Author Topic: Incarnum Feats for Soulborn  (Read 7560 times)

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  • Domesticated Capuchin Monkey
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Incarnum Feats for Soulborn
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:08:43 PM »
Incarnum FeatsImproves attack roll
Cobalt Charge: Attack and damage on charge.
Cobalt Critical: Attack rolls to confirm crits and damage on crits.
Cobalt Expertise: Disarm, feint, or trip attacks. All skill and ability checks w/ same. AC when defensive.
Cobalt Power: Bull rush, overun, or sunder attacks. Damage rolls when power attacking.
Cobalt Precision: Ranged attack rolls to confirm crits and damage on crits.
[spoiler]Lucky Dice: Flat luck to attack, damage, saves, and/or checks.
Necrocarnum Shroud: Flat profane to attack rolls
Necrocarnum Weapon: Profane to damage rolls and confirming crits.[/spoiler]

Improves damage roll
Azure Enmity: Damage rolls against favored enemies. Skill checks involving same.
Azure Turning: Add damage to turning result.
Azure Wild Shape: Natural weapon damage rolls.
Cobalt Charge: Attack and damage on charge.
Cobalt Critical: Attack rolls to confirm crits and damage on crits.
Cobalt Power: Bull rush, overun, or sunder attacks. Damage rolls when power attacking.
Cobalt Precision: Ranged attack rolls to confirm crits and damage on crits.
Cobalt Rage: Melee damage rolls when raging. Will saves during rage.
Indigo Strike: Damage rolls using skirmish, sneak attack, or sudden strike.
Psycarnum Blade: Damage rolls using mind blade.
Sapphire Fist: Damage rolls using stunning fist. DC of stunning fist.
Sapphire Smite: Untyped damage rolls using smite. More smites per day.
[spoiler]Bluesteel Gauntlets: Damage rolls and flat initiative boost.
Lucky Dice: Flat luck to attack, damage, saves, and/or checks.
Mauling Gauntlets: Morale to unarmed damage rolls and strength checks.
Necrocarnum Shroud: Flat profane to damage rolls
Necrocarnum Weapon: Profane to damage rolls and confirming crits.
Riding Bracers: Flat bonus to damage rolls and AC when mounted.
Sighting Gauntlets: Damage rolls with ranged weapons.
Thunderstep Boots: Sonic damage on a charge.[/spoiler]

Counters attack roll (AC)
Cobalt Expertise: Disarm, feint, or trip attacks. All skill and ability checks w/ same. AC when defensive.
Incarnum Shroud(invocation): AC and fortitude saves.
Midnight Dodge: Dodge bonus to AC.
Sapphire Sprint: AC while running. Running speed and checks to keep running.
[spoiler]Armguards of Disruption: AC and all saves vs Undead
Astral Vambraces: Astral construct deflection bonus
Crystal Helm: Deflection bonus
Riding Bracers: Flat bonus to damage rolls and dodge when mounted.[/spoiler]

Counters damage roll (HP/PP)
Azure Talent: Bonus power points.
Azure Touch: Increase class level for lay on hands and wholeness of body.
Azure Toughness: Temporary hit points.
Cerulean Fortitude: Fortitude saves.
Cerulean Reflexes: Reflex saves.
Cerulean Will: Will saves.
Cobalt Rage: Melee damage rolls when raging. Will saves during rage.
Healing Soul: Heal hp damage.
Heart of Incarnum: Bonus hit points based on total incarnum pool. Essentia trapped in feats counts too.
Incarnum Fortified Body: Bonus hit points. Flat untyped bonus to saves to avoid death from massive damage.
Incarnum Shroud(invocation): AC and fortitude saves.
Midnight Augmentation: Reduce augmentation costs for one power.
[spoiler]Armguards of Disruption: AC and all saves vs Undead
Astral Vambraces: Astral construct bonus hit points
Dragon Mantle: Flat enhancement to fortitude saves.
Enigma Helm: Enhancement to will saves
Impulse Boots: Enhancement to reflex saves.
Lucky Dice: Flat luck to attack, damage, saves, and/or checks.
Necrocarnum Mantle: Profane vs mind-affecting.
Necrocarnum Vestments: Bonus hit points.
Pauldrons of Health: Enhancement to fortitude saves.[/spoiler]

Other ability
Incarnum Spellshaping: Add spells to list.
Midnight Metamagic: Use your metamagic for free.
Soulsight: Blindsense.
Soultouched Spellcasting: Dispel and caster level checks.

Essentia Capactiy
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 08:44:19 PM by Arz »


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Re: Incarnum Feats for Soulborn
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 04:05:39 PM »
I assume this is suppose to be something of a soulborn handbook? You may want to format it and request it be moved to the handbook section. You may also want to add a bit of exposition on each feat.


  • Domesticated Capuchin Monkey
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Re: Incarnum Feats for Soulborn
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 06:40:02 PM »
As for the formatting, I'm getting to it. Most everything keeps getting stripped from my cheat sheet. I'm not sure there is any real need for a complete handbook. I think much of the Paladin and Incarnum near covers it for pure breadth.

Exposition is for fiction. I'm just trying to lay it out so people stop overlapping the insight bonus categories when selecting their bonus feats. This is meant to be more of an ataglance chart.


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Re: Incarnum Feats for Soulborn
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 08:39:46 PM »
Is there a feat that allows you to commit seppuku with no chance of failure?

That'd be the best feat for anyone taking soulborn.
[spoiler]Masculine men like masculine things. Masculine men are masculine. Therefore, liking masculine men is masculine.

I dare anyone to find a hole in that logic.
[/spoiler]I'm a writer. These are my stories. Some are even SFW! (Warning: Mostly Gay.)
My awesome poster collection. (Warning, some are NSFW.)
Agita's awesome poster collection.
+1 Lycanthromancer
Which book is Lycanthromancer in?
Lyca ... is in the book. Yes he is.
shit.. concerning psionics optimization, lycan IS the book


  • Donkey Kong
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Re: Incarnum Feats for Soulborn
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 10:03:29 PM »
Is there a feat that allows you to commit seppuku with no chance of failure?

That'd be the best feat for anyone taking soulborn.
