Author Topic: Re: True Seeing and Mind Blank  (Read 1038 times)

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  • Organ Grinder
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Re: True Seeing and Mind Blank
« on: September 05, 2009, 04:43:19 AM »
I see what you did sly little dog master of manipulation...prince of anti-pragmatism.

It's going on an ego trip! Calculating right now... IT'S OVER 9000!!

No, really.

I don't need to place a wall between you and me. It's already there.

See, when I say "we're CO folk here", we have this unspoken agreement: we do NOT argue whether a DM would allow this or not. We argue in the realms of "do the rules allow this or not". Of course at some point we favor common sense over the rules, but when it comes to what RAW means? Common sense is bound, gagged, and rinsed up for sodomy. If it's LUCKY. Strictly by the rules, it's possible to set up an infinite damage loop between you and your enemy and ressurrect yourself by plunging your head in a bucketful of water. Strictly by the rules, DEAD PEOPLE HAVE ACTIONS.

Granted, the initial idea of using that specific choice of words was an attempt at sarcasm, but if the shoe fits...
Uuuuuuunfortunately, it doesn't! If you want to go to the dictionary and look up the definition of a shadow you'll find that it is a VISIBLE effect.

D&D doesn't default to the dictionary.
I think there's a difference in hiding within the natural shadow of something and a spell effect which you create...or maybe there isn't and you actually cant hide inside a darkness spell. Either way you are ignoring the SIMPLE FACT...let me state it again...FACT that you cannot hide within your own shadow! And if something you are holding doesn't count as your own shadow then what does?

Bolding mine. By the way, if an umbrella is part of your body, you must be a pretty interesting freak. And, again, the problem is solved by a familiar, or even a summoned monster capable of flight.
It doesn't have to, as I mentioned before, something that isn't visible (i.e. doesn't block light) cant create a shadow.

Hey, remember the part where invisibility is an illusion effect (and thus it works by fooling one's senses)? No? Think of it this way. It's not visible not because it can bend light around it or something like that. It's invisible because it's sending a message to everyone who sees it that says "I'm not here!". So, excuse me while I appropriate TML's post.

Invisible things have no shadow?!  Tell that to Bilbo!

Looking for the shadow of your invisible enemy is a classic way in fantasy stories to detect him. Unfortunately, D&D presents no rules for looking for your enemy's shadow. At most, it specifies that invisible characters gain a +40 to their hide checks (unbeatable by anything short of a very narrowly specialized character).

How exactly can you cast beyond something that blocks your own LoE...was this another case of you not reading deceptive spell correctly...cause it specifically says that you still need LoE. Either that or you know some special way to cast without having LoE that I'm sure I and the rest of the "COers" would be dying to know about

Wall of Force specifically mentions gaze attacks work through it, and it also mentions that effects such as Dimension Door and Teleport bypass it. Assuming an anal DM, just pick up Transdimensional Spell and go to town. Otherwise, its description mentions that spells cannot pass THROUGH the wall - but it says nothing of spell effects originating beyond it. This, and Shrunk adamantine hats makes up part of the defense arsenal of a Wizard.

"I cast X from within my Wall of Stone with Grasping Hands while I'm ethereal and junk. You know the drill, I win and you die."
Gendou Ikari is basically Gregory House in Kaminashades. This is FACT.

For proof, look here:

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Katana of Enlightenment.
Get yours.[/SPOILER]