dimensional Jumper - Teleport 30 feet as a Move Action (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
Heart of Fire - +10 Enhancement to Land Speed, Fire Resistance 20, Expend to activate Fire Shield for 1 round/CL, bonuses if Heart of Air,Water, and/or Earth Active (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5 (fire)) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Mage, pg.107)

Flight of the Dragon - Grow wings giving fly speed 100 (average), cannot carry more than light load, can fly 15 mph or 24 mph hustling (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 113)

Dragon Magic
Lord of the Sky - Gain Fly Speed of 40 or 30 with medium or heavy armor, Use swift action to fire 60 ft ranged touch to deal 1 Electric damage/CL (max 20) and reduce Fly speed to 1/2 normal.  Activate Lightning Bolt to End Spell; if dragonblood grant 60 ft. instead or +10 fly speed (Shugenja 5 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Transmutation) [Electricity] (Dragon Magic, pg. 69-70)

Player's Handbook
Overland Flight - Gain 40 ft fly speed (30 with medium or heavy armor or with medium or heavy load), can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 259)

Spell Compendium
Gutsnake - Create a Giant Constrictor snake from stomach (counts as a tentacle), can use snake's balance and climb instead of your own, climb speed 20 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 183)

Airy Water - Creatures can breathe air in 20 ft., creatures make DC 10 swim check, success means move normally failure means move at half speed, negate any penalty for melee attacks underwater (Seafolk 6, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation [Air, Water]) (Stormwrack pg. 113)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Shadowfade - On a plane coexistent on the plane of shadow and in an area of deep shadows (not in Plane of Shadow), open up an invisible portal (appears white in the plane of shadow) to the Plane of Shadow that you and creatures you touch pass through, other creatures can go back and forth between the 2 planes if they succeed a Will Save) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion (Shadow)) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 40)

Movement 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Quickshift (Requires Celestial Component and Teleport Spell-like ability) - Teleport Spell-like ability is quickened (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Dragon Magic
Primal Speed (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Resistance bonus to Reflex, +10 Enhancement to speed, bonuses if other primal spells active (Druid 6, Ranger 4, Sorceror 6) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Spell Compendium
- Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Fiendish Quickening (Requires Fiend Component) - Cast Teleport or Teleport without Error spell-like ability is quickened. (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)

Movement 7

Complete Arcane
Commune with Greater Spirit - Contact a spirit of up to any HD, and ask 1 question/CL, may only ask questions with one-word answers.  If a one-word answer would be misleading, the DM may have the spirit respond with up to 5 words, spirits contacted again within a week causes the spell to auto fail, spirits with alignment different than your own may save to resist spell (Wu Jen 7) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 101)

Complete Mage
Unicorn Heart - 60 ft base landspeed, +4 Enh to Str, Dex, Con, can end spell to instantly transport yourself and another creature up to 360 ft. as dimension door spell, special bonuses if Unicorn Blood and/or Unicorn Horn active as well (Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Player's Handbook
Ethereal Jaunt - Become Ethereal, become invisible to material plane creatures, move at half speed but in any direction, can move through solid objects and creatures, if spell ends while in a solid object, become shunted to the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage/5 ft moved (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 227-228)
Phase Door - Create an ethereal passage between wooden, plaster, or stone walls that is 5x8 feet opening, 10ft+5ft/3CL deep, can only be accessed by the caster and possibly 1 other creature (Sorceror/Wizard 7, Travel 8) (Player's Handbook, pg. 261)

Spell Compendium
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Movement 8

Complete Arcane
Cloud Chariot - You and other creatures touched fly in a direction of choice at 10 miles/minute.  If dispelled, cloud slowly descends to ground (Wu Jen 8) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Water] (Complete Arcane)

Movement 9

Complete Mage
Dimensional Jumper, Greater - Teleport 60 feet as a Swift Action (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)

Player's Handbook
Teleportation Circle - Designate a 5ft radius circle, those who step on the circle are instantaneously transported to another spot of your choice that your are very familiar with (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration (Teleportation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 293)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2011, 10:10:50 PM »
Spells that remove a vulnerability from the character
Overcome Weakness 1

Complete Adventurer
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer pg. 143)
Joyful Noise - 10 ft. radius emanation negates silence in area (Bard 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Spell Compendium
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Deep Breath - Lungs Constantly Refill with Air, no need to breathe (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Air) (Spell Compendium, pg. 61)
Joyful Noise - 10 ft. radius emanation negates silence in area (Bard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 127)
Lightfoot - Provoke no attacks of opportunity while moving (Assassin 1, Ranger 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 132)

Overcome Weakness 2

Complete Adventurer
Listening Lorecall - +4 Insight to Listen, 5 ranks listen gain 30 ft. Blindsense, 10 ranks listen 30 ft blindsight (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Drow of the Underdark
Shadow Shroud - No penalties from light blindness or light vulnerability, +5 Competence to hide checks in darkness or shadow, effect surpressed in areas with a light spell of level 3 or higher (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 62)

Player's Handbook
See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)

Spell Compendium
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 185)

Overcome Weakness 3

Complete Mage
Heart of Water - Gain Swim speed equal to land speed, +8 Racial to Swim, Breathe Water, +5 Enhancement to Escape Artist. Expend to gain Freedom of Movement, gain benefits if Heart of air, earth, and/or fire active (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (water)) (Transmutation) [Water] (Complete Mage pg. 107)

Dragon Magic
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +10 Insight to Spot, Immune to dazzling and blindness.  If see invisibility-like spell active, use Faerie Fire at will as swift action on invisible creature within 60 ft.  Gain +1 competence to Spot by knowing spell (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Evocation) [Light] (Dragon Magic, pg. 74)

Planar Handbook
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 94-95)
Planar Tolerance - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 4, Druid 4, Ranger 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 103)

Spell Compendium
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 19)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Harper 2,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 73)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 33-34)

Overcome Weakness 4

Player's Handbook
Freedom of Movement - Move normally through under paralysis, solid fog, web, etc., auto-succeed grapple checks to escape, attack normally in water (Assassin 4) (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Luck 4, Ranger 4) (Abjuration) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)

Spell Compendium
- Gain either Cha as Luck to Fortitude +immune to poison, Cha as Luck to Ref+Evasion, Cha as Luck to Will+Fear immunity, or Temp HP=4d8+Cha, spell can be cast multiple times (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 178)
- +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)

Overcome Weakness 5

Complete Mage
Unicorn Blood - Immunity to Poison, Compulsion and Charm spells and effects, use swift action to gain Temp HP and end previous immunities (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Spell Compendium
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)

Airy Water - Creatures can breathe air in 20 ft., creatures make DC 10 swim check, success means move normally failure means move at half speed, negate any penalty for melee attacks underwater (Seafolk 6, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation [Air, Water]) (Stormwrack pg. 113)

Overcome Weakness 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Empyreal Ecstasy - One Creature/Level Removes penalties due to pain, immune to mind-affecting effects, take only half damage from ranged and melee attacks, -4 penalty to skill checks, DC 15 Concentration to cast spells (Bard 6, Pleasure 7) (Abjuration) (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 98)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
- Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Spore Cloak - Gain Concealment, if you move into the space of another creature or bull rush or grapple them, they must make a fort save or suffer 1d6 Con damage and make another save in 1 minute or suffer 2d6 Con damage.  Immune to fungal infestations.  Lose spell if fail saving throw vs. a fire attack, lose ability to cause others to make fort save while in direct sunlight (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)
Stone Body - Gain DR 20/+2, +4 Enh to Str, -4 Penalty to Dex (minimum 1), reduce speed by half, weightx3, vulnerable to attacks that affect stone golems, immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison stunning (Cleric 6 (gnome), Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Overcome Weakness 7

Spell Compendium
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Overcome Weakness 8

Libris Mortis
Veil of Undeath - Immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, damage to physical ability scores, effects that require fort save unless they affect objects or are harmless, don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, Con becomes -, cured by inflict spells and harmed by cure spells (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 72)

Player's Handbook
Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)

Spell Compendium
Invisibility, Superior - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, blindsight, other immunities (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)

Savage Species (3.0)
Stalking Spell - Become invisible and remain invisible even if attacking, radiate a silence effect of 5ft radius, leave no scent and cannot be detected by scent (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Savage Species, pg. 71)

Overcome Weakness 9

Complete Mage
Transcend Mortality - Gain DR 30/Epic, SR21+CL, Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sonic Resistance 50, Immune to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects, don't need to eat, drink, or breath, +10 enhancement to saving throws, instantly slain and reduced to pile of dust at end of spell, cannot prevent this by any means (Wu Jen 9) (Transmutation) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Player's Handbook
Foresight - Receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger to yourself such as knowing in advance a rogue was about to sneak attack you, can never be surprised or flat-footed, Gain +2 Insight to AC and Reflex Saves (Lost if you lose your Dex bonus) (Druid 9, Knowledge 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)


Spells that improve the effectiveness of multiple creatures
Party Helper 1

Party Helper 2

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 106)

Spell Compendium
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 133)

Party Helper 3

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Planar Handbook
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 94-95)
Planar Tolerance - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 4, Druid 4, Ranger 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 103)

Player's Handbook
Invisibility Sphere - All creatures around target (personal or touch) within 10ft emanation are invisible.  Effect ends for individual creatures if they attack or if they leave the emanation.  Spell ends if the target attacks (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Allegro - All Allies gain 30ft Enhancement to Landspeed (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 142)

Spell Compendium
Allegro - All Allies gain 30ft Enhancement to Landspeed (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 9)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 19)
Hymm of Praise - +2 Caster level to each Good Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Sacred bonus to Turn undead for good divine spellcasters and -4 for Evil Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Good, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 117-118)
Infernal Threnody - +2 Caster level to each Evil Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Profane bonus to Turn undead for evil divine spellcasters and -4 for good Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Evil, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 122)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 33-34)

Party Helper 4

Complete Arcane
Darkvision, Mass - All allies with 10 feet burst gain Darkvision 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 102)

Spell Compendium
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)

Party Helper 5

Party Helper 6

Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Snowsong - Allies in area gain +4 Morale to Charisma, Attack, and AC; gain Fast healing 1, Cold Resistance 15, allies deal 1d6 extra cold damage, enemies have 20% chance of Spell Failure (Bard 6) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Frostburn, pg. 105)

Party Helper 7

Party Helper 8

Complete Arcane
Cloud Chariot - You and other creatures touched fly in a direction of choice at 10 miles/minute.  If dispelled, cloud slowly descends to ground (Wu Jen 8) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Water] (Complete Arcane)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2011, 10:11:10 PM »
Spells that cause creatures that attack you to suffer ill effects
Punish Attacker 1

Complete Mage
Karmic Aura - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become fatigued, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, an already fatigued attacker suffers no additional effect (Hexblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 108-109)

Punish Attacker 2

Complete Mage
Karmic Backlash - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become exhausted for 2 rounds, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Retribution is active (Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)

Spell Compendium
Death Armor - Creatures with natural or handheld weapons (but not reach weapons) take 1d4+1/2CL (max +10) damage if they hit you (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 60)
Ectoplasmic Feedback - Creatures hitting you with incorporeal touch attacks take 1d6+1/CL (max 10) Force damage (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Ectomancy) (Spell Compendium, 78)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Death Armor - Creatures with natural or handheld weapons (but not reach weapons) take 1d4+1/2CL (max +10) damage if they hit you (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Ghostwalk, pg. 50)

Punish Attacker 3

Complete Mage
Karmic Backlash - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become exhausted for 2 rounds, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Retribution is active (Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
Repelling Shield - Gain +4 Shield bonus (even against incorporeal attacks) and negate magic missile, melee attackers that strike you make Ref save or be pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 115)

Player's Handbook
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Wounding Whispers - Natural or non-reach melee weapon attackers who hit you suffer 1d6 Sonic+1/CL (Bard 3) (Abjuration) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 242-243)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Wounding Whispers - Natural or non-reach melee weapon attackers suffer 1d6 Sonic+1/CL (Bard 3) (Abjuration) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 134)

Punish Attacker 4

Book of Exalted Deeds
Radiant Shield - Creatures attacking with natural or handheld weapons suffer 1d6+1/CL Electric Damage, take only half damage from electricity, on ref for half, on save take no damage, emit radiance = light spell for 10ft. radius, must not have cast darkness or necromancy spell within 24 hours (Sorceror/Wizard 4, Wrath 4) (Evocation) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Mage
Karmic Retribution - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become stunned for 1 round, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Backlash is active (Hexblade 4, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)

Player's Handbook
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)

Punish Attacker 5

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, spells cast with acid descriptor deal 1 extra damage/die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)

Punish Attacker 6

Complete Mage
Karmic Retribution - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become stunned for 1 round, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Backlash is active (Hexblade 4, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)

Complete Mage
Prismatic Aura - Gain Concealment, any creature striking you with a non-reach melee weapon is subject to one prismatic spray spell effect, once a color has been expended it disappears from the aura, once all 7 colors have been expended the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 113)

Punish Attacker 7

Complete Mage
Retributive Enervation - Non-undead creatures making a successful melee attack against you suffer 1 negative level, undead creatures gain 5 temp hp instead, bestow a maximum of 1/2 CL (Max 10) negative levels, after this the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) (Complete Mage, pg. 116)

Dragon Magic
Justice of the Wyrm King - Creatures striking you with a nonreach melee weapon take 4d6 damage, can sacrifice a slot up to 9th level and increase the damage by 2 points/level (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) [Force] (Dragon Magic, pg. 68-69)

Spell Compendium
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)

Punish Attacker 8

Complete Mage
Mysterious Redirection - Melee Attacks, Ranged attacks, and spells delivered by melee touch cause the attacker to make a will save, failure means 50% chance that attack is redirected to an adjacent target (determined randomly) within reach of the original attacker, if no eligible target is available the attack misses (Sorceror/Wizard 8, Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)

Dragon Magic
Mind of the Labyrinth - An enemy that casts a mind-affecting spell  against you must make Will DC18+Int or become confused for one round, can expend spell to activate dominate person on a humanoid who casts a mind-affecting spell on you (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)


Spells that improve skill bonuses or the ability to use skills
Skill Monkey 0

Spell Compendium
Minor Disguise - +2 Competence to next Disguise Check (Bard 0) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 142)

Skill Monkey 1

Complete Adventurer
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)

Eberron Campaign Setting
Magecraft (Pointless, 24 base duration) - Gain +5 competence on one craft check (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Eberron Campaign Setting, pg. 113)

Magic of Eberron
Ancient Knowledge - Before making a knowledge check, can discharge spell to gain +5 insight.  With Mark of Finding dragonmark or Favored of the House (Tharashk), can treat knowledge check as a trained check even without ranks in skill (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 94)

Player's Handbook
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)

Races of Destiny
Friendly Face - +5 Circumstance to Diplomacy and Gather Information (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Races of Destiny, pg. 166

Spell Compendium
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble without penalty (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Appraising Touch - +10 Insight to Appraise, takes 2 minutes instead of 1, guessed worth is never off by more than 50% (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Focusing Chant - +1 Circumstance to Attacks, Skill Checks, Ability Checks (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 121)
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat, can feint as move action, free action with improved feint (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Serene Visage - + 0.5 CL (Max +10) on Bluff Checks (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)
Sticky Fingers - +10 to Sleight of Hand Checks (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 206)
Undersong - Make Performance Checks in place of Concentration Checks (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 227)

Races of Destiny
Rooftop Strider - +5 competence to Balance, Jump, automatically succeed on jump checks for 5 feet horizontally, no balance checks for running or charging across a sloped surface (Assassin 1, City 1) (Transmutation) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Races of Eberron
Shifter Prowess (Requires Shifter Component) - While shifting increase Balance, Climb, and Jump racial bonus by +8, ends once shifting ends (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Sacrificial Skill (Requires lock of hair from an unwilling creature) - Gain +5 to Knowledge Religion checks that have to do with making sacrifices to evil gods.  Helps gain boons from evil gods.  (Assassin 2, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Lightfoot - Provoke no attacks of opportunity while moving (Assassin 1, Ranger 1) (Transmutation) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 37)

Skill Monkey 2

Complete Adventurer
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 143
Listening Lorecall - +4 Insight to Listen, 5 ranks listen gain 30 ft. Blindsense, 10 ranks listen 30 ft blindsight (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Complete Mage
Heart of Air - Gain +10 Enhancement to Jump Checks, +10 Enhancement to Fly, expend as Feather Fall (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Wu Jen 2 (air)) (Transmutation) [Air] (Complete Mage, pg. 106)
Magic Savant - +4 Insight to Use Magic Device, with 10 ranks can take 10 in Use Magic Device in all situations (Bard 2) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 110)

Dragon Magic
Magic of the Dragonheart - Count as having 2 more draconic feats than you currently have, count this spell as having a spell level = 1/2 CL for purposes of draconic feats, gain +1/2 CL (max 10) competence bonus to skill checks made with the skill granted by your Draconic Heritage feat (Sorceror 2) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Primal Hunter (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - Gain +5 Competence on Climb, Jump, Swim (Druid 2, Ranger 1, Sorceror 2) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 71-72)
Soul of Anarchy (Cancels Soul of Order) - +5 Competence to Escape Artist and to resist grapple, natural weapons are chaotic-aligned, Bonus if Soul of Light or Soul of Shadow is active (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Chaotic] (Dragon Magic, pg. 72-73)

Drow of the Underdark
Shadow Shroud - No penalties from light blindness or light vulnerability, +5 Competence to hide checks in darkness or shadow, effect surpressed in areas with a light spell of level 3 or higher (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 62)

Magic of Eberron
Expose the Dead - Gain +1 Insight/CL to Listen and Spot against undead, on Survival checks to track undead and can follow undead tracks as if held the Track Feat, Gain the the Investigate feat (Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 55) when looking at a dead body, save DC of any speak with the dead spell cast is +2 (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Player's Handbook II
Bigby's Helpful Hand - Hand holds items up to 20 lbs for you, gain +2 competence to Craft, Disable Device, Open Lock (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Force](Player's Handbook II)

Spell Compendium
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 23)
Marked Object (Pointless and Detrimental) - With owner's item, gain +10 on Search and Survival Checks to track owner (Assassin 2, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 189)
Surefooted Stride - +2 Competence to Climb, Move through Difficult Terrain as if it were normal Terrain (Bard 2, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 216)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to appear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Bone Collector 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Ghostwalk, pg. 57-58)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 117)

Skill Monkey 3

Complete Mage
Heart of Water - Gain Swim speed equal to land speed, +8 Racial to Swim, Breathe Water, +5 Enhancement to Escape Artist. Expend to gain Freedom of Movement, gain benefits if Heart of air, earth, and/or fire active (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (water)) (Transmutation) [Water] (Complete Mage pg. 107)
Mask of the Ideal - +4 competence to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Charisma checks to influence enchanted or conjured creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage pg. 110)

Dragon Magic
Primal Instinct (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Competence to Initiative, Survival. +5 Competence to one knowledge skill with Dragonblood subtype.  Gain Uncanny dodge if other Primal spell active (Druid 3, Ranger 2, Sorceror 3) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic pg. 72)
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +10 Insight to Spot, Immune to dazzling and blindness.  If see invisibility-like spell active, use Faerie Fire at will as swift action on invisible creature within 60 ft.  Gain +1 competence to Spot by knowing spell (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Evocation) [Light] (Dragon Magic, pg. 74)

Heroes of Battle
Battlemagic Perception - +5 Competence to Spellcraft to identify spells being cast, 5 ranks spellcraft sense the use of any spell within 100 feet and line of sight with spellcraft DC 15+Spell Level, can counter spell as a free action which ends the spell (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Heroes of Battle, pg. 125)

Player's Handbook
Glibness - +30 to Bluff checks to convince others you're speaking the truth, lie detection must make CL check = 15+your CL to detect a lie (Assassin 4) (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 235)

Spell Compendium
Aiming at the Target - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 8)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Verraketh's Shadow Crown - Bardic music ability taps into the shadow weave (doesn't stack with Shadow Weave Magic), +4 competence to perform checks (Bard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Skill Monkey 4

Complete Adventurer
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Voice of the Dragon - +10 Enh to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, speak and understand but not read Draconic, end spell to use suggestion on creature (Bard 4, Dragon 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 115)

Dragon Magic
Primal Senses (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - Gain Low Light Vision +5 Competence to Listen, Spot.  With Dragonblood gain Blindsense 10 ft.  With other Primal spell active gain Uncanny Dodge (Druid 4, Ranger 3, Sorceror 4) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Spell Compendium
- +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 193)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Gutsnake - Grow snake from stomach and it can attack as a free action as a giant constrictor, if constricting, you may not move more than 5 feet, may use the giant constrictor's ability modifiers for balance and climb in lieu of your own. (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 98)

Skill Monkey 5

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Arcane
Aiming at the Target - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells (Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 96)

Spell Compendium
Duelward - Counterspelling is an immediate action, +4 competence on spellcraft to identify spell, spell gone after use (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 74)
Gutsnake - Create a Giant Constrictor snake from stomach (counts as a tentacle), can use snake's balance and climb instead of your own, climb speed 20 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 183)

Skill Monkey 6

Skill Monkey 7

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Eye of the Beholder - Gain +2 Circumstance on Spot checks, gain random ray ability (usable by standard action) that either lets you use, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Sleep (no max HD), Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Fear, Slow, Inflict Moderate wounds, Finger of Death, or Telekinesis.  Ray has range of 150 ft, DC18 (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)

Skill Monkey 8

Complete Arcane
Finding the Center - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells, no longer have to maintain concentration, can perform other actions (Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Skill Monkey 9

Lost Empires of Faerun
Srinshee's Spell Shift - +4 Insight to Spellcraft for Counterspelling, can do extra effects once a spell is counterspelled, sacrifice spell slot to apply Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, or Widen Spell to an ally's spell effect, choose the targets or position of the spell, or cause opponent to make fort save or be stunned 1d6 (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 34)

Player's Handbook
Shapechange - Assume the form of any single non-unique creature of any size with HD up to twice your CL (max 50), gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities assumed form but lose your own supernatural abilities, and gain the type of the creature in question.  Can change form once/round as a free action.  Gain +10 Disguise. (Animal 9, Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 277-278)


Spells that improve, facilitate, or grant sneak attack
Sneak Attack Helper 1

Complete Adventurer
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 145)
Golem Strike - Can deal sneak attack damage to constructs (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
- No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 157)

Complete Scoundrel
Healer's Vision - +5 Insight to Heal, Cure spells you cast heal extra 1 Point/Spell Level, +2 Attack and Damage when using Precision Based Attack (Assassin 1, Cleric 1) (Divination) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 100)

Spell Compendium
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 56)
Golem's Strike - Can deal sneak attack damage to constructs (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 105)
- No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 194)

Sneak Attack Helper 2

Sneak Attack Helper 3

Vital Strike - Attacks are sneak attacks even if target is not flat-footed or flanked, do not gain other benefits from effects that improve a sneak attack (such as ability damage from feats, etc.)  (Assassin 3) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Sneak Attack Helper 4

Complete Adventurer
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Spell Compendium
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 193)

Sneak Attack Helper 5

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)

Spell Compendium
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2011, 10:11:28 PM »
Spells that help facilitate improve the effectiveness of your spells or impugn the spells of others
Spell Power 1

Complete Mage
True Casting - Next spell cast gains a +10 insight bonus to overcome spell resistance (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Spell Power 2

Lords of Madness
Whispercast - The next spell you cast requires no somatic or material components (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129-130)

Magic of Eberron
Expose the Dead - Gain +1 Insight/CL to Listen and Spot against undead, on Survival checks to track undead and can follow undead tracks as if held the Track Feat, Gain the the Investigate feat (Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 55) when looking at a dead body, save DC of any speak with the dead spell cast is +2 (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)
Suffer the Flesh - Take up to 2 Constitution damage/CL (max 10), for every 2 points of damage taken increase caster level by +1 (max +5) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)

Spell Compendium
Daggerspell Stance - +2 Insight bonus to attack and damage using Full Attack with daggers, gain SR5+CL while fighting defensively with 2 daggers in hand (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Spell Compendium, pg. 196)

Turbidity - Create a 20ft radius spread cloud swirling around you, obscures all vision and darkvision beyond 5 ft, have concealment to creatures up to 5 ft away and total concealment for creatures more than 5 ft away, Creatures other than you casting in the cloud must make a Concentration check DC15+Level or lose spell, ranged attacks going through turbidity automatically fail, vigorous and stronger currents can disperse the spell, functions only underwater (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Stormwrack, pg. 123)

Spell Power 3

Complete Mage
Spellcaster's Bane - +2 bonus on dispel checks and caster level checks to counterspell, 5 ranks spellcraft=automatically recognize any spell being cast, 15 ranks spellcraft = auto recognize any spell being cast and know level of spell being cast (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 117)

Heroes of Battle
Battlemagic Perception - +5 Competence to Spellcraft to identify spells being cast, 5 ranks spellcraft sense the use of any spell within 100 feet and line of sight with spellcraft DC 15+Spell Level, can counter spell as a free action which ends the spell (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Heroes of Battle, pg. 125

Lost Empires of Faerun
Backblast - Turn 1d4+2 levels of fire spells targeted at you back at the original caster, gain fire resistance 10 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Fire] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 30)

Spell Compendium
Hymm of Praise - +2 Caster level to each Good Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Sacred bonus to Turn undead for good divine spellcasters and -4 for Evil Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Good, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 117-118)
Infernal Threnody - +2 Caster level to each Evil Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Profane bonus to Turn undead for evil divine spellcasters and -4 for good Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Evil, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 122)

Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Spell Compendium, pg. 196)

Savage Species
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Savage Species, pg. 69-70)

Spell Power 4

Complete Arcane
Assay Spell Resistance - +10 on CL checks to overcome spell resistance of a specific creature, must be able to see creature (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 98)

Dragon Magic
Mark of the Enlightened Soul - Spells gain Good Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to evil creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Mark of the Enlightened Soul affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Evil (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Touch of the Blackened Soul - Spells gain Evil Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to good creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Touch of the Blackened Soull affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Good (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Spell Enhancer - The next spell you cast has +2 to CL (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 112)

Player's Handbook
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser - Create a 10ft immobile sphere centered on you that does not move, all spell effects, spells, and spell-like abilities of 3rd level or lower fail their areas do not include the globe and targeted spells don't work (Wu Jen, Complete Arcane pg. 93) (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 236)
Zone of Silence - No one outside of 5ft emanation centered on you, can hear what is said inside (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Player's Handbook, pg. 303)

Spell Compendium
Assay Spell Resistance - +10 on CL checks to overcome spell resistance of a specific creature, must be able to see creature (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 17)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Abyssal Might (Requires heart of a dwarf child) - +2 Enh. to Str, Con, Dex, Spell Resistance (Blackguard 3, Cleric 4, Demonologist 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 84)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Spell Enhancer - Next spell you cast has +2 to DC (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 121-122)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Ilyykur's Mantle - Gain luck bonus of +1/3 CL to saves against spells and spell-like abilities (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50)

Spell Power 5

Champions of Valor
Shard Blessing Aura - Blue-white light shines from your space equal to the lumens of a candle, gain a lesser globe of invulnerability effect (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57)
Skin of the Steel Dragon - Gain Spell Resistance 10+CL, if Sorceror gain +5 resistance bonus on saves vs. poison (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 58)

Complete Scoundrel
Harmonic Void - Casters of Verbal Spells within 60 ft emanation must succeed on DC20+Spell Level Concentration check or lose spell (Bard 5) (Abjuration) (Complete Scoundrel, pg. 99)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Spell Haven (Pointless) (Requires Dragonmark) - Store a spell in Dragonmark, cast it later as an immediate action, Least 1st spell level, lesser 3rd spell level, greater or siberys 5th spell level (Bard 5, Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 153)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means while Matrix active (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 110-111)

Spell Compendium
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, spells cast with acid descriptor deal 1 extra damage/die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Duelward - Counterspelling is an immediate action, +4 competence on spellcraft to identify spell, spell gone after use (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 74)
Spell Matrix, Lesser - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
Zone of Respite - Emanation 20 ft. radius causes Spells and abilities involving planes and instant travel such as Teleport do not work within the area nor do summoning or calling spells, creatures coterminous on planes must retreat to the edge of the emenation (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 244)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Resonating Resistance (Fiend Spell Component) - Every attempt to breach spell resistance must roll and succeed twice.  Must have spell resistance from extraordinary ability. (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 102)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to 4 3rd level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)

Spell Power 6

Player's Handbook
Antimagic Field - All spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and magic items cease to function within 10ft radius emanation. (Cleric 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 200)

Spell Power 7

Dragon Magic
Arcane Spellsurge - Spells that take 2-10 rounds take 1 less round to cast, 1 full round spells take a standard action, standard action spells take a swift action, doesn't stack with other abilities that reduce casting times (Sorceror/Wizard 7, Wu Jen 7) (Universal) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Kiss of Draconic Defiance - An enemy attempting to cast a spell within 40ft radius must make fort save or lose spell, a successful save makes the subject immune for 24 hours, can expend spell to automatically counter a spell of 5th or lower and don't need to lose a slot (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) (Dragon Magic, pg. 69)

Player's Handbook
Spell Turning - Spells and Spell-like effects targeted against you are targeted at the original caster, up to 1d4+6 spell levels can be turned, spells partially turned have a % chance to affect either creature (Luck 7, Magic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 282)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Sequencer - Cast up to 4 5th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 2nd or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)

Spell Power 8

Complete Arcane
Finding the Center - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells, no longer have to maintain concentration, can perform other actions (Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Dragon Magic
Mind of the Labyrinth - An enemy that casts a mind-affecting spell  against you must make Will DC18+Int or become confused for one round, can expend spell to activate dominate person on a humanoid who casts a mind-affecting spell on you (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)

Races of Eberron
Illusion Purge - All 7th level illusions or lower within 5ft emanation/level are negated (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8, Truth 7) (Evocation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 187)

Spell Power 9

Complete Arcane
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Wu Jen 9) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 97)

Lords of Madness
Invoke Magic - Can cast a single 4th level spell or lower that works even in the area of an anti-magic field, a dead magic area, or a null-magic plane (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 212)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Srinshee's Spell Shift - +4 Insight to Spellcraft for Counterspelling, can do extra effects once a spell is counterspelled, sacrifice spell slot to apply Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, or Widen Spell to an ally's spell effect, choose the targets or position of the spell, or cause opponent to make fort save or be stunned 1d6 (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 34)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 6)
Spell Matrix, Greater - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to 4 7th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 4th or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, can set a spell or a sequence to come into effect like a contingency spell, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means while main spell active(Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118-119)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Tome and Blood, pg. 85)

Underdark (3.0)
Undermaster - Can use any of the following spells as a Spell-like ability (1 spell/round) requiring a standard action (even if the spell normally requires more than that), : Burrow, Earthquake, Excavate, Flesh to Stone, Meld into Stone, Move Earth, Reverse Gravity, Soften Earth and Stone, Statue, Stone Shape, Stone Sphere, Stone Tell, Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone (Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Underdark, pg. 62)


Spells that transform you into another kind of creature
Transformation 1

Drow of the Underdark
Spider Form, Lesser - Take the form of a Fiendish Medium Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Transformation 2

Player's Handbook
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)

Transformation 3

Complete Mage
Shape of the Hellspawned Stalker - Gain the form of a Hell Hound and 10 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 117)

Dragon Magic
Dragonshape, Least - Take the form of a Psuedodragon (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66)

Drow of the Underdark
Spider Form - Take the form of a Fiendish Large Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Lords of Madness
Permeable Form - Become incorporeal and gain all the benefits and disadvantages thereof (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129)

Transformation 4

Dragon Magic
Passage of the Shifting Sands - Gain form as Cloud of Sand with Fly 40 ft, else treat as gaseous form.  End turn in creatures space Fort Save or be blinded. Expend to activate gust of wind (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Evocation) [Air] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)

Player's Handbook II
Trollshape - Take on abilities of a troll, Str23, Dex14,Con23, Large Size, 2 Claws and Bite, Rend, Darkvision 90ft, lowlight vision, Regeneration 5, Scent, 30 temp hp and lose all class features (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 127)

SandForm - Body transforms into Sand Ooze, immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorphing, stunning, flanking, critical hits.  Become blind, but gain blindsight 60 feet.  Supernatural abilities supressed.  Can cast spells, must make Will DC 19 or suffer -2 Attack, Save, and Skill Checks in combat, Speed 20 feet,  Gain natural attack with 5 ft reach for 1d8+1.5Str. Gain burrow, +10 Circumstance Hide, Concealment in Sand (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Sandstorm, pg. 119)

Spell Compendium
Displacer Form - Assume form of Displacer Beast, Size Large, two tentacle attacks 1d6+Str, have Str18, Dex15, Con16, speed 40, darkvision 60, lowlight vision, can speak and cast spells, natural armor +5, gain displacer beast's displacement (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 67)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Polymorph Self - Gain the form of a creature from Diminuitive up to one size larger than yourself as long as its HD does not exceed your own and does not exceed 15, can't change into Elementals, outsiders, or undead unless the subject is already of that type, gain the physical stats (Str, Dex, and Con), natural armor, and natural movement modes and natural attacks and qualities of the form but nothing else, heal as if the subject had rested a day (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Tome and Blood, pg. 95)

Transformation 5

Complete Arcane
Spirit Self - Spirit leaves body with incorporeal qualities and speed of 90, cannot move more than 200 ft from body, cannot attack, but may cast spells with only verbal components, within 5 ft, can command body to take simple actions, body gains 1 move action/round, no dex bonus, -2 AC, share total hp between spirit and body, die if somehow spirit is forced beyond 200 ft and you cannot follow (Wu Jen 5) (Necromancy) (Complete Arcane  pg. 123-124)

Complete Mage
Form of the Threefold Beast - Take form of a Chimera and gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 105)

Draconic Polymorph - As polymorph except that you can assume a form up to 20 HD and form has an additional +8 Str and +2 Con (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Draconomicon, pg. 79)

Dragon Magic
Form of the Desert Hunter Become a Dragonne and 30 temp HP (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 67)

Drow of the Underdark
Dridershape - Take on the forms and abililities of a drider but without drider spellcasting, but retain your spellcasting. (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 61)
Spider Form, Greater - Take the form of a Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Spell Compendium
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Tome and Blood, pg. 90)

Transformation 6

Complete Arcane
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Dragon Magic
Dragonshape, Lesser - Take the form of a young red dragon, gain 60 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-VI,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 93)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-V,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Unapproachable East, pg. 49)

Transformation 7

Book of Exalted Deeds
Eladrin Form - Become incorporeal globe of colors, Fly 150 ft perfect, pass through solid objects, cannot cast spells, require +1 or greater weapons to hit, 50% miss chance from Incorporeal source (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 97)

Complete Arcane
Giant Size - CL1-15 Become Huge, CL16-18 Become Gargantuan, CL19+ become Colossal Size, gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for size (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109-110)

Dragon Magic
Aspect of the Platinum Dragon - Take Form of Aspect of Bahamut and gain 110 temp hp (Sorceror 7) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)

Spell Compendium
Body of War - Gain appearance of warforged Titan, Type is Construct, cannot cast spells, Size Huge, Str 28, Dex 8, Landspeed 50, darkvision 60, low-light vision, Construct Immunities, Trample 1d8+Str, Reflex 25 half, Axe and warhammer 2d8 x3, (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 35)

Transformation 8

Complete Arcane
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109)
Minute Form - CL 15-16 Shrink to Tiny, CL17-18 Shrink to Diminutive, CL 19+, shrink to Fine Size.  Gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for small size (Wu Jen 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 115)

Complete Mage
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant - Gain form of beholder except that you can only use 1 eye ray/round and an eye ray once used cannot be used again, gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 102-103)

Complete Mage
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death - Take the Form of a Marut, cannot use 1/day or 1/week abilities, can use other spell-like abilities 1/casting, gain 50 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Dragon Magic
Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon - Become Aspect of Tiamat and gain 100 temp hp, evil component (Sorceror 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)

Libris Mortis
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Libris Mortis 65-66, pg. 109)

Spell Compendium
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 103)

Transformation 9

Player's Handbook
Shapechange - Assume the form of any single non-unique creature of any size with HD up to your CL (max 25), gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities assumed form but lose your own supernatural abilities, and gain the type of the creature in question.  Can change form once/round as a free action.  Gain +10 Disguise. (Animal 9, Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 277-278)

Player's Handbook II
Dragonshape - Gain 100 temp hp, gain stats and abilities of mature adult red dragon except spellcasting (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 111)


Spells that completely negate or hedge out certain creatures and/or effects
Warding 1

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Shield (Requires Dragonmark) - Dragonmark hovers and moves about in front of you, negate magic missiles shield and Reflex Saves bonus of +2 or up to +5 depending on strength of dragonmark (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150)

Player's Handbook
Shield - Gain +4 Shield to AC that counts against incorporeal touch attacks and negate magic missiles targeted at you (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 278)

Spell Compendium
Nightshield - +1 Resistance to saving throws/3 CL (Max +3), magic missiles negated (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 148)

Warding 2

Warding 3

Complete Mage
Repelling Shield - Gain +4 Shield bonus (even against incorporeal attacks) and negate magic missile, melee attackers that strike you make Ref save or be pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 115)

Warding 4

Complete Arcane
Elemental Ward - Choose an Elemental type, Elementals of that type within 60 ft. radius make Will save to remain within radius (Wu Jen 4) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 105)

Complete Mage
Otiluke's Supressing Field - Choose a school of magic or a subtype (such as evil or fire), spells or effects of that type must succeed on a caster level check against DC 11+Your CL either when they are first cast or activated in the area or when they enter the area, if the check fails they spell or effect is supressed while it is within the field (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 112)

Player's Handbook
Zone of Silence - No one outside of 5ft emanation centered on you, can hear what is said inside (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Player's Handbook, pg. 303)

Spell Compendium
Forceward - 15ft radius sphere centered on you, force spells are auto countered, incorporeal or force creatures must make will save to enter barrier (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 98)
Ray Deflection - All rays directed at you are reflected away (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 166)

Warding 5

Champions of Valor
Shard Blessing Aura - Blue-white light shines from your space equal to the lumens of a candle, gain a lesser globe of invulnerability effect (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57)

Complete Scoundrel
Harmonic Void - Casters of Verbal Spells within 60 ft emanation must succeed on DC20+Spell Level Concentration check or lose spell (Bard 5) (Abjuration) (Complete Scoundrel, pg. 99)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Demesne (Requires Dragonmark) - Create a 20ft radius sphere of force centered on you, half above ground and half below ground, hold up to 25 medium creatures inside, no other creature may enter it without your permission, you may go and please as you wish, occupants have total concealment from the outside, but can see through the inside, missles, weapons, and spells can pass through from the inside but not vice versa (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Dragommarked (Eberron), pg. 149)

Anticold Sphere - All creatures within 10ft. emanation have immunity to cold, creatures with cold subtype cannot enter emanation but cannot be forced into it or spell will fail (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Frostburn, pg. 88)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Nezram's Sapphire Shield of Shielding - Gain +4 Shield bonus to AC even against incorporeal touch attacks, negate magic missile gain DR 10/Magic (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) [Force] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 33)

Spell Compendium
Anticold Sphere - Creatures within 10 ft. are immune to cold damage.  No creature with cold subtype may enter radius. (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) [Cold] (Spell Compendium, pg. 13)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass personal emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 41)
Zone of Respite - Emanation 20 ft. radius causes Spells and abilities involving planes and instant travel such as Teleport do not work within the area nor do summoning or calling spells, creatures coterminous on planes must retreat to the edge of the emenation (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 244)

Warding 6

Player's Handbook
Antimagic Field - All spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and magic items cease to function within 10ft radius emanation. (Cleric 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 200)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Anti-Ectoplasm Shell - Ectoplasm or creatures with ectoplasm may not enter 10 ft. emanation (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) [Ectomancy] (Ghostwalk, pg. 49)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier or to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 83)

Warding 7

Complete Adventurer
Cacophonic Shield - 10 ft emanation. Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)

Libris Mortis
Ghost Trap -  Incorporeal Creatures within 5 ft./CL Emanation become corporeal, and creatures cannot shift to or from the Ethereal Plane (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) [Ectomancy] (Libris Mortis, pg. 65)

Warding 8

Complete Mage
Mysterious Redirection - Melee Attacks, Ranged attacks, and spells delivered by melee touch cause the attacker to make a will save, failure means 50% chance that attack is redirected to an adjacent target (determined randomly) within reach of the original attacker, if no eligible target is available the attack misses (Sorceror/Wizard 8, Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)

Races of Eberron
Illusion Purge - All 7th level illusions or lower within 5ft emanation/level are negated (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8, Truth 7) (Evocation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 187)

Warding 9

Player's Handbook
Prismatic Sphere - Conjure an immobile opaque 10 ft radius globe of shimmering light that surrounds you, sphere blocks any attempt to project something through it, creatures can pass through the wall but suffer each of its color effects, one at a time, any creature with less than 8HD within 20ft of the wall is automatically blinded for 2d4 rounds (Protection 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9, Sun 9) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)


Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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  • Posts: 292
Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2011, 10:12:19 PM »
Spells that grant a new type of attack or enhance an existing attack form such that it causes an additional effect
New Attack Forms 1

Complete Arcane
Fiery Eyes - Eyes glow with fire, emitting light 5 ft., can use full-round action to focus on one object causing it to ignite, creatures wearing items taking 1d6 fire damage and must reflex save 15 or ignite themselves (Wu Jen 1) (Evocation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1, Warmage 1) (Transmutation [Earth]) (Complete Arcane, pg. 107-108)

Races of the Dragon
Ghostly Tail - Gain a ghostly tail that attacks foes if they provoke attacks of opportunity, make a melee touch attack and they suffer 2d6 force damage (Dragonblooded or dragons deal +1 force/CL (max 20) (Sorceror 1) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113)

Spell Compendium
Breath Flare - Electric or Fire Breath also causes creatures failing saving throws to be dazzled for 1 min/CL (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Light) (Spell Compendium, pg. 39)
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Spell Compendium, pg. 94)
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat, can feint as move action, free action with improved feint (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Luminous Gaze - Eyes glow as the light spell, creatures within 20 ft. radius are dazzled (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Light] (Spell Compendium, pg. 135

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Snilloc's Snowball - Gain 1 Icy sphere/CL (max 5) that can be used as a melee touch attack or ranged touch attack (120 ft, no distance penality) for 1d6+1/CL (max 5) damage.  Once a sphere is used another one appears up to the limit. (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Cold] (Unapproachable East, pg. 52)

New Attack Forms 2

City of Splendors: Waterdeep
Palarandusk's Fire Breath - Gain ability to spit out a 10ft cone, dealing 1d6 fire/CL (max 5d6) Reflex half (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (City of Splendors: Waterdeep, pg. 156)

Complete Adventurer
Bladeweave - 1/round if you attack with a melee weapon, you may make an additional touch attack with that weapon as a free action, creature hit takes no damage but must make Will save or be dazed 1 round (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/5 damage and 1/5 chance of being affected by special effects delivered by attack (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 157)

Libris Mortis
Blade of Pain and Fear - Gain weapon that deals 1d6+1/2 CL (max +10) touch attack, no Str damage, Will save or become frightened (Assassin 2, Blackguard 1, Cleric 2, Deathbound 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Libris Mortis, pg. 63)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Toothed Tentacle - Create tentacle 30 feet long with 3 mouths with 10 ft reach each, can attack with one mouth as standard or 3 mouths as a Full Round action, Attack = CL+Main Ability Score, 2d6 damage, mouth has AC 15 and HP 10+CL (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 35)

Player's Handbook II
Cloud of Knives - As free action attack target with flying magic knife within 30 ft, Attack =CL+Ability mod; Damage= 1d6+1/3CL (Max +5) 19-20 Crit; (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 107)

Races of the Dragon
Local Tremor - cause CL tremors (max 5) that start from your location and extend in any direction you indicate, creatures within  30ft line must make ref save or fall prone, spells cast during tremor must make Concentration = 20+level to succeed, can make new tremors after first round by using a standard action (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Earth] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 114)
Tail Slap - When you first cast the spell (no standard action) and in future rounds Strike an adjacent target using a standard action melee touch attack dealing 1d6 Force/2CL (max 10d6), if subject is up to 1 size category larger, they make Str check DC=12+CL or be pushed back 5 ft+5ft/5 damage taken, if solid object prevents being pushed back, take 2d6 damage, cannot push back foe except in first round of spell unless you are dragonblooded or a Dragon (Sorceror 2, pg. 118) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 118)

Scimitar of Sand - Sand Scimitar in Hand deals 1d6+1 damage/CL (Max +10), Touch Attack, no Str Damage.  Hit creatures save vs. Fort or are dehydrated (fatigued and nonlethal damage from heat and lack of water is lethal) (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Earth] (Sandstorm, pg. 120)

Spell Compendium
Bladeweave - 1/round one creature hit by your melee attack must make a Will Save or be dazed 1 round  (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Spell Compendium, pg. 31)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d8 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 47)
Flame Dagger - Gain flame dagger dealing 1d4+1/CL (max +10) fire damage, no Str Bonus, touch attack, (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (Spell Compendium, pg. 94)
Sonic Whip - Create Sonic whip and you gain proficiency with it, free action to make regular animals at bay unless they save vs. Will, strike animals for them to become frightened, use whip as normal whip to attack (Bard 2) (Evocation) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 195)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d4 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 67-68)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Flame Dagger - Gain flame dagger dealing 1d4+1/CL (max +10) fire damage, no Str Bonus, touch attack, (Hathran 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 94)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Decastave - Conjure a quarterstaff of force, can use for melee touch to do 1d6 damage, 1d8 sonic damage on crit and subject must save Fort DC14 or be deafened permanently (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Force] (Unapproachable East, pg. 49)

New Attack Forms 3

Complete Arcane
Fire Wings - Transform Arms into fire wings.  Fly speed of 60 ft or 40 ft in medium or heavy armor.  If not flying gain 2 natural attacks for 2d6 fire damage (Wu Jen 3) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 107)
Thornskin - Unarmed Strikes do Lethal Damage +1d6 piercing.  Unarmed strike or natural weapon attackers suffer 5 piercing (Druid 3, Wu Jen 3 (wood) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 127)

Complete Mage
Toxic Tongue - Can spit poison for ranged touch attack standard action for 1d3 Initial and Secondary Con damage, fort save or can use swift action to apply poison to natural or manufactured weapon, adding 1d6 initial and secondary Con damage fort save, each usage of poison shortens length of spell by 1 minute (Assassin 3) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 120)
Unicorn Horn  - Use Standard action to Gore for 1d8+1.5Str. Double Damage on Charge (Triple if Critical Hit) Expend to enhance attack and damage temporarily (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Good) (Complete Mage, pg. 121-122)

Dragon Breath Gain breath weapon of either a line, or cone and varying energy type, deals 3d6 damage+1d6/2CL (Max 10d6) (ref Half) as a standard action, can use breath weapon 3 times+1/2Cl after 5th, thereafter must wait 1d4+1 rounds between usages.  (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) [Varies] (Draconomicon, pg. 111-112)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Whip - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 10), can be used to deliver touch spells of 4th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)

Libris Mortis
Fangs of the Vampire King - Gain bite natural attack for 1d6+Str+1 Con Damage, attack bonus=10+Str (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Deathbound 3) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 64)

Player's Handbook II
Evard's Menacing Tentacles - Gain 2 10 ft. Reach Tentacle attacks/round  for free action that deal 1d8+Str  Tentacles threaten area and can make 1 attack of opportunity/round (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 113)

Body Blaze - When moving, leave a 20 ft high, 2 inch wide trail of flame on horizontal surfaces (not on air or vertical) creatures passing through blazing wall or squares you enter of creatures take 2d6+1/CL (max 20) fire damage, creatures do not take extra damage if you enter a square multiple times (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) [Fire] (Sandstorm, pg. 112)

Serpent Kingdoms
Handfang - Gain Touch attack for 1d8 damage, on Crit, start Grapple as free action without provoking AoO, if successful 1d6 damage/round until hold broken (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Serpent Kingdoms, pg. 156)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wererat - Gain +6 enh. to Dex, +2 Enh. to Con, +3 Enh. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Blade of Pain and Fear - Gain weapon that deals 1d6+1/2 CL (max +10) touch attack, no Str damage, Will save or become frightened (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 30)
Fangs of the Vampire King - Gain bite natural attack for 1d6+Str+1 Con Damage, can make bite as natural secondary attack (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Deathbound 3) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 88)
Giant's Wrath - Turn 1 pebble/3 CL into boulders.  Throw up to 120 feet, deal 2d6+Str damage, +1 insight/CL (max 10) to attack and damage (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 105)
Primal Form - Gain 1 Elemental Subtype, +4 saves against mind affecting abilities, Light fortification and either Fly 20 ft., Damage reduction 5/-, 1d4 fire damage, Fire Resistance 10, or Swim 90 Feet drench ability, Cannot cast spells, lose abilities of base form (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 161)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/2 damage (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 197)

Favorable Wind - Wind Blows in 60 ft. cone emnation with a strong windforce (30mph) directly behind you.  Tiny or smaller creatures in area must make save or be knocked prone or if flying blown back 1d6x10 feet.  Small creatures must save vs. fort or be unable to move forward or if airborn become blown back 1d6x5 feet.  Medium and larger creatures can move normally.  Creatures take -2 to Ranged Attacks and Listen if within the area.  (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Air]) (Stormwrack, pg. 117)

Races of Faerun
Burrow - Gain burrow 10 ft speed, gain claws on hands (usually 2) that do 1d6 damage, considered armed (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 189)

New Attack Forms 4

Book of Exalted Deeds
Blinding Beauty - Humanoids within 60 ft that look at you make Fort Save or be blinded.  Supress this as a free action, must abstain from sex one week prior to casting spell (Beloved of Valarian 4, Bard 4, Druid 4, Fey 4, Ranger 4) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 92)

Spell Compendium
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/2 damage (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 197)

Dragon Magic
Passage of the Shifting Sands - Gain form as Cloud of Sand with Fly 40 ft, else treat as gaseous form.  End turn in creatures space Fort Save or be blinded. Expend to activate gust of wind (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Evocation) [Air] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)

Dragons of Faerun
Cone of Euphoria - As standard action breathe a cone that causes euphoria, make Will Save or become dazed for 1d6 rounds (wait 1d4 rounds between uses) (Bard 3, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Dragons of Faerun, pg. 114)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werewolf - +2 Enh. to Str, +4 Enh. to Dex, Con, natural armor.  Gain bite attack for 1d6+1.5 Str.  Gain Blind Fight Feat (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 29)
Dragon Breath - Gain Breath Attack, usable every 1d4 rounds, with damage and area depending on dragon type chosen (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Evocation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 73)
Flame Whips - Turn arms into flaming whips, 15 ft reach, 6d6 fire damage, cannot use arms (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 95)
Rebuking Breath - Undead that fail their saving throws against your breath weapon cower in awe for 1 round after being affected (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 170)
Thunderlance - Gain lance of force, retract to 1 or expand to 20 foot reach, deals 3d6 x2, use Int or Cha instead of Str, striking targets with force effects of 3rd level or lower, make a dispel check (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Evocation) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 220)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Gutsnake - Grow snake from stomach and it can attack as a free action as a giant constrictor, if constricting, you may not move more than 5 feet, may use the giant constrictor's ability modifiers for balance and climb in lieu of your own. (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 98)

Savage Species (3.0)
Extend Tentacles - Tentacle reach increases by 5 feet, also extends the length of a medusa's snakes by 5ft and gives them the improved grab abillity with the ability to constrict for 1d3+your Str damage on a successful grapple attempt (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)

New Attack Forms 5

Complete Arcane
Fire Breath - 1/round as Standard action may make ranged touch attack (15 ft) for 1d8 fire/2CL (max 10d8), ignite combustibles and damage objects in area (Wu Jen 5) (Evocation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Complete Divine
Dragon Breath - Gain Breath Attack, usable every 1d4 rounds, with damage and area depending on dragon type chosen (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Varies] (Complete Divine, pg. 164)

Complete Mage
Coat of Arms - Gain one force blade/3CL (max 6), gain shield bonus = # of blades, can direct a blade to break off and deal 2d6 damage to a target within 30 feet, lose 1 shield bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 99-100)
Flaying Tendrils - Gain 4 tentacles from face, can attack with 1 as standard action or 4 as Full-attack deal 1d4+Str, have Improved Grapple with Tentacles, +2 to opposed grapple/attached tentacle, can attempt to kill creature at beginning of round if all four tentacles attached, foe must make fort or die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Complete Mage, pg. 104-105)

Dragon Magic
Lord of the Sky - Gain Fly Speed of 40 or 30 with medium or heavy armor, Use swift action to fire 60 ft ranged touch to deal 1 Electric damage/CL (max 20) and reduce Fly speed to 1/2 normal.  Activate Lightning Bolt to End Spell; if dragonblood grant 60 ft. instead or +10 fly speed (Shugenja 5 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Transmutation) [Electricity] (Dragon Magic, pg. 69-70)

Libris Mortis
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 67)

Player's Handbook II
Radiance - 60 ft. Radius Sheds light equal to Daylight Spell, undead in area are dazzled in radius and for 1d6 rounds later, counters or dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level (Cleric 5, Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Good, Light] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Breath Weapon Substitution - Change breath weapon to deal acid, cold, electric, or fire damage instead (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 39)
Dispelling Breath - Make a Dispel check against creatures, objects, etc. that fail their saving throw vs. your breath weapon.  If the dispel check fails, make it against a progressively weaker spell until 1 effect is dispelled or all effects are dispelled (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 67)
Ethereal Breath - Can choose to have breath manifest on the ethereal plane instead of material (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 74)
Sonic Rumble - Concentrate to cause a 30 foot cone of sound protrudes from you dealing 1d6 sonic/2CL (max 10d6) (Ref Half), Silence spell negates (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 195)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 103)
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 1d6+2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, creatures you ride on top of take acid damage, can make a melee touch for 1d6+1 acid damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 108)

New Attack Forms 6

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Whip, Greater - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 20), can be used to deliver touch spells of 7th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)

Spell Compendium
Aura of Terror - Whenever you Attack or Charge, creatures within radius with fewer HD than CL must make Will save or become Shaken, extra bonuses if you already have frightful presence (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 18)
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Spore Cloak - Gain Concealment, if you move into the space of another creature or bull rush or grapple them, they must make a fort save or suffer 1d6 Con damage and make another save in 1 minute or suffer 2d6 Con damage.  Immune to fungal infestations.  Lose spell if fail saving throw vs. a fire attack, lose ability to cause others to make fort save while in direct sunlight (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

New Attack Forms 7

Dragon Magic
Channel the Dragon - Gain a 15 ft cone breath weapon usable 1d4 rounds and a defensive ability either DR 5/adamantine or Fire, Cold, or Acid Resistance 30 (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 65)
Glorious Master of the Elements - As a standard action can make a ranged touch attack within 60 ft. deal 1d6 energy/2CL (max 10d6), select acid, cold, electric, or fire before attack, gain a cumulative +2 damage bonus for each subsequent attack on the same target for the same spell, dragonblood: use d8 instead (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 67-68)

Spell Compendium
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR/10 Magic, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 128)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Eye of the Beholder - Gain +2 Circumstance on Spot checks, gain random ray ability (usable by standard action) that either lets you use, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Sleep (no max HD), Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Fear, Slow, Inflict Moderate wounds, Finger of Death, or Telekinesis.  Ray has range of 150 ft, DC18 (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

New Attack Forms 8

Complete Mage
Prismatic Bow - Gain a +1 Longbow that can imbue its arrows with one prismatic spray effect, struck creatures suffer the prismatic spray effect as per the spell, once one color is used it disappears and cannot be used again, once all 7 colors have been used, the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) (Complete Mage, pg. 113-114)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lightning Ring - Elec Res 20, at start of turn direct 2 lightning bolts dealing 5d6 electric damage (Ref Half) or unleash spell immediaely upon casting and unleash 8 lightning bolts that travel in all directions(Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) [Electricity] (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 105)

Savage Species (3.0)
Flame Whips - Forelimbs transform into flames, when they hit, deal 5d6+1/CL (max 20) fire damage, may not cast spells with material components or carry items with limbs, items on limbs cease functioning (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)

Complete Mage
Lash of Force - As immediate action can deal 5d6 force damage to a creature you can see (even concealment) within 10 ft, can release spell to send out 30 ft line of force for 15d6 Ref Half, failed save causes prone as well (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 109)

New Attack Forms 9

Spell Compendium
Enervating Breath - Creatures that fail their save against your breath weapon take 2d4 negative levels. (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Necromancy) [Negative] (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)

Underdark (3.0)
Undermaster - Can use any of the following spells as a Spell-like ability (1 spell/round) requiring a standard action (even if the spell normally requires more than that), : Burrow, Earthquake, Excavate, Flesh to Stone, Meld into Stone, Move Earth, Reverse Gravity, Soften Earth and Stone, Statue, Stone Shape, Stone Sphere, Stone Tell, Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone (Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Underdark, pg. 62)



  • Hong Kong
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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2011, 12:56:26 AM »
Spells that can be discharged, such as Moment of Prescience and Duelward, cannot be persisted.
Hi Welcome
Allow me to welcome you both with my literal words and with an active display of how much you fit in by being tone deaf, dumb, and uncritical of your babbling myself.[/spoiler]

Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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Re: List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2011, 10:17:48 AM »
The designers are inconsistent with the notion of what is discharged, some spells are clearly discharged but are legal because they lack the discharge wording whereas some others are discharged like the rest but have the word discharge and thus technically don't apply.  I"ll have a note about this later, but the OP's opinion is that they don't really matter and should be included anyway.  The base intention that you can't persist an effect that  goes away is met because the spell ends anyway.

Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

  • That monkey with the orange ass cheeks
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Re: List of Arcjavascript:void(0);ane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2011, 02:01:40 AM »
This is a list of what we somewhat aribtrarily believe are the best Arcane Persistable Spells by Level


Level 1
1. Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Spell Compendium, pg. 94)
2. Shield - Gain +4 Shield to AC that counts against incorporeal touch attacks and negate magic missiles targeted at you (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 278)
3. Wings of Swift Flying - Add 30 ft (40 if dragon or dragonblooded) to your fly speed granted by a temporary spell or effect (Sorceror 1) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 119-120)
4. Guided Shot - No ranged attack distance penalties, ignore everything except total cover and total concealment (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
5. Nightshield - +1 Resistance to saving throws/3 CL (Max +3), magic missiles negated (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 148)
6. Bulwark of Reality - Gain +6 Armor Bonus that also applies to incorporeal creatures, must speak own truename (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Creation [Force])) (Tome of Magic, pg. 256)
7. Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
8. Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 121)
9. Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 145)
10. Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)

Level 2
1. Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
2. Whispercast - The next spell you cast requires no somatic or material components (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129-130)
3. Mirror Image - Create 1d4+1/3CL (Max 8) Illusory Duplicates with AC=10+Dex+Size, successful hit destroys it (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Figment)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254-255)
4. Suffer the Flesh - Take up to 2 Constitution damage/CL (max 10), for every 2 points of damage taken increase caster level by +1 (max +5) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)
5. Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 243)
6. Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
7. Cloud of Knives - As free action attack target with flying magic knife within 30 ft, Attack =CL+Ability mod; Damage= 1d6+1/3CL (Max +5) 19-20 Crit; (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 107)
8. Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
9. See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)
10. Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)

Level 3
1. Battlemagic Perception - +5 Competence to Spellcraft to identify spells being cast, 5 ranks spellcraft sense the use of any spell within 100 feet and line of sight with spellcraft DC 15+Spell Level, can counter spell as a free action which ends the spell (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Heroes of Battle, pg. 125)
2. Permeable Form - Become incorporeal and gain all the benefits and disadvantages thereof (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129)
3. Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 19)
4. Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Strike as an invisible creature (+2 unless target can see invisible), targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)
5. Evard's Menacing Tentacles - Gain 2 10 ft. Reach Tentacle attacks/round  for free action that deal 1d8+Str  Tentacles threaten area and can make 1 attack of opportunity/round (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 113)
6. Ferocity of Sanguine Rage - 1/2CL Morale bonus to melee damage rolls (weapons or natural attacks), can expend spell to activate a true strike effect for one attack (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Divination) (Dragon Magic pg. 67)
7. Whispering Sand - Fix your mind on creatures whom you know, have me, or know the name of, if both you and them have at least 1 pound of sand, dust, or ash, you can speak back and forth through the material as long as you are on the same plane (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation [Language-Dependent]) (Sandstorm, pg. 128)
8. Cone of Euphoria - As standard action breathe a cone that causes euphoria, make Will Save or become dazed for 1d6 rounds (wait 1d4 rounds between uses) (Bard 3, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Dragons of Faerun, pg. 114)
9. Vital Strike - Attacks are sneak attacks even if target is not flat-footed or flanked, do not gain other benefits from effects that improve a sneak attack (such as ability damage from feats, etc.)  (Assassin 3) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)
10. Hymm of Praise - +2 Caster level to each Good Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Sacred bonus to Turn undead for good divine spellcasters and -4 for Evil Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Good, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 117-118)
11. Infernal Threnody - +2 Caster level to each Evil Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Profane bonus to Turn undead for evil divine spellcasters and -4 for good Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Evil, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 122)

Level 4

1. Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
2. Watchful Ancestors - Gain improved uncanny dodge as a barbarian except use your CL in place of the barbarian level, can end spell as an immediate action for +1 Insight/CL to Reflex saves (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)
3. Mirror Image, Greater - As Mirror Image, but 1 image created every round (Max 8), spell ends if all images destroyed (Bard 4, Beguiler 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 120)
4. SandForm - Body transforms into Sand Ooze, immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorphing, stunning, flanking, critical hits.  Become blind, but gain blindsight 60 feet.  Supernatural abilities supressed.  Can cast spells, must make Will DC 19 or suffer -2 Attack, Save, and Skill Checks in combat, Speed 20 feet,  Gain natural attack with 5 ft reach for 1d8+1.5Str. Gain burrow, +10 Circumstance Hide, Concealment in Sand (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Sandstorm, pg. 119)
5. Displacer Form - Assume form of Displacer Beast, Size Large, two tentacle attacks 1d6+Str, have Str18, Dex15, Con16, speed 40, darkvision 60, lowlight vision, can speak and cast spells, natural armor +5, gain displacer beast's displacement (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 67)
6. - Gain either Cha as Luck to Fortitude +immune to poison, Cha as Luck to Ref+Evasion, Cha as Luck to Will+Fear immunity, or Temp HP=4d8+Cha, spell can be cast multiple times (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 178)
7. Dragon Breath - Gain Breath Attack, usable every 1d4 rounds, with damage and area depending on dragon type chosen (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Evocation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 73)
8. Lingering Chorus (Requires Bardic Music) - Continues any bardic music effect for spell duration (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Complete Mage, pg. 110)
9. Freedom of Movement - Move normally through under paralysis, solid fog, web, etc., auto-succeed grapple checks to escape, attack normally in water (Assassin 4) (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Luck 4, Ranger 4) (Abjuration) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)
10. Mark of the Enlightened Soul - Spells gain Good Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to evil creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Mark of the Enlightened Soul affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Evil (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
11. Touch of the Blackened Soul - Spells gain Evil Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to good creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Touch of the Blackened Soull affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Good (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Level 5

1. Skin of the Steel Dragon - Gain Spell Resistance 10+CL, if Sorceror gain +5 resistance bonus on saves vs. poison (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 58)
2. Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)
3. Draconic Polymorph - As polymorph except that you can assume a form up to 20 HD and form has an additional +8 Str and +2 Con (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Draconomicon, pg. 79)
4. Unfettered Heroism - Gain Temporary Action Point each round (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190-191)
5. Lord of the Sky - Gain Fly Speed of 40 or 30 with medium or heavy armor, Use swift action to fire 60 ft ranged touch to deal 1 Electric damage/CL (max 20) and reduce Fly speed to 1/2 normal.  Activate Lightning Bolt to End Spell; if dragonblood grant 60 ft. instead or +10 fly speed (Shugenja 5 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Transmutation) [Electricity] (Dragon Magic, pg. 69-70)
6. Spell Matrix, Lesser - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means while spell active (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
7. Dimensional Jumper - Teleport 30 feet as a Move Action (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
8. Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)
9. Dridershape - Take on the forms and abililities of a drider but without drider spellcasting, but retain your spellcasting. (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 61)
10. Shard Blessing Aura - Blue-white light shines from your space equal to the lumens of a candle, gain a lesser globe of invulnerability effect (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57)

Level 6

1. Eyes of the Oracle - +2 Insight to AC, Reflex; if Dragonblood: Bonuses +3; Can ready Standard action at end of turn, if taken, spell ends (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Wu Jen 6) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66-67)
2. Antimagic Field - All spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and magic items cease to function within 10ft radius emanation. (Cleric 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 200)
3. Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
3. Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 207)
4. - Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
5. Empyreal Ecstasy - One Creature/Level Removes penalties due to pain, immune to mind-affecting effects, take only half damage from ranged and melee attacks, -4 penalty to skill checks, DC 15 Concentration to cast spells (Bard 6, Pleasure 7) (Abjuration) (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 98)
6. Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons, those with Evasion gain +4 to Ref for Breath (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 18)
7. Eye of Stone - Gain an invisible magical sensor that sends you visual information that can move 30 ft/round looking straight ahead or 10ft/round looking up, down, and horizontally, can fit through up to a 1" diameter and can pass wholly through stone (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Scrying) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)
8. Aura of Terror - Whenever you Attack or Charge, creatures within radius with fewer HD than CL must make Will save or become Shaken, extra bonuses if you already have frightful presence (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] (Draconomicon, pg. 77)
9. Prismatic Aura - Gain Concealment, any creature striking you with a non-reach melee weapon is subject to one prismatic spray spell effect, once a color has been expended it disappears from the aura, once all 7 colors have been expended the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 113)
10. Quickshift (Requires Celestial Component and Teleport Spell-like ability) - Teleport Spell-like ability is quickened (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds)
11. Fiendish Quickening (Requires Fiend Component) - Cast Teleport or Teleport without Error spell-like ability is quickened. (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)

Level 7

1. Arcane Spellsurge - Spells that take 2-10 rounds take 1 less round to cast, 1 full round spells take a standard action, standard action spells take a swift action, doesn't stack with other abilities that reduce casting times (Sorceror/Wizard 7, Wu Jen 7) (Universal) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
2. Glorious Master of the Elements - As a standard action can make a ranged touch attack within 60 ft. deal 1d6 energy/2CL (max 10d6), select acid, cold, electric, or fire before attack, gain a cumulative +2 damage bonus for each subsequent attack on the same target for the same spell, dragonblood: use d8 instead (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 67-68)
3. Kiss of Draconic Defiance - An enemy attempting to cast a spell within 40ft radius must make fort save or lose spell, a successful save makes the subject immune for 24 hours, can expend spell to automatically counter a spell of 5th or lower and don't need to lose a slot (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) (Dragon Magic, pg. 69)
4. Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Huge Fire Elemental under your command.  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 11)
5. Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
6. Body Outside Body - Create 1 Duplicate/5 CL, has all mundane version of all equipment you posess, completely loyal, has all abilities of yours but cannot cast spells, has 1/4 of your hp.  If slain, you lose 10 hp. (Wu Jen 7) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Arcane)
7. Giant Size - CL1-15 Become Huge, CL16-18 Become Gargantuan, CL19+ become Colossal Size, gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for size (Wu Jen 7) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109-110)
8. Ghost Trap -  Incorporeal Creatures within 5 ft./CL Emanation become corporeal, and creatures cannot shift to or from the Ethereal Plane (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) [Ectomancy] (Libris Mortis, pg. 65)
9. Pulse of Hate - 2d6 unholy damage to all enemies within 20ft radius/round at start of your turn (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)
10. Eye of the Beholder - Gain +2 Circumstance on Spot checks, gain random ray ability (usable by standard action) that either lets you use, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Sleep (no max HD), Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Fear, Slow, Inflict Moderate wounds, Finger of Death, or Telekinesis.  Ray has range of 150 ft, DC18 (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)

Level 8

1. Mysterious Redirection - Melee Attacks, Ranged attacks, and spells delivered by melee touch cause the attacker to make a will save, failure means 50% chance that attack is redirected to an adjacent target (determined randomly) within reach of the original attacker, if no eligible target is available the attack misses (Sorceror/Wizard 8, Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)
2. Veil of Undeath - Immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, damage to physical ability scores, effects that require fort save unless they affect objects or are harmless, don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, Con becomes -, cured by inflict spells and harmed by cure spells (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 72)
3. Lightning Ring - Elec Res 20, adjacent creatures take 10d6 electric (Ref Half), at start of turn, direct 2 lightning bolts dealing 5d6 electric damage (Ref Half) (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) [Electricity] (Spell Compendium, pg. 132)
4. Invisibility, Superior - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, blindsight, other immunities (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)
5. Illusion Purge - All 7th level illusions or lower within 5ft emanation/level are negated (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8, Truth 7) (Evocation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 187)
6. Minute Form - CL 15-16 Shrink to Tiny, CL17-18 Shrink to Diminutive, CL 19+, shrink to Fine Size.  Gain commensurate bonuses and penalties for small size (Wu Jen 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 115)
7. Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)
8. Moment of Prescience - Gain +1 Insight/CL (max 25) on 1 attack, opposed ability, skill check, saving throw, or AC against a single attack, can activate this ability at any time, takes no action, not more than one Moment of Prescience can be active at a time (Luck 8, Sorceror/WIzard 8) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 255)
9. Surelife - Protect yourself from death against a certain natural cause such as buried under an avalanche or being immersed in oil, if exposed to condition suffer no pain or discomfort (Fortune 8, Guardian 8, Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 115)
10. Necrotic Empowerment - +8 enh to Dex, Int, Wis, +8 Natural Armor, +5 competence to Fort, 100 temp hp (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 68)

Level 9

1. Invoke Magic - Can cast a single 4th level spell or lower that works even in the area of an anti-magic field, a dead magic area, or a null-magic plane (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 212)
2. Lash of Force - As immediate action can deal 5d6 force damage to a creature you can see (even concealment) within 10 ft, can release spell to send out 30 ft line of force for 15d6 Ref Half, failed save causes prone as well (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
3. Foresight - Receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger to yourself such as knowing in advance a rogue was about to sneak attack you, can never be surprised or flat-footed, Gain +2 Insight to AC and Reflex Saves (Lost if you lose your Dex bonus) (Druid 9, Knowledge 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)
4. Shapechange - Assume the form of any single non-unique creature of any size with HD up to twice your CL (max 50), gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities assumed form but lose your own supernatural abilities, and gain the type of the creature in question.  Can change form once/round as a free action.  Gain +10 Disguise. (Animal 9, Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 277-278)
5. Time Stop - Move so fast that time appears to cease to flow for everthing and everyone but you, Other creatures are invulnerable to your spells and attacks and they may not be targeted for the duration of Time Stop, spells with a remaining duration after the timestop proceed normally, you cannot move or harm items held or carried by another creature while time stop is active, cannot enter an anti-magic field while spell is active (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Trickery 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)
6. Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 6)
7. Enervating Breath - Creatures that fail their save against your breath weapon take 2d4 negative levels. (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Necromancy) [Negative] (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)
8. Spell Matrix, Greater - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
9. Dimensional Jumper, Greater - Teleport 60 feet as a Swift Action (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
10. Transcend Mortality - Gain DR 30/Epic, SR21+CL, Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sonic Resistance 50, Immune to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects, don't need to eat, drink, or breath, +10 enhancement to saving throws, instantly slain and reduced to pile of dust at end of spell, cannot prevent this by any means (Wu Jen 9) (Transmutation) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)