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Play Like You Have To! => Tabletop Talk-- Non RPGs => : trappedslider November 21, 2010, 06:41:12 AM

: World war 2 boardgames
: trappedslider November 21, 2010, 06:41:12 AM
So, I'm thinking of getting a boardgame based on WW2, I've heard of A&A but after reading the comments over at wotc I don't know if I wanna go that route.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: RobbyPants November 22, 2010, 11:37:38 AM
A&A is the only one I've played.  There's a computer version you can get which helps both with setup time and with adjudicating things.

It's a fun game, but it's time-consuming.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: trappedslider November 22, 2010, 04:35:33 PM
A&A is the only one I've played.  There's a computer version you can get which helps both with setup time and with adjudicating things.

It's a fun game, but it's time-consuming.

yeah,a while back I found a WW2 boardgame,and the board was 6 feet long iirc but I can't remember the name of it
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: pixledriven November 22, 2010, 10:48:12 PM
A&A is a pretty great game, just be prepared to sink a few hours into it. I think the fastest game I ever played lasted 3ish, and I had one go for 4 days. (played after work with my roommate, this is seriously all we did all week, probably 30ish hours total ... I lost)
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: trappedslider November 23, 2010, 12:14:29 AM
Well I'd be playing it by myself and I found the game I mentioned ealier : The War Game: World War Two by pegaus hobbies and it's board is 3 x 6 feet, but the cost is $102
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: RobbyPants November 23, 2010, 09:42:57 AM
A&A is a pretty great game, just be prepared to sink a few hours into it. I think the fastest game I ever played lasted 3ish, and I had one go for 4 days. (played after work with my roommate, this is seriously all we did all week, probably 30ish hours total ... I lost)
Nice.  My cousin has pictures from when I was in college, I got five of us together to play one morning, and the game lasted until after supper.  There are pictures of us with daylight in the window and pictures at night time and we're all sitting in the same spot!

I think it's that game that's turned my wife off to it so much.  I haven't played it on the board in over a decade, and I'm looking for a good excuse!
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: pixledriven November 30, 2010, 08:31:28 PM
It goes a lot faster with 5 players, if everyone already knows how to play. =)

We also used to only play till we conquered 2 opposing capitals. Cause, if the Axis took Russia and the UK, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that America will fall, but it can take a really really long time to play that out.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: trappedslider December 01, 2010, 12:40:52 AM
Well I think I'm going to go with somethingelse to do when I'm bored. I'm going to try my hand at making dioramas.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: RobbyPants December 01, 2010, 10:09:28 AM
We also used to only play till we conquered 2 opposing capitals.
I thought that was the default rules... or maybe I've always played a variant.  I know there's another variant where the Axis can win simply by picking up a total combined production of 84 IPCs or more.  That can be a lot easier if you mount a solid offense earlier.  If the Allies retreat to their capitals and surrounding areas, it's not hard to scrape up the rest and make your 84 mark.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: pixledriven December 02, 2010, 07:20:29 PM
I could be remembering it wrong, its been a few years. I thought the default was total world domination, though.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: RobbyPants December 03, 2010, 09:39:04 AM
I'm pretty sure total world domination was a variant.  At least it is in the video game version I have.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: bhu January 12, 2011, 12:59:32 AM
Is there a way to win as the Axis in A&A without crushing France and Britain by the second turn?  The ALlies earn so much more per turn I cant figure out a way to win without being suicidally aggressive.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: RobbyPants January 14, 2011, 02:23:37 PM
My understanding is that the Axis start out better from an offensive standpoint, but the Allies have a better income.  Every turn the Axis spends not taking territories is a turn spent that boosts the Allies forces.  You pretty much have to take an aggressive stance right from turn 1.

That being said, I don't know that I've ever attempted to take Britain by the second turn.  I also haven't played against a real person in nearly a decade.  I also have the computer version, and usually, by turn 3, even the hard difficulty computer has a hard time providing a real challenge.
: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: Kormoran June 19, 2011, 06:18:13 AM
Let me say: Axis&Allies is one of the most unrealistic wargame I ever saw. When, 10 years ago, tried briefly it, it looked like an evolved RisiKo.

Most of the top producers of serious wargames are missing at the moment (I'm talking about Avalon Hill, International Team, for example).

You can still find Australian Design Group that created one of the most complete and complex strategic simulation: World in Flames (with Days of Decision starting by 1936).
This is a serious game, complex, with a plenty of options (strategic, military, production, diplomacy - if more than 2 players), but be warned: it's very hard to know... but granted we are talking in BG boards... I do not think it's a problem.

: Re: World war 2 boardgames
: trappedslider June 20, 2011, 03:52:52 PM
Let me say: Axis&Allies is one of the most unrealistic wargame I ever saw. When, 10 years ago, tried briefly it, it looked like an evolved RisiKo.

Most of the top producers of serious wargames are missing at the moment (I'm talking about Avalon Hill, International Team, for example).

You can still find Australian Design Group that created one of the most complete and complex strategic simulation: World in Flames (with Days of Decision starting by 1936).
This is a serious game, complex, with a plenty of options (strategic, military, production, diplomacy - if more than 2 players), but be warned: it's very hard to know... but granted we are talking in BG boards... I do not think it's a problem.


Looked at it,too long to play and too complex for my taste